字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント Hello, we're SEVENTEEN! こんにちは、SEVENTEENです It's been a long time. お久しぶりですね - It's been a really long time. - It's been a long time since the three of us did an interview together. -すごく久しぶりです -3人のインタビューは久しぶりですね It's been a very long time. この絵、とても久しぶりです [Heng:garæ] Seventeen's 7th mini album "Heng:garæ" is [Heng:garæ] SEVENTEENの7番目のミニアルバム「Heng:garæ」というアルバムは an album that encourages the people in their youth who work hard to achieve their dreams. 夢に向かって挑戦する青春への応援のメッセージを込めたアルバムですが We got out of the feeling of fear that we showed in our 3rd album "An Ode," 3rdアルバム「An Ode」でお見せした、恐怖という感情から脱して and tried to express youth admiration through a familiar term, Heng:garæ. SEVENTEENの青春礼賛を「Heng:garæ」という身近な表現で表しています We have lots of good songs included in this album. 今回も本当にいい曲がたくさん入ってますよね The first song is called "Fearless." 一番目の曲は「Fearless」という曲です "Fearless" is a song that portrays SEVENTEEN that got out of their fears 「Fearless」は恐怖から抜け出したSEVENTEENの姿を in a profound and a perfect way. 深くかつ完璧に描いた曲ですけど We're expressing the times that we couldn't count 恐怖に陥って数えられなかった自分の時間、 while we were living in fear as "youth." それを青春と表現してますし So this song marks the strong beginning of this album それを乗り越えて怯えずに挑戦するイメージで by showing how we overcome the fear defiantly and bravely. 今回のアルバムの始まりを強烈に知らせる曲です Hoshi likes this song, right? Hoshiさんが個人的にお気に入りですね Personally, it's my favorite song. 個人的に大好きな曲なんで The title song of the 3rd album "An Ode" was "Fear," right? 3rdアルバム「An Ode」のタイトル曲が「毒:Fear」だったじゃないですか So I like this song because I feel like it's a very powerful beginning of this album that makes all the fear go away. なんかその恐怖を解消してくれる、今回のアルバムの大胆なスタートという感じがして好きです The second song, "Left & Right" is 2番目の曲「Left & Right」は the title song of this album. SEVENTEENの今回のタイトル曲ですが It portrays the people in their youth who constantly challenge themselves and work towards their futures. 挑戦する青春の姿を描いた曲です You can feel lots of positive energies of SEVENTEEN through this song. SEVENTEENのポジティブなエネルギーがたくさん感じられる曲で It's a song where we encourage 毎日辛いけど走ってる青春の方々に the people who are working hard and are surviving through their lives 「走らないことも一つの方法」という表現もありますし by saying "you don't need to run" 一人じゃなくて「僕たち」だというSEVENTEENの and that they're not alone because we're here for them. 特別な応援が特徴になる曲です I also thought of another thing when I heard this song. 僕はこの曲を聞いた時、こんな感じもしました Left & Right. People think a lot when they make decisions, right? Left & Right、悩むことがあるじゃないですか I wanted the people who are in the situation to make a really important decision ちょうど悩みの多い時期の方々に to enjoy that moment of decision. その悩みを楽しむようにしてあげたかったです [I wish] Let's go for the third one. [いいな] では、3番目の曲です The third song is called "I wish." 3番目の曲は「I Wish」という曲です "I wish" is a song that talks about 「I Wish」はこの青々としてる春に my feelings, which were the only things that were NOT bright in the bright Spring. 唯一青くなかった自分の感情を歌詞に込めた曲ですけど It's a song that portrays the difference between 自分は叶わなかった恋を叶った相手に「I Wish」と表現することによって my feelings and the feelings of the person that I like 自分とは対比する感情を by saying "I wish" to that person, as she became couples with whom she liked, while I couldn't do the same. 感覚的に盛り込んだ曲です That should be added to the list of songs that end with "da." 久々に「~ダ」シリーズが出ましたね "Akinda(Adore U)," "Komapda(Thanks)," and "Joketda(I wish)." 「アキンダ(Adore U)」「ゴマプダ(THANKS)」「ジョケッダ(I Wish)」 I never thought they would be in the same "list," but I guess so. 同じシリーズだとは思ってなかったんですけど、そうなっちゃいましたね They all end in "da." また「~ダ」が入ったな I didn't know that. 気づいてなかったです There's also "Yepeuda(Pretty U)." 「イェプダ(Pretty U)」もありましたね You forgot that one? それを気づいてなかったんですか The fourth song is called "My My." 4番目の曲は「My My」という曲です It's a song that conveys an autobiographical story that portrays the journey towards my dream. 夢に向かった旅という自伝的な話を盛り込んだ曲ですけど It's not a heavy song. You could listen to this song comfortably. 重い曲ではありません。気楽に聞ける曲ですけど I think that this song can encourage the people in their youth 自分の旅の始まりは自分自身という具体的なメッセージは who are starting their journeys of which they don't know where the end is, 正解が分からない旅に出る青春たちに by saying that their journeys start from themselves. 応援ンおメッセージを伝えられる曲だと思います Right. そうですね [Kidult] The fifth song is called "Kidult." [Kidult] 5番目の曲は「Kidult」という曲です It's our song trying to give comfort for all the kidults in the world 辛い時子供みたいに泣きたいけど表では笑って流さなきゃならない時代を生きている who might want to cry like kids sometimes 全てのKidultに but have to laugh those matters off because they're adults. SEVENTEENが伝える慰めんメッセージを込めた曲です Instead of just comforting them superficially, we wanted to give comforts by forming a consensus and by truly understanding them. 漠然とした慰めじゃなくて共感できるような慰めをお伝えしたかったです Even now, when I listen to this song.. 僕もこの曲を聞けば I feel like.. 今もとても… I'm still immature and young, 僕自身が未成熟で子供な気がするんですけど but if you only look at my age, I'm an adult. 年で見たら大人なんですね But inside me, there are still pure and innocent minds of a kid. でもまだ自分の中に子供のような純粋さもあるし And I felt like I was experiencing growing pains. 成長痛を経験している気がするんです And I'm pretty sure everyone feels the same. そんな気持ちはみんな同じじゃないかと思います It's a song that everyone can understand. 共感できる曲 I understand both of you. 僕がこの二人に共感しました [Together] The sixth song is called "Together." [Together] 6番目の曲は「Together」という曲です Where do we go together? どこへ行くんですか - Where are we going? - We go anywhere, together. -どこに行く? -どこでも一緒に行くんです Let's go together, wherever that might be. どこでも一緒に行こう It must be tough for you today because we both keep on blocking your comments. 両側でメントを切っちゃってお前ちょっと辛そう "Together" is my favorite song in this album, excluding the 「Together」はタイル曲を除いて title song. 僕がこのアルバムの中で一番好きな曲です This is actually the first song that was made 実はSEVENTEENの今回のアルバムを作る時 - when we made this album. - Right. -一番先にできた曲なんです -そう、そう We're saying "let's go together" to the people who are surviving through 自分の思い通りに行かない毎日を生きている青春たちに their lives that are not working out as they planned. 「Together」と Through the easy yet powerful lyrics, 簡単だけどインパクトのある歌詞を通じて It's a song that SEVENTEENが求める青春礼賛を really captures what SEVENTEEN's ode to youth is. とてもよく表現した曲です I think many will be touched when they listen to this song. この曲を聞けばすごく胸いっぱいになる感情を感じていただけると思います a heart warming vibe to it. こんな感じでした (For me) It felt like someone was reaching out their hand to me. (僕に)手を伸ばしてくれる感じでした And I felt like I wanted to hold that hand. 「この手を取りたい」って感じ Even at time when the world is chaotic 世の中が逆方向に回るとしても we will never lose our way. 僕らは絶対道に迷わずにまっすぐ歩いていける That is the essence of the lyrics. 歌詞がもう… It's awesome. やばいんですよ [Do you have any behind the scenes moment you'd like to share?] All the songs on the album were great but, [アルバムを準備中に公開してもらえる裏話とかありますか] 全曲よかったんですけど、「Left & Right」を初めて聞いて it was another level when I first heard "Left & Right". 「あれ、何だ?」と思いました It was a genre that SEVENTEEN had never tried before. SEVENTEENがやってなかったジャンルだったから Or at least it wasn't what we normally did for our title song. タイトルとしてはやったことないですね It was an interesting choice of genre. 不思議なジャンルなんですね It sounds like the kind of music that was popular in the early 2000s. 2000年代初めに流行ったジャンルですけど I guess it could be considered as Newtro. 今でいえばニュトロくらいですかね It's hard to define the exact genre of music but ジャンルをこれだとはっきり言えませんけど it's SEVENTEEN's own reinterpretation with a splash of our own color. 僕たちが再解釈した、SEVENTEENだけのカラーがたくさん盛り込まれた曲です When I listened to this song for the first time in the recording studio 僕は作業室でこの曲を初めて聞いた時 I couldn't decide whether I liked it or not. 正直あいまいでした It was weird but 「なんだろ」って聞いてたんですけど after listening it a second time 2回目聞いてすぐ I was blown away. 新鮮な衝撃で鳥肌が立ちましたね I instantly thought that 「これタイトルになれる」 this would be our title song. ピンときましたね In my case, when I was writing 'Kidult' 僕の場合は「Kidult」の作曲をしたときに I wanted to create something so difficult メインボーカルのドギョムとスングァンが that could make the two main vocalists, DK and SeungKwan, suffer. つらそうな曲を作ってみたいと話しましたが WOOZI and BUMZU had done a terrific job on that! それをウジとBUMZUさんがものすごくいい感じに作ってくれました DK had a really hard time recording the guide. ガイド録音をする時、DKがすごく苦労したんです But I appreciate everyone for putting their all だから皆がきちんとやってくれて感謝してますし to make such a great song. だからいい曲が出ることができたんだと思います Expectations for the album were higher than usual and アルバムへの期待値もいつもよりもっと高かったし WOOZI wanted to write a good song. Wooziももっといい曲を作りたがってるように見えました I think that's how "Left & Right" came to be. だから「Left & Right」が出たんだと思います The truth is that no one wants to do the same thing repetitively and 実はみんなそうじゃないですか。同じことはやりたくないし presenting an element of surprise is something that we strive for... 予想を上回る姿を見せたいし… Commentary on the album 実はアルバムコメントの時間自体が is actually about praising WOOZI. Wooziを褒めてあげる時間なんです WOOZI put in a lot of hard work. Wooziが本当に苦労したので! He really did, for real! 本当にお疲れ様、本当! It takes a long time to produce an album. アルバム一枚が出るまですごく時間がかかるんですが I got a head start working on the album so I would have enough time to think through everything. 今回のアルバムは余裕をもってちょっと早めに取り掛かったんですね That's how much I was dedicated to working on the album... それほど重要だと思って… But still I felt a bit rushed at times. それにもかかわらず時間に追われて作ったんですけど In the end I think I was able to present a lot of good results. その分たくさん成果物を出してたくさん絞りました It's a good album. いいアルバムが出ましたね [Everyone is looking forward to the choreography of "Left & Right"] [今回のタイトル曲「Left & Right」の振り付けも楽しみですが] The main point of the choreography ポイントはあれですね is that it's easy for everyone to follow and enjoy. みんながすぐ一緒に踊って楽しめる振り付け It's going to be a performance where you can see SEVENTEEN's great chemistry ステージでもSEVENTEENならではのケミストリーが見せられる while smiling and laughing all the way through. 見ていたら微笑むようになる楽しいステージ I agree that it's a combination of fun music and dance. 自分も一緒に楽しみたくなる音楽とダンスではないかと思います I know I'm lit. 僕、すごくヒップなんですよ [Is there anything you'd like to say to the listeners of SEVENTEEN's ode to youth?] I'm sure many young people are at a crossroad in deciding what to do in life. [SEVENTEENの青春礼賛を盛り込んだこのアルバムをこれから聞く皆さんへ一言] 本当にたくさんの分かれ道でたくさんの悩みと決定をしなければならない時期を迎えている青春の方々が I hope that when you listen to our album 僕たちのアルバムを聞いて you will find strength 少しでも力をもらってくれるなら and believe that you can do it. 僕たちの目的を達成したんだと思います Have confidence in the choices you make いつもある決定をする時自信もって and blaze your own path. 自分のやりたいことを決めて進んでほしいです I want to tell you all that dreams do come true. 僕は夢は叶うという言葉を信じて生きてます That's why I always dream big. だからいつも大きな夢を持って生きてるんですが I've achieved dreams and goals that I thought I would never when I was young. 子供の時には叶いそうになかった夢も今は全部実現しました I've become a person that I always aspired to be 僕が誰かを見てから思った夢も叶ったし and now I hope that people can look up to me. 今は誰かが僕を見て夢を見て I am grateful that I am in a position where I can root for someone's dreams. 僕が誰かの夢を応援する人になれたということに感謝しますし Even people like me make it. 僕みたいな人間もこうなれるから I hope our youth will believe that they can make it too. 夢見ている青春たちもみんな夢が叶うと信じています You have my support. いつも応援してます It's an album filled with messages to our youth. 青春たちに向けた応援のメッセージを込めてアルバムです Candid stories about being young are included in this album. 率直淡泊な青春の話をアルバム全体的にとかしました Our listeners will be able to resonate with the album 皆さんが共感できて and feel good energy from it. またいいエネルギーをもらえるように We put a lot of thought and effort into it それを考えながら作業したので so please go ahead and check it out. たくさん聞いてくださいね
A2 初級 日本語 アルバム 青春 seventeen together right 応援 SVT LEADERSのSEVENTEEN 7TH MINI ALBUM COMMENTARY (SEVENTEEN 7TH MINI ALBUM COMMENTARY of SVT LEADERS) 19 1 莊詠婷 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語