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hey everybody Jennifer from Tarle speech today with your pronunciation
question we have four words today dough what we use to make bread doubter a
skeptic daughter a female child and laughter giggling the core of this
question is spelling irregularities and it should be fairly easy to learn the
pronunciations today once you see this crazy English spelling
so our first word dough the ough is pronounced as O
here we have o u again and we are going to pronounce that as ow and in
this case in this word the B is silent so I'm going ahead and cross that out
for you and then in daughter a ugh is one sound the oh and then in laughter
the a U is an ah and actually I circled this the gh is pronounced as an F super
confusing I know but if I treat all these words I think you're going to be
able to pronounce them all so for word number one we have dough D and then end
with a long O Dough Dough for word number two Dow der
we're going to say ow open and then pucker it's nice and long
let me put a nice long symbol over top of that and then we're gonna end with
the der which is that flap T I know it's technically not a flap T but just try to
say that and it'll sound close enough and people will understand you doubter
and then for daughter we're gonna have that open oh sound with your mouth and
an oval that gets your tongue nice and low in your mouth with a back pulled up
and that vowel is short and again we're gonna end with that der which is that
flat t daughter and then we have laughter and for this vowel it's going
to be that open American ah sound with your mouth in a round circle again
that helps you get your tongue low in your mouth with the back pulled up
focusing on where your tongue is is super difficult for most of my students
so I found that the mouth shapes really really help so let's go ahead and try
all of these words dough doubter daughter laughter now I actually say a T sound
here but you can say der laughter which is totally fine or laughter both are
acceptable variations so we have dough doubter daughter laughter or laughter
laughter laughter dough doubter daughter laughter laughter I'm going to add one
more word here that I actually had someone recently asked about and that
word is do and to say the word do just think of this ew
sound that very puckered long ew sound so again the spelling here really gets
confusing because we don't say dough dough which would make more sense we actually
say do so let me try these one more time for you dough doubter daughter laughter
and do so do you think my dough will rise or are you a doubter my daughter
will have lots of laughter if you doubt my dough skills so give it a try I know
people are going to notice a difference have you found this helpful we would
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have to offer on Tarle speech dot com thanks so much and hope to see you soon