字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント *Sad music* (´;ω;`)ブワッ UGH! ウウッ… I don't believe it 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。ウゥッ… How could this happen to me? ウア"ァァ ・゚・(´Д⊂ヽ・゚・ BTS...They unfollowed me! 信じられん… Why-are we still here? どうしてこんな事が…?! *background* Just to suffer. Every night, I can feel my leg and my arm *background monologue continues* (。´Д`) BTS?! They used to follow me! What-what happ-that was wrong なぜ俺のフォロー解除をした?! What happened? なぜアイツらはここに…? What did I do wrong? [※メタギアⅤ Kazuhiraの台詞] WHAT DID I DOOOO? D,X [毎晩…失くした脚が…腕が…] WHY DID YOU FOLLOW ME IN THE FIRST PLACE IF YOU'RE JUST GOING TO UNFOLLOW ME AFTERWARDS?! 今まで俺を フォローしてくれてたのに…! WHAT THE FUUUCK AAGH 何…? [失くした身体が…] I'm going to have to read the Reddit roast to feel better about myself. 何が…?! This is the lowest point of my fucking life. (技術的な操作ミス) This is the-it doesn't get worse. 間違えた Okay, let's do this. *Airhorn* 何があったんだ?! I am the perfect man. There's nothing to roast about. But let's just see it anyway. 俺は何かしたのか…? [失くした仲間達の痛みが…] To see what you guys said. [まるで今もそこにあるかのように いつまでも疼く…] What kind of mean things you guys said 俺が何をしたって言うんだー?! [お前も痛むだろ…?] Okay well here, here first of all, I apparently did it wrong; you're not supposed to use the phones and tablets. そもそもなんでBTSは 俺をフォローしたんだ…?!?! Okay here's the first one, 14,000 points: 最初から フォロー解除する気だったのか!!?? "Judging from the quality of this thread I think you're going to struggle to make this video...10..." 俺をフォローしたすぐ後に…!!!!1111 (叫) You don't know how long this video is going to be. 何なんだよぉぉ?! "He's going to read it slow" ウワァァ━━━━。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。━━━━ン!! No I'm not... (悲しき音楽) "And repeat at different volumes and levels-" Redditスレ読みにいかなきゃ… God-oh, you think you know everything, do you. You think you know ever-oh, okay. 自分を元気づけないといかんな… That's great he has a sound board for-SHUT UP *airhorn* 人生で一番クソ最悪な時期だ "If he reads this comment chain in the video, he will do exactly what we're describing but exaggerate in an attempt to mock us." これ以上、最悪にはならん… Oh you think you know everything, huh? (´Д`) ハー… "That phase when not sure if fans providing content or haters trying to actually roast" それじゃ早速、見て行こう EH (俺をディスれ) Good job. Good job. You know what? I appreciate the 10 minutes. 俺は How long are we? How long are we into this? 完璧な男だ Um ディスられる事には 一切無関係だが "Let's give him something to speak about. Hey Pewds, try making a video on how you felt when Wall Street Journal とにかく見てみようじゃねえか and Disney made you cry one camera to 12 years olds for their support." お前らの意見をな Well, I guess that means you're 12, because you watched it. Ha, can't argue with facts. 根性も性格も悪い書込みを 見ていこう Straight up...disproving your point. もう最初の時点で 俺やらかしてるけどな… Fucking got 'em 「今後こういった使用は いけません」 "He'll doing like every other video" 「"スマホやタブレットの液晶へ内容の書込み" はダメです」 Well, I cant fucking understand you, so, roast declined. Got 'em. まず最初は 14,000ポイントの投稿だ *Airhorn**Jackspedicey scream* 「このスレの質から判断すると」 "I miss"-HAHAHA-"I miss 2006 Pewdiepie, when you didn't have a youtube channel." 「苦労するんじゃないかな」 WELL JOKE'S ON YOU BITCH, CAUSE I DID! 「動画作りに」 And it was called youtube.com/pewdie Disproven! 2016! Disproven! 「"10分"の尺のね」 Can't argue with facts! Fuck you! …… "Leave this guy-leave the guy alone. It must be hard when every time you go to someone else's house- この動画の長さなんて お前ら知らねぇだろ -You expect to see Chris Hanen asking you to take a seat and question why you spend all day talking to kids on youtube." 「アイツは ゆーーっくり読む気なんだよ」 ONLY KIDS WATCH PEWDIEPIE HAHAHAHAHHAA Oh, that's fuckin-shut up. そ、そんな事せんわい Anyway, I don't care. Whatever. 「音量とズームを変えて 繰り返すんだろ」 Listen, you guys don't understand. BTS unfollowed me on twitter. Words can't hurt me anymore. くそっ… I have already broken and I can't be fixed. お前ら"全部お見通し" とでも思ってんのか? Sticks and stones, uh, BTS unfollows. ああ、お前らには 何でもお見通しだよ *BTS music playing in background* 「そりゃ良いな! そのためにサウンドボード持ってるんだもんな」 Ruined. It's ruined-you ruined-RUINED! だまれ! "Your channel peaked when you didn't have face cam" うっせえwww Oh yeah, well joke's on you, cause fuck you. There ya go You're welcome. 「このコメントの連鎖を アイツが動画で読んでるなら」 Weak. Weak. These roasts are weak. 「ワイらの書込みをそっくりそのままやるんやろ どうせ大げさにやってバカにするんや」 Roasts? More like..."hey, did someone turn up the AC a little bit?" お前ら全部お見通し とでも思ってんのか?ああ? Yeah, I laugh at my own ones, so shut up 「ファンがネタを提供してるのか アンチが本気でディスろうとしてるのか ちょっとよくわかんない」 "You look like the only man in the world who actually managed to grow his virginity back" いいね グッジョブだ "And that's assuming somehow he lost it in the first place" 10分動画にネタ提供 感謝する OH SHIT I'M A VIRGIN By the way, none of your concern, but I put my penis in many places. 何分これ撮ってるんだ? Uh, that you don't have to worry-you don't have to worry about it, okay? (;´д`) アー… "As you get older and your face settles into adult looks, you're going from 'cute young Swede'- 「伝えたいことがあるから言わせて」 -to 'Lurch from the Addams family' at an incredible rate" 「ねえピューズ、動画作ってよ」 Wait, who's Lurch? I don't know who Lurch is. 「WSJとディズニーに 泣かせられた時の気持ちを」 AHAHA I see it, I 100% see it. What the fuck? God damnit 「カメラの前で伝えてよ」 Reading: "You ruined more 12 year olds than the Catholic Church" 「12歳のガキ達がしてくれる サポートのためにさ」 Hey man. That's low for the Catholic Church, man Come on. Let em alone. お前…12才のガキだろ "The creativity for the roasts in this comment section is on par with the creativity on your channel" だってコレ見てるんだからな 反論できんだろ *Airhorn* Yes. ガチだな "Your content reminds me of IKEA: simply, cheaply made, and put together quickly with no real effort" 的外れな書込みだ Ah, that's good. That one was good. I'll give you that one. 言い負かせてやったわ You know what? I love IKEA and I'll take it. You know what? I'll take it. 「コイツは毎回1つの動画毎に(ry」 It's surprisingly accurate as well. 全然理解できねぇぞ "To be fair, it can't be easy to think of fresh content this many years into the game" この投稿は不採用だ *Airhorn* That's fucking right! I wanna see you try doing an upload daily videos every single God damn day, okay? アホが Yeah, I think I've done a lot of great videos. Of course some of them aren't gonna be top notch. 「あの頃のPewdsが…」www But at least I fucking try. 「2006年のPewDiePieが 懐かしいよ」 I try at least, okay? I fucking try. I try my best. What am I supposed to do? *BURP* 「YouTubeチャンネルを 持ってない時期が良かったな」 If I don't upload videos daily, people be like "he's lazy now!" but if I don't, if I upload videos daily, wwww People are like "he's running out of ideas!" I can't wait, no matter what I do, there's no win! バカだな!ビッチ! Except if I do the videos 10 minutes 俺のチャンネルは その時からあるんだよ!! Cause the ads. The ads always win. youtube.com/pewdie ってとこにある Why are we still here? Just to suffer. Every night, I feel my leg. 論破したぞ! 2006年だ! "I'm not giving you free content, you lazy cunt." この事実になんか文句あんのか? クソッタレ! Well you just did. *airhorn* Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. 「もうコイツ1人にして 放っておこうぜ」 *Applause* Thank you, I appreciate it. Thank you. 「これが見れるのを期待するのは 難しいだろな」 I like this one. "Low budget filthy frank" okay yeah, I heard it a million times. "Higher budget, still worse" 「お前が誰かの家に行くたびに-」 "Ever since you bleached you hair, you look like a lesbian." 「クリス・ハンセンにそこに座れ って言われて」 Uh, well I mean I guess that's true. 「"なんでお前は一日中Youtubeで ガキに話しかけてる?"って聞かれりゃいいのに」 Hey, it's a bleach joke, everyone. It's a drinking bleach joke, everyone. Ha-top of the morning to you laddies "PewDiePieの視聴者はガキだけ" Drink bleach and kill yourself, man! (゚∀゚) ハッハッハ AHAHA "The humor of Amy Schumer with a personality of Cameron Diaz." 。・゚・(ノ∀`)・゚・。 アーハッハッハ… *Airhorn* Thank you guys, thank you. 'Preciate it. (ノД´;) クソッ… All right, well it looks like that's uh, that's uh the roast. Good job everyone. うるせえわ Thank you reddit for roasting me. I appreciate you taking the time. I feel honored. 別に気にしてねえよ Um, I feel honored to be uh slightly, "heated up", I think is more like the term. おい お前らわかってないな BTSにフォロー解除されたんだぞ BTS unfollowed me. And nothing else is ever going to hurt that much. It's not your fault, Reddit. 言葉でこれ以上 俺を傷つけることは出来ん It's BTS. Okay? You gave it your best shot, but nothing will ever hurt as much as BTS unfollowing me on twitter. もうすでに心が折れて 立ち直れねぇんだ… Why am I still here? God fucking damnit. 何を言われても傷つかん What did I do wrong. I make a video praising them, saying I love them. BTSがフォロー解除…… I wanna be them. I wanna marry them. But apparently not good enough! (♪KPOPのPV) Is the video 10 minutes yet? (歌詞: 君の写真を見ているのに 会いたくなる) *Relaxing music for the sole purpose of subtlely elongating the video to 10 minutes* (歌詞: 時はあまりにも無情で 僕は自分達が憎い) Almost there... こんなのぶち壊しだ Aw yiss... £¨%+`$%!!
B1 中級 日本語 PewDiePie bts 動画 フォロー 解除 失くし 一番傷ついた動画は (The most hurtful video...) 2 0 林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語