字幕表 動画を再生する
ating old or expired
food is extremely dangerous.
- [Old Smokey] We do this at home, but you shouldn't.
(kitchen timer bell rings)
- I think they did a really good job 35 years ago
when they designed this.
Honestly, they knocked it out of the park.
The advertising on it has held up to the test of time.
I think it still looks like a modern product.
- It does.
- So what do you think, you like the box?
- I love this box.
Do you mind if I ask how much you spent on this?
- It's $500.
- You spent 500 bucks on this!?
- 500 bucks on a box of cereal.
- [Josh] As opposed to the $1.99...
- [Old Smokey] That it was originally? Yeah.
- It's a hell of a markup.
- It's a little bit of a markup.
- Listen, I love "Star Wars."
Me and my brother, we had original VHSs of it all.
- I've never went to the theaters and seen "Star Wars."
- Get outta here!
(fast-paced music)
Never seen a "Star Wars" in the theater?
- Nope.
- Man, you are a small portion of this population.
- Yep.
- I really kinda wish that I was old enough
to eat cereal when C-3PO's came out.
I don't think my parents were giving us cereal just yet,
but there is something to be said about C-3PO, right?
He's not your everyday hero.
He kinda, just tin-cans around.
He's more or less just a translation robot.
But he kinda saved the day.
Like, the fact that we didn't get Luke Skywalker-O's
or like Lei-O's,
Princess Leia-O's,
O's-Bi-Wan-Kenobis, right?
You could have had--
- Yod-O's. (chuckles)
- Yeah, Yod-O's, right? (laughs)
You had all that.
The Ewoks, if anything, should've had a berry cereal.
Get your Ewoks.
- Yeah, I can see that.
- I really wish that they were still making C-3PO's
to see how aggressive the commercials would be.
I think I would have been a really good kid
in cereal commercials.
(electronic music) - Oh, yeah?
- Oh, thanks mom!
Oh, it's new!
And it's crunchy!
And it's honey-sweetened, oat-wheat-corn cereal!
Then, in comes the droid,
and he's blowin' up your breakfast table.
Eat C-3PO's!
It'll translate your breakfast!
It's a new force in breakfast!
- I can definitely see that in the '90s and early 2000s.
My thing, always wanted to go for the prize inside.
- Yeah.
- That was my first indicate--
Any old box of cereal that was '90s and back--
- Just puttin' your-- - Just goin' after
mitts in there. whatever's, yeah.
Doesn't matter what's on my hands, I'm goin' after the toys
or the prizes or whatever's inside.
that was kinda my nostalgic tie to any type of cereal
from my childhood.
(percussion music)