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The world we live in is made of things,
billions and billions of different things,
like pickles
and pianos
and dump trucks
and octopi.
And even though these things seem totally different,
they're all made of the same stuff,
just combined in different ways.
To give you an idea of how this combining works,
let's take something apart.
Let's start with this bowl of macaroni salad.
If you were to reverse a recipe for macaroni salad,
you'll see it's made by mixing together
a bunch of ingredients,
like macaroni,
and mustard.
This type of combining is called a mixture.
When you make a mixture,
you're combining two or more things together
without actually changing
the chemical identity of those things,
like mud, for example.
The soil and water in mud haven't actually changed.
They're still soil and water,
you've just created a mixture of soil and water,
It turns out that macaroni salad
is actually a mixture of mixtures
because many of the ingredients,
like mayo and mustard,
are already mixtures themselves,
which is nice for us
because if we look closely,
we'll the see the three main types of mixtures that exist.
The size of the particles in a mixture
determines the type of mixture.
On one end of the scale is a suspension,
like our muddy water example.
You get this if you take big chunks of something
and mix it with something else
so those chunks are just floating around.
Take runny mustard for example.
You'll see a bunch of little particles
like mustard seeds,
and minced shallots
all floating around in a liquid,
in this case vinegar and water.
This is called a suspension
because you've got particles of one thing
suspended in another.
Now, on the other end of the spectrum
is a solution.
The particles in this mixture are so small,
they are the actual molecules.
A solution is sort of like a suspension of molecules
where one type of molecule is blended
or dissolved with another.
Vinegar is an example of a solution
where the molecules of acetic acid
are blended with molecules of water.
The chemical properties of the molecules haven't changed,
they're just evenly mixed together now.
Saltwater and carbonated soda
are both examples of solutions
where other molecules are dissolved in water.
The last type of mixture is called a colloid,
which is somewhere between a suspension and a solution.
It's when you take two materials that don't dissolve
and you make the particles so small
that they can't separate.
Mayo is what happens
when you take oil and water,
which don't mix,
and you bind them together,
usually with the help of another substance
called an emulsifier.
In the case of mayo, it's lecithin, found in eggs.
And now, you are left with really small globs of oil
hanging out with really small droplets of water.
Whipped cream,
and Jello
are all other examples of colloids.
So, let's get back to macaroni salad.
You've call colloids like mayo,
suspensions like mustard,
and solutions like vinegar,
but you've also got celery,
and all other vegetable chunks
that are also part of the salad.
These aren't mixtures, really,
but we can break them up,
just like a TV can be broken up
into smaller and smaller complex component parts.
In the case of vegetables,
if you keep breaking things up,
they'll eventually end with thousands
of complex organic molecules,
things like ATP synthase
and RNA transcriptase
and water.
So now, once we've unblended all the solutions,
unmixed all the colloids,
separated all the suspensions,
and taken apart all of our vegetables,
we've reached the end of what we can unmix physically.
What we're left with is a whole bunch of molecules,
and these molecules remain chemically the same
whether they are by themselves
or thrown together in a salad.
If you want to separate these guys even further,
we need to unmix things chemically,
which means we need to start breaking some bonds.