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  • They say: “Bigger is better”. Not sure who THEY are, but it seems since the dawn

  • of civilization, people have dreamed big. And built big too. From the Great Pyramid

  • to the Great Wall, there's been no limit to humanity's architectural aspirations. Engineers

  • of today are no different. So let's go around the world to see their most ambitious (and

  • bizarre) projects!

  • 1. To start with, there's Dubai's floating underwater train. Engineers in the UAE have

  • proposed a high-speed rail connecting the city of Dubai to Mumbai, India, crossing 1,200

  • miles underwater in only 2 hours. That's about the distance from New York to Kansas

  • Cityalmost half the continental USand the FLIGHT takeshours! The high-speed

  • train would travel through a submerged tube floating just below the surface. Instead of

  • anchoring it on the seafloor, the tunnel will hang from a series of enormous buoys! Hey

  • like they always say: bouys will be bouys!

  • 2. Also from the city whose name seems to meanHey look at me!” the Dubai Creek

  • Tower has been under construction since 2016. Designed to resemble both a minaret and a

  • lily blossom, once complete (in 2021 if all goes according to plan), the tower will feature

  • offices, restaurants, rotating viewing platforms, and beautiful sky gardens inspired by the

  • Hanging Gardens of Babylon. The tower will serve as the centerpiece of a new community

  • called Dubai Creek Harbor, which will house up to 470,000 people.

  • 3. Meanwhile, green energy is the future, but wind farms can take up a lot of space.

  • Solution? Put 'em in the ocean, of course! Ocean Wind is a planned offshore wind farm

  • located 15 miles off the coast of Atlantic City, New Jersey. Once completed in 2024,

  • the massive farm of 850-ft turbines will generate over 1,000 megawatts of electricity, nearly

  • twice as much as an average coal power plant and enough to power over half a million homes!

  • 4. Resembling a giant corkscrew, the Chicago Spire would've been the tallest building

  • in the western hemisphere, dominating the Chicago skyline 2,000 ft above street level.

  • Its shape was inspired by smoke rising from a campfire, and it offered a unique architectural

  • challenge. The twisting walls would've made the building vulnerable to the high winds

  • Chicago's known for. Funding dried up in 2008, with nothing but a large hole to show

  • for all the planning.

  • 5. Designed by the same architect who brought us the Burj Khalifa, the world's current tallest

  • building jutting half a mile into the sky, the Jeddah Tower was originally planned to

  • double that! But the futuristic spire was scaled back due to practical concerns like

  • wind and weight. It's supposed to be completed in 2020, and once that happens, it'll dethrone

  • the Burj Khalifa and stand an impressive 3,280 ft.

  • 6. And reaching even further is the Sky Mile Tower. The name says it all! So apparent there's

  • nothing else for me to say. Alright, if you insist: Twice the height of the Burj Khalifa,

  • Sky Mile will rise from an artificial island in Tokyo bay. The island will function as

  • a sea wall, protecting the city from rising ocean levels. The tower will also provide

  • clean water from a desalinization plant in the lower levels.

  • 7. It's been called one of the most ambitious construction plans since the Pyramid of Khufu.

  • Behold the UAE's proposed Dynamic Tower. Each floor is shaped like a giant fidget spinner

  • and would be able to rotate independently. The building would also produce its own power

  • thanks to a combination of solar panels and wind turbines.

  • 8. The strait of Gibraltar is so narrow that Spain and Morocco are practically touching.

  • Hello! It's not surprising that many engineers have dreamed of building a superbridge across

  • it. Plenty of designs have been presented over the years, with the most eye-catching

  • resembling a cross between the Golden Gate and Brooklyn Bridges. This towering structure

  • would span 8.7 miles from shore to shore. Just the space between each supporting tower

  • would be twice as long as the Golden Gate Bridge!

  • 9. Freedom Ship has been a decades-old concept for a floating city capable of housing 80,000

  • people. At 4,500 ft long, the ship would be almost 4 times the length of the world's largest

  • cruise ship, the Symphony of the Seas. Its 25 floors would tower over anything else on

  • the ocean. This moving city would contain a nearly self-sufficient society with hospitals,

  • schools, and a runway for commercial aircraft. Hmm, think you could live on a ship like that?

  • 10.

  • 11. From the sea to the clouds, the Sky City 1000 offers a solution to Japan's equally

  • sky-high housing prices. Resembling 14 bowls stacked on top of each other, it was the first

  • seriously considered concept for a self-contained vertical city, a concept known as Arcology.

  • Designed to house more than 35,000 people, the 3,300-ft building would feature its own

  • schools, theaters, and even outdoor parks in the gaps between each terrace.

  • 12. A similar project to deal with the lack of space in the overcrowded city, Tokyo's

  • proposed Shimizu 2004 Mega-City Pyramid is designed to house up to 1 million people.

  • This enormous pyramid would be the largest building in history, covering a little over

  • 3 square miles of what's now Tokyo Bay. That's 2½ times the size of Central Park! The 2004

  • in its name refers to a planned height of 2,004 meters, or about 6,600 ft.

  • Do you think these massive skyscrapers will a normal thing of the future? Maybe we'll

  • have flying cars so you can park right next to your 400th-floor apartment! Let me know

  • your thoughts down in the comments. Now, let's look at some even more epic projects!

  • 13. The tallest construction project ever seriously considered, the Dubai City Tower

  • draws inspiration from the shape of the Eiffel Tower. It would triple the height of the Burj

  • Khalifa, and stand 5 times taller than the Empire State building! Just imagine looking

  • up at such a huge construction! The pointed shape would help offset the impact of wind

  • and disperse the tower's weight over a wider area. Instead of an elevator, the proposed

  • building comes equipped with a high-speed train to move people between floors. You know

  • I think it was Shakespeare who named this town, or Hamlet to be precise. “Dubai or

  • not Dubai. That is the question.” Really.

  • 14. Atlantropa was an insanely ambitious plan to partially drain the Mediterranean Sea.

  • The proposal called for massive hydroelectric dams to be built in several places like the

  • Dardanelles Channel and Strait of Gibraltar. It would've lowered the sea level by up

  • to 660 ft, the entire height of the Seattle Space Needle, plus some! The plan also called

  • for the Nile and Congo rivers to be redirected to irrigate the Sahara Desert. For obvious

  • reasons, the idea didn't stick for long.

  • 15. And now a project so unbelievable, it's impossible. It's a buildinghanging in

  • the skyfrom an asteroid. Specifically, it's meant to hang suspended by cables from

  • an asteroid that would FIRST need to be towed into our planet's orbit! You could even

  • parachute off the top floors and down to Earth! Don't get me wrongas a science fiction

  • concept, it gets an A+! But something tells me we won't be seeing many hanging skyscrapers

  • any time soon. On second thought, never say never!

  • Hey, if you learned something new today, then give the video a like and share it with a

  • friend! And here are some other cool videos I think you'll enjoy. Just click to the left

  • or right, and stay on the Bright Side of life!

They say: “Bigger is better”. Not sure who THEY are, but it seems since the dawn


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ドバイの水中電車と13の非現実的なエンジニアリングの驚異 (Dubai's Underwater Train and 13 Unreal Engineering Marvels)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日