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- She's more than a decade younger than me. (laughs)
(bright playful music)
Hi, I'm Megan and I'm 27 years old.
- Hi, my name is Gift and I'm 16 years old.
- Today we are gonna be showing one another
what we keep in our bags.
I'm so out of touch, I imagine like lip gloss,
the same things that I would keep.
- Good assumption.
- Maybe more school supplies?
As I got older, the things I kept in my bag changed.
More tampons.
(crickets chirping)
- It does go a little bit more professional with adults.
I think more important stuff,
things in the wallet.
Maybe some lipstick, like a makeup bag.
Random receipts that you know
that you just put in there.
Lots of change at the bottom, big bags.
You put things in it to fill it up
even though you don't need it.
- You think the bag gets bigger as you get older
for some reason? - Yeah, and then it gets
smaller as you get older, and you know?
- [Producer] Did you guys do any removal
of anything from your bag before today?
- I'm gonna confess, there was some stuff in there,
I was just like if people were to see this,
I wouldn't know how to explain it.
- Can you whisper it to me? (laughs)
- I didn't wanna explain that,
but you can 'cause you're an adult.
- I definitely thought about
taking some things out of my bag,
but I just said you know what?
Let's keep it real.
Very cute.
- Thank you.
- Right here, lip gloss.
- Can I look at it?
- Yep.
- BuzzFeed stickers, Chapstick,
and a random hair tie because people ask me
for hair ties and I never have one.
Random envelope from my school,
water, Pocky sticks because I always need a snack.
Oh this is where I keep my change,
so that's why I assumed the adults
would like carry less when it comes to that.
- I feel like that's a very mature thing.
- Another wallet for my cards.
Always have my headphones in here.
Regular lotion,
portable charger because I'm always using my phone.
Hand sanitizer I stole from my sister,
house keys, charger.
- Two chargers?
- Just in case, you know?
You never know.
I have a bus card, my school ID
which I will not show anyone,
that's what's in my backpack.
- This is my bag, it was more fun than my purse.
- I feel like this is gonna be a lot of stuff, so.
- (laughs) These are my keys,
I have a bedazzled pepper spray.
My ID from when I had hair.
We'll start with the smaller pocket.
An empty pill bottle I need to get refilled today,
AirPods, the lipstick that I'm wearing,
face lotion, one pen,
two pen, three pen, four pen,
glasses cleaner, Chapstick that only dries out your lips.
A roll-on perfume that I don't like the smell of,
this pin that fell off my backpack,
some change, my lash glue, I don't know why that's in there.
Does this have any gum?
You want a piece of gum?
- No I'm good.
- A receipt, do I need this?
- No you don't.
- I might.
I don't think I do.
Alligator clips for my hair,
more alligator clips, more change,
oh, Ed Sheeran's pin.
Oh! - This is just
the front pocket.
- More change, I'm rich.
- This is where I keep my change,
so that's why I assume that adults would
like carry less when it comes to that.
- The back pin of maybe my Ed Sheeran pin,
and then more change.
Let's go into the big pocket.
I have my laptop.
- [Gift] Nice stickers.
- Thank you,
I'm not vegan anymore.
More gum, but like a lot.
- That's a lot.
- My hard drive.
What's this?
Oh, this is, we won't discuss that.
A sticker from when I donated to the fire department,
a bill I have to pay for blood work,
my giant wallet. - That's really nice.
- Thank you, change, ooh.
The final thing is this bag
and inside is face powder,
(lighthearted music)
more glasses cleaner, a lipstick,
and this with more secrets inside, that's it.
The things in your bag basically match what I expected.
I wouldn't like guess that you have a snack on deck
or two chargers, but I feel like
the older you get, the more bags for things go inside,
and you have like the fair amount of bags
which makes me feel like you're very organized,
and you're like ready for what's coming.
- I just wasn't expecting the face creams,
apart from the perfume that you don't like?
- Wanna smell it?
- Yeah.
- I don't think it smells good on me.
- That smells good.
- You like it?
You want it? - Yeah.
Okay, thank you.
- Wait, why are you hating on my face lotion?
- I was just not expecting that.
But the one thing I didn't expect is the setting powder,
I feel like you would've left that
'cause it's a bit bigger.
- Ya girl gets oily.
- I'm getting chill, I like my work, I'm rich
(Megan laughing) vibes.
- I'm getting the impression that Gift is ready for anything
at any moment.
Like a teen who has hand sanitizer?
She cares about the cleanliness of her hands
and the things that she's touching.
Two chargers and snacks is something
that I could definitely add to the bag.
- When she was bringing out the pens,
I thought two, but like four or five,
I would take a pen.
- Here you go.
- I'm just getting free stuff today,
like thank you. (Megan laughing)
- Ooh, bags.
(upbeat music)