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  • when we talk about food it's usually in

  • absolutes there's good food and bad food

  • spinach is good for you milk is bad for

  • you

  • quinoa is good for you gluten is going

  • to kill you in your sleep could it

  • possibly be this simple or are we

  • missing something when we talked about

  • food as unhealthy as the American diet

  • has become presently 62% of adults are

  • overweight or obese our relationship

  • with dieting is just as unhealthy take

  • for instance one survey by the

  • University of North Carolina at Chapel

  • Hill that found that 75 percent of

  • American women say that they endorse

  • some unhealthy thoughts feelings or

  • behaviors related to food or their

  • bodies food can be a source of pleasure

  • joy and it can help bring people

  • together or it can be a place of shame

  • guilt and remorse

  • Jordan SIA is a world record power

  • lifter and strength coach today he

  • trains entrepreneurs like Gary Vee and

  • helps people create a better

  • relationship with food I sat down with

  • him to talk about how we can make

  • progress to not only live healthier

  • lives but to also enjoy food without

  • guilt I love to keep things simple

  • mm-hmm and I would love to say that we

  • could just create these two separate

  • categories of good and bad food but

  • would you say that that's just a

  • complete oversimplification of food it's

  • a massive oversimplification and it's

  • it's a marketing tactic it's almost like

  • when you look out answer time you have

  • like the green checks and the red X's I

  • work with a lot of people who struggle

  • with food anxiety and with binge eating

  • and first and foremost more people

  • struggle with binge eating than they

  • would like to admit and one of the first

  • things I'd like to say is if you

  • struggle with binge eating if you

  • struggle with food anxiety if you know

  • going out to dinner with friends or

  • family on a Friday night is almost

  • anxiety-producing because you don't want

  • to ruin all your progress the first

  • thing I say is you're not alone because

  • a lot of people struggle with it but

  • very few people actually discuss it from

  • that point when we place a morality on

  • food whether food is good or bad right

  • or wrong you're setting yourself up for

  • more food anxiety when you say ice cream

  • is inherently bad when you say pizza is

  • inherently bad

  • when you go out to eat with your friends

  • and family and there's ice cream or

  • pizza you're gonna be more likely to get

  • anxiety about it because you think

  • you're doing something bad but when we

  • understand that our health isn't made up

  • by one meal or one bite you know and no

  • one got fat from having one doughnut

  • just like no one got skinny from having

  • one salad no one lost all their progress

  • by missing one workout no one got jacked

  • and shredded by having one amazing

  • workout it's our health is dictated by

  • everything we do over time and the more

  • we can realize that one meal isn't good

  • or bad one meal isn't right or wrong the

  • less anxiety we're gonna have a food

  • which is really what my main goal is to

  • have a healthy relationship with food so

  • great we can eat whatever we want

  • whenever we want and there will be no

  • negative outcomes for our health because

  • there are no good or bad foods except

  • not exactly changing how we look and

  • talk about food doesn't mean that we're

  • magically changing the nutritional

  • components so what does it mean and this

  • is one of the main arguments that people

  • will use when they go against what I'm

  • saying like oh really so you're just

  • saying like you should have pop-tarts

  • and pizza and and candy for every meal

  • I'm like no just because there's no such

  • thing as a good or bad food does not

  • mean I'm saying go eat whatever you want

  • like that's not what I'm saying

  • what I'm saying is don't play some

  • morality on it don't shame yourself if

  • you decide to at your son's birthday

  • party have a slice of pizza it's okay

  • but that doesn't mean I'm saying eat

  • pizza for every meal like generally

  • speaking to be a healthy individual and

  • maintain a healthier body weight and

  • have a healthier mindset like yeah

  • minimally processed lots of fruits lots

  • of vegetables lean proteins that should

  • make up the majority of your diet it's

  • like the 80/20 rule which is like most

  • of the time don't eat like an asshole

  • when you do eat like an asshole

  • don't treat yourself like an asshole I

  • think a lot of times too like we need to

  • think about what our goals are from the

  • beginning because it's very easy to just

  • follow trends but we're so individual

  • it's like do you want to gain strength

  • or do you want to focus on your body do

  • you want to get lean right what is it

  • and I think if we focus on those things

  • first then we can figure out maybe

  • what's the best kind of lifestyle to

  • live what kind of food we should be

  • eating the health and fitness community

  • can be a confusing place to navigate

  • it's overloaded with opinions

  • pseudoscience and

  • claimed experts while there's a wealth

  • of helpful knowledge it can be difficult

  • to discern what's best for you

  • and the truth is it really depends where

  • you're at on your own fitness journey

  • one of my favorite examples of this for

  • one person progress might be saying no

  • to the donut because it's going to help

  • them stay on track it's gonna help them

  • eat fewer calories and that's gonna help

  • them lose weight which is what their

  • goal is for another person though

  • progress might be saying yes to the

  • donut because now they can eat it

  • without anxiety because I think a lot of

  • people only look at progress from a

  • physical perspective like fat loss

  • muscle gain but mental progress is huge

  • mental health is massively important and

  • it's seriously under discussed

  • especially in Fitness and for me if

  • someone can have a donut without leading

  • to a further binge and/or have a donut

  • without shaming themselves and feeling

  • guilty and just driving themselves on

  • the ground feeling like lesser person

  • like they failed that's also huge

  • progress it's probably better right to

  • make the decision consciously than to

  • slip up and make mistakes and then or

  • see them as mistakes if we say okay I'm

  • gonna go out and have a burger tonight

  • then we can feel better about that

  • experience a lot of people they'll go

  • get the burger but every bite they're

  • like I shouldn't be doing this I

  • shouldn't be doing this and they feel

  • terrible about it and they can't even

  • enjoy it and then when they're done they

  • feel so bad they like I screwed

  • everything up so screw it and then they

  • get the ice cream and they have a whole

  • box of cinnamon toast crunch and then

  • they have like what if you just enjoyed

  • the burger

  • what if you just enjoyed the burger when

  • you first get into healthy eating it can

  • be very easy to place large red X's on

  • some foods and green checkmarks on the

  • others but this might not be the best

  • long-term approach especially if your

  • goal isn't to just shed excess fat but

  • to instead rediscover a love of food

  • without shame or guilt as long as we're

  • giving our body the nutrients it needs

  • most of the time as Jordan said focusing

  • on eating less processed foods more

  • fruits more vegetables and more lean

  • protein we can indulge ourselves every

  • once in a while we can eat guilt-free

  • while on vacation we can kick our feet

  • up and have a few beers after all life

  • can be pretty damn boring if we don't

  • break our own rules from time to time

  • our burger is good for you well it

  • tastes pretty good and for this meal

  • that's good enough for me

  • [Music]

  • hey guys if you like this video you

  • might want to check out Jordans youtube

  • channel he's got a great channel where

  • he talks about fitness nutrition and

  • everything in between check it out in

  • the description below and of course if

  • you want to sign up to be a patreon

  • member I've got a patreon community

  • where I create exclusive videos and

  • podcast AMAs every month I wanted to

  • share a couple videos that I recently

  • released that you might like i sat down

  • with Jordan to get his advice for those

  • looking to build a fitness routine for

  • the first time the gym is full of

  • insecure people like it's really

  • important remember that and it doesn't

  • matter how someone looks they are not

  • looking at you they're looking at

  • themselves I also recently uploaded

  • behind the scenes content from my last

  • couple videos including how I shot the

  • opening scene for the I quit caffeine

  • video so if you go to

  • matt the Avella

  • again there's a link down in the

  • description you can get access at the

  • exclusive videos tear to all that

  • content plus a bunch of other stuff let

  • me see how much I got here I got 17

  • videos on filmmaking and creativity

  • twelve videos on lifestyle design and

  • seventeen podcast episodes there's a lot

  • of stuff this has been we've been adding

  • it every single month making new stuff

  • trying to add value and give back to

  • those

  • who helped to support this channel and

  • help me continue to invest back into my

  • videos so if you have the money that

  • would be amazing I would love your

  • support if you don't then don't worry

  • about it no stress I'd rather you focus

  • on your finances and if you've got a

  • tight budget this month or this year no

  • worries at all thank you guys so much

  • for watching thanks for subscribing and

  • I'll see you next time I'm gonna I'm

  • drinking coffee again so that's good

  • news for me

when we talk about food it's usually in


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B1 中級

不味い食べ物の神話 (The Myth of Bad Food)

  • 10 0 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日