字幕表 動画を再生する
This is a stairway like none other.
こんな階段 見たことありません
Here we go. Up the stairway that doesn't seem to end.
終わりの見えない 階段を登ります
Oh dude!
It's easier if you jog. Is it? Yeah.
- ジョギングの方が楽よ - そう?
Then we have to go down.
It will be so fun.
Holy cow.
This is really high. So many stairs.
本当に高いね 何段あるんだろう
It's not getting any easier.
If we fall we die. We are dead.
ここから落ちたら 死んじゃうね
We are not going to fall.
Look who made it. Wave.
They made it.
Now just us.
We might have to have you just drive around and pick us up.
帰りは車で 迎えに来てよ
Ahh, we are almost there!
We made it girls. We made it. Awe man!
やっと着いたよ! 大変だった
Here comes Mama
Thats pretty awesome! Huh?
You can see really far!
I see Tokyo Sky Tree. Is that Tokyo Sky Tree? Yeah, that's Tokyo Sky Tree.
- スカイツリーが見える - あれスカイツリー?
Look at our car down there.
Oh its so far away.
And there is Aunt Debbie's. Is that Aunt Debbie's?
デビー叔母さんの お家じゃない?
Lets walk down that way.
Yeah, we are not going to run downhill.
Imagine if you had your razor ripsticks here.
レイザーリップスティックが あればいいのにね
Wouldn't that be so cool?
危ないよ!早く進み過ぎて 止まれなかったら痛いよ
Dangerous! If you go too far, too fast and we can't get off, we are just going to jump and then ow.
That's a cool hat there Becca.
Advertising for the coffee shop, huh?
小道が沢山あって楽しいね 出かけられて良かったね
All these fun little paths here. It was good to get out today a little bit, huh.
Exercise the legs.
Ok stop!
よし! いいよ
Good job! Ok lets go.
ストップだよ! いいって言ってないよ
Stop. I said stop. I didn't stay go. Stop.
ジョシュア 聞きなさい
Joshua, obey. Joshua!
ジョシュア いいって言ってないよ
Joshua. Daddy did not say go.
ストップ! はい いいよ
Stop, stop. Ok go.
- いい? - いいわ
Ok? Ok.
- 落ちちゃった! - 騎手が落ちた!
Woa! Man down! Link fell off his horse! Oh no! Oh no.
やめて! 蹴らないで
Now he is getting on me!
No, no, noooo. Please don't kick me! (Laughing)
I'm a, I'm a good horse.
Try to get me.
- まだだよ - びっくりした!
Daddy's in the shower.
ベッカはテーブルを 拭いてます
Not yet. Woah! That scared me!
Becca is wiping down the table.
母の日のカードを 作るんだよ
What are we about to do?
お祖母ちゃんに 郵便も送れないなんて
Make a card for Mommy. For Mother's Day, right?
ウイルスのせいで 何も送れないんだ
We can't mail anything for Grandma. Anything.
みんなで頑張って カードを書いています
Because we can't mail right now while the virus.
Everybody is working hard on their Mother's Day cards.
Lets see yours Anna Cakes.
Ok, Awe, that's beautiful Anna.
What about you Sarah?
- ベッカはまだ途中だね - 今はこんな感じ
Awe, very nice.
いいね! パパは好きだよ
Beckster Booster still working on yours? Yes, but right now it's like this.
- 今日は何の日? - 母の日!
Awe, very nice, I like it!
Do you guys know what day it is? Mother's Day. That's right!
静かにね 気づかれないように
Here's some flowers we got for her.
Lets be quiet. We have to have our sneaky clothes on, ok? Ok.
Ok, sneaky clothes.
Ok, and we'll go wake up Big J first.
母の日だよ ママにカード渡す?
We've got Mommy's breakfast here.
ママのために 作ったカードだよ
Hey, its Mother's Day. Do you want to go in and give your card to Mommy?
There he is. Here's your card to give to Mommy.
- 母の日おめでとう! - ありがとう
Ok, ok.
Happy Mother's Day. Awe, thank you!
可愛いわ! みんなハグして ジョシュアも
Oh, my goodness, how beautiful!
- みんなは食べたの? - 美味しいパンだよ
Its so cute! Thanks girls! Can I have a hug, and Joshua.
ドーナツ 一緒に食べる?
Awe. Awe.
- ドーナツ?! - 買っておいたよ
Breakfast. We have breakfast in bed. Yay.
Have you guys had breakfast? With some yummy pastries.
- チョコ・ドーナツだよ - やった!
Do you guys want to go get your donuts and come sit in here with me?
見つけた? それだよ
What! Donuts? I got donuts for you guys too.
- ドーナツどう? - 美味しい
Go, go, go... Ok?
- パパもあるよ - 座り心地は?
It's a chocolate donut. Yes!
子供達からのカードです ママ大好きだよ
Did you guys find it? That's it right there.
母の日はママが休めるように パパが子供達と出かけました
How's the donuts? Good. Good?
- こおり鬼してもいい? - いいよ
There is one for Daddy too. Are you comfortable now?
- どうしたの? - パパが鬼になって
There's the cards from the kids. Awe, we love you mommy.
On Mother's Day, we took the kids out so the moms could relax a bit.
捕まったら凍って 他の人に助けてもらうの
Can we play freeze tag? You guys can play freeze tag, yes.
Awe... Awe, what? We want you to be it.
サラは動けない 私が触るとまた動けるの
You want me to be it?
- そういうゲーム? - 私が火でパパが氷だよ
If you tag us, we freeze and the other people that are not it need to save us.
Pretend Sarah got tagged.
Sarah got tagged, she's frozen. Now I tag her, she unfreeze.
今日はジョシュアを 手伝うんだ
Oh, is that how it works? I have the fire and you have the freeze machine.
Hey guys, should Daddy make us some grilled cheese?
僕が唯一作れるチーズサンドを作って ルースに休息を楽しんでもらいます
Anybody want some grilled cheese?
Yeah! Party! I'm helping Joshua today.
Copying Joshua.
動画編集を急ぎたいところですが 雷が出てるので電源を一旦抜きます
So, I'm going to make my specialty which is grilled cheese and give Ruth a rare break here in the kitchen.
わー すごいね
Do you like it? Do you?
すごい雷 みんな隠れて
I love Daddy's grilled cheese. It's so yummy.
今のミスった! そんな!
So I'm working hard to get this video done for all of you, but guess what? There is a lightning storm right now. I need to shut everything down and unplug it.
今日はジョシュアと 男子会です!
Wow! So cool!
女子が上で映画を見てる間 僕らはマリオカートです!
Oh it's thundering, please stay inside.
お泊まり会だね 楽しいね
Wow! I looked back! No!
Are the boys having a special night down here tonight Joshua?
いいね! 楽しそう!
We're going to play some Mario cart down here while the girls watch a movie upstairs, huh.
おやすみ みんな 大好きだよ
Are they having a sleepover upstairs? Yeah. Oh, that's really cool, isn't it?
Are you guys having a sleepover up here?
これからお菓子作りの 動画を撮ります
Oh my goodness! How fun!
- 楽しんで - もちろん
Night, night girls, I love you all.
皆さん こんにちは! 私のキッチンへようこそ
Kisses and hugs!
今日はバナナとオートミールの マフィンを作ります
Getting the kitchen all set up and ready for a baking video, huh?
Ok, enjoy. We will.
一般的な小麦粉と砂糖でも良いですし 全粒粉や他の砂糖でも大丈夫です
Ok. Hi everyone. Today, thanks for joining me in my kitchen.
健康的な材料を使いますが 子供の為にチョコチップも入れます
We are going to make some banana oatmeal muffins.
そうすると子供は気づかないうちに 健康的な材料を食べてくれます
Ok, so I have all my ingredients here.
You can use regular flour, regular sugar. You can use whole wheat flour, different types of sugar.
Its just that I like to make them extremely healthy for my children, because its got a couple bits of chocolate chips, so then they eat it all.
So I add the chocolate chips to help them eat the food but I put a lot of healthy ingredients in it because then they don't know its super healthy.
Ok, so lets start.
ココナッツオイルを0.25カップ 混ぜるのが大変なので溶かしておきます
So we are going to use one cup whole wheat flour.
Half a cup of oatmeal.
Half a cup of sugar.
ベーキングソーダは 固まることが多いです
One fourth cup of coconut oil and I melted it because coconut oil does not mix well.
One teaspoon of baking soda.
Take all the little lumps out.
バナナを約1カップ 黒くなってきたのを剥いて冷凍したものです
Baking soda likes too clump.
これは解凍済みの 冷凍バナナ約1カップです
One teaspoon of baking powder.
次は… 卵を忘れていました!
And then I also put in about one fourth a cup of chia seeds.
And our bananas. It's about one cup. When bananas start to turn brown, I peel them, throw them in a bag and put them in the freezer.
So this is about one cup of frozen bananas that have kind of mostly defrosted already.
Now, we will turn on .. Oops! And I forgot we need to put in some eggs!
I like to put in two eggs.
But you can do it with just one egg.
混ぜたら マフィンの型に入れます
子供達は舐めたがっていましたが ダメです
Now we will beat it.
チョコチップを 0.25〜0.5カップ入れます
Once that is all mixed, we are going to put it in our muffin tins.
My kids are asking if they can lick it. Nooo.
Ok, now to this mix, I like to add about one fourth a cup, actually about one half a cup of chocolate chips.
あなたはこっちで あなたはこっちね
Just hand mix those in.
オーブンを180度に 予熱します
Ok. Sure come help me.
- もういいわよ - じゃあね
Heres my little helpers.
アイスクリームスクープがあると 便利です
Ok, you do it on that and you do it on this.
Meanwhile, I'm going to preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius.
チョコチップが 均等に入るようにします
Ok, can you girls back away please? Bye-bye. Thank you.
Then an ice-cream scooper is perfect.
子供達に見えるように 上にチョコチップを3〜4個乗せます
You want to fill them about three fourths full.
マフィンの上だけに乗せたら 4歳の息子が上だけ食べました
Make sure you get a little bit chocolate chips in each one.
今は中にも入れてるので 息子はマフィンを全部食べます
We use it all.
オーブンが予熱できたら 20分間焼きます
My kids like to see that there is chocolate, so I add 3-4 about 3 chocolate chips on top of each one.
I used to put chocolate chips just on the top, but my son, he is four, he would eat just the top part of the muffin because it had the chocolate chips.
待つ間はダンス ダンス ダンス!
So now I add some chocolate chips inside the batter and as he goes eating it he discovers there is chocolate throughout so he eats the whole muffin.
待つ間はダンス ダンス ダンス!
Now, as soon as our oven is preheated, this is going to go in the oven for 20 minutes.
Now we wait.
We do a dance, dance, dance while we wait, wait, wait.
We do a dance, dance, dance while we wait, wait, wait.
Put this part in the YouTube.
待ってる間に この大変な時期を どう乗り越えるか ヒントをシェアさせて下さい
I can't see Anna.
ウイルスのため 子供は ずっと家にいます
Ok, that's enough now.
母親として できるだけ 子供を日常生活に参加させるようにしています
Ok, so our oven is preheated so I'm going to stick these in for 20 minutes.
学校がある時は一日中外にいるので 今は料理を教えることができます
Ok, while those are in the oven, I just want to share a quick little experience about living life in the midst of all these different things that are going on.
お菓子作りや 家の掃除も教えます
With corona virus, and having my kids at home and homeschooling them.
最初の数日は大変でした みんな「やりたくない」と言いました
That you know its so important for us as moms to have our kids involved in daily life.
今は喜んで一緒に 料理やお菓子作りをします
Most of the time when they are in school, they are gone all day but now they are home, so lets teach them how to make some food,
自分で作ったものを食べれるし 私達は子供を励ますために沢山褒めます
How to bake, how to clean the house...
子供と一緒の濃密な時間 有意義に時間を投資したいですね
And, the first couple of days were rough, no one wanted to help, "Ah mom, we don't want to do that!"
But now they are enjoying it, most of the time, they love baking and cooking with me,
They like tasting the things that they made, and we praise them and tell them that they are doing such a great job and that encourages them.
So during this time when you are stuck at home, in tight spaces together, lets take advantage and invest in our children.
ママはお菓子作りを 沢山してたもんね
Do you need help to get the key?
What are we going to do here?
お届け先5件中の1件目です! シナモンロールとクッキーです
Take cookies to our friends.
”いいね”と”チャンネル登録” よろしくお願いします!
We've been baking, well, Mommy's been doing a lot of baking, huh?
2件目です 行ってらっしゃい!
I helped with the cinnamon rolls. You did?
It's delivery one of five! Snickerdoodles and cinnamon rolls hear, here we go.
Thanks for watching, liking and subscribing to our channel.
Delivery two of five, here we go!
We'll see you next time on Life in Japan. Bye-bye.