字幕表 動画を再生する
Well, we got our visas! We got our visas! 5 year extension. Yay!
ビザを手に入れました! 5年延長です
Is that a baby one and a daddy one?
赤ちゃんとお父さん パンケーキ?
Because how cute is that? A baby one and a daddy one.
可愛いね 赤ちゃんとお父さんだね
It's pancake time. Sarah! It's pancake time.
パンケーキの時間だよ サラ!
Who pancake made it? Who made the pancakes? Mommy, who else?
- 誰が作ったの? - ママに決まってるでしょ
Mommy's the pancake maker today, although we have several of them trained in, right? Oh we do!
- 子供達も作れるようになったよね - その通りね
Here's the pancake eater. Here's your fork goof! Right there.
- ジョシュアは食べる専門だね - ここにフォークあるでしょ
What are we working on here?
I'm editing, Paz Kids. Who thought I would ever edit videos. Never passed my brain.
パズ・キッズの動画編集よ 私が動画編集するなんて信じられない
Whoa! Is this a car factory? What is it?
すごい! 自動車工場?
It's just a car game. Our room is finally clean so we can play now. There is a fan inside so if we get hot...
- 車のゲーム!部屋が綺麗になったから遊べるの - 中には扇風機もあるよ
Just tap the fan and we can have it! Whoo. Party-a.
- 扇風機をつけるだけ! - パーティーだね
Hey, what's going on?
I just want to play ball with you. Oh, you want daddy to play ball with you? Ok, here we go, ready?
- パパとキャッチボールしたい - そうなの?投げるよ!
Oh, you got it, you got it. Awe, you missed it, you missed it.
キャッチできたね! あ 残念
Good throw! Here you go, ready? Good catch, right with your face.
うまいね!投げるよ! 顔でキャッチした?
Setting up, setting up the coffee shop for some live streaming and recording here today.
ライブ配信と録画のために カフェを準備しています
This is our first time back together.
みんなで会うのは 久しぶりです
We are starting to make some small strides towards getting back to normal
日常に戻るための 小さな一歩です
and live streaming together is one of the first strides we are making to do that.
ライブ配信することも 小さな一歩です
Which feels great!
Fist bump!
The comment we most often receive is about how much people love our family.
私たち家族が大好きだと 沢山の方からコメントを頂いて
We appreciate those comments!
People have even asked us to adopt them! We would definitely need a bigger house!
We try to live by biblical values and instill them in our children. Our family is certainly one of our priorities.
私たちの価値観の中心は聖書にあるので 家族を大事にします
Here comes the biker gang! Ok, careful. Got it? Thats scary. Got it!
- バイカー達が来ました!気をつけてね - 怖いけど大丈夫!
Wow, the 7-eleven is right there. Do a race.
7-11がすぐそこにある! 競争しようよ
Here comes the Momma-chan and the Joshua Boshua.
See ya soon dude!
Out for a bike ride with my peeps. Oh yeah.
家族と一緒に 自転車に乗ってます
Hurry Sarah please.
早くして サラ
Joshua are you sleeping in the girls' room tonight? Is this the Reutter kids' sleep over place?
ジョシュアは女子の部屋で寝るの? 今日はここでお泊まり?
We got Joshua here, we got Anna here, we got Beckster Booster here.
ジョシュアとアナと ベッカもいます!
And then up here we have Sarah. Sarah?
サラは上にいます あれ?
Sarah, what are you doing over here are you going to sleep at the desk?
そこで何してるの? 机で寝ちゃうの?
No! I'm saving! I was playing Zelda. Oh, you were playing Zelda, you need to save, I see.
- ゼルダ遊んでて セーブしてるんだ - セーブしてるんだね
Today is a historic day. Japan's emergency state is being taken away across all of Japan.
歴史的瞬間です 日本の自粛要請が解除されました
Schools is going to be starting for the girls next week already. Wow!
娘達も来週から学校です すごい!
We are going to go out and celebrate with some friends with a barbecue.
友達とバーベキューで お祝いします
We moved to Japan with our Paz team to start a church, which blossomed into many other things, including a coffee shop and a YouTube channel.
私達は教会を始めるために日本に来ました その関係でカフェやユーチューブも始めました
Say hi to the camera.
We've only lived here a few short years, but we've fallen in love with Japan and it's people.
日本に来てまだ数年ですが 日本と日本人が大好きです
We hope for many more years to come, and hopefully some fluency in Japanese!
まだまだ日本に住みたいです そして日本語を流暢に話したいです
Are you having some fun on the rocks?
Go like that. Very cool.
- こうやったの - すごいね
Becca got a big one. You got a big one? Oh you did.
- ベッカが大きいの捕まえた! - 本当に?
Becca got a big one! Show me! Show me it!
- 大きいの捕まえたの? - 見せて!
Here comes Sarah. She got wet, a little bit too wet for her liking the first time.
サラが来ました! ちょっと濡れたみたい
I got an ouchie. You got an ouchie? What happened?
- 怪我したの - 怪我?どうしたの?
I fell in the water and scraped my leg on the rock.
水の中に落ちて 足を岩にぶつけたの
It's just a little scrape, huh? Oh, I'm glad it's just a little scrape.
少し擦りむいただけだね 小さい怪我でよかった
Hiiii. Well, hey down there.
- ハーイ! - やあ!
Do little fishes bite? No, no. No, they just like nibble, like tickle.
- 小さい魚って噛みつく? - ちょっと突くだけだよ
Like a Rollie pollie? They are like a little tickle. Yeah!
- ダンゴムシみたいに? - くすぐったいだけ
There's two more down there.
Oh here it comes Sarah. Touch it. Touch it right there.
こっちに来たよ 触ってみて
It feels really good: the thought that things are starting to head back towards normal
徐々に日常に戻れるのは とても気分がいいです
Whatever "normal" is.
To be moving forward here into the summer of 2020.
2020年の夏に突入できることも 嬉しいです
If you've ever played Breath of the Wild on Nintendo,
「ゼルダの伝説 ブレス オブ ザ ワイルド」では
You've probably been amazed at how early — like at 4:00 AM — it's bright outside.
朝の4時にはもう 外が明るいです
And you wonder "Where in the world does it get bright at 4 in the morning?"
朝の4時が明るいって どこの国だろうと思ったら
I tell you where. Japan. It gets bright at 4 in the morning.
日本だったんですね 4時には日が昇り始めます
Alright! It's been 2 weeks, you are going back to school. Yeah!
Yeah, a new box of masks! We struck gold!
- 新しいマスク! - ラッキー!
Row, row, row your boat. Gently down to elementary school!
漕げ 漕げ 小舟 小学校まで!
Look who is coming home! How was it? Good? Alright. Welcome back!
帰ってきました! どうだった?おかえり!
Ok, did your teacher give you anything new or just the old stuff?
I think new, I don't know. Because I had homework for you for weeks.
- 新しいと思う - 何週間も宿題あったもんね
Take that all upstairs because that is your homework. Homework time! Yay, yay! Let's see yay face!
- 宿題を上に持って行って - 宿題の時間だ!笑顔で!
So this will be the way that we are doing things the next couple of weeks. Going at different times..
しばらくはこんな感じで みんなバラバラの時間に行きます
I'm going to leave a bunch of links in the description to all kinds of good content
楽しい内容の リンクを沢山貼っておきます
like our Paz Church YouTube channel where we have music videos and great messages
メッセージやミュージックビデオが観れる パズチャーチのチャンネルや
And where Ruth put up the video that she edited with the kids singing and dancing. It's really cute go check it out.
ルースが編集した 子供達の歌って踊る動画も観れます
As always, thanks for watching, liking and subscribing to Life in Japan. And until next time, we'll see ya.
いつもご視聴ありがとうございます またお会いしましょう!