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  • I think you'll all agree with me that racism is a...loaded topic.

  • What is or isn't racistor who is or isn't racistis one of the most hotly debated issues in American society.

  • Is racism about what you believe?

  • Or is it about how you behave toward other races?

  • What is prejudice? And why does it exist?

  • Sociology can't make racism go away.

  • And it can't make it any less disturbing.

  • It probably can't even make the issue of race and racism less loaded than it already is.

  • But it can help us understand racism, and understanding is an important start.

  • [Theme Music]

  • As always, let's start by defining our terms.

  • For one thing, what's the difference between racism, discrimination and prejudice?

  • Prejudice is a rigid and unfair generalization about an entire category of people.

  • So, what exactly do I mean by unfair?

  • Well, a prejudice assumes that something you think to be true for a whole group applies to every individual member of that group, too, with little or no evidence.

  • Prejudice often takes the form of stereotypes, or exaggerated and simplified descriptions that are applied to every person in a category.

  • Negative stereotypes are often directed at people who are different from yourself,

  • which means that people who are a minority in a population are more likely to be negatively stereotyped.

  • For example, two common stereotypes of people who use government assistance are that they're

  • A) African-American -and- B) gaming the system.

  • But both of these ideas are demonstrably false.

  • The majority of people on welfare are White, and people who use social services like welfare are also likely to need the extra help.

  • But these stereotypes lead people to claim that Black Americans, particularly single mothers, are lazy or untrustworthy.

  • This example is a specific type of prejudice: racial prejudice.

  • Racism includes beliefs, thoughts, and actions based on the idea that one race is innately superior to another race.

  • Some take this definition further and argue that racism is inherently tied up in structures of power,

  • meaning that racism specifically refers to the belief that a race with less societal power is inferior to other races.

  • And, of course, racism can be explicit or implicit.

  • Explicit bias refers to the attitudes or beliefs we have about a group that we're consciously aware of.

  • But implicit biases are a little bit more insidious.

  • These are the unconscious biases that we have about other groups.

  • While we might easily recognize an explicit act of racism, like calling someone a racial slur,

  • we often don't consciously recognize how implicit biases affect how we interact with each other.

  • For example, a 2007 study by University of Colorado social psychologist Joshua Correll and colleagues

  • found that people's implicit bias comes into play when making judgments about how likely it is that a person is holding a gun.

  • Participants in the study played a videogame in which the goal was to shoot people who had a gun, but not shoot unarmed people.

  • Participants were more likely to mistakenly shoot an unarmed Black man than an unarmed White man.

  • This was true whether the participants in the study were White or Black, and it didn't change, regardless of what explicit biases the subjects said they had.

  • What did seem to matter was if the subjects said he or she was aware of stereotypes about Black men and gun violence

  • even if the subjects adamantly disagreed with those stereotypes.

  • That said, it does seem like training can make a difference.

  • The sample for this study contained both a sample of adult community members from Denver and a sample of police officers.

  • The study found that police officerswho are trained to recognize when someone has a gun or not

  • were less susceptible to racial bias in who they shot than a community member was.

  • Also, we should note that like many studies in psychology, this is a small sample design:

  • about 130 members of the community and 230 police officers participated in the study.

  • So, prejudice is about what people believe.

  • But discrimination is a matter of action.

  • Discrimination is simply described as any unequal treatment of different groups of people.

  • Most of us think about discrimination in terms of specific actions, like calling someone a racial slur, or refusing to do business with a certain type of person.

  • But racism can be bigger than one individual.

  • Let's go to the Thought Bubble to talk about institutional racism.

  • Institutional prejudice and discrimination are the biases that are built into the operation of society's institutions, like schools, banking systems, and the labor force.

  • The concept of institutional racism was highlighted by civil rights activists Stokely Carmichael and Charles Hamilton in the 1960s,

  • who argued that institutional racism is harder to identify and therefore less often condemned by society.

  • Carmichael and Hamilton compared society's response to the suffering caused by white terrorists bombing black churches,

  • to the lack of attention given to thousands of black children who suffered for different reasons

  • like from the lack of access to quality housing, food, healthcare, or schooling.

  • Bombing black churches is an overt act of racism, motivated by racial hatred, so it's easy to understand as racism.

  • By contrast, elevated rates of sickness and deathwhich stem from structural disadvantagesaren't the fault of any one individual's racial animus.

  • But it still results in discrimination on the basis of race.

  • And it's much more likely to go unnoticed, because there's no single person to blame.

  • Together, prejudice and discrimination form a vicious cycle that entrench social disadvantages.

  • The cycle starts with prejudice taking hold in a society, often as a strategy for consolidating economic or social power for a certain group.

  • This prejudice then motivates discrimination against the minority group, both at an individual and institutional level, which forces the group into a lower position in society.

  • Then, this social disadvantage means that the minority group is seen as less successful and therefore inferior to the majority group,

  • seemingly justifying the original prejudiceand the cycle continues.

  • Thanks Thought Bubble.

  • So that's what racism is.

  • Now, why does it exist?

  • One theory of prejudice is known as scapegoat theory, also known as frustration-aggression theory.

  • Scapegoat theory frames prejudice as a defense mechanism on the part of frustrated people

  • who blame another, more disadvantaged group for the troubles that they face, even when those troubles stem from structural changes.

  • Economic anxiety is seen as a common trigger for scapegoating

  • fear of losing jobs leads to blaming immigrants for taking jobs, rather than looking at how globalization and automation have changed the economy.

  • A second theory was proposed in the 1950s by German sociologist Theodor Adorno and his colleagues,

  • who were trying to understand how fascism and anti-semitism took hold in Germany before and during World War II.

  • The authoritarian personality theory sees prejudice as the outgrowth of a certain personality profile

  • one that's associated with authoritarianism, or the desire for order, tradition, and strong leaders who will maintain the status quo.

  • People with authoritarian personalities tend to see society as hierarchical, with people who are naturally superior having the right to power over others.

  • So according to this theory, racial prejudice is heightened when an authoritarian personality feels there's some moral or physical threat to their way of life.

  • Both this theory and the scapegoat theory see prejudice as a reaction that certain types of people have

  • people who are frustrated or people who have a certain personality type.

  • A third theory of prejudice takes a different tack.

  • Culture theory claims some prejudice can be found in everyone, because people are products of the culture they live inand we live in a prejudiced culture.

  • This is what some people mean when they sayeveryone's a little bit racist.”

  • That, or, they just like quoting Avenue Q.

  • We learn racial prejudice and stereotypes through a kind of cultural osmosis.

  • For example, history textbooks tend to be written from a Euro-caucasian perspective and focus mainly on the contributions of White people, rather than other cultures.

  • And this relates to yet another approach, which measures prejudice in terms of social distance.

  • In the 1920s, American sociologist Emory Bogardus developed the social distance scale,

  • which measures how closely people are willing to interact with people from different races and ethnicities.

  • Social distance is a kind of proxy for how much of an 'other' you see members of another race.

  • Just like how geographic distance makes you more likely to generalize about a group of people who are different from yourself,

  • social distance increases the likelihood that you might hold stereotypical or prejudiced views about another racial group.

  • And the final theory of prejudice is one we've talked about before: conflict theory.

  • Race-Conflict Theory focuses on how social inequality develops as the result of power conflicts between different racial and ethnic groups.

  • Under this theory, prejudice is a tool for maintaining the power of the majority.

  • For example, the argument that Whites are a superior race was used as a justification for slavery and the racial discrimination that continued long after slavery ended.

  • So, people may think about and treat each other differently, based on their race or ethnicity, in many different ways.

  • But the ways in which racial groups interact within a society are often described by sociologists in terms of four broad patterns:

  • pluralism, assimilation, segregation, and genocide.

  • Pluralism is a state in which all races and ethnicities are distinct, but have equal social standing.

  • This isn't a society that's color blind per sebecause people still have different racial heritages that are recognized in society.

  • But in terms of how social and economic resources are distributed, the color of one's skin plays no role.

  • So, is the US pluralistic?

  • Ehhnot exactly.

  • The United States is pluralistic by the letter of the law.

  • But in a practical sense, there's still a lot of racial and ethnic stratification, and despite having equal legal standing, all races do not have equal social standing.

  • Now, in contrast to pluralism, in which different races remain distinct,

  • assimilation describes the process by which minorities gradually adopt patterns of the dominant culture.

  • By adopting the modes of dress, values, religion, language, and lifestyles of the majority culture, minorities are sometimes able to avoid prejudice or discrimination.

  • But assimilation is much easier for some groups than others.

  • And it's easier if you look and sound like the group that you're trying to assimilate to.

  • A third pattern of racial interaction is to justnot interact.

  • Segregation is the physical and social separation of categories of people.

  • Racial segregation has a long history in the United States,

  • with racial minorities historically being segregated into lower quality neighborhoods, occupations, and schools.

  • Much of the segregation under the lawalso known as De Jure Segregation

  • has since been prohibited through court cases and laws such as Brown v. Board of Education.

  • But De Facto segregation, or segregation due to traditions and norms, still remains.

  • People live in neighborhoods, attend schools, and work mostly with people like themselves.

  • This self-segregation has led to high levels of racial stratification.

  • About one-quarter of black students attend public schools that have more than 90% students of color

  • and those schools tend to have less resources available to them.

  • De jure school segregation may be over, but de facto segregation has all but insured that the public school system remains separate and unequal for many Americans.

  • Sometimes, however, racial prejudice has consequences beyond segregation and inequality.

  • Racism can lead to genocide, or the the systematic killing of one group of people by another.

  • Whether we're talking about the attacks on indigenous populations by colonizers starting in the 1600s,

  • the Armenian genocide by the Ottoman Empire during World War I, the Holocaust during World War II,

  • or modern examples in Rwanda and Darfur, genocide represents some of the worst of humanity.

  • And it is usually motivated by racism.

  • We can't talk about race without talking about how people have used racist attitudes as an excuse for violence and subjugation.

  • But hopefully, what we've talked about today will give you some context for thinking about how race plays out on a societal scale.

  • Today, we discussed prejudice, stereotypes, racism, and five theories for why prejudice exists.

  • We talked about discrimination and the legacies of institutional racism.

  • And we ended with an overview of four types of racial interaction: pluralism, assimilation, segregation, and genocide.

  • Crash Course Sociology is filmed in the Dr. Cheryl C. Kinney Studio in Missoula, MT, and it's made with the help of all of these nice people.

  • Our animation team is Thought Cafe and Crash Course is made with Adobe Creative Cloud.

  • If you'd like to keep Crash Course free for everyone, forever, you can support the series at Patreon, a crowdfunding platform that allows you to support the content you love.

  • Thank you to all of our patrons for making Crash Course possible with their continued support.

I think you'll all agree with me that racism is a...loaded topic.


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人種/民族的偏見と差別。クラッシュコース社会学#35 (Racial/Ethnic Prejudice & Discrimination: Crash Course Sociology #35)

  • 14 0
    Amy.Lin に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日