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  • hi everyone welcome to News Review I'm nail in my home studio of course we are

  • in lockdown because of the corona virus outbreak but with me well on the other

  • side of London is Catherine hi Catherine

  • what story have you got for us today well the race is on to find a treatment

  • for corona virus and scientists in the United States think they might be onto

  • something okay well let's find out some more about

  • that story from this BBC news report REM deseve is an antiviral that was

  • originally developed as a treatment for Ebola a full clinical trial of more than

  • a thousand people suggests it cuts corona virus symptoms from an average of

  • 15 days down to eleven however the impact on deaths is still not certain

  • and the fine detail is lacking the data has not been published or reviewed by

  • independent scientists it means we cannot be convinced of the drugs

  • effectiveness or usefulness now scientists are saying that the amount of

  • time that people experience kovat 19 symptoms has been reduced from 15 days

  • to 11 by using this drug however this the results have not yet been

  • independently tested so it's a little bit early to start celebrating okay well

  • you have been looking around the various news websites you've picked out some

  • really fantastic vocabulary this week what have you got

  • we have clear-cut opening the door and show promise clear-cut opening the door

  • and show promise okay let's have your first headline please yes we'll start

  • with BBC news here in the UK and the headline is remedy severe drug has

  • clear-cut power to fight coronavirus clear-cut obvious easy to understand

  • that's right there are two words in this vocabulary item we've got

  • clear CLE AR and cut C UT put them together you have clear cut okay all I

  • know the word clear I'm not so sure about cut in this instance what is

  • cutting got to do with this well it's quite an idiomatic use of the word cut

  • so we'll start with clear now if something's clear it's very obvious you

  • can see it very easily and that's really the sense of this word it's obvious if

  • you cut something with a very sharp knife it's very straight there's no

  • ragged edges it's just really clean cut isn't it something that's cut with

  • something very sharp so this idea that it's obvious and clean there's no doubt

  • if something is clear cut there is no room for doubt there is no room for

  • argument something's very very obvious and you can't disagree with it okay you

  • often see this expression used in a sporting context for example you could

  • hear that it was a clear-cut penalty how did the referee miss it yes that's a

  • really good example of how to use clear coat when people might be about to argue

  • when you're anticipating people to throw doubt on something you can stop them you

  • can stop this argument before it happens by saying it's clear cut it means

  • anybody can see it you can't all you can't disagree now you

  • can use the word clear-cut in a positive or a negative sense so you can say that

  • this is a clear-cut case of a good treatment for a bottom four Cove in 1900

  • or you can say it's a clear-cut penalty meaning something bad happened so you

  • can use clear-cut for good things or bad things the key about clear-cut is

  • there's no possibility of arguing it's also used often in a negative sense

  • isn't it so we can hear that something is not clear-cut yes

  • you can say it's not clear-cut if you don't really know if something is

  • obvious or not obvious there's room for argument there's a possibility of debate

  • yeah then you could say it isn't clear-cut so I heard you're thinking of

  • becoming a vegetarian meal I was thinking of becoming a vegetarian yes I

  • I read a lot of the arguments in favor and there's quite a lot but also there's

  • some debate about how healthy it is so I have to say it's not clear-cut whether

  • it's the best thing for the human body yeah it's not clear-cut at all it's

  • fairly clear-cut for the animal was healthiest though that is indeed

  • clear-cut okay let's have a summary please

  • time now for your second headline please Catherine yes we're in the United States

  • now with MSNBC and the headline is Falchi REM disappear trial is opening

  • the door to possible coronavirus treatments opening the door making

  • something possible yes we have three words here opening ope n ing the th e

  • door opening the door okay well I know what opening a door is but I'm not

  • really clear about the connection to this story what's what's opening doors

  • got to do with this medical it's quite a zoo Matic but it's not a huge stretch of

  • the imagination to work out what we're talking about here if you leave one room

  • and you go through a door you're in another room you you're in a different

  • place you're in a new place and when you're in a new place new and different

  • things can happen so opening the door is an expression that talks about

  • possibilities things that might happen next

  • usually good opportunities in this case this drug trial is creating

  • possibilities for coronavirus treatments so if you open the door to something and

  • the preposition is to you're creating possibilities for good things usually

  • good things to happen okay so for example a lot of young people finishing

  • school will be wondering whether to go to university university can really open

  • the door to job opportunities yes absolutely yes going to you know any

  • further education opens the door to more possibilities in particular with

  • employment the career prospects okay let's have a summary of that please

  • if you are interested in hearing stories about vaccines and medical trials we

  • have the perfect one for you don't we Catherine we do it was actually mr.

  • Fucci again and this time he's talking about a possible vaccine for Ebola so

  • click the link to go to the story ok time now for your final headline yes

  • we're still at the United States this time with ABC News the headline is early

  • trial results for a desappear show promise show promise give an indication

  • of likely success yes another two-word phrase show SH o w promise PR om is e

  • show promise okay well I know what shown me the show means display promise though

  • promises of word people probably know in a slightly different context as a verb

  • yes Rob promised to pay back some of those biscuits he's he stole and we're

  • still waiting for them it music says he would do something in the future yeah

  • this is a slightly different meaning isn't it

  • this is a slightly different meaning but it is related to the future if you

  • promise to do something you say that you will do something in the future if

  • usually if something shows promise you can see from what is happening now that

  • the future for this thing will be good good things will happen in the future

  • so showing promises about what's happening now that indicates a good

  • result in the future so Neil I believe your daughter likes to play the piano

  • she's learning isn't she she is learning piano yes and she yeah how'd you get on

  • with it well she passed her grade one the other day which means that she's

  • showing promise yes so she's going to be good

  • she's starting now but she's done well in her exam you can see that one day

  • Neal she'll be on that stage selling records you can try helping meet her

  • helping me to retire yes so to show promise or she's very promising is

  • another way we can say it if somebody or something is promising you can see that

  • they're good good things happening now and even better things will happen in

  • the future yeah we also hear the expression is show potential yes the

  • synonym would be to show potential yes Oh to have potential okay let's have a

  • summary of that

  • time now then for a summary of the words we've looked at today please Katherine

  • yes we had clear-cut which means obvious easy to understand

  • we had opening the door meaning making something possible and show promise give

  • an indication of likely success I bet you want to test yourself on that

  • vocabulary and you can do on our website at BBC learning

  • stay safe and join us next week goodbye

hi everyone welcome to News Review I'm nail in my home studio of course we are


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

Covid-19。薬物試験は希望を与えるBBCニュースレビュー (Covid-19: Drug trial gives hope: BBC News Review)

  • 5 1
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日