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  • [Darris] Your faith in God, the Bible and Jesus Christ as your Savior is under attack.

  • Look at this headline from an American news magazine. It questions, "Who Was Jesus?" And

  • the answer given in the magazine is all wrong!

  • Was Jesus who He said He was - the Son of God - or was He an imposter as this article

  • implies?

  • The message Jesus brought from the Father lays a claim on your life today. It is the

  • most important message you can hear. Listen carefully because your eternal life depends

  • on it.

  • Join us on Beyond Today as we seek the true answer to the critical question: "Who Is Jesus?"

  • [Announcer] Join our host, Darris McNeely and his guests, as they help you understand

  • your future on Beyond Today!

  • [Darris] The Newsweek article is headlined "The Myths of Jesus." How's that for a starter?

  • It goes on to mention a recent text that says Jesus had a wife. Now this is an old story,

  • there's nothing really new there. It is easily disproved by serious and honest scholarship.

  • Jesus Christ was not married, and there is no historical record - in the Bible or out

  • - that He was.

  • But then the subhead here in this article goes on to raise the question, "But what do

  • we really know about the historical truth of the early life of Jesus? Even the gospels

  • disagree."

  • That line of questioning is demonic and it's meant to mislead you. It is meant to destroy

  • your faith.

  • This type of dialogue reminds me of what I read in the book of Genesis when the serpent

  • tempted Eve with a negative style of questioning. Let's read it:

  • "Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had

  • made. And he said to the woman, 'Has God indeed said, "You shall not eat of every tree of

  • the garden?"'"

  • Right here Satan posed a negative in what was really a positive matter. God had earlier

  • said, "Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge

  • of good and evil you shall not eat..."

  • The way God put it was positive and inviting with clear teaching of what tree to avoid.

  • All trees but one were good - the positive was first, with emphasis. Satan's way is to

  • cast doubt by subtle wording. Satan's way is to rip away faith and belief in God or

  • anything God says. That is why you see a relentless attack against the Bible and the true teaching

  • of Jesus Christ the Son of God.

  • This article in Newsweek is typical of countless others that rip and tear at the fabric of

  • faith - faith in Him as Creator, faith in His Word that reveals the glorious purpose

  • for human life, and belief in Jesus Christ as the way and the means that you can enter

  • the spiritual family of God.

  • God has been taken out of public discussion and is not admitted. The Bible is not respected.

  • It's not revered as the Holy Word of God - the basis for all moral and ethical law. It is

  • not admitted into polite discussion today, but this is the root of our most horrific

  • social problems manifested by the violence of shootings, and bombings and strife in our

  • schools and public gathering places, in all parts of today's world.

  • Articles like this are crafted by intelligent people who are caught up in a world that does

  • not want to admit a knowledge of God or acknowledge that God has any authority or claim on human

  • life. They are unwitting pawns in the hands of a master deceiver - Satan the devil. Are

  • you deceived along with the rest?

  • It's interesting. This magazine - Newsweek, it's going out of print. It's a victim of

  • the changing digital publishing world. In the future, it will be a digital magazine

  • and whether or not it will survive that form is yet to be seen. That's very interesting.

  • You see the Bible and the New Testament that records the truths of Jesus' life, it's been

  • in print for nearly two thousand years - and the printing presses still churn out new editions

  • of the Book.

  • The Bible claims to be the Word of God. The life and the teachings, death and resurrection

  • of Jesus Christ is the central feature of the Bible. The truth of Christ's statements

  • are critical to our salvation. We must have confidence that the story is valid. On this

  • our eternal life depends.

  • Now consider the reliability of the New Testament texts that have come down to us from the ancient

  • world of the first century. It is recognized by many scholars that the Gospel accounts

  • can be relied upon to be accurate in the critical details of Christ's life. You see the accounts

  • agree in the areas of Christ's mission, His teaching, His death and His resurrection.

  • You can build a solid foundation of faith by reading with confidence the Four Gospels:

  • Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Jesus Christ is not a mythical figure.

  • What I am giving you on this program is really a fresh perspective on the Jesus that you've

  • always heard about but never completely understood. Let's see what Jesus Christ said and let's

  • look at something little understood or realized about the nature of Christ - and who He really

  • is.

  • Jesus Christ came as a herald, announcing the Kingdom of God. He expressed by teaching

  • and example the power of the world to come. Those who heard and witnessed what He did

  • for that three and a half year ministry of His, they were amazed. They were captivated

  • by what they experienced. No other teacher, leader or popular figure - no matter how charismatic

  • - had expressed the Kingdom of God the way Jesus did. And they had seen many men try.

  • Notice what Mark's account says: "Now after John was put in prison, Jesus came to Galilee,

  • preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, and saying, 'The time is fulfilled, and the

  • kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel'" (Mark 1:9-11, Mark 1:14-15).

  • You see, first century Judea was a world looking for a Messiah. They yearned for the "good

  • old days" and they were willing to listen to anyone who offered hope of freedom. When

  • Christ came along He found a willing audience ready to listen. Willing to listen but not

  • always ready to commit to His teaching and to do what He taught.

  • And that is the real test of Jesus, the Son of God. Will we, will you, do what He said?

  • Will we listen to His message with open ears and fresh eyes? Will we trade in the old understanding

  • for a fresh perspective on the life and the teachings of Jesus?

  • Christ came with a message that required a person to change their life and He found an

  • audience of people who were hungry for something better, something new. But when they heard

  • that they must make a change they often drew back. The message they heard was too hard.

  • It required them to actually change their lives.

  • On one occasion Christ's teaching was so difficult to accept that many left Him. It says, "Therefore

  • many of His disciples, when they heard this, [they] said, "This is a hard saying; who can

  • understand it?"... [and] From that time many of His disciples went back and walked [no

  • more] with Him..."

  • Many could not understand Christ's teaching then and many more cannot fully appreciate

  • Christ's message today.

  • When Christ turned to Peter and asked if he too would be leaving, Peter said, "Lord, to

  • whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. ... [and] we have come to believe and

  • know that You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."

  • His teaching is no less challenging for us today. But you can know Him and He can change

  • your life. He is not a myth and He is not to be argued over, with or about. He is to

  • be obeyed and worshipped. Our free study aid that we're offering on this program, Jesus

  • Christ: The Real Story is really the perfect tool to help you understand who Jesus is.

  • And later in this program I'm going to explain more about this free booklet. In its pages

  • you can learn much more about the Jesus that you may only partially understand.

  • What if I told you that this Jesus of Nazareth that you read about in the New Testament is

  • also the God you read about in the Old Testament? You know He told the Pharisees at one point,

  • "before Abraham was, I AM."

  • Now why is this important? It's important because a lot of people jump the track in

  • Bible understanding by looking at Jesus as a kinder, gentler form of God. Much different

  • from the one that they read about in the Old Testament. They see the image of God in the

  • Old Testament as a sterner, harsher more judgmental God - one who ordered the extermination of

  • men, women and children at the hands of Joshua and the Israelite armies.

  • People for centuries have read the Old Testament stories and they've raised questions about

  • God that create the same kind of unbelief that we see in the questions raised about

  • Jesus in an article like this. People today cannot reconcile the image of Christ in the

  • Gospels with the image of God in the Old Testament. Yet, the God we read about in the Old and

  • in the New is the same!

  • That's right. Think about that. The God who ordered Joshua and the Israelites to wipe

  • out whole villages of people - including all the men, women and children - that God is

  • the same One who was born of a virgin, took children in His arms to bless, and healed

  • those bent over with infirmities of life.

  • How could all this be? Probably, the question is: Why must it be this way? That is the better

  • question. Let's examine why.

  • You have to understand the two images, from the Old and from the New, to really grasp

  • the complete picture - the true picture of God, both the Father and the Son - but especially

  • the real truth of who Jesus is. You cannot fully understand who Jesus is till you get

  • this.

  • In the book of Joshua, we read of the famous city of Jericho and its destruction at the

  • hand of Joshua. Joshua says to his armies... "Now the city shall be doomed by the Lord

  • to destruction, it and all who are in it" (Joshua 6:17).

  • You read the account and it shows no one was to be spared.

  • Going on, "Then the people went up into the city...and...utterly destroyed all that was

  • in the city, both man and woman, young and old...with the edge of the sword" (verse 20-21).

  • This is the story throughout this part of the Bible. Men, women and children were killed

  • and their lands taken over by this invading Israelite army. They did this in the name

  • of God and religion and the story goes on and only gets worse.

  • Israel, under God's instruction - remember the same God who became Jesus Christ - practiced

  • what today we would call genocide upon a native people and they took by cruel force their

  • lands and their homes. This story is where people really get mad and upset with the story

  • of God in the Bible. "How," they ask, "could God do this?"

  • And this has caused so many throughout time to doubt and to question belief in God. As

  • people today suffer in war or natural catastrophe the same questions are raised: How can a just

  • God allow such suffering? If He is all powerful why doesn't He prevent it?

  • These are good questions, but they are incomplete. They are asked without understanding. The

  • truth is that raw, unbridled, sinful human nature had its consequences in the life of

  • these nations, tribes and the peoples of biblical history.

  • So who is Jesus, really?

  • And here is what you need to understand.

  • The same God that we read about in the Old Testament is Jesus Christ in the New Testament,

  • walking and teaching among the people of Judea. Notice these scriptures:

  • "Moreover, brethren, I do not want you to be unaware that all [of] our fathers were

  • under the cloud, [and] all passed through the sea, all were baptized into Moses in the

  • cloud and in the sea, all ate the same spiritual food, and all drank the same spiritual drink.

  • For they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock was Christ" (1

  • Corinthians 10:1-4).

  • The Bible reveals that before He became human in the form of Jesus, this Being was known

  • as the Word. Notice what the apostle John wrote:

  • "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was

  • in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing

  • was made that was made" (John 1:1-3).

  • These two passages, and there are more, clearly reveal an astounding truth that opens the

  • way for us to understand not only who Jesus is but why He and the Father chose to operate

  • in the universe as they do.

  • The picture we have of Christ teaching the gospel of the Kingdom of God, healing the

  • sick who are brought to Him out of deep compassion that He felt, and feeding up to five thousand

  • people on a Galilean hillside - this Jesus is not at odds with the image of His actions

  • in telling Joshua to kill sinful people and take their lands.

  • Jesus looked on the people that He walked among and He wept. He saw they were like sheep

  • without a shepherd. Their problem was the spiritual darkness upon all peoples at all

  • times including our own modern world. Jesus came as the light that shone in the darkness

  • but no man could understand it.

  • It says, "In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in

  • the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it" (John 1:4-5).

  • He knew the answer to death and suffering was in His life. A life that would be sacrificed

  • for the sins of mankind. Here is the point: Jesus Christ as God in the flesh chose to

  • put Himself through the same experience, only worse, that He put a woman and an infant through

  • in Jericho and in Jerusalem. He was beaten and crucified on a stake in the most hideous

  • and painful death a human could conceive. He suffered as no man ever suffered. And in

  • this act He experienced, in the flesh as a human, what every human being feels. As we

  • read in the book of Hebrews, He learned obedience. He experienced pain and suffering in the flesh.

  • He experienced pain, fear and loss. When Jesus cried out to His Father, "Why have you forsaken

  • Me?" He was living the ultimate moment of suffering. You see, Christ even asked, "Why?"

  • The Bible says, "we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, for the suffering

  • of death crowned with glory and honor, that He, by the grace of God, might taste death

  • for everyone (made) perfect through sufferings" (Hebrews 2:9-10). Jesus, the God of the Old

  • Testament, who sees and allows the suffering of all humanity came down and lived in the

  • flesh and suffered and He learned in every dimension what it means to be human.

  • We can now answer the question, who is Jesus? He is God. And today He is alive at the right

  • hand of the throne of the Father. He fully understands the workings of life on this earth.

  • And He is not to be argued about, dismissed as a mythical figure or ignored by those who

  • write such obscene tripe as this magazine article which blasphemes the Holy Son of God.

  • You should put away such malignant ideas and teachings and begin to understand the true

  • story of Jesus Christ.

  • That's why the free booklet we're offering today, Jesus Christ: The Real Story is one

  • designed to help you understand more of this fascinating story. It is a guide that will

  • take you through the many scriptures of the Bible that clearly paint a vivid and inspiring

  • picture of Jesus Christ.

  • In North America, you can receive this free booklet by calling: 1-888-886-8632. That's

  • 1-888-886-8632. Or go online to If you live outside of North America, to request

  • your free booklet please go to our website or write us a letter at the address on your

  • screen.

  • It's also available for download to your iPad, Kindle, or your Nook. And as always, all of

  • our publications are provided free as an educational service.

  • When you request the booklet you can also receive a sample issue of our free magazine,

  • The Good News. Each issue of this bi-monthly magazine contains in-depth articles covering

  • Bible prophecy, Christian living, and Bible-related features. The Good News magazine gives you

  • more information than you receive here each week on Beyond Today. You need this magazine

  • to stay informed and also to challenge your worldview. The Good News breaks through the

  • clutter of information today and it provides a dose of spiritual reality you can't afford

  • to be without.

  • In addition, I encourage you to visit our website. We are continuing to produce daily

  • video commentaries on breaking news and important topics. Join us throughout the week for BT

  • Daily and get additional material to help you better understand life and hear commentary

  • and analysis on the news.

  • Don't be afraid to check us out and see whether what we write is true according to the Bible.

  • I'm joined now by my fellow Beyond Today hosts, Gary Petty and Steve Myers. This has been

  • a unique program for us to cover as we look at what one national news magazine says or

  • raises as a question, what the Bible says. And when we go through this very critical

  • issue of Jesus Christ being the God of the Old Testament and the two images, how really

  • are they to be reconciled?

  • [Gary] You mentioned Jericho earlier and people really get confused. They look in the Bible

  • and say, God killed those people in Jericho and yet Jesus came preaching a message of

  • love. They say those two things are opposites, but they're really not. You have to understand

  • the concept behind it. God's love does not do away with justice. God's love doesn't condone

  • evil, and that's what people think. And if you think about it, it can't be true. I mean

  • there's an old saying that says, for evil to thrive, all you have to do is have good

  • men...

  • [Darris] Do nothing.

  • [Gary] nothing. That's right. So for evil to thrive, all God would have to do is

  • nothing. Well, God loves humanity but at the same time, He's not going to let evil grow

  • and grow and grow until it wins! If God would do nothing, eventually evil would win and

  • that's not going to happen.

  • [Steve] God says He's love and so is it possible that Jericho and throughout the book of Joshua

  • where they talk about the different instances of destruction, could those be instances of

  • love? And I think when you, you see the overall picture you get the idea that it is. Because

  • as the people came in, God said destroy evil. He expected justice. For them to be the model

  • people, that had to happen. And so He told them to destroy those people. And in fact

  • the Hebrew word that's used there is the word herem - "to utterly destroy" them. And the

  • idea that that brings is that they would utterly destroy those people and be devoted to God.

  • [Darris] Israel would be devoted to God.

  • [Steve] Yeah, absolutely. And so it was a type of sacrifice almost - so that their devotion

  • to God was to be holy people, to be God's representatives, to be the model nation. And

  • so there is a connection there - that Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever - so

  • for us, we are to destroy sin out of our lives. We are to be representatives of Jesus Christ.

  • He is to live His life in us and through us. And so the story is the same. Those people,

  • they'll have their opportunity. But for us, we now must live by Christ and that life that

  • He lived should be in us and through us.

  • [Darris] There is another dimension to this that we did not have the time to cover in

  • this program and that is that to really understand why God did what He did, why Christ as the

  • God of the Old Testament did what He did with those peoples, you have to understand the

  • truth of the resurrection. And that in itself draws you back to Jesus because either He

  • was resurrected or He wasn't. And if He was, which He was, then we have a Savior and everything

  • is different and the hope that those people will be resurrected is there as well.

  • [Gary] Well Jesus even said, I am the resurrection. So I mean, that's the core. One of the reasons

  • He came was to create a future resurrection.

  • [Darris] So before we leave this topic, let's be very clear. The God who told Noah to build

  • a boat, appeared to Abraham, led Israel through the Red Sea, appeared to Moses in a burning

  • bush, was also the same God who came down born of a virgin and became Jesus Christ and

  • died for our sins.

  • [Steve] There is no doubt. And in fact, the story doesn't end there. It goes on because

  • He was resurrected. He is the way, the truth and the life. He is our High Priest. He is

  • our Savior. He is our Lord, our Master, our soon-coming King - all of those things. And

  • so the story goes on and it's consistent.

  • [Gary] Right. And you mentioned John 1:1 earlier.

  • [Darris] Yes.

  • [Gary]...where John, it talks about the Word who was God and with God. That's the problem

  • with these kinds of articles. They really deny the divinity of Jesus Christ...

  • Darris Yes they do.

  • [Gary] ... that He preexisted, that He was with God, and God, and He was God in the flesh.

  • [Darris] Yeah that's another whole topic off of this as well, that they deny that He was

  • the divine Son of God. Which if you do that then why even write the article, other than

  • to destroy faith, and that just rips as I said at the fabric of society and takes away

  • any hope that people have. We mention I believe, you did Steve, that John 14:6, Christ is the

  • way. That is such a wonderful verse to help people to really understand that Christ is

  • the way through life today, and without that understanding then life can be pretty miserable.

  • [Gary] Well you think about what Paul says that God created all things through Jesus

  • Christ. So this creation is the work that God is doing through Christ. He created human

  • life. He came then to teach us what human life is all about. He's coming back as King

  • of Kings to teach all humanity what life is all about. He is the way! He shows us the

  • way to the Father. He shows us the way to eternity.

  • [Steve] And He's not just, Savior. We can personalize it. He's my Savior. He is my Lord.

  • He is my Master. And I think when we begin to understand God's purpose for our lives,

  • then that begins to help us to see the whole picture that He is, not only a life - the

  • life, the true life, the spiritual life that we can have in God.

  • [Darris] So He is relevant for a person going through the challenges of life in the twenty-first

  • century today. He understands the modern dilemma of life in this world today.

  • [Gary] And the reason why is, is human nature hasn't changed. I mean we think we're a little

  • more sophisticated because we have technology but the things that motivate human beings,

  • the things that at the core of us are emotions, what we need, what we want out of life, isn't

  • any different than 500 years ago or a thousand years ago or 3000 years ago. Jesus Christ

  • can relate to anybody at all time as He came as a human being and yes, He is just as relevant

  • today as He has ever been.

  • [Steve] And coming as God in the flesh! Hebrews 4:15 it tells us that He was tempted in all

  • points as we are. Does He understand us? Absolutely. He knows what it's like. He can identify with

  • us. That whole section there even talks about it. He sympathizes with our weaknesses, so

  • He knows. He experienced it. He understands. So when we pray to Him He knows what we're

  • talking about. He's instantly there to intercede for us and so definitely, He is valid. He

  • knows everything about us and He is there to help and guide us.

  • [Darris] I think that is why it is so important that we counter this on-going attempt to deny

  • who Jesus was and help people to understand that He is the way, and the answer, and the

  • way to follow through this world and this life today.

  • Many could not understand Christ because their hearts were hardened by unbelief, and it's

  • the same today. Unbelief and lack of faith is ripping the heart from people - preventing

  • us from drawing close in a living relationship with Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

  • Christ said He is the way. And indeed He is the way forward through life today. He is

  • the answer for the great questions asked by everyone. Questions like, Where is God? and

  • Why do people suffer? and What is this life all about?

  • Please, make up your mind today to examine the real story of Jesus Christ. It contains

  • the most important hope you will find in this life. I really challenge you to get both of

  • these offers: Jesus Christ: The Real Story booklet and The Good News magazine. Study

  • them with an unbiased mind and look up in your Bible each verse we quote. Read the context

  • of that verse, the ones before and after, and begin to study the Bible with a heart

  • to examine your deep and long held beliefs against what you find written in the Bible.

  • That's all we ask. We know it can make a positive difference in your life.

  • I'll be back right after this:

  • [Narrator] "You must observe my Sabbaths. This will be a sign between me and you for

  • generations to come" (Exodus 31:13).

  • The Sabbath is a key to the Kingdom of God. The New Testament book of Hebrews says, "There

  • remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God."

  • Jesus and His followers kept the Sabbath and they still do today. God commands us to pause

  • and reflect on His way of life. Take a break from the fast paced action of this world.

  • Experience a rejuvenation of the mind and grow closer to Him. Join us as we explore

  • the Sabbath and show how it is a key to the Kingdom of God.

  • The United Church of God is hosting free Kingdom of God Bible Seminars held around the world.

  • Go to to find one near you. Kingdom of God Bible Seminars - giving the

  • message of hope for tomorrow - beginning today!

  • [Darris] Thanks for joining us. Don't forget our free offers. Tune in again next week for

  • another edition of Beyond Today and please join us in praying, "Thy Kingdom come." For

  • Beyond Today, I'm Darris McNeely. Thanks for watching.

  • [Announcer] For the free literature offered on today's program, go online to

  • Please join us again next week on Beyond Today!

[Darris] Your faith in God, the Bible and Jesus Christ as your Savior is under attack.


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今日を越えて--イエスとは誰か? (Beyond Today -- Who Is Jesus?)

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    Precious Annie Liao に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日