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  • Welcome to Economy Candy 2

  • where we have over 2,000 varieties of candies, 3

  • chocolates, dried fruits, nuts. 4

  • One large box of candy, please! 5

  • This is how Economy Candy, a legendary sugar shop 6

  • on Manhattan's Lower East Side 7

  • is staying afloat during the novel coronavirus pandemic, 8

  • one handful of treats at a time. 9

  • Inside Edition profiled Economy Candy this past December. 10

  • Mitchell Cohen, the store's third generation owner, 11

  • showed us around. 12

  • Things looked pretty sweet. 13

  • Back here, we have a huge table of all the candies 14

  • that you might remember from your childhood. 15

  • Then, well, you know what happened. 16

  • Roughly 25,000 new COVID-19 cases every day. 17

  • The administration looks into where the outbreak began. 18

  • The coronavirus pandemic is one big moving target. 19

  • Like many businesses, 20

  • Economy Candy has had to close its doors to the public. 21

  • The store has now just two employees, Mitchell and his wife. 22

  • They're trying to stay in business as best they can. 23

  • The Cohens say they're still doing 24

  • curbside pickup for locals. 25

  • For those father afield, 26

  • they're sending candy care packs via mail. 27

  • So far, they've sent out 2,000 28

  • and they say the demand is good. 29

  • They hope it'll be enough to tide them over 30

  • until they're able to resume business as usual. 31

  • This is

Welcome to Economy Candy 2


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B2 中上級

世界一のお菓子屋さん」がコロナウイルスにどのように対処しているか (How ‘World’s Best Candy Store’ Is Handling Coronavirus)

  • 20 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日