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  • Hey Eat Sleep Dreamers, how are you? Now you guys join somewhere really special. Check

  • it out! I'm at the Olympic park in London and this is where in 2012 we had the Olympic

  • games, the swimming finals. Now I've just been swimming in that actually pool, it's amazing.

  • Now I know I probably should be at work but I've actually got a week's holiday this week

  • so I thought well why not do a few things that I don't normally do in London and then

  • I thought well why not swimming in the Olympic swimming pool. How cool is that? It's so cool!

  • Anyway, so it reminded me that I wanted to teach you guys a few a few cool words so after

  • an hour's swimming I feel quite tired, in fact I feel very tired so I thought why not

  • teach you guys three informal ways to say 'very tired'. So the first one is 'I'm shattered'

  • ok again this is British English, informal British English. I feel very tired, I'm shattered.

  • Another one is 'I feel worn out' or 'I'm worn out'. Ok, it's a nice one and the last one

  • is 'I'm knackered'. Now be careful with this one because you don't want to say 'I'm naked'.

  • Completely different meaning, the person listening to you will feel very surprised so it' a slightly

  • stronger /r/ sound knackered. Not nay, Knackered. Alright? Three great phrases, so now you can

  • say 'I feel very tired' in British English. So if you guys know any of those phrases tell

  • me. If you know any other phrases, I'd love to hear them and also if you want to come

  • swimming in the Olympic swimming pool with me, let me know and maybe one day we can go

  • together. Alright guys, thanks for hanging out with me. This is Tom, the English Hipster,

  • saying goodbye.

Hey Eat Sleep Dreamers, how are you? Now you guys join somewhere really special. Check


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

疲れた」を英語で言う3つの自然な言い方|本物の英単語集 (3 Natural Ways to Say 'I'm Tired' in English | Real English Vocabulary)

  • 14 0
    Summer に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日