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  • One of the most sacred places in all of Japan, Mount Koya is the center of the important


  • Shingon sect of Japanese Buddhism and stands stoically on the Kii Peninsula to the south

    日本仏教の重要な宗派である真言宗の中心地で 大阪南部の紀伊半島に

  • of Osaka.


  • Not only does this mountain boast an abundance of natural beauty, but the secluded hilltop


  • temple town is a charming escape from the busy city, and also a great place to experience

    人里離れた丘の上にある寺院の町は 慌ただしい街から逃れられる魅力的な場所で

  • an overnight temple stay.


  • And on this trip, that's exactly what we'll be doing.

    今回は その体験をしてみようと思います

  • I'm Sam Evans staff writer for, and over the next two days I'm on assignment

    私はサム・エヴァンズ ジャパンガイドのスタッフライターです

  • on Mount Koya.


  • Here's the plan: Starting in Osaka, we'll ride on Nankai

    プランは以下の通りです 大阪を出発して

  • railways all the way from Namba Station in central Osaka to the Koyasan Cablecar with

    大阪中心部の難波駅から一度乗り換え 高野山ケーブルカーまで

  • one transfer along the way.


  • After riding the Koysan Cablecar up the mountain, we'll take a bus to the center of town and

    高野山ケーブルカーで山に登ったら 町の中心部までバスで行き

  • walk through Japan's largest cemetery to the famous Okunoin Temple.


  • To end the first day we'll get a taste of the monastic life by staying overnight at

    1日目の最後には恵光院に一泊し 禁欲的な生活を少し

  • Ekoin Temple.


  • On Day 2, after experiencing some morning temple rituals including a fire ceremony,

    2日目には 朝の勤業や護摩を体験した後

  • we'll walk to Kongobuji and Garan, two historic and important Shingon temple complexes.

    歴史的で重要な真言宗総本山の寺院である 金剛峯寺と伽藍の2か所に歩いて行きます

  • Finally we'll take a brief hike from Daimon Gate along one of the area's many pilgrimage

    最後に バスでケーブルカーまで戻り大阪に帰る前に

  • trails, before taking a bus back to the cablecar and returning to Osaka.


  • So follow along as we go on a short side-trip from Osaka to Mount Koya

    それでは 大阪から高野山への短いサイドトリップをご紹介しましょう

  • Day 1


  • So we've just arrived on Mt. Koya and the first spot that we're going to visit today

    高野山に到着しました 今日最初に訪れるスポットは奥の院です

  • is Okunoin which contains the largest cemetery in all of Japan.


  • Now, the reason that so many of the deceased are represented in here is because everyone


  • wants to be close to Kobo Daishi, the founder of Shingon Buddhism.


  • And it is said that he is resting in eternal meditation in the mausoleum in the rear of


  • this complex.


  • So let's go and check it out.

    さあ 行ってみましょう

  • We've just arrived at Gobyobashi Bridge that leads to the sacred precincts


  • of KoboDaishi's mausoleum.


  • It's customary to bow before crossing the bridge.


  • Also, beyond the bridge is held as so sacred that we can no longer film.

    また 橋の先は神聖な場所とされ 撮影は禁止されています

  • Our next stop is at Ekoin Temple where we'll be staying the night.

    次に向かうのは 私たちが今夜一泊する恵光院です

  • Before dinner we'll participate in two traditional temple activities, namely sutra copying and

    食の前に二つの伝統的な寺院の体験 写経と瞑想に

  • mediation.


  • So, I've just got to the room and I'm going to enjoy a temple dinner.

    ちょうど部屋に着きました 宿坊での夕食をこれから楽しみます

  • Now, temple stays are typically simple, but as you can see the accommodations are very

    宿坊は普通はシンプルですが ご覧の通りとてもきれいで

  • nice as well.


  • Visitors can expect to get their own room but will likely have to share other amenities

    宿泊者は部屋を個別に利用することができますが トイレや風呂のような他のアメニティは

  • like toilets and baths.


  • So we've got some tempura, some nabe which is Japanese hot pot, some gomadofu and some

    天ぷら 鍋物 ごま豆腐 果物が出てきました

  • fruit which is all vegetarian and it looks delicious.

    すべてベジタリアンで 美味しそうです

  • Day 2


  • As part of the temple stay experience, before breakfast we'll observe a morning prayer

    宿坊体験の一環として 朝食前に朝のお勤めと

  • service followed by a traditional fire ritual.


  • We've arrived this morning at Kongobuji, the head temple of Shingon Buddhism.

    今朝は 真言宗の総本山である金剛峯寺に到着しました

  • And it's home to an array of beautiful features including Banryutei, which is the largest

    ここには 日本最大の石庭である蟠龍庭をはじめ

  • rock garden in all of Japan.


  • So the garden's rock formations are meant to represent two guardian dragons that are

    庭園の石は 雲海から出てくる1対の龍が奧殿を守っているように

  • emerging from a sea of clouds.


  • So we've just arrived at Garan, another of Koyasan's most prominent religious sites.

    高野山で最も有名で神聖なもう一つの場所 伽藍にたどり着いたところです

  • And the temple's most impressive features are the Kondo Hall and Konpon Daito Pagoda.

    寺院の最も印象的な建造物は 金堂と根本大塔です

  • Daimon Gate behind me is the traditional entrance to Koyasan, and around Mount Koya there is

    私の後ろの大門は高野山への伝統的な入り口です 高野山周辺には網のように枝分かれした

  • a substantial network of trails.


  • Today we're going to start here, and we're going to walk over to Nyonindo along a portion

    今日は ここからスタートして女性信徒のための巡礼路に沿って

  • of the Women Pilgrims route and this part of the trail network is great for people like

    女人堂まで歩いて行きます このルートは

  • us who don't have a lot of time.


  • So let's get on with it.


  • Finishing the short pilgrimage trail, we'll take the bus back to Koyasan station, from

    短い巡礼路を歩き終えたら バスで高野山駅に戻ります

  • where it's a short cable car ride to the Nankai train lines which will take us back to Osaka

    そこからケーブルカーで南海線まで行き 大阪に戻ると

  • where our trip will come to an end.


  • Thanks for joining me.


  • I hope this video has been enjoyable and perhaps even inspires some ideas, should you be planning

    この動画を楽しんでいただき 次の関西旅行でのヒントになれば

  • a trip in the Kansai region.


  • For more information or to watch another video, click the links on the screen now, or head

    高野山に関する情報や他の動画を見るにはスクリーン上のリンクをクリック もしくはジャパンガイドのサイトへアクセスしてください

  • over to, your comprehensive, up-to-date travel guide, first-hand from Japan.


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  • about Japan.


  • Happy travels.


One of the most sacred places in all of Japan, Mount Koya is the center of the important



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