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I did an- OOOPPSIE *with a hmM filter*
(some music, beware headphone users)
Ladies and gentlemen
We got them
(bunch of pewdiepie and demi lovato drama articles with a pinch of earrape)
Well I guess it's another meme I killed
Is it a good defense that it was a deep fried meme?
Don't make it worse Felix, don't make it worse.
Moving on! Today is today where it's all going down ;-;
Luckily I'm able to shoot this before the Pewdiepie subreddit, I know it's gonna happen to it okay
It's not good, so I'm shooting this now
Just to get out of-- out of the way
I know we said no more unoriginal content
But it's now or never and I'm taking the opportunity
*in voice only poods can do*: I don't understand what he's talking about Keep it that way, OK.
Moving on *Claps*
What is this? (ligma stone)
Wait, what is this?
"In support of the no meme revolution I encourage you all to just post the pictures of your pet"
You think you can outsmart me?
I'm not even wearing any headphones right now !
What're you gonna do???
My audience think they're better than me!
They think "Oh if we don't post any memes under pewdiepie subreddit
then he'll have to create his own content"
But the memes about not posting memes are in fact memes ! (mindblown)
Uh, that's right everybody !
I'm lvl 5000 wokeness ! Epic Style ! Like a Bomb ! *distorted pewdiepie is visible to our eyesight*
Moving on to another great meme, here we go we started off strong
Jesus Christ ! *family friendly pure swistian felix activated*
Is that a monster? (fetus felix over there)
I was booming even when I was
17? 16? *Burp*
I literally wore some girl's glasses so we can make out
Man I wish there were more bodyguards there, it would've been so beautiful
Missed opportunity ! Meme correction ! Do it right and do it again !
"There are no memes here, Please play Lego Star Wars"
Good ol' Lego Star Wars "F (family friendly) that Detroit game"
"It better be Lego Star Wars on the Nintendo DS"
Oh Wow ! It's a thing. Be careful what you wish for!
"Meme locked due to lack of original co-" Come on guys, I need it please.I'm dying here !
Alright I need to move past this whole media thing
Please gimme memes, I beg you !
I actually thought this was real for a second
"It worked"
"My fans forced me to do it"
Well See there you go, It worked ! Now please post a meme.
"Hey Felix, today was my teacher's last day of working in my school and he is an amazing teacher. At the end of the lesson we did a debate on what's better memes or GIFs."
"Memes obviously and he clapped his hands and shouted MEME REVIEW ! And he looked at me and then said
But can you do this !
Well end of story and can you say hi? His name Joshua Hill, because apparently he's watching this"
Can we post this in the "This totally happened subreddit" ?
This definitely happened
Hi Joshua!
*Claps* Meme Review
Thanks for teaching the 9 year olds of the world
As a 9 yr old that's quite impressive
"Only people who are not Pewdiepie can see thisssssss"
STOP IT! This is bullying! This is cybernetic bullying (call bully hunters)
I will not stand for treating people badly online *Then sit down pewds, you have a $399 chair*
That is one of the worst things you could possibly do...
And I don't understand-- Do you understand how people feel bad You can't - *snickers*
''When the video isn't 10 mins long yet"
*some chef music in the bg* Check out ASS everybody!
It's out on every single console ever *Liar Pewds, It's not out for SteamOs (Linux) and macOS* I think you guys will enjoy
''Oh my god, is this Loss?''
I saw this one
Oh my god
Oh my god, That's beautiful !
You know what? Loss lives on. How about that !
This gets 5000 upvotes
''No meme here pewds''
Oh! Come on !
Come on !
Why do you hate me?
What have I done? Have I not gotten enough abuse?
Can I not get some love?
Daddy wants some love from 9 yr- No wait ! *Pewds realises he's being pedo*
Just stop it ok? Just stop the cyber bullying ;_;
I've had enough!
''For mama?''
''For papa?''
''For Marzia to host LWIAY?''
I thought he was sucking on her-- You know what, let's just move on.
"No meme, just me and some ducks"
''Those are some hairy legs for a 9 yr old''
Maybe the duck is the 9 yr old?
"Marzia not having any memes to look at, 9 yr olds,
Only posting pictures of Marzia until she hosts LWIAY"
Here it is again. You just wanna (chuckles) get rid of me.
"Instead of Marzia can we had jacksfilms hosts LWIAY?"
Uh, he does it every single day, okay? And I've had enough
"If we make Marzia meme, PewDiePie can't make meme review anymore because he don't want to kill his fiance"
Don't test me, buddy. I me- (chuckles)
"If this is successful, we will have infinite original content"
You know what? You know what, I would be mad, but I'm also proud for the deeper level thinking.
This is what I'm trying to accomplish in this channel. For 9 yr olds to think a little more higher.
Th-The extra step, the extra mile
I'm crying right now, because I'm in fear.
"I really do believe that Pewds is underrated, despite being the most popular YouTuber. He's one of the most genuine people on this platform.
It's really underappreciated that he's stayed humble and true to himself after 8 years of making videos"
I feel like this is a very nice comment, but I feel like you're not up to speed with what's going on out there, okay?
I'm a horrible memer. I post deep fried memes, like a boss. Not like a boss
Okay, I don't deserve this compliment. Please.
Take it away. Give it to someone else that's more worth it.
"Just saw this and had to--" I've seen this before!
Honestly, one of the reason I wanted to play beyond (its detroit bh poods '_>') , was just to get the memes
And I still don't get them.
*help mee* *ded inside*
"Let Marzia host LWIAY"
Ok, fine. 500k likes, Marzia, will host the next, LWIAY. And that's a promise.
But then, you have to keep posting memes. *spits hand* Deal?
*spits moar pew juice* Deal? I know you're just being ridiculous
"Since memes get downvoted *starts to laugh*, here's the view from my hike today"
Wow. What a great view, everyone. *clap*
*clappity clap*
Smash like. Who needs memes? *clap* This is great. *clap* This is phenomenal
Is there a LOSS in here somewhere? *laughs*
"If Marzia is subscribed to Pewds, then doesn't it make Pewds engaged to a 9--" NO!
(feat Jordan) Stop it. Get some help.
"No meme--" God dammit
Please, puhlease. I need this video to get to 10 minutes. Somehow.
Ple-- Aw, my eyes, Jesus Christ!
"This Felix guy should make a YouTube channel. He's really funny"
This comment gets reposted on every, single, Marzia video that I'm in.
You're telling ME, THAT I don't post original content? Oh, we're equally bad here
Let's face it. We're both scum. We're both the lowest degenerates of the earth.
Posting PewDiePie memes, like, what are we doing here? *chuckles*
Is there not anything better that we could be doing?
"Brad host LWIAY and Pewds edit it"? Uh, no *laughs*
"Are we posting pets here now? This good boi is 63 in dog years" I've seen this photo before. Are you guys reposting?
Hey look, Edgar, you've finally have a friend. How about that? (edgar :no u)
"How can Marzia hosts LWIAY if there are no memes on the subreddit?" (hmmMMm)
Well, since Marzia's going to review it next week, why don't we just, make it a Marzia related meme?
*Marzia edition LWIAY intro song*
*claps* That's nice. Alright, we'll have that as intro next week. Thank you, poserroser. Very cool
"Marzia will be hosting LWIAY in the next episode" This is a faker-diker!
But it's also true, so it's okay
"Nothing stands in the way of the 9 year old army"
"Skylol on lwiay:check
Detroit gameplay: check"
I guess, you know, I've completely overrun by my audience here.
This is not even my channel anymore,
they don't even want me here, so I don't even want me really know what I'm doing here.
"Since everyone agreed to not post any memes, I'm gonna post this cute cat" Great, thank you.
"#throwback, I went to the bathroom and almost had a heart attack, Felix"
"I see you met Jerry.." Hey, an army of Jerries, everybody. It's happening.
Hey, that's really cool. It's not a meme, but, you know, I'll take it. Thank you very much, finger_year
Finger y--
"What if everyone just posted pictures of--" My God, STAHP!
I had a rough day, okay? Please?
"Having Marzia host LWIAY"
"Having Dr. Phil host LWIAY" Yes, of course. This is only the natural progression
Dr. Phil, if you're watching, it would be my honor.
"I want Pewds to explain this"
Well, you see, this is the 1st episode of 'Scare PewDiePie, Season 2', and this is the reason why it actually never got released
"I found boar vessel, 600-500 BC, Etruscan, Ceramic in a museum today. I was so excited until i remember Felix already reviewed this meme
Now I'm eternally stuck posing beside a dead meme" Where is it? Where IS IT?
Why didn't you steal it, and give it to me?
"You don't look 9" It must be her mom
I want it! Alright, dead meme or not--
"From the 27/07, we must upload memes only in Italian so pewds will need Marzia help to translate them."
God dammit. Why do you do this? Why do you hate me so much?
Welp, clearly, it's time for me to end it.
I'm clearly just the equivalent of a Facebook meme page
So, you know what?
You win, 9 yr olds, but don't come crying to me.
*clap* *clap*
*some naruto magic*
(1 minute+ gameplay of ASS to make it 11 minutes cause 10 minutes is getting overused)
(hurray chicken won!)
sub to pewsiepei, turn on notifs, smash like, be a 9 year old! 9 yo fist for ya ?