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hey everyone Jennifer from Tarle speech with your pronunciation question
today's question is another long one how do I pronounce the words green the color
grin a small smile grain wheat and grown to grow something or groan meaning
to moan so let's start with the G R that's the easiest to tackle to do this
we're going to start with the tongue in the bottom of your mouth for the g sound
and when you say the g sound the back of your tongue is pulled up and the tip
of your tongue is pointing down g g then from here gr you are
basically going to keep I at least keep my tongue and almost exactly the same
spot and what I do is I move my lips into a square tense shape and that helps
me get to that er sound er er yes my tongue is moving inside of my mouth but
just by moving my lips that helps get the tongue in to the correct spot if you
do make your R sound with the tip of your tongue pointed back that is fine
then just move from that G back to the r the key is is to say this smoothly
without adding an uh sound between you do not want to say ga green or ga ring
and just a nice smooth transition between the G and the R gr gr
okay let's move on to the vowels actually let's look at that ending sound
the n sound to make that end sound you're going to touch the tip of your
tongue to the back of your top front teeth this is important you want to make
sure that you put your tongue behind your top front teeth and hold it there
for a second to make sure that that n sound is nice and pronounced and a
little bit longer the mistake that I hear are some of my students make is
that they say green and it's so super short and they move the tongue away and
so you want to make sure you hold that n found just for a little extra second
now to get to the vowels for the e sound you're just going to smile e for the
short I sound think of moving from that e so your tongue is going to be really
high in your mouth and flat and it's going to be high in your top front teeth
and for the ih sound you open your mouth slightly and your tongue is going to
just fall slightly in your mouth it's going to be just a little bit lower it's
still flat and think about relaxing your mouth so tense mouth for the e and
relaxed mouth for the ih green grin green grin now for the grain you are going to
say the a sound and to do that you open your mouth in a wide circle and then
move to that e sound by smiling and this is a tense mouth shape for a ain
grain and last for grown and grown good news they're pronounced exactly the same
we are going to say o with an oval open mouth shape we're just going to get your
tongue low in your mouth and then you're going to pucker we're just going to help
your tongue move up into the middle of your mouth oh oh
groan so we have green grin grain groan grown grain grin green the farmer had to
grin when he looked at his grain that was very green that had grown a lot from
the rain give it a try I know people are going to notice the difference if you
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you next week thanks so much