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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • Let's say that you have a bunch of things that you need to get done

  • You probably write out a little to-do list or you keep a mental note but just how effective are these methods.

  • i know for a lot of people and essay that could

  • for a lot of people and essay that could

  • have been finished in four hours becomes

  • a four-day ordeal homework that could

  • have easily been done in 45 minutes ends

  • up taking all night so how do we get

  • things done as efficiently and as fast

  • as possible to answer lies in the way

  • you make your list i'll give you an

  • example when it comes to making videos

  • for this channel it takes me anywhere

  • from six to ten hours of work to produce

  • one video even though it takes this many

  • hours I am frequently able to do all of

  • this work in just one day

  • how do i do it what I do is I planned

  • out all of the things I have to do the

  • day before I use a whiteboard like this

  • one

  • I like to put velcro on the back of

  • these white boards and put them on the

  • wall across from my bed so when I wake

  • up in the morning the first thing I see

  • is my to-do list

  • I immediately know that these are the

  • goals for today what do you write on the

  • boards well let's say for example my

  • goal is to make a video today

  • now on this whiteboard what I'll do is

  • I'll break down the exact steps i need

  • to take in order to get this done i

  • categorize each component of the video

  • making process the first component is

  • the script what I need to get done first

  • is the title which only takes about 10

  • minutes tops

  • once i get the title done i cross it out

  • and I immediately contact my dumb nail

  • guy tell him what I want this takes like

  • another 10 minutes i consider this to be

  • another component in itself now do a

  • rough draft which takes about 45 minutes

  • i'll proofread it and edit which takes

  • about another 30 minutes and that's it

  • the script component is done now for

  • every major component what I like to do

  • is I like to put a little box next to it

  • and once I complete a component I check

  • it when I complete a task I cross that

  • out every time I'm done with the major

  • component I'll give myself a little

  • break i'll cook lunch or I'll browse

  • reddit for 10 minutes then it's back to

  • work and on to the next component next

  • is the animation i usually break this

  • down into two sessions each taking about

  • an hour but if the video is extremely

  • long i'll make it into three sessions

  • and that's another component done then

  • it's audio first record the raw do i do

  • a couple of takes it takes about an hour

  • then I edit the audio then I

  • add the background music that's another

  • 30 minutes and that's another component

  • done checkmark little break then I think

  • the animation with the audio this takes

  • about 30 minutes to an hour and that's

  • another component done the final

  • component is the launch and for the

  • launch I have a big empty box because

  • it's the last step for the whole process

  • I write the prescription I put the tag

  • schedule the video make the captions

  • make the end screen all of that stuff

  • takes me about 30 minutes and then i'm

  • done with the whole project the reason

  • why we have such a hard time getting

  • things done is because when we use a

  • plain old to-do list all of the tasks

  • look ginormous your brain goes oh my god

  • this is going to take me eight hours to

  • complete and natural you just start

  • procrastinating your reasoning being oh

  • you know I'll just enjoy myself a little

  • bit more before I shut myself away from

  • the world 48 hours but when you break it

  • down to extremely simple steps you start

  • taking advantage of what's called

  • implementation intention

  • it's a psychological effect that is the

  • core of many methods out there regarding

  • studying and work habits when you break

  • the test down and be as specific as

  • possible it becomes easier for you to

  • get things done

  • this includes specifying the where the

  • when and the exact steps so instead of

  • thing

  • oh I need to study this week you need to

  • be saying okay when i'm done with this

  • class I'm going to go to the library i'm

  • going to read pages a to be and I'm

  • going to do questions y to z by changing

  • the way you write your to-do list you

  • become more effective in getting things

  • done and that's how these people out

  • there who get massive loads of work done

  • every single day they're not superhuman

  • they just know how to write a proper

  • to-do list

Let's say that you have a bunch of things that you need to get done


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

物事を成し遂げる - 仕事の大規模な負荷を取得する方法を毎日行う (Getting Things Done - How to Get MASSIVE Loads of Work Done EVERY DAY)

  • 17 1
    Annie Huang に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日