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- Hi guys, it's the J family.
We got banned from Disneyland.
- And this is that story.
It was a normal day.
We went to Disneyland.
We took our two kids, wanted to have a good time.
Her sister-in-law was in town
so we wanted to take them out to Disneyland.
- [Myley] We have annual passes and we live, just like,
15 minutes from Disneyland, so we went constantly.
- [Tre] We went all the time, all the time.
- This specific day was actually the second time
I went that day.
(laughs) I went that morning for a couple hours and then
I was headed back with the whole family to go again.
- But she only went there in the morning to get macaroons.
- I'm just walking around Disney by myself
with this Tupperware full of macaroons.
So we were there that evening and we were going
on some rides and then we had the idea
to go on "Pirates of the Caribbean."
- It's our daughter's favorite ride.
She loves "Pirates," so we thought
let's take her on "Pirates."
- We've been on that ride probably 20 times,
never had an issue.
But this day was different.
- But today.
- Because I had the idea as well
that I wanted to go get some more macaroons.
So I said I will go get some macaroons.
You guys go get in line and then I'll meet up with you guys
in line and we can eat the macaroons in line
before we get on the ride.
- The line's usually pretty long and it goes really slow
so we thought she got time to get her macaroons,
make it back before we got on the ride.
We were wrong.
So she goes to get her macaroons.
I take the kids and her sister-in-law, we get in line.
We're in that line,
I'm realizing that it's moving pretty quick today.
So I call her, "Hey Miley, this line's moving really fast.
"How fast is your line moving?"
- And I said this line, like, I'm not even close.
This line's really slow.
I'm ditching the macaroons.
I'm just gonna go get in line with you guys.
- I'm still moving forward in the line, like,
I didn't think twice about it.
I'm still moving forward, thinking she's on her way.
She will make it time.
So I get to the front of the line,
so I'm about to enter the building where the ride starts.
I call her again, "Where are you?"
This line, I'm in the building.
- Fast.
- It's moving really quick, where are you?
And she says...
- I said I'm in line.
I was, like, one of those really annoying people, I guess,
"Excuse me, excuse me,"
weaving in and out,
trying to get through this big, long line.
And I'm moving fast through this line,
thinking I'm gonna see them any second.
- Well, so I get to the front of the wooden part,
so if you've been to Disneyland,
you know the "Pirates" ride.
You know the wood part I'm talking about.
So I get to that point, I'm like, "Miley."
I call again, "Miley, we're about to get on the boat.
"Where are you?"
Like, we're getting on next.
They're counting us out, we're getting on.
She says I'm in the building, like,
I'm about to get on the wood part, too.
I'm thinking, well.
- I was right there.
I was so close.
- I'm thinking, okay, so she's coming.
- Probably like 15 people behind you.
- Nowhere in my mind
did I think maybe I should just wait for her.
Let me just let a couple people go and I'll just wait.
I dunno but we did not wait.
We just kept going.
So I get on the ride. (laughs)
I got on. I stepped on a boat and I'm thinking
she ain't gonna make it.
She not gonna get on this ride with us.
But little did I know.
- So he tells me we're on the boat.
And I can see that they're on a boat.
And so I tell the lady at the front that's, like,
still counting people to go on the next one.
And I said my family, my husband and my kids
are on that boat.
Can I hurry and go get on the boat?
And she's like, "This one?"
And I said yeah, they're right there.
And so she says, "Okay, hurry."
And, like, moves the rope for me to get past her
and go get on.
So that's my go-ahead.
But then the boats shift to where...
- We're the next people that's about to take off
to start their ride.
- They're like farther, they're kinda hard to get to now
because they shifted forward.
My brain wasn't working as a normal brain in that moment.
It only was thinking one thing of I gotta get on "Pirates."
I'm getting on this ride.
That's all I could think.
And there's this one little, like,
gate-type thing stopping me.
- Right.
- That's all that's coming between me
- And the boat.
- And getting on the ride with you guys.
And they're in the back row of the boat.
So I'm only a couple feet away.
I can just, like, step in the boat.
But at this moment, I hear...
- "Ma'am, (laughs) Ma'am you cannot,
"You cannot do that."
- "Ma'am stop.
"You can't do that."
I'm only focusing on the one lady who gave me the go-ahead
and I'm gonna get on the boat. I'm like, I got this close.
I go to step on the boat and at that same moment,
the boat starts. - Goes. (laughs)
- At that moment, I should've logically put my foot
back down on the ground and said it's okay.
- I'll see you after the ride ends.
- I'll just see you in 20 minutes, guys.
I'll go on the ride.
I was committed and I just leapt onto the boat. (laughs)
- She just jumped onto the boat.
- Literally, I jumped onto a moving boat
as the ride had started.
Leapt onto the back row and I sat down and I immediately,
well, first of all, they we're all like amazed.
My sister-in-law and you and the kids,
"Oh Mom!
"Mom, you're here!" (laughs)
They were just like so
- You made it!
- Their mouths just, like, dropped like whoa!
- 'Cause I didn't expect her to jump onto the moving boat.
It was just like, you did that?
But it was instant, instant regret.
As soon as she sat down, she said "Oh no."
- Just as fast as they were amazed,
the split second after that was, "Guys, this is really bad.
"I'm gonna get in so much trouble.
"This is bad."
And they're like "No, no, it's fine."
- I tried to reassure her, like, "No, you're good."
Like, they're not gonna care that much, like, you're fine.
They just, you're good.
- I was stressed.
I knew immediately that was so dumb.
I'm about to get my pass taken away.
And I was so nervous the whole time.
- [Tre] She tried to disguise herself.
'Cause we're on the ride, she's asking our sister-in-law,
"Do you have a hair tie?
"A sweater I can put on so I can change the way I look?"
Me and Tre were wearing matching pink hoodies.
- Can you imagine me, I'm 6' 2", 250 lbs,
wearing a pink hoodie?
I couldn't blend in with nobody.
- We didn't blend in at all, our family.
- We were realizing when we're on the ride
it was so backed up, this ride's never backed up like this.
- Yeah.
- And we're thinking like why would it be backed up?
And Miley goes "What if they're looking for me?"
- It didn't cross my mind that
oh, they're searching boats for me.
Not until we were like actually pulling up
and I could see that that's what they were doing.
We finally got close to the end
where we could see that literally there was security guards
inspecting every boat.
That's what was taking so long 'cause they were searching.
- One by one, they were looking for...
- [Myley] A lunatic that jumped onto the moving boat.
I was terrified at this point,
so that's when we were really making the plan,
like, no, we just gotta get out and get out so fast.
- Just get out, go, don't look at 'em.
They call your name.
They say "Hey ma'am, stop," don't listen.
Just go.
- And I actually made it, like, out.
I could've been off the ride.
I was off the boat, I was pretty far.
- Right.
- And then I realized that my sister-in-law, my nephew...
- They stopped me.
- Tre and our son.
- Like "Do you know that lady?"
They got off the boat and I'm thinking,
I'm gonna lie and say no, I don't know who she is.
But Miley comes back.
- I did not want this story to escalate to them
chasing me down and, like, it's just gonna be so bad.
I'm like, I felt really bad at this time, too.
I was so scared and just, like, knew how stupid it was.
Like, if I just like apologized like crazy,
like, that's my best bet.
I just need to tell them I know it was very stupid.
I'm very sorry.
They tell me, "I think you already know what happened."
I'm like, yeah, I know it was really dumb.
They're just like, "What were you thinking?
"You can't jump onto a moving ride."
But then she says give me your ID and your pass.
- Yup.
- I knew it. I knew it in that moment.
I can't plead and they're about to confiscate my pass.
So I say to her, like, can I stay?
Like what's going on?
And she says oh no, we're taking your pass.
You're done here.
You're getting kicked out tonight.
We're removing you from the park.
She's like, yeah you're banned.
Your pass is nulled.
That's confiscated.
You can't come back.
- Can't come back. She said me and the kids could stay,
but we decided to be team players and to go along with her.
- Cause I, like, tried the whole
"Oh, so my kids have to go home now?"
She's like, oh they can stay.
- So they're walking us through the park,
all the way to the entrance.
And we thinking, that's it, like they're not gonna walk us
any further than the entrance.
But then the guy asked Miley...
- "Ma'am, what parking lot are you in?"
And I said "You have to walk me to my parking lot?"
Like, I feel like I'm a fugitive.
So we got to the car and my daughter's telling me
like it's okay Mom, we'll just come back
when you're not in trouble anymore.
I'm sorry.
- [Daughter] That's okay Mommy.
- You forgive me?
- [Daughter] Yes.
- Thank you so much, sweetie.
Eventually, the time came where we decided to...
- Let's see, 'cause our pass had expired.
We'd been, our passes expired.
So like maybe they'll let her get a new pass.
They don't...
- I knew I couldn't get that pass back but I was like,
let's just go buy a new passes.
- So we went.
- We went and I was very stressed.
It took her, like, 30 minutes on her computer,
like obviously things must been like
- Something had to pop up, yeah.
- 'Cause it took way longer than it should have.
But she didn't say anything.
She just gave me the pass and I was not gonna ask
any more questions and left it at that.
- And to Disneyland we go.
- And I actually have a pass again now.
- She does. (laughs)
- And I have been on "Pirates of the Caribbean" since then.
- She did not jump on this time.
- I did not jump.
- She waited in line.
- I didn't. (laughs)
Disneyland security does not play.
I felt horrible, and I was so embarrassed.
And I definitely learned from that and will like,
I'm so on top of my game, keeping every rule at Disneyland.
And you need to.
'Cause you'll get kicked out.
- So my advice, if you're ever waiting for somebody
for a ride, just let people pass you.
It's not worth it to keep moving forward
'cause it leads to things like this.
So advice, step back, you go in front of me,
oh now your person's here with you.
(happy music)