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  • Look at this snail he's so cute

  • It is so cute, oh my god

  • Oh when you [are] moving here all the butterflies come out. It's so cute

  • Oh, noo, Marzia hates butterfly what


  • And this mother duck and her ducklings

  • yeah they're so cute

  • AH

  • Yeah, sorry, I'm sorry. Yeah, that's adorable. Oh my God. That's so cute. How do I get a--

  • Hey, watch out! He peed on you! -What's happening?


  • Kill him!

  • I'll poop here. How do you lure him? -I don't know, we have to figure that out. Fucking idiot

  • Oh my God

  • Did you just say that for real on camera?! Is there a frog? Do I like frogs? -Yeah you do.

  • Oh my God, this frog is so cute!

  • Okay, let's catch some butterflies

  • You hate butterflies, right?

  • Right, I hate them. So let's catch them -I know. Don't worry

  • And then we will eradicate them from the planet

  • Got one. You caught a ladybug

  • Do I like ladybugs? -Yeah-- No

  • No? -No

  • EW -Okay good.

  • Finally you're doing something useful.

  • You are not funny. This is not funny. -I'm sor-- it was just a joke for the thing, ok?

  • You're nothing, you're a bad boyfriend. -I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I am-- I am [a] bad boyfriend.

  • I'm sorry. You're a shitty girlfriend.

  • You will never see this nips then. -No, I don't-- just stop your nips, please

  • Okay? Thank you

  • What are you doing? What are you doing right now? -Do you love me?

  • I-- what are you doing?

  • I can show you my butt

  • Dance, wiggle wiggle, dance, wiggle wiggle -DAMN

  • Oh my God, you did so well Marzia

  • Thanks, I really tried hard

  • Um, thank you so much for playing with me today.

  • I play with you every day. I play with you every night.

  • How about for the thumbnail, we do a little kiss?

  • Okay yeah -Yeah

  • I know y'all can't handle this shit

  • I know y'all gonna flag this fucking video like you always do, and I have to call google and be like

  • Hey, they flagged another one. Yeah, my uh my fan base is basically a bunch of pussies.

  • Oh, this video had blood in it. Oh, this video had nipples in it. Oh, this video was a little bit too sexual

  • Oh, he made me swirl. Excuse me, why don't you just go to the fucking...

  • Australia, like the good old days, all right. What do you--

  • I bet you even flagged this video already because you're triggered by my glasses

  • You're all a bunch of wimps. Don't flag the fucking video, alright? Stop flagging the video

  • I'm sick and tired of this fucking shit. Can y'all stop flagging my fucking videos?

  • Slop flagging the videos, God damn it. I don't make any money if you flag the video

  • What do you think, I do this for free?

  • Do you think I'm some kind of fucking charity? Do you think I do this for fun?

  • Do you think I do YouTube for fun?

  • I'm only in it for the money.

  • Fuck you for even thinking that, alright?

  • Now I gotta make this video, and it'd be great if you don't fucking flag it, alright?

  • DON'T FLAG THE VIDEO. So if you're not up for the challenge

  • Bitch

  • Then click the fuck away and don't flag the videe-ay (video)

  • Man, I should be a rapper. That was pretty good.

  • Oh here we are

  • back at it again

  • Holy shit. Oh my God.

  • I am not-- BARRELS! I hate this, oh--

  • Should we knock?

  • Yeah. Hello? [What] the fuck is this?

  • Hey, they got corn and everything

  • Hello there, Mister man. Man, you look good man.

  • AH! Oh

  • Jesus Christ, get the shit out of me. Why is there tricycle here?

  • Oh, God. It's getting dark man.

  • It's getting well dark man.

  • Aww, fuck

  • You know shits about to go down when the drum starts hitting you.

  • Oh God, this is fucking creepy man. What was that?

  • All right but this is pretty good so far. What a nice town.

  • Oh my God!

  • (Fuck) Fuck, fuck indeed.

  • Oh, that's cool man. This is so fucking cool.

  • Whoa, what the fuck?

  • Hey. No. I hear you Ethan Bradberry.

  • What the fuck are you doing, you fucking asshole? Why you gotta be so loud man?

  • I ain't scared.

  • Oh, jeb not Fichte

  • Oh

  • Corn. I love corn, so much. Oh and climb over. Oh thank God.

  • Oh

  • FUCK! I am so fucked! Fuck this!

  • RUN!


  • Oh! Oh my God.

  • I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine

  • Where, where am I?

  • Excuse me. I burp when I'm excited.

  • Marzia doesn't appreciate it. I know, but...

  • Whoa, it's Lickitung again.

  • That fucking Pokemon.

  • It's got Marzia.

  • What the fuck are those?

  • What the fuck is that?

  • Oh. Okay. No that's... great. That's funny because I was actually heading this way towards the exit. Yes.

  • Oh come on.

  • Alright, I'm out.

  • Poods out.

  • Aw shit, I ran out of batteries.

  • (LEFT VIDEO) Not sure if I should run downhill. That seems like a bad-- What was that?

  • What the fuck is out there? Oh God. This is fucking creepy man.

  • Oh shi-- okay, okay. Ah, okay

  • AH! Oh, Jesus Christ. You scared the shit out of me cactus.


  • Big Bouncy Boobies. Alright who's got the biggest titties?

  • Flat chest. Zoey, get the fuck out! Get the fuck out, Zoey!

  • Keana...

  • You got that ass, but get out! What fuck do you take me for?!

  • We're called the Big Titty Titties.

  • Nikki, you look like you're from Tumblr.

  • I despise you. I hate your guts.

  • But business is business, and you're hired Nikki.

  • Billy, you're in.

  • Okay, we got Lilanni. She's Asian, fla-- FLAT CHEST?!

  • Lilanni! Why are you show up even?! Get out! Alright, Zoe-- ZOEY! We had this talk before!

  • It's time to hire another one. Okay, we got Lillian. She's a teen. Tattoos

  • Fuck off, fuck off Lillian. Why is it so hard?

  • Alright, we're hiring her. You better get some implants. Alright, what's her cup size? B, that's--

  • Where are all the big breasted women? FINALLY!

  • A gift from the Gods, Candice!

  • You're in.

  • Fuck sake, you're all useless. One dollar per hour. Keana, you're in. Tiffany, one dollar an hour.

  • Tiffany, you're in.

  • You're in. Now buy me shoes. Oh my God, Zoey. How many times are you trying?

  • How many fucking times I gotta tell you, Zoey?!

  • Get the fuck out, and stop wasting my time! You got zero potential! ZERO

  • Hey Tiffany, wear this butt plug while you go shopping. -Give it to me.

  • Mmmmmmmmmmmmm

  • Butt plug. Alright Zoey. You wanna work in this business so hard? Here take this butt plug.

  • Find me some cigarettes. Fuck off. I'm gonna have to hire my last girl Marlena. -Naturally.

  • But she said naturally. But ain't nothing natural about that girl.

  • Oh my God that money

  • Finally! Finally I'm rolling the pimp business. My mom would be so proud of me if she looked at me right now

  • The way I handle women with such dignity and respect. Even Tumblr would approve of this video.



  • You bros voted

  • If I was an Anime character, what would I be?

  • An anime schoolgirl

  • You hear that Easley? I'm an anime schoolgirl. Thanks to you bros voting on Twitter. Thank you so much.

  • There's so many cool animes, but anime school girl. Just what I wanted.

  • Thank you. Appreciate it. So thanks to Crunchyroll, we're bringing that to life.

  • But that's what this video is going to be. But first, for those of you who don't know about crunchyroll

  • It's a streaming service of anime and drama. It's a service that I personally use as well,

  • So I'm really happy to have them [as] a sponsor and making this Pewdiepie anime a real thing.

  • Huge thanks to them.

  • I'm a fan of anime myself. What can I say? I enjoy a good Berserk.

  • [I] sound like a mom trying to say like, "Yeah, I watch anime."

  • I enjoy a good GTO. Really great shows.

  • They're all available on Crunchyroll, and I would love to hear your bros opinion on them. So check them out.

  • They have over 25,000 anime episodes, so I'm sure you'll find something that you'll enjoy.

  • But not just that, you're supporting the Japanese anime industry by supporting Crunchyroll.

  • Cause every season, they're bringing in the freshest anime straight from Japan.

  • So basically, if you check out the link in the description,

  • You get a 30-day free trial to check it out, and see if you like it.

  • You basically can watch as much anime you want for 30 days with no ads, 1080p baby,

  • And the newest episodes air one [hour] after they are up in Japan with professional subtitles.

  • I think that's pretty cool. I really enjoy it, so maybe you will as well.

  • And thanks again for Crunchyroll for making this happen. Now, let's roll the clip

  • Huh?

  • Hey, what you doing?

  • Not much, just hanging.

  • *laughs*

  • Grrrrrrrrr *laughs*

  • Hey, what are you guys talking about?

  • Oh, hi. Just chatting about the big game tonight.

  • Why do you care what we're talking about?

  • I was just trying to talk to-- -We all know you're obsessed with him.

  • Everyone sees you taking photos of him everywhere.

  • No, I don't!

  • Why don't you just leave him alone for once?

  • He'll never be yours. Get over it.

  • HYAAAHHHHH *slaps*

  • Alright girls. Take it easy now.

  • HYAAAHHHHHH *kicks*

  • Ah

  • HYAH!

  • He's not yours. You'll never come even close to what I feel for him.

  • Feel this, you little rat.


  • This is all your fault!

  • You... will... regret this.


  • Any last words, little freak?

  • Suck on my laser, BITCH


  • She was right. I'll never have him, but if I can't have him

  • I must become him

  • What is this game?!

  • Sup, bro.

  • You know what 'sup' brother. It's been eight days, and you still haven't recalibrated your puzzles.

  • What are you even doing? -Hey, take it easy. I gotten a ton of work done today.

  • A skeleton

  • *laughs*

  • *laughs some more*

  • Ahh, I will attend to my puzzle. As for your work, put your little more 'backbone' into it.


  • Hey

  • *laughs*

  • I am a ghost that lives inside a dummy. Human, I'll scare your soul out of your body.

  • Oh God, it's one of those meanies.

  • I got knives

  • Damn boy, you fucking hardcore man

  • I'm... out of knives.

  • Now, I hate making promises, but the promise I made to her

  • You know what would have happened if she hadn't said anything, buddy?

  • You'd be dead where you stand.

  • Hey lighten up, bucko. I'm just joking with you. Besides, haven't I done a great job protecting you?

  • I mean, look at yourself. You haven't died a single time.

  • Hey, what's that look supposed to mean? Am I wrong?

  • So Stefan, you bring your hands up to begin to concentrate

  • Coalescing the Arcane energy into the strange dull glow of green in your hands as the swirl continues to spiral

  • You shoot your hands forward releasing this burst of corrosive energy towards the female

  • It's been a while since you've used this explosive power in this town in your eagerness

  • You weren't paying attention to your target

  • The arrow arcs to the side, missing your target and instead striking Kaleem in the back of the shoulders

  • No, not Kaleem!

  • I'm sorry Kaleem!

  • I tried to help.

  • What are you doing noob?

  • I'm sorry Kaleem!

  • And even trying to put him out of his misery, you managed to pierce him with the rapier because he's not moving

  • But you don't reach any vital organs. So now you're just adding more pain to his slowly sizzling misery

  • Kaleem!

  • I'm sorry Kaleem!

  • You have no idea what this building is. -Is this even a building? What is this?

  • As you shout that out Stephan, you turn around and look up and immediately see a sign hanging over the door that says

  • Uhhh

  • 'Butcher'

  • Ohh. How did you not notice that Cinderella? -What? Notice what?

  • Look at the sign right there. -What sign?

  • It says 'Butcher'. -No it doesn't.

  • Jesus Christ. Just let me do this for you.

  • The door clicks and opens up into a dark interior.

  • You have that light spell still? -I already used it Ken. I can't be bothered to do it again.

  • Actually for light spell, you can do an infinite number of times.

  • Yeah, I know. Okay, I'll do a light spell in Rainbow color. -Okay.

  • A very beautiful,

  • Very beautiful array of rainbow colors streaks across the room. You can now see indeed, this is a butcher shop.

  • Uh, there is a large-- -A fabulous butcher shop

  • Dead unicorns everywhere

  • Okay, where's the-- where's the blood going? -This is the part where I say let's just go back.

  • Okay, can I cast a rainbow spell to... make this situation a little nicer?

  • You can. You cast your light spell [of an] array of beautiful colors, lighting up the tunnel.

  • As you guys not so quietly turn the corner with this vibrant bright rainbow light, expelling from the front of Stefan's quarter staff,

  • the large figure pulls its hood back, and you can see what looks like

  • A snarling ogre-face standing about 12 to 13 feet tall.

  • Its head is bulbous and mutated like some sort of pulsating creature has taken root on the right side of its face.

  • Its eyes beeline unnatural intelligence for its kind

  • You dare interrupt our sacred gifting ceremony

  • I will know your names and intent

  • So we might whisper them to the silent screamer and crush your memory on this world.

  • And with that, we will leave this game on a cliffhanger

  • Dun dun dun~ -Wha-- Noo, are you serious?

  • *laughs*

  • I was so into it

  • Uhhh, Can we loot Kaleem?

  • Look at my creepy little fish arms.

  • You are so cute. -Oi, come here daddy.

  • My sweet child. -Oh my God, your knees are in your chest.

  • Yeah, if you look down your face like wasn't your chest and your knees are already in your chest

  • Oh, there's a-- there's a... strange object here.

  • Which is... Oh God!

  • This is very... -Are you serious?

  • This is very inappropriate. -You put down the strange rubber object. Can I pick it up?

  • Daddy wins!

  • Daddy wins. -Wait, daddy wins?

  • Rematch. Hit rematch. -Bleach! I found bleach!

  • NO! NOOO, NOOOOO! DADDY WON. -Drink soap. Drink bleach.


  • WHOA, WHOA. -Oh God, whoa!

  • How did you--

  • Ha ha ha ha! Do it again, do it again! -Do that again!

  • I wanna fly, daddy! -I don't know how I did it. You went inside it.

  • I got a fork! I got a fork. I can stab a bitch. -Let go of the fork, Timmy.

  • No, no, let-- give me-- give me the fork. -Put the fork down!

  • Come here daddy! Time to stab you with a fork. -Okay.

  • Oh god, there's an electrical cabinet there. I gotta pro-- NO.

  • Timmy. No. NO.

  • TIMMY! -Yeaaahh!

  • Look, you're trash

  • Who are we in the trash? Oh, I want to go into twice. Hey, you are going [to] trash going

  • I want to go. It's [close]. You're going to trade. Yeah you go dead brick. Yeah

  • That's really nice. Yes. He closed it I

  • Mean gosh this traffic, huh?

  • when game is clearly Fallen

  • 10 or 10 10 out of 10 again

  • first idea around 10 IMDb

  • Oscar

  • rotten Tomatoes

  • Flawless game Polish game

  • Flawless drafting ah love it. Oh

  • Minute can I interest you in a bucket perhaps?

  • What's that sound could it be?

  • found [Regal]

  • Thanks surgery go sing

  • [alright], [alright], Iran-Iraq

  • Really them completed

  • Hello

  • This is y'all God. It's actually fucking creepy

  • [cop]

  • [upset] your birthday. Oh

  • my God, oh

  • God, I'm actually terrified what the fuck caliphate. What are you know in age anything? What day are you?

  • Yeah, Dada Da

  • Dada

  • da Da oh

  • Bow wow, what are yelling at me right?

  • Back what is that bag? What bitch man leave me alone?

  • Bro, it's just a prank

  • the cameras right there

  • Bro, the cameras right there

  • There's just a prank bro. It's just a prank

  • Don't you like?

  • Pranks, bro, I guess you don't like prank. I stole your car. Just a prank, bro

  • I'm fucking your wire just a prank bro. [I] give you just a prank, bro

  • It ruined your life, just a prank, bro

  • Chance you people

  • understand

  • Just a prank bro. [it's] just a prank the cat, right

  • the cameras right there

  • you can tell my

  • Don't you like [briggs], bro? I guess you don't my brain

  • I've got your fire just a prank bro. I'm [gonna] [tell] [you] [how] [to]

  • grow [your]

  • [shit] right what that wasn't a prank though?

  • Can't you people?

  • Understand that it's just garlic

  • and

  • fucking fine

  • [that's] why it's okay

  • It's just a prank

  • Just to break the cameras right there

  • It's just a prank bro. It's

  • Just a prank

  • the cameras right there

  • Bro, the cameras right there

  • And just a prank bro. It's

  • Just a prank

  • Don't you like pranks, bro? I guess you don't like [pain]

  • In the beginning it was nothing well accidents a lot of stuff rafi. It was boring and then

  • There was the broken podcast [a] long time the [sexist]

  • We know his kid on the other the American get a cinnamon toast [can]

  • And the podcast is so good it brought light into this dark and toxic world

  • focus that's a bit intense don't you think

  • Anyway, if welcome special guests like markiplier

  • jacksepticeye Crime and International Rockstar, President Obama

  • That last one it's a wash they were cake

  • challenges and

  • Conversation so legendary that the animals still sing of their glory

  • whatever

  • Now we're [broken] Podcasters making history once again

  • Coming with sling TV

  • So get ready to experience of throw fists like you've never

  • experienced before

  • And you better watch because if you don't then the robot will win that last one is also a lie

  • Maybe the broken [Podger]

  • Available now on [Fling] TV

  • ah

  • Yes, oh

  • Yes, say my Santa Claus. I think I'm Santa Claus so what would Santa Claus do in a situation like this I?

  • Would steal all their shit boom that's my bicycle

  • This is my TV santa needs [gift] [-] what else do we need Christmas pudding [all] year?

  • That's my Christmas pudding no no not what else. [oh] money money money money money money money money money so much money

  • Oh my God. There's the painting there this ugly ass painting yes. I mean, it's probably worth a fortune dude

  • Okay, oh

  • God they're coming. [oh], God they're coming

  • I've got a bit of height. I better hide in the closet

  • Thank God

  • [haha]

  • Oh my God, Tom could Tom could stop stop Tom Cruise. Tom cruise. [he's] fitting the shit out of me

  • [haha] run run run run run run [run]

  • I'm sorry

  • Who would beat up Santa?

  • [whoo-hoo], I'm an everyday thief thief. No, I'm [scent]

  • I'm ten

  • Towers reverse gifting I was gift [traversing] have you never heard of that you take shit from people?

  • It's great hey Tom. It's me. [I] got all [your] shit. [Tom's] tone doesn't know what to do

  • [I] got all [your] shit what you gonna do about it bitch wow in your face Tom cruise in your face

  • Oh my God

  • That was [amazing]

  • What trip don't give me that look oh?

  • He's here what you said? He's coming an hour from now. [no], he's right on time

  • [Gonzalo] hey, it's been too long man. Hello honey. I sell melons

  • Would you like to buy?

  • Yes, not

  • Come on, man. Let me angles all right. Whatever did - yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, where's the wine? No? No here? We are

  • [boys] Gonzalo, all right guys this has been great by the way, you look fabulous

  • Oh, why did you say so girl?

  • Hey, I know I'm fabulous. I can't dare you over. How fab I am

  • Anyway, I can't remember

  • Vault I like your bones. I'm not

  • On your balls, right?

  • All right, I'm gonna go to the Canteen. [oh] gonzalo. [are] you trying to leave the room again?

  • Well, well, just come back to the living room. What screwing around?

  • You guys are mean okay? No really don't come and get me Joe come on

  • We really just want you to come back in here. Fuck you. You know what no comes on

  • [no], that's up. You need to be went through the wall

  • Yeah, superpowers we invited you over, but this is just no let me go you demon

  • You Demon hunter fuck you

  • Fuck off

  • people piece of shit

  • God damn it. I know I should just take the wine and left

  • She's here

  • Ginevra, and yeah, I've been so long since we've seen you

  • How are you doing? I'm pretty good. Thank you

  • Ginevra damnit, I missed my hi. How are you? I am. So happy to see you after so [long]

  • That's funny. I said the same thing

  • hilarious

  • Hey, how's it going? My name is?

  • Don't be a solid be the best goddamn broccoli. You could ever be

  • you can make fun of me if you make fun of my hair, but if you make fun of my hair

  • I'll fucking stab a bitch

  • No diving. You can't tell me what to do

  • Well shit, [spike] my back you have permission to let it okay

  • Bye bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Oh

  • Yeah, Mac that bitch

  • I have the power of Japheth in my hand

  • Nothing in life will ever be the same after that you're missing your met your miss. [oh]

  • No, let it go let it go

  • Alright fries that [will] be it yeah

  • another survival zombie multiplayer game on steam early access with

  • microtransaction

  • Hey, you know what I'm sorry it might actually be good. [I] don't want to be the guy who just judged shit

  • I want to be respectful, and I want to give this game the best chance it could possibly deserve. Let's do this

  • Are you?

  • We're gonna fucking wait and play these fucking piece of fucking shit. I'm gonna get my 15 pounds of fun

  • It's the last thing I'll ever do oh

  • It's it

  • What?

  • Today, we're Gonna do that what's in your backpack?

  • They told me I couldn't build a medieval my God

  • [anyway] cross I never I never seen art in such a profound way

  • until I played viking McDonald's

  • simulator 2015

  • Are these the meat? Oh jesus man? I know how to [fish] some bugs man. Jesus look at night

  • We Gonna make a fearful little burger bad [Abadan] don't just make further

  • Make life any a vote no, okay?

  • [five]

  • What did you do all these burgers are burnt? They look like hockey pucks make it the burger on the leg clint

  • Goddamn rat I'll get you one day. I'll get you I'm gonna fucking murder you. Oh, oh, hey

  • That's our let's don't worry. That's just our pet claps

  • What the fuck are you you're making a bad rex?

  • Our intern is mentally challenged now all our ingredients are

  • Fucking dirty are fucking dirty man clap

  • Some say if the meat looks like a hockey puck you shouldn't need it. I say

  • Yolo, it's like an oreo great not so this is my specialty I call it cancer in a burger

  • I

  • Gotta Follow with my burger oh

  • What is this shit? We thought? I'll guess [get] it who thought that was a good idea

  • I'll go advertise good be naked sex [day] itself what an intern doing?

  • intern intern oh

  • trying to break free I

  • Have a new bucks to fight the other box

  • Glass why you leaving? Why are they leaving? What's wrong with our [phones] cannot yeah, I'm coming with [cellphone]

  • This game is like Skyrim. Hey, how's it going bros? My name [is]

  • [-] my favorite game of all time and judah is stimulators whoa. I'm in here now. I

  • Can [what]?

  • you see why I [say] it's my favorite game because I can change my

  • underpants, I'm going for the striped ones because the stripes shows up the curse of the girls but

  • Let's go to school. So what our plan for this?

  • Episode is to make someone fall off this roof get amazing size boobs make a chan

  • So does the other girl a real laughing and having fun?

  • For all having fun, right?

  • so much fun, dry

  • So anyway about that tampon, how do I get it out?

  • All right, so here apparently you can use drop on people

  • If they don't see you, and I obviously have amazing sugoi Desu or chan

  • Panties, I mean sneaking skills you haven't been acting as your usual self lately let's go down here [mon]. Thank you Mr.. Chad

  • [no] my gosh

  • Well, it's nothing

  • If you don't want to talk about it, that's fine

  • Henderson my mom died. What's that some drinking alone?

  • Sometimes when he's drunk. [he]

  • comes into my [room] and

  • luckily

  • for me from

  • an

  • Almost evening transplant is good at all

  • [basically] pay

  • For walking near semis presents 4 p.m.

  • Where the fuck is she I?

  • Let some bitch

  • Where is she?

  • their shit no one can see me I

  • am the Danger

  • Alright

  • justice

  • [wow]

  • Alright friends thinking. I'm saying that if you're so there this game is so awesome

  • I can't wait to play more ones to get updated trust me you know this video

  • Now's a great time to leave a like and [I'll] see you in the next one. It's always stay awesome Pros

  • Flip flip baby girl flip over table get points don't learn at a time

  • This one will go to hell, bitch. I love you, please don't kill me shut up [your] table ah

  • You it all may

  • pick up nice whoo

  • hey, buddy, ah

  • [stop] start fighting crap. Hey look at me sexy. Sexy. Sexy

  • Come on. Let's go in play. Wait a minute. I want [to] go in a bit. You want a big message guys

  • she's coming in the same a

  • business in

  • failure to explain

  • [that] we're gonna be simply crying. Oh God. Yeah, do you [want] it?

  • Let me go let me go [oh]

  • I killed your father

  • ah

  • I

  • live in uncertainty every day

  • Every time I look at myself in the clear cool waters of Africa. I expect to see a beautiful giraffe staring back at me

  • But all I see is the taco lover [I] was lost without hoping this desolate [word]

  • Why would mother Earth so cruel as to not grant me with the Noscopes? I so desperately deserved and

  • also

  • the body of A giraffe

  • hello, my name is Falcon, Lord x x x x x

  • Hello

  • Hello

  • hello, my name is Falcon, Lord x x x capital x x x x I am a trans be she's

  • Human - Giraffe the Wide Fields of Africa is where I belong, but yet

  • Why do I feel so lost [I]?

  • Think of the Falcon lovers of the world and how they have taken me so far

  • but even I would only have 3 subs instead of three thousands if it weren't for

  • M

  • Did you see the way he yells into his microphone as he plays games?

  • The way his Golden hair falls like waves over his sky-blue eyes

  • It makes me want to cry

  • [Pierce's] [my] Senpai and I the co I who he will never notice I sigh in the wondering hole

  • Listening to the far-off sound Development and gazelles roaming the sun-Soaked plains

  • The sounds of Africa are so peaceful

  • contradicting my thunderstorm of feelings

  • Why won't you ever noticed me?

  • yes, he has made videos acknowledging my existence, but I was nothing more than a laughingstock to him a joke [a]

  • Falcon losers who would want anything to do with me?

  • Suddenly a loud, cry pierce's my eardrum who wants to do this

  • Ha ha ha [I] think isn't it supposed to be you oh

  • I think it'd [be] fun if you try to be me let's have a pew deal. Let's do it. All right [ok] you go first

  • Are you working for the barrels all right? This is my money

  • Are you working for the barrels? Uh looks like you're good Martin. Yeah, buddy. Good job

  • Eric Marshy

  • I

  • Blink that's a [million] [voices]

  • The way the volume of the tone almost gave me a freaking heart attack

  • creepy

  • No, I think

  • Shaking my head. It's definitely not better increase the Noscopes I guess

  • It is [peary] pack

  • Immediately I stand and spin around

  • Running towards the stands what if he shocks me? He'll be surrounded by lions trying to fight them off with his laptop damn it

  • You're fighting a lion you're like damn it

  • Kids cried after smacking one of the lions upside the head [and] seeing it was unharmed goodbye I cry

  • [Imma] save him. I bring it to action brushing over and making my prince trapped cause

  • [just] possibly lion tears start bleeding and they run away living [Pierson] the grand I

  • Rush to Pierce and kneel before him

  • Hey, Perry pass

  • I am a yellow

  • Cherry pie. [oh] yeah, hey Pete pie groans

  • Calculus your desk yeah

  • It's me. I just can't let it get it. I cried Sparkly enemy tears falling from my face I

  • Love you

  • It's miles. I love you

  • did

  • Heavenly we embrace and my one dream [has] [come] true. I

  • Have to turn into a duck cry went over to pewds and said it's okay

  • come

  • I'll take you to my dear home

  • How many [songs] more traumatic I liked it?

  • He carefully worked in Little [cubes] into his arms and started walking [few] looked at cry with big eyes. He you know

  • We have known it for a long time now

  • We started to suspect something when you try to hook up with a swine if you started blushing. [I] was dead time passed. He

  • Scored they walked him together in Christ said come on egg dinner

  • He suddenly got an evil looking face, but peace did not [tear] he was so in love with the strong white man

  • man

  • Z snap

  • Ending in this brother. I love you

  • that cry updated when to the kitchen

  • He did not say [anything] when [cuse] walked in cry turns around slowly. He was creepy and scary

  • What eat he said as he waved with an knife and a fork he's backed off, cry

  • Whoa, what are you doing? I suddenly wanted to have duck for dinner

  • Pew started to walk a little bit faster backwards in Christ's wallet, and the way he knew it - you started running

  • Why are you chasing me crying? I thought you loved me. I love duck [screamed]

  • Really [my] way you have to yell. I loved I loved our key screams. Loud. Is that good well?

  • It's not like you're narrating [which]

  • [I'm] [glad]

  • That's it perfect Jews went to the bathroom

  • But there were no places to run or cry

  • What what why was during or their pews went to the bathroom?

  • But there are no places to run or and then christ smashed into the [TV] idea

  • Which is if like christ machines [his] doors I impacted you as you're like mid-sentence. That's so intense

  • Wow, I am such an intense person then again

  • She twins in the bathroom, but there were no places to run or I smashed in the door

  • I like suck salty

  • He was this thing pure sad place to go go toilet

  • [he] jumped up on the toilet seat pulled the lever and flushed himself down he tried to hold his breath

  • But he got choked by the water anyway. Oh, no, but suddenly he felt ere. He could breathe he took deep breath [oh]

  • What I want a lower board there

  • Where I am [I]?

  • You're in the third stupid an Italian voice that kind of sounds Italian said could it be the other true. [love] [is]

  • Define how puce tried to look after a little gold Tim statue in the dark, but couldn't see anything

  • also, [Parody] long time no see

  • Many Years ago in a kingdom called bro lots. They lived their brave knights by the name of sir

  • Pewdiepie he was [king] enters and [queen] Myers most valuable [night] from the square table

  • One Day king Dead [Cos] [summoned] sir Pewdiepie to his chamber to ask for a favor

  • They're paired Apply both

  • I and queen Maya believe that you are the only person we can trust with this mission

  • You must find the sword named Stephano and use it to slay the dragon Cryotic king and car instructed

  • It's a hurdle saying the dragon cry a dick only a Madman would do such a thing

  • at first the Pewdiepie refused vigorously

  • But then king Ed car said something that sparked his interest

  • If you successfully slayed the dragon and save the princess locked in the tower

  • You will be able to marry her

  • How could he resist such an offer everyone knew the princess looked in the tower was the most beautiful princess in all of the land?

  • Skin like Ivory eyes the color of chocolate and a lovely deep voice

  • I will find a sword slay the dragon and save the princess before sundown tomorrow

  • Sir, Pewdiepie proclaimed

  • Throwing his fist in the air as if the battle had already been won

  • I am glad to hear it the [King] said with a smile

  • but please allow me to send you with a few others for backup and

  • this backup happened to me [Machia] A

  • Beautiful and talented alchemist who knew her way with Magic and the would L. Come quick what?

  • Yeah

  • It makes you sound like she knows her way with Magic and me like

  • See how I just read [that], huh?

  • that ruby off [ok]

  • this backup happened to be [Marcia] A

  • beautiful and talented alchemist who knew her way with Magic and the wood Elf Martin

  • The trek to find the sword was long in peril many trials and tribulations [stand] in their way

  • The pit of doom the tomb of Malice and even the fears of fabulous

  • but nothing stood in the way of serb ewdiepie and his crew he reached the large rock that held the mighty swords to Harden and

  • grasp it handled victoriously, [I]

  • Their purity pie of bro [alert] proclaim distorted mine

  • he yelled as he pulled at the sword and pulled at the sword and

  • Holdeth the sword again no matter how many times he tried the sword was not budge

  • Marzia walked up from the weapon and swiftly pulled it out with one tug before handing it to the night

  • Oh, wait. Is this your only lying. Yeah, this is it

  • It's why one way do I need to sound like very like really found really chipper

  • Yeah, you gotta be a little hell, man. What a jovial sight to see sir, Pewdiepie. Are you not the strongest in the land?

  • [you're] way too good [at] [that]. Okay. That was fine

  • [alright]

  • We shall see who's strong when I play the dragon

  • he proclaimed they traveled another few weeks before reaching the castle with a princess live they snuck through the gate and

  • met with a

  • 300-foot horror that was the cry of a dragon, so

  • She's hanging out. You know all right here. We go

  • They raised [our] weapons and stared into the white paint of the dragon before charging at full speed

  • Christ them because he knew all too well of the break tight spot

  • I'm glad you came. I love swedish meatballs for dinner then quiet mode yet

  • What [if] what I spit?

  • You fucking call this grass. That's the worst grass. I've seen in my life. Are you fucking kidding me? What you doing - you?

  • Wouldn't stop twitching you goddamn cow all right, so we have [some] demon cows in a grass simulator game

  • great

  • Just what I had [have] [stopped]. Oh, God. This is terrifying all right. You know what I'm going in no more grass for me

  • [oh], God, the grass is everywhere all right everywhere make the gret a

  • Gun really like hey. Go shoot the grass ['red]

  • Take this fred. You'll never get me ah infinite demo

  • Slow-mo shooting that grand

  • 360 360 Noscope [alright], the grass is still alive. I don't know what to do. I should the cows. I'm sorry Demon cow

  • You fatty oh can't kill them can kill the devil, huh?

  • oh

  • Hagrid smirk and looked up from the buffet of firm tight Flesh

  • That lays spread Edge before him to kill his head question me what the fuck's

  • Ready [Gali]

  • Hahaha, Dumbledore grinned he has been very good. He said thoughtfully

  • Tracing the crease of [Harry's] hurt ours for the fingertip. I think he deserves both our [cocks]

  • Harry [Battles] something incoherent with the frantic movement of it communicated his approval

  • for a long moment the older [man] lost himself in familiar tastes our God then the sound of an indignant and

  • neglected harry broke you through their [life] driven snogging friend well someone just

  • Be already

  • Haggard and Dumbledore chuckled as dumbledore picked up his one releasing harry's bonds before he cast lubrication spells harry gasps

  • Then he yelps [oh] when he felt rough hands all him to his knees and the blunt tip of nudging the entrance to his body

  • [Agri] shudder to his own relief after harry sucked him down to the base and swallowed heard around the saw

  • everybody

  • He whimpered as harried hands laid between his legs here one

  • chelated [B], and

  • Yay

  • I'm not Gonna life and that was weird

  • Mr.. Krabs, that's Dr.. Kran excuse me very much. I [thought] [oh] look there's so many of them. You're so Kawaii

  • [I] have a doctorate [I] don't deserve [that] we can spend it

  • Look at that doctor crap. I get murdered your entire family. How does that make you feel?

  • Who's the doctor [now] [wouldn't] you say that if you're such a good doctor then why is your family net?

  • All right, that was pretty dark and horrible. Oh

  • bitch ass bitch

  • Ryan Factory


  • you

  • Take a crap [oh]

  • Yeah, shop. Let's chop down his palm. Tree. Well. It looks like it's [crew] is erecting are you?

  • This one goes out to all of y'all who are struggling to get High views on YouTube?

  • I'm about to tell you the secret that no one knows about to accept me as I just figured it out

  • Listen carefully boys and girls. Hey

  • Yo, [which] the number one cycle never back and sit down relax here have a spirit cut a Mountie sticks

  • I compare my grandma swag, but we're getting up to track the song is about Iraq

  • [no]

  • I'm not talking about the nation I'm here to tell you all about the great

  • Innovation if you refresh your videos [the] more you confuse that you might be introduced to might come to you. We all been there

  • We all have struggles you try to paper [sub] they get to another scrub your how to do class

  • But they just give you subscribe you can a false flag and your master pong tag. What's a bigger?

  • Do you give you so much be a trick are they part of looming not in no its way that can be your they work

  • Really hard. Do they come here?

  • No

  • You got it all wrong if you [latinas] hit us in the top L bitch put some boobs in the thumbnail bed

  • Get the money yeah really fucking quick get the boots and a thumbnail bitch no, I can't do that

  • It's not very nice [poor] monster. You got to go buddy Christ's birth to the thumbnail bitch put the movement

  • It's all now back okay, okay? I'm sorry. Sorry the trick is simpler

  • I learned from the plant to take your lies within the 90-foot events cast you may want to consider having implants

  • You may Wanna consider having em okay? I don't get me wrong

  • [I'm] not being as long as you have hope they don't matter what your sexy with juniors ethnic unity, [okay]?

  • Nobody's gonna click on that shit come on man. That's issues

  • You could later have an iMplant you should consider having implants everybody you should consider having implants

  • You should consider having implants never coming to commit are you gonna be a bitch or you gonna? Make people click on that jiggly?

  • Yes [just] think of all the views I know you want to get it and add it and make a trial your occupancy wedding

  • person the Thumbnail

  • Boobs and a [thumbnail] bad get the money up really fucking quick get the [boobs] and a thumb nail bed for what about my integrity?

  • Just kidding as [notice] I can put a bumpy boobie move to the top [down] there put the moves on the top now bad

  • man, everybody you should

  • But I'm a boy. I don't want it

  • and the

  • where

  • [there]

  • Erbs boobs

  • burps yeah

  • That's right. I killed robocop. How you ask lactation

  • When I was keeping an acid white people turning to black people

  • [I] have the best what don't you [want] to find in your Kung Pao chicken?

  • [10:04], I don't love it

  • In Michael [Jackson's] final moments he thought about Justin Bieber

  • For my next trick. I will pull a saxophone solo out of an erectile dysfunction

  • Erectile dysfunction mean you can get a boner

  • instead of coal Father Christmas obviously [bad] children that's

  • funny

  • what did the us and drop drop to this children now in Afghanistan is going to be bad a

  • Cooler full of Morgan

  • if you have to be for

  • Sarah hell yeah, we got Natalie Cartman finally. What are they doing the Natalie portman?

  • on the third day [of] Christmas

  • And [you're] [said] to me the recipe for

  • Methamphetamine on

  • the second day of Christmas

  • Segar sent to me

  • To leave your batteries and the recipe for [Madame] feta mean on the third day of Christmas

  • [and] your son to me

  • three litres Matches on two lithium batteries and the recipe for Madame feta mean

  • on the fourth day of

  • Christmas and your son to me

  • four cans of hydrochloric acid 3 [litres] of acetone to leave your batteries and the recipe for

  • Methamphetamine on

  • The fifth day of Christmas and you're sent to me five top top singers

  • For cancer hydrochloric acid 3 litre that [is] [on] two lithium batteries and the recipe [from] [that] embed of me

  • on

  • The sixth day of Christmas and you're sent to me

  • six chicken bucket five

  • chopped off fingers

  • For cancer particle [recanted] three leaves about the tone to VP batteries and the recipe for Madam better me

  • On the seventh day of Christmas, and you're sent to me

  • seven Grand in Cash six chicken buckets five

  • chopped off fingers

  • for cancer my decor cat said three lose message on to leave your batteries and the recipe for

  • Methamphetamine on

  • the eighth [day] of

  • Christmas Edgar said to me eight picks on my mom seven grand in cash six chicken buckets five

  • chopped off fingers

  • For chemspider chloric acid [3] [litres] of acetone to leave your batteries and the recipe for Madam better me

  • on the ninth day of

  • Christmas and you're sent to me nine

  • Mexicans and coats eight pics of my mom seven grand in cash six chicken buckets five chopped off fingers

  • four cats of hydrochloric acid two three liters of acetone to lithium batteries and the

  • recipe for Methamphetamine

  • the tenth Day of Christmas

  • Edgar sent to me

  • Ten Dead prostitutes nine Mexicans and [coats] a pic to my mom

  • seven Grand in cash six chicken bucket five [chop] Stop fingers

  • for catified Sarcastic three leaves the best account you'll ep a-- batteries and the recipe for

  • methamphetamine

  • On the Eleventh day of Christmas and you're sent to me Eleven cops shooting ten Dead

  • prostitutes nine mix against and codes eight [picks] my mom seven grand in cash six chicken bucket five

  • chopped [off] fingers

  • forecast by the car cast a three Levi's the tone to lithium batteries and the recipe for

  • methamphetamine

  • On the twelfth day of Christmas and gert said to me. He made me a bitch and now he calls me Jesse

  • How's the [Cobras] bad back? Hope you bros enjoy that Christmas special?

  • It was made by cypher den she did an amazing job so go check out our channel. [I] leave a link here

  • Go subscribe and tell her I sent you [brooch]

  • Have a great Christmas if you don't celebrate Christmas have a happy holidays or happy whatever you'll be doing

  • [thank] you so much for this amazing year and

  • I want to thank you all for for being there. Here's the brofist for many more brush stay awesome

  • This ever happen to you

  • Are you peeing on me eat? Well? What are you gonna? Do about it nothing? [he's] like

  • Luckily I find this tutorial on how to draw a horse hopefully that'll help

  • All right for the final step I got [damn] [it]. I am a vegetarian, but I want to eat your face

  • Hello 9-1-1

  • report a vegetarian

  • Yes, yes, he is trying to eat my face. Oh wait

  • I was supposed to get one of the drinks at her dad damn it

  • Which one [that] I put the drugs in I got yeah, but I forgot

  • How about a drink both, but I need to know if you're the chosen one

  • That I asked it's holy

  • How can see if I have 26 million subscribers while there's only them in 280?

  • Million people at Earth [fake] a cunt. [I] I don't know how to explain that to you you might just die from a brain fart

  • Here we are running in a horror game again. When are they gonna start putting checkpoints in [the] game?

  • Find a note must be a note

  • you think being the much bribe bitch and YouTube would have

  • All right, there's the preferred let's go to the [cooper] the Cooper is dancing

  • laughs

  • Okay, Darsh line

  • My God, there's still hope for us. There's still hope [for] our cake let it go let it go man

  • Yeah

  • Yeah, oh my God. I got a high fly myself a cad come to retire. I'm Krista, bitch I

  • Can't I can't believe I saw Kim Kardashian?

  • Good for you good for you

  • You're sucking today, [and] [it's] pretty good for you good for you

  • Get you again for you good for you

  • Good for you

  • You're trying it all right. You know what we're gonna. Have to expand here. I think it's not time that we chose them

  • Yes, oh my God, it's Gonna be awesome

  • I got it

  • No, why did I do that no [lacey]? What are you doing here?

  • [oh]

  • God - is missing now where where ah?

  • We're always there oh

  • Hey author, how are you doing?

  • Going out for a midnight snack

  • Well, this is the restroom you moron some fucking go to the restaurant

  • Idiot you have beautiful eyes author but seriously no midnight selfie, please [oh]

  • God, [where's] she oh?

  • for the love of dicks

  • moving

  • And I'm moving so far. What is missing?

  • one it's

  • method where hey

  • Hey, ha ha how you doing [there] [chap]? [oh], [God] where did he go?

  • Yeah, bloody fixed on Bangla

  • [wait], fuck you fuck off. Whoa. Well. What's [the] fucking guy?

  • What the fuck are you?

  • There more than no, oh God no. Oh, [God] no, oh, [God] oh

  • That is some creepy shit, man. You cannot come in and eat here. No you can

  • You bitch go home. You're drunk

  • Stop go home. [oh]

  • oh, oh

  • oh

  • That's great. [I] want to go home now. I'm pretty sure that whatever they paying me here is not worth it. [oh]

  • Let's get ekg, and we did your nose beautiful song ever we knew every

  • Noise [no] one can remember how you sounded great my thank you thing

  • You should be thinking you should expect everything and can't it

  • With [pity] no, I just can't give up

  • Hope you got what you [pay] [me] my mom

  • Wow, what the fuck is wrong with me the statistic called nightmare generator ow

  • [ah]

  • Ha for the love of God this game. I didn't ask for this

  • That one [deer] jumping [guy] gave it I fucking hate you [Pde] pie

  • You're a fucking asshole with gay fight you hair you can make fun of me

  • You can make fun of my hair, but if you make fun of my hair, I'll fucking stab a bitch free pie. You suck

  • And you swallow

  • ah

  • ah

  • It's a wonderful morning

  • The sun is shining the birds are tweeting

  • their bad get off my jock [oh]

  • Oh, no - did a little spastic to work there for a second. That's beautiful

  • Hold me back up stead

  • Hello

  • Lady protect me fuck if you don't even like [jd] [me] [I'm] [Eddie] here. What do you want a die, bro?

  • Do you want it? That's cDS as a necklace?

  • That's adorable

  • Where did you get it? Take my knees witness never fucking learn let's?

  • Go [for] more XD

  • Well, I don't much mushrooms. [oh]

  • my God

  • I'm up here now. What am I doing here crying? I don't know. What are you doing up there?

  • What have you done bro? Go through a

  • Okay, Pal, please no wait. I'm good

  • All right, fine, okay

  • Where am I going? Oh, okay? Okay? You shoot that portal there

  • I'm sick up to there no no, no I got a platform. [I] got a plan oh, we don't know yeah

  • I got a plan ready. Oh, we gotta do this little bit less than Omega [I]

  • got

  • [earlier] no, you should pull a little brother

  • [shoop] [shoop] forell listen to me good father

  • Listen to me no no no no shit porter. See you don't even know what you're talking about

  • [I] said no no no no no no no that don't know me. No, no your blood

  • You should have all that [you] [sure] [about] [that]. You sure you sure you sure

  • You sure you sure your leash shot your stooges. You shoot good

  • I will cry cry cry cry cry. [do] you remember?

  • What?

  • September

  • It did [oh], they're just thing over [here] and see that you see this I do actually

  • oh

  • Wait before I do anything [you] see how it says bother

  • Good good because I getting so many fucking messages being you can't be blah blah blah because you call him mom. [it's] okay

  • I'm gonna let this one slide because you are beautiful. Isn't that right Bob what that's a fucking Tom buck

  • Okay, you might feel a little headache Bob, but that's normal Tomahawk job

  • It was going so well. Oh, no way. There's a brain in there. Oh, man. I

  • done

  • Fuck Bob what?

  • Oh, we have to cut it off. [oh] shit. Why is not working? I don't get it [ah]

  • [better] Hurry Up give me the drill [ah]

  • I'm a professional. I can't work with this

  • Yeah, ah come on, baby ah fuck this [good]. Hi, what the fuck?

  • Bob you look so good

  • Watch what?

  • You're gonna be so fucking smart after that

  • We fucking get it this expired. Yeah, I think I put it on right

  • I don't know. I'm not sure [I] hope you boys enjoy deliever man that your dad is flat I

  • sound like A man

  • Crime coming in on your back. I hope you don't mind [I]

  • [find] none. I like the shakiness of your [mood]. Thank you. I've worked hard on us. What is that cat? [I] think [it]

  • I got it might be

  • Can we hump no? We should [not] know humping there's a [wildlife]. I'm sorry. Okay, actually there might be a dog

  • Loose bits Isaac, Outcry it's a fat dog no it's [a] cow no. No let's just [tell] your [guys] approaching me. Hey cow, hi

  • Well, we gotta tame the beast now. We can ride him to victory. Oh that would be so awesome

  • Can you punch it or something series will learn its place. [oh]?

  • Like yeah, well I can see your face up hood. Yeah

  • But I don't know what they [measure]

  • I'm beautiful. Yes, you are you are you?

  • Okay, [alright]. Let's run with our flashes, and we've got to go with tags on these of flashlights. Yeah, that's our job

  • I'm ready for this we got to respect the whole fact that there's a freakin zombie apocalypse in months exactly

  • Are you drunk?

  • Going there, but screw that going that crap. I'm going this way ma'am. Whoa. I'm right behind your mother

  • Right okay look at this guy sign on that button

  • Standing on this button right then man. Thanks. Oh, I got it you fly here you land there in and watch there

  • I got it before you got it don't worry about [a] cry. Okay. No problem

  • How do I get back to the portals up then you lie? All [right]? All right?

  • I was nice fighting in with your side, man. I

  • Love you, [no]

  • Thank you to say that

  • You were supposed to say like don't do it. Whatever you do man. Where's lily?

  • You'll kill yourself right come on

  • Standing on this bun. Hey [High-five] Bob don't worry. I'll huff I myself I

  • Can't do it. [I] cannot do it

  • Nah, oh, God damn it. I'll find your fucking face

  • Don't worry your [instinct] is

  • [that] you back on ken, man, you look

  • At my boobs pumped up you know yeah

  • oh

  • Don't look so conceited. Uh I'm just a pleased to be here fuck you brush

  • Beauty why are you here aren't you going to spend valentine's they would can try notice the flowers and pointin at them?

  • those who can

  • beautiful so um uh

  • Oh no, he's not for you

  • cry was astonished

  • Beauty

  • What are you trying to say?

  • I'm trying to say that I I

  • really like you for a while now and

  • The King I

  • may even have more feelings than like and

  • Won't he be mad. [I] mean sad. I think I love [you]

  • Beauty I'm lighter that I really am I have to ask about I

  • Left can do [Mr.]. [down] the floorboards twiddling his thumbs

  • Why would you leave him you [two] is so happy together? Well it seemed like

  • Pavilack [Davit], Cry

  • staring into your life, I

  • Left her for you. I mean him

  • Beauty

  • Miss Yuna you kept me [waiting]

  • friend

  • I'm sorry, [oh]

  • And cry, what is it?

  • she leaned forward clothes are in clothing [to] cry the

  • cry

  • Will you be my valentine?

  • my life

  • but

  • Why go into this building there's the best weapon in the game in this building right here

  • You rejected [moo]

  • How dare you?

  • I

  • Trusted you do something about it early. Okay? Don't hit me over trust. I [will] try to get you out. [oh], oh

  • Best weapon in [the] game, huh, best weapon in [the] game, but I see how in it can't for you. So come here

  • Come here, and free me come in and free me Kayak [cool] [be] cool [be] cool. I'm cool. I'm cool alright

  • I can't do any big I think you're stuck for [life], okay, stop

  • you

  • Attention server, I don't own summer you should kill in the town, so if you look on your map, okay, though

  • [just] [fuckin] yet. Hope you bros enjoyed this video

  • Thank you so much to [kay] automation for making it

  • You can go ahead and check out his channel here and subscribe and for more information. Go ahead and click here

  • That's all stay awesome bread

  • God damn this game crap. It is like you need to be a egg, but a lean stein or

  • Tesla

  • Your get here is you gotta be shy [riding] here?

  • Hey, wait your eyes open, okay?

  • Well yeah, we could get out yeah right listen [guys]

  • Fuck this home. - yeah

  • I'm gonna be here. Yeah

  • I'm ready here. How long you're looking in that and I'll tell my waters are dude. Don't worry by let's go

  • Through the wrong part of [cry] boy how to find don't worry [about] [it]?

  • Don't worry about it. Don't worry, right?

  • So it's fun playing with you. She's like Portal 5

  • Don't worry about it

  • Work it work. It work it work

  • How we oms - we're not we're gonna do the kidney transplant. Yes?

  • I'll read your brother's comments, and I think we're ready for this shit aren't we bob you're in my domain now, bitch

  • So a lot of [us] said that you don't want me as your surgeon. Don't make me slap you again

  • Don't make me slap you. I don't really get what you mean by that. Why isn't it not working Bob?

  • Why is it not working [in] such a professional [hey] eat it eat it see if I care dick

  • What don't bite me light saber? Oh shit?

  • Sorry about [that] Bobby [burn]. [his] nipple little bit nice and easy there we go

  • Oh shut. Sorry about that Bobby bo, but the delays are go

  • [wow], not a man but calm down off with the laser off with the laser drill

  • Did I tell you to start dancing? [no] I did fucking not subscribe this whole thing

  • Oh, I love your new scarf Bob. [oh], [oh], [you're] fabulous. Love it. I

  • Was going so well [Bob] what that's right

  • That's my flapping sound effect [anymore] about holy shit. What the fuck [I]?

  • Don't want to be a doctor anymore. Nope went off don't you dare fight meg? [oh]?

  • Yeah

  • That's right on the bottom you, bitch. [whoo]. Oh, okay, okay? I can actually no they shit. Oh

  • Oh, don't you die bleed on me Bob? I will fucking kill you if you die

  • oh It's in fucking perfect match that [will] make us a perfect matt relax [nerdy] [oh]

  • [high] [five] that was fucking awesome surgeon complete looks fine to me

  • I'm sure lip all right next up for [us] brain Transplant that'll be great

  • Miranda You dirty slut stop calling me

  • switch

  • you

  • Hi, do it Bob how you doin? It's all [gonna] be good. [you're] [in] safe hands

  • Dr.. Patel, and in in in the house

  • Yeah

  • Hi, Bob, you may feel a [slight] pain in your chest area don't worry is normal and if your balls tickle

  • That's door motor and three one

  • two

  • three oh

  • [but]

  • That's how we don't want to impair the part-time bitches get out. Oh

  • What's up? Fuck? Are you the fuck are you that is liver ah are they like cuddling? [it's] not kill

  • High-five no

  • You bitch don't make me slap you. I do believe this is how you hold the scissor?

  • that's how they teach you in school isn't [it] [I] [bob] just gotta [ah]

  • okay, come on mater ah

  • All right, let's get the stomach out there you go you don't need [that] shit. Yeah disgusting isn't it Bob Curtis come on, baby?

  • Don't you dare die on me now, Bob?

  • yolo mode get a shit in there it said a

  • 10x Fuckin end point s and I tell you [a] 10, what do you want from it come down?

  • However the analyzer [what]?

  • Sorry fast

  • And it's going so well oh

  • Stop calling me Miranda. [I] don't want to date you

  • That's [for] bitch. Are you ready for the insertion? Maybe [oh], that's right

  • Yeah, oh

  • [nah], what the fuck don't you Darris? It's my insertion what I finger you. What the fuck

  • see

  • Gay sounds

Look at this snail he's so cute


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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日