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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • Hi, guys!!

    Hi, guys!! みなさん、こんにちは!

  • My name is Tony

    My name is Tony トニーです

  • And this is the first of a series of videos

    And this is the first of a series of videos この動画は、英語学習者の皆さんのスピーキング力を

  • that I am going to make

    that I am going to make アップさせるために僕が作ったものです

  • to help you learn English

    to help you learn English 今回はシリーズの第1回目です

  • We are going to start with 4 main areas in English

    We are going to start with 4 main areas in English まずは英語の4つの重要なポイントから始めましょう

  • we havehabit”; something you do regularly

    we have “habit”; something you do regularly 1.“Habit”、つまり『習慣』です

  • we havenow”; something you are doing now

    we have “now”; something you are doing now 2.“Now” 『今』、今していること

  • We havefuturesomething you are going to do

    We have “future” something you are going to do 3.“Future”『未来』、これからすること

  • and we havepast

    and we have “past” 4.“Past”『過去』、もうしてしまったこと

  • Let me be clear with these 4 areas ONLY

    Let me be clear with these 4 areas ONLY この4つのことさえ理解できれば

  • you can have a simple conversation

    you can have a simple conversation 英語で会話することができます

  • so please concentrate, focus and let's go

    so please concentrate, focus and let’s go この4つを重点的に練習します

  • OK, here are some very basic rules to English

    OK, here are some very basic rules to English では、英語の基本のルールを教えます

  • No. 1 - always start with a person

    No. 1 - always start with a person 1.文章は必ず「人」から始める。つまり、

  • “I”, “you”, “we”, “they”, “he”, “she

    “I”, “you”, “we”, “they”, “he”, “she”

  • No. 2 - VERB

    No. 2 - VERB 2. 次は「動詞」

  • the verb in English is very, very important

    the verb in English is very, very important 英語では動詞がとても重要です

  • the verb changes with each tense

    the verb changes with each tense 時制によって動詞が変化します、

  • focus on the verb, understand the tense,

    focus on the verb, understand the tense, 動詞に注意して、時制を理解できれば

  • you'll be able to speak English,.

    you’ll be able to speak English,. 簡単に英語が話せます

  • No.3 during this video, always answer with full grammar

    No.3 during this video, always answer with full grammar 3. この動画の質問にはフルセンテンスで答えてください

  • For example, “do you like pizza?”

    For example, “do you like pizza?” 例えば、「ピザが好きですか?」

  • yes

    “yes” 「はい。」

  • do you like pizza?”

    “do you like pizza?” 「ピザが好きですか?」

  • yes, I do

    “yes, I do” 「はい、好きです。」

  • What pizza do you like?”

    “What pizza do you like?” 「どんなピザが好きですか?」

  • Meat pizza

    “Meat pizza” 「ミートピザです」

  • What pizza do you like?”

    “What pizza do you like?” 「どんなピザが好きですか?」

  • “I like meat pizzas

    “I like meat pizzas” 「私はミートピザが好きです。」

  • OK? Full grammar!

    OK? Full grammar! OK?完全な文で答えてくださいね

  • So, like I said 4 tenses.

    So, like I said 4 tenses. 先ほど4つの時制があると言いましたね。


    HABIT, NOW, FUTURE, PAST 「習慣」「今」「未来」「過去」

  • Today, we are going to focus on the habit, alright?

    Today, we are going to focus on the habit, alright? 今日のターゲットは「習慣(habit)」です

  • something you do regularly

    something you do regularly 「習慣」は日常的にしていることです

  • every tense in English has a “keyword

    every tense in English has a “keyword” 英語の動詞の時制にはキーワードがあります

  • that is in the question, okay?

    that is in the question, okay? 疑問文の中にもキーワードがあります

  • withhabitthat keyword is

    with “habit” that keyword is 「習慣」の場合、そのキーワードは

  • DOandDOES

    “DO” and “DOES” 「DO」と「DOES」です

  • That keyword is going to be IN the question,

    That keyword is going to be IN the question, そのキーワードは疑問文の中にもあります

  • so listen for the keyword thinkAh, “habit

    so listen for the keyword think “Ah, “habit” キーワードがわかれば「習慣」だと気づきますね

  • and then respond

    and then respond そうすると質問に答えることができます

  • the keyword is your key

    the keyword is your key キーワードがヒントになります

  • The keyword, “DOorDOES

    The keyword, “DO” or “DOES” キーワードは「DO」と「DOES」

  • will appear at the beginning of the question

    will appear at the beginning of the question いつも疑問文の最初にきます

  • so listen to the beginning of the question

    so listen to the beginning of the question 常に疑問文のはじめの部分を聞き取って

  • For example, “Do you like pizza?”

    For example, “Do you like pizza?” 例えば、「Do you like pizza?」

  • DO”!!!!!!! “DO you like pizza?”

    “DO”!!!!!!! “DO you like pizza?” 「Do you like pizza?」の「DO」です!

  • What pizza DO you like?”

    “What pizza DO you like?” 「What pizza DO you like?」

  • ThatDOis telling you, “HABIT! ANSWER WITH HABIT!”

    That “DO” is telling you, “HABIT! ANSWER WITH HABIT!” 「DO」はヒントです!「習慣」の時制で答えて!

  • Okay listen for the keyword…. easy

    Okay listen for the keyword…. easy そう、キーワードを聞き取れば簡単です

  • when you hear the habit keyword

    when you hear the habit keyword 「習慣」のキーワードが聞こえたら

  • please follow this grammar in order to reply

    please follow this grammar in order to reply この次の文法に従って答えてください

  • first of all, you need a person

    first of all, you need a person まずは、「人」がきます

  • “I”, “you”, “we”, “they”,“he”, “she

    “I”, “you”, “we”, “they”,“he”, “she” 「I」「you」「we」「they」「he」「she」

  • Then you need a verb,

    Then you need a verb, 次に動詞が必要です

  • Simple verb, it doesn't really change

    Simple verb, it doesn’t really change 動詞の原型、形はほとんど変化しません

  • noING”, no “…ED” , simple verb, present tense

    no “ING”, no “…ED” , simple verb, present tense 「ing」や「ed」も必要ない、現在形です

  • then you need an object

    then you need an object 次に場合によって目的語が必要です

  • and then you sometimes need a time, okay?

    and then you sometimes need a time, okay? また場合により時間を表す言葉も必要です

  • but most importantlyperson” + “verb

    but most importantly “person” + “verb” 1番重要なのは「人」+「動詞」です

  • you can watch this video at home

    you can watch this video at home この動画は家で観ることができますね

  • you can listen to this video as you're doing your laundry

    you can listen to this video as you’re doing your laundry 洗濯をしながら聴いてもよいし

  • or as you're working, as you're driving

    or as you’re working, as you’re driving 仕事や運転をしながら

  • listen to this video remember

    listen to this video remember この動画を聴いてもいいですね

  • person” “verb” “object” “time

    “person” “verb” “object” “time” 「人」「動詞」「目的語」「時間」を思い出して

  • and respond

    and respond 答えてください

  • this is about giving you practice using English

    this is about giving you practice using English 英会話の練習ができるようにこの動画を作りました

  • I'm going to give you 5 seconds to answer each question

    I’m going to give you 5 seconds to answer each question それぞれの質問に答える時間は5秒間です

  • this may seem a bit short for some of you

    this may seem a bit short for some of you 少し短すぎると思われるかもしれません

  • but watch the video many, many timesget quicker,

    but watch the video many, many times… get quicker, 何回も観て練習すれば早く答えられるようになります

  • and five seconds is more than enough

    and five seconds is more than enough 5秒間あれば十分と思うようになりますよ

  • If you're watching with subtitles at the bottom, great!

    If you’re watching with subtitles at the bottom, great! 今、字幕で見てる場合、それでもよいですが

  • I recommend you turn off the subtitles, okay?

    I recommend you turn off the subtitles, okay? 字幕を消すことをおすすめします

  • if you don't know how to do that,

    if you don’t know how to do that, 消す方法が分からなかったら

  • click here if you're on mobile

    click here if you’re on mobile ここをクリックしてください

  • find thesubtitlesetting, turn it off, now!

    find the “subtitle” setting, turn it off, now! そして設定をみつけて、「字幕」を消して

  • when we finished you can come back,

    when we finished you can come back, 終わったら、最初に戻って、

  • play the video again

    play the video again 字幕を付けて

  • turn the subtitles on

    turn the subtitles on もう1回観てください

  • and I will give you examples of the

    and I will give you examples of the 字幕では正しい例文を挙げています

  • person” “verb” “object” “time”, okay?

    “person” “verb” “object” “time”, okay? 「人」「動詞」「目的語」「時間」の例文です

  • so you can copy those examples

    so you can copy those examples 例文のように答えてください

  • okay! let's begin

    okay! let’s begin では、始めましょう!

  • remember all of these questions are onlyHABIT

    remember all of these questions are only “HABIT” 今回の質問の中で使われているのは「習慣」の時制のみ。

  • they are about things you or somebody does regularly,

    they are about things you or somebody does regularly, 忘れないで。日常的にすることについて尋ねています

  • for example “I play sports on Sundays

    for example “I play sports on Sundays” 例えば、「私は日曜日にスポーツをします」

  • “I work every day

    “I work every day” 「私は、毎日仕事をします」

  • “I listen to music every evening

    “I listen to music every evening” 「私は毎晩音楽を聴きます」

  • Alright? regular, regular sentences

    Alright? regular, regular sentences いいですか?日常的、習慣的にしていること

  • today we have 50 questions,

    today we have 50 questions, 今回は、50の質問をします

  • please respond with FULL answers,

    please respond with FULL answers, フルセンテンスで答えましょうね

  • five seconds for each answer.

    five seconds for each answer. 答える時間はそれぞれ5秒間

  • Are you ready? Let's go!

    Are you ready? Let’s go! 準備はいいですか?はじめましょう!

  • 1. Do you live in Japan?

    1. Do you live in Japan? 1.日本に住んでいますか?

  • Yes, I do.

    Yes, I do. はい、住んでいます

  • 2. Where do you live?

    2. Where do you live? 2.どこに住んでいますか?

  • I live in Kanazawa.

    I live in Kanazawa. 金沢に住んでいます

  • 3. What do you do?

    3. What do you do? 3.お仕事は何をしていますか?

  • I teach English.

    I teach English. 英語を教えています

  • 4. Do you like your job?

    4. Do you like your job? 4.自分の仕事が好きですか?

  • Yes, I do.

    Yes, I do. はい、好きです

  • 5. When do you work?

    5. When do you work? 5.いつ仕事をしますか?

  • I work Monday to Friday.

    I work Monday to Friday. 月曜日から金曜日まで仕事をします

  • 6. What time do you get up?

    6. What time do you get up? 6.何時に起きますか?

  • I get up at 8.

    I get up at 8. 8時に起きます

  • 7. What time do you eat breakfast?

    7. What time do you eat breakfast? 7.朝ごはんは何時に食べますか?

  • I eat breakfast at about 8:15.

    I eat breakfast at about 8:15. 8時15分頃に朝食を食べます

  • 8. What time do you come home after work?

    8. What time do you come home after work? 8.仕事の後、何時に家に帰りますか?

  • I come home after work at about 10.

    I come home after work at about 10. 10時ごろに帰ります

  • 9. What do you do after work?

    9. What do you do after work? 9.お仕事の後は何しますか?

  • I watch T.V.

    I watch T.V. テレビを見ます

  • 10. What time do you go to bed?

    10. What time do you go to bed? 10.何時に寝ますか?

  • I go to bed at about 1.

    I go to bed at about 1. 1時頃に寝ます

  • 11. When do you have a day off?

    11. When do you have a day off? 11.お休みの日はいつですか?

  • I have a day off on Saturdays and Sundays.

    I have a day off on Saturdays and Sundays. 土曜日と日曜日に休みます

  • 12. What do you do on your day off?

    12. What do you do on your day off? 12.お休みの日は何しますか?

  • I play basketball and watch movies.

    I play basketball and watch movies. バスケをしたり、映画を観たりします

  • 13. Do you like ice-cream?

    13. Do you like ice-cream? 13.アイスは好きですか?

  • Yes, I do.

    Yes, I do. はい、好きです

  • 14. What ice-cream do you like?

    14. What ice-cream do you like? 14. 何のアイスが好きですか?

  • 15. What other food do you like?

    15. What other food do you like? 15.他にはどんな食べ物が好きですか?

  • I like nabe and hamburgers.

    I like nabe and hamburgers. 鍋やハンバーガーが好きです

  • 16. What food don't you like?

    16. What food don’t you like? 16.嫌いな食べ物は何ですか?

  • I don't like natto or sea urchin.

    I don’t like natto or sea urchin. 納豆とウニは好きではないです

  • 17. Do you have any hobbies?

    17. Do you have any hobbies? 17.趣味はありますか?

  • Yes, I do.

    Yes, I do. はい、あります

  • 18. Do you have a best friend?

    18. Do you have a best friend? 18.仲の良い友だちはいますか?

  • Yes, I do.

    Yes, I do. はい、います

  • 19. Where doeS your best friend live?

    19. Where doeS your best friend live? 19.あなたの友だちはどこに住んでいますか?

  • He liveS in Kanazawa.

    He liveS in Kanazawa. 私の友だちは金沢に住んでいます。

  • 20. What doeS your best friend do?

    20. What doeS your best friend do? 20.友だちのお仕事はなんですか?

  • He workS in I.T.

    He workS in I.T. 友人はI.T.の会社で働いています。

  • 21. DoeS your best friend like his/her job?

    21. DoeS your best friend like his/her job? 21. 友だちは自分の仕事が好きですか?

  • Yes, he doeS.

    Yes, he doeS. はい、好きです。

  • 22. Where doeS your best friend work?

    22. Where doeS your best friend work? 22.友人はどこで働いていますか?

  • He workS in Nonoichi.

    He workS in Nonoichi. 野々市で勤めています。

  • 23. When doeS your best friend have a day off?

    23. When doeS your best friend have a day off? 23.友だちのお休みの日はいつですか?

  • My best friend haS a day off on Sundays.

    My best friend haS a day off on Sundays. 友だちは日曜日にお休みします。

  • 24. What does your best friend do on his/her day off?

    24. What does your best friend do on his/her day off? 24.友だちはお休みの日に何をしますか?

  • I don't know, but he likes cycling. He cycles on his day off.

    I don’t know, but he likes cycling. He cycles on his day off. 分からないけど、 自転車が好きなので、サイクリングをします。

  • 25. When do you meet your best friend?

    25. When do you meet your best friend? 25.友だちとはいつ会いますか?

  • I meet him on Sundays.

    I meet him on Sundays. 日曜日に会います。

  • 26. What do you do with your best friend?

    26. What do you do with your best friend? 26.友だちといつも何をしますか?

  • We go to an Izakaya. We talk. We drink beer!

    We go to an Izakaya. We talk. We drink beer! 居酒屋へ行って、話をして、ビールを飲みます。

  • 27. Do you know a married couple?

    27. Do you know a married couple? 27.結婚している夫婦を知っていますか?

  • Yes, I do.

    Yes, I do. はい、知っています。

  • 28. Where do they live?

    28. Where do they live? 28. その2人はどこに住んでいますか?

  • They live in Kanazawa.

    They live in Kanazawa. 2人は金沢市に住んでいます

  • 29. Do they work?

    29. Do they work? 29. その2人は仕事をしていますか?

  • Yes, they do.

    Yes, they do. はい、しています。

  • 30. What do they do?

    30. What do they do? 30.その2人は何の仕事をしていますか?

  • The husband works in sales and the wife works in a convenience store.

    The husband works in sales and the wife works in a convenience store. 旦那さんは販売の仕事、奥さんはコンビニの仕事をしています

  • 31. What time do they wake up?

    31. What time do they wake up? 31.その二人は何時に起きますか?

  • I don't know, but maybe they wake up around 7.

    I don’t know, but maybe they wake up around 7. 分からないけど、多分7時ぐらいです

  • 32. When do you see them?

    32. When do you see them? 32.その二人にはいつ会いますか?

  • I see them on the weekend.

    I see them on the weekend. 週末に会います

  • 33. Do you see them often?

    33. Do you see them often? 33.よく会いますか?

  • No, I don't.

    No, I don’t. いいえ、よく会うことはないです

  • 34. What do you do with this married couple?

    34. What do you do with this married couple? 34.会うときは何しますか?

  • We meet and have a BBQ in summer.

    We meet and have a BBQ in summer. 夏は会ってBBQをします

  • 35. How often do you see them?

    35. How often do you see them? 35.その二人にはどれくらいの頻度で会いますか?

  • I rarely see them. I see them about 6 times a year.

    I rarely see them. I see them about 6 times a year. たまに会います。1年に6回ぐらいです

  • 36. Do they have kids?

    36. Do they have kids? 36. その二人には子供がいますか?

  • Yes, they do.

    Yes, they do. はい、います。

  • 37. How many kids do they have?

    37. How many kids do they have? 37.その二人には子供が何人いますか?

  • They have 2 kids.

    They have 2 kids. 2人います

  • 38.How often do you have a day off?

    38.How often do you have a day off? 38. お休みの日はどのくらいありますか?

  • I sometimes have a day off. I have a day off on Saturdays and Sundays.

    I sometimes have a day off. I have a day off on Saturdays and Sundays. 時々休みます。土曜と日曜は休みます。

  • 39. How often do you listen to music?

    39. How often do you listen to music? 39.どのぐらいの頻度で音楽を聞きますか?

  • I always listen to music. I listen to music in the car everyday.

    I always listen to music. I listen to music in the car everyday. いつも音楽を聴いています。車の中で毎日聞いています

  • 40. How often do you watch T.V.?

    40. How often do you watch T.V.? 40.どれくらいテレビを観ますか?

  • I rarely watch TV. I watch TV once a week.

    I rarely watch TV. I watch TV once a week. あまりテレビを観ません。週に1回です

  • 41. What T.V. do you watch?

    41. What T.V. do you watch? 41.何の番組を観ますか?

  • I watch comedy and drama programs.

    I watch comedy and drama programs. コメディーとドラマが好きです

  • 42. Do you watch the news?

    42. Do you watch the news? 42.ニュースを観ますか?

  • No, I don't.

    No, I don’t. いいえ、観ません

  • 43. How often do you watch the news?

    43. How often do you watch the news? 43.どれくらいニュースを観ますか?

  • I never watch the news.

    I never watch the news. まったく観ません

  • 44. How often do you meet your best friend?

    44. How often do you meet your best friend? 44.どのくらいの頻度で友人に会いますか?

  • I sometimes meet my best friend. I meet my best friend once every two weeks.

    I sometimes meet my best friend. I meet my best friend once every two weeks. 時々会っています。2週間に1回です

  • 45. How often do you cook?

    45. How often do you cook? 45.どのくらいの頻度で料理をしますか?

  • I always cook. I cook everyday.

    I always cook. I cook everyday. いつも料理をしています。毎日です

  • 46. How often does your best friend cook?

    46. How often does your best friend cook? 46.友人はどのくらいの頻度で料理をしますか?

  • I don't know, he maybe cooks once a week.

    I don’t know, he maybe cooks once a week. 分からないけど、多分週に1回ぐらいです。

  • 47. How often do you go to the movies?

    47. How often do you go to the movies? 47.どのくらいの頻度で映画館へ行きますか?

  • I rarely go to the movies. I go to the movies about once every 3 months.

    I rarely go to the movies. I go to the movies about once every 3 months. たまにしか行きません。3ヶ月に1回くらいです。

  • 48. What movies do you like?

    48. What movies do you like? 48.どんな映画が好きですか?

  • I like horror movies.

    I like horror movies. ホラーが好きです

  • 49. Do you like action movies?

    49. Do you like action movies? 49.アクション映画が好きですか?

  • Yes, I do.

    Yes, I do. はい、好きです

  • 50. Do you watch movies at home?

    50. Do you watch movies at home? 50.お家で映画を観ますか?

  • Yes, I do. I watch movies on Netflix.

    Yes, I do. I watch movies on Netflix. はい、観ます。ネットフリックスで見ます。

  • OK!


  • Well done, everybody!

    Well done, everybody! みなさん、よくできましたね!

  • Thank you for watching all the way to the end of this video!

    Thank you for watching all the way to the end of this video! 最後まで観てくれてありがとうございます!

  • Now, please go back to the beginning of these questions,

    Now, please go back to the beginning of these questions, では、最初の質問まで戻ってください。

  • turn on subtitles and

    turn on subtitles and 字幕を付けて、

  • look at the examples that I've given you down here

    look at the examples that I’ve given you down here もう1回観てください。

  • all of thesehabitquestions have

    all of these “habit” questions have 質問は全て「習慣」について尋ねています

  • DOorDOESin the question at the beginning

    “DO” or “DOES” in the question at the beginning 「DO」が「DOES」が最初にきます。

  • When DO…?” “What DOES…?” “Why DO…?”

    “When DO…?” “What DOES…?” “Why DO…?” “When DO…?” “What DOES…?” “Why DO…?”

  • DOandDOES” = HABIT

    “DO” and “DOES” = HABIT 「Do」と「Does」は「習慣」です

  • So, if you know it's HABIT,

    So, if you know it’s HABIT, 「習慣」だと気がついたら、

  • PERSON + simple VERB + OBJECT (sometimes) + TIME (sometimes)

    PERSON + simple VERB + OBJECT (sometimes) + TIME (sometimes) 人+動詞の現在形+目的語(場合による)+時間(場合による)

  • OK, thank you, guys!

    OK, thank you, guys! OK。ありがとうございます、みなさん!

  • Thank you for watching!

    Thank you for watching! ご視聴ありがとうございます!!

  • If you liked this video,

    If you liked this video, この動画が気に入ったら、

  • please remember to clicklike”,

    please remember to click “like”, 「いいね」をお願いいます

  • don't forget to subscribe and please,

    don’t forget to subscribe and please, チャンネル登録もよろしくお願いします!

  • tell your friends about this video

    tell your friends about this video 友達にもこの動画のことを教えてあげてください

  • you can watch this video as many times as you want

    you can watch this video as many times as you want この動画をできるだけたくさん観て!

  • many, many times!

    many, many times! 何回も!

  • Your answers will become quicker, easier

    Your answers will become quicker, easier 簡単に答えられるようになりますよ

  • and more fluent!

    and more fluent! 英語力も上がりますよ!

  • Thank you for watching and remember..

    Thank you for watching and remember.. 観てくれてありがとうございます!

  • If you want to speak English

    “If you want to speak English… 英語を話したいなら、

  • I'm right by your side!”

    I’m right by your side!” いつもとなりにいます!

  • Thank you, guys, see you next time!!

    Thank you, guys, see you next time!! ありがとうございました! またよろしくお願いします!

  • Bye bye!

    Bye bye! じゃあね!

Hi, guys!!

Hi, guys!! みなさん、こんにちは!


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