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  • Hi guys, welcome back on my channel. My name is Charlotte

  • The article I want to talk about today was published in The Guardian on the 25th of May

  • And has the title: “Taiwan promises support for Hong Kong's people as China tightens grip”.

  • You probably heard about this but Beijing declared that they want to implement somesecurity lawsto Hong Kong.

  • They have threatened with this for a while now and Hong Kong has always responded by going on the streets and protesting

  • Recently, because of the whole situation with Covid-19 it is not recommended to gather in big crowds

  • It looks like China might have taken this in their advantage to push their political agenda forward.

  • Taiwan promises 'support' for Hong Kong's people as China tightens grip

  • The article is quite long so I will put a link to the article in the description so you can go ahead and read it fully if you want.

  • I picked out some of the important parts and I am going to read that to you now.

  • President Tsai Ing-wen pledges 'necessary assistance' after a resurgence in protests against newly proposed security legislation from Beijing.

  • Taiwan will provide the people of Hong Kong withnecessary assistance”, President Tsai Ing-wen has said,

  • after a resurgence in protests in the Chinese-ruled territory against newly proposed national security legislation from Beijing.

  • Taiwan has become a refuge for a small but growing number of pro-democracy protesters fleeing Hong Kong,

  • which has been convulsed since last year by protests.”

  • I remember, last year when I was in Taiwan protests were going on very strongly in Hong Kong

  • One of my best friends who was studying there (in Hong Kong) came to stay with me for a while in Taiwan

  • Because the situation in Hong Kong was not safe anymore.

  • Our university in Belgium asked her to get out of Hong Kong.

  • Hong Kong police fired tear gas and water cannon to disperse thousands of people who rallied on Sunday

  • to protest against Beijing's plan to impose national security laws on the city.

  • Writing on her Facebook page late on Sunday, Tsai said the proposed legislation was a serious threat to Hong Kong's freedoms and judicial independence.

  • Bullets and repression are not the way to deal with the aspirations of Hong Kong's people for freedom and democracy, she added.

  • In face of the changing situation, the international community has proactively stretched out a helping hand to Hong Kong's people,” Tsai wrote.

  • Taiwan willeven more proactively perfect and forge ahead with relevant support work,

  • and provide Hong Kong's people with necessary assistance,'” she wrote.

  • Taiwan has no law on refugees that could be applied to Hong Kong protesters who seek asylum on the island.

  • Its laws do promise, though, to help Hong Kong citizens whose safety and liberty are threatened for political reasons.

  • China believes Tsai to be a “separatistbent on declaring the island's formal independence.

  • Tsai says Taiwan is already an independent country called the Republic of China, its official name.

  • I do not know what you think about this, but I think it is pretty sad that people in Hong Kong are forced between:

  • 1. Their health and staying inside 2. Their freedom and going out to protest

  • Right now, with the Covid-19 of course it is not recommended to go out into big crowds and protest

  • But at the same time, they are so scared to lose their freedom.

  • I think it is so harsh of China to be pushing this forward right now while everybody is dealing with the Coronavirus situation.

  • Maybe that is exactly what they want…. They know that many people are too scared to go out and protest

  • That is why they might have chosen this moment. I am curious to hear what you guys think.

  • That is just my opinion and my thoughts. Let me know in the comments what you think.

  • It is time to read some of your comments concerning last weeks episode of Taiwan in the international news.

  • When the Netherlands recognised and changed Taiwan's representative office's name.

  • Chan Conooma says: “I used to go to the Belgian capital for free travel and I also like the environment over there, which is quite comfortable.”

  • I am so happy that you enjoyed coming to Belgium! I hope you will be back after the whole Coronavirus situation.

  • I would love to see more Taiwanese people visiting Belgium too!

  • Jjclub writes: “The consequences would be cannons frequently fired from the mouths of Chinese officials in the coming future.”

  • This is a reply to the question I asked: What do you think the consequences will be

  • Because China threatened the Netherlands that there will be consequences.

  • That is funny, I saw several comments saying something likebarking dogs don't bite”.

  • Meaning that China makes a lot of threats but usually that is the only threat there is (all the threats coming out of their mouths)

  • One person writes: “No matter what the consequences are, we Taiwanese will stand up, not afraid of being threatened”.

  • You can see the spirit of Taiwanese people right here Taiwanese are not easily intimidated I think

  • They had to deal with many threats for a very long time. I feel like Taiwanese people are very brave and not easily scared.

  • That was it for today. I am so happy you stayed until the end. You are awesome!!

  • Today's code word is

  • Pineapple cake! If you stayed until now and you say pineapple cake in the comments, I know you watched until the end.

  • Thank you so much for watching!

  • Don't forget tolikeandsubscribe

  • and I hope to see you very soon in the next episode! Bye bye ~

Hi guys, welcome back on my channel. My name is Charlotte


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B1 中級

台湾は香港をサポートしています。 (Taiwan supports Hong Kong -)

  • 287 11
    周建丞 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日