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-Guys, I want to play a new game. "Voice Swap."
We're going to do a regular interview, except, Mila,
when I ask you a question,
Ashton is going to answer for you,
and you have to move your mouth so it looks like you're talking.
And, Ashton, when you get a question,
Mila will answer for you, and you'll have to move your mouth.
It's like you guys are ventriloquists basically.
Are you ready to try this? -Yeah.
-It's the first time. I appreciate you guys trying this.
Mila Kunis, how are you doing?
-Uh -- Uh -- Oh, wait.
[ Laughter ]
-I have to move my mouth. You have words.
-I got it. I got it. -Okay.
-I'm great.
I went to the bathroom this morning and took a giant...
-And I feel wonderful after doing that.
Because I released my entire innards, and from that,
it just opened me up to the wonderful energy of the world.
-Oh, my gosh. Mila, what a great answer.
I didn't think you were going to get that descriptive.
Ashton Kutcher, same with you. How are you doing, bud?
-[ Laughs ]
[ Laughter ]
Okay. All right. Let's get to the question.
[ Laughter ]
Ashton, what music --
what music have you been listening to during quarantine?
-Oh, you know, I just love a little "Pete the Cat."
It's my favorite album.
Also, I listen to "Blaze and the Monster Machine."
It's great. It really gets me pumping and going.
I don't know if you guys have heard of KIDZ BOP,
but, whoo, we love it over here!
[ Laughter ]
-Thank you. Wow.
God, I didn't think you'd be that into it.
Ashton very excited.
Mila, have you been having any quarantine dreams?
Like, what was your craziest dream?
-Oh, my cra-- Ooh.
-My craziest dream. Hm. Let me think about it.
I know exactly what it is.
One night, I dreamed that I had elbow cancer.
I don't even know why I would dream that I have elbow cancer,
but it seems that my elbow was so --
You're not even mouthing it.
Was so cancerous
that I couldn't even bend it and pick up my children!
So I picked up the littlest one
and dropped him on his head again.
-Oh, my God. That is a crazy, crazy dream.
Now --
-Are you even playing the game?
-No, I'm...
[ Laughter ]
-There's only two more questions,
and then we'll be done with this.
No, it's very good. Here we go. I will say --
-I don't know how people keep a straight face.
This is like -- Do you know what my worst fear --
And I've said I'll never do it, is "SNL," because of this.
Because I clearly -- I enjoy laughter,
and I have a very hard time, like, holding it down.
It seems like --
-You and Jimmy on "SNL" would've been a great pair.
-We would've done one sketch.
[ Voices overlapping ]
-I can never hold it together. Okay, I got it.
-All right. Ready? Here we go.
-...'70s. Do you remember? -Yes.
-Oh, my God. Would get so mad at me.
-Okay, okay. We're in the game. -I'm in.
-I'm sure you guys are excited about getting back out
into the world when this is over.
Ashton, what are you most excited to do
when they open things back up again?
-Oh, you know, I just love to -- Uh...
Boy, my favorite thing to do is to, uh...
Just go outside naked and run around and just
let everyone see my junk.
-[ Laughs ]
-...take off my shirt. Look at me go! Whoo-ooh!
...my chest hair is shaped like Batman's signal.
I have a permanent Bat signal on my chest,
and I don't even know why it's there!
[ Laughter ]
-Well, I want to thank you both for coming on the show.
I appreciate it, and --
No, I'm not going crazy. You're going crazy.
[ Laughter ]
-...crazy. This isn't crazy!
-We're so... -We're fine!
We're just over here drinking...wine! We're good!
-Oh, my gosh.
-Can't wait to see you guys in person.
I really love you for coming on. Thank you for what you're doing.
And thank you for doing this bit.
Appreciate it so much, guys.
-Thank you for letting us have a moment of interaction.
-Best to the fam. Bye, guys. Thank you.
-Bye! -Bye.