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Do you want other people to like you?
Do you want to become friends with the popular kids, or the successful people, or even the famous people?
Do you want to be the person that everyone else wants to be friends with?
Well, you're about to learn the simple trick that will make all of this happen.
I want you to think back to your first day of high school where you were feeling nervous and scared because you didn't really know anyone.
And seeing all the attractive girls and the popular kids probably made you feel a little shy.
And the only thing that you really wanted was to be liked and accepted by the other kids.
At least this is how I personally felt.
I can still remember looking at those popular kids, and thinking to myself: "How happy and how complete my life would be if I could just hang out with them."
Or how excited I would feel if I could go to one of their exclusive parties.
人気者だけのパーティーに 1 つ行けたら、どんなにワクワクするだろう。
And then I could post pictures with them on social media showing everyone that I was one of the cool kids.
そうしたら、あの子たちと撮った写真を SNS に載せて、僕もクールな子の 1 人だと示せるのに。
Because I really wanted them to like me, I was always very cautious not to say the wrong thing around them, or to bring up something that I thought they would think is lame or stupid.
This behavior is known as walking on eggshells, and I walked on those eggshells throughout my entire high school life going all the way into my college years.
こういった行動を、"walking on eggshells"(細心の注意を払う)と言います。僕は高校生活の全て、そして大学まで、このように行動していました。
I did have friends during this time, but even the people who did like me, did not like all of me.
They liked the parts of me that I was comfortable showing them.
I never really opened up about my hobbies that I thought were stupid, or my interests that I thought were weird.
At that time in my life the only person who knew the real me was the person who would stare back at me in the mirror every single morning.
And I think this is how a lot of people live their lives, when they meet somebody new, they put on their fake public persona.
The things that they say and the things that they do will always be influenced by who they are hanging around with.
And almost always they will keep certain things about themselves a secret.
And those sharp eggshells are just always there.
I think most of us here can agree that we don't really like people who are fake, we don't like it when someone acts overly nice all the time, or when someone pretends to be our friend, or pretends to sympathize with us.
We don't like people who pretend to be someone who they aren't.
But the irony of this is that, a lot of people who say they don't like people who are fake, are usually, to some extent, fake themselves.
But most of the time they aren't being fake because they are trying to manipulate someone, or trying to take advantage of someone.
They are being fake because they are scared.
They're scared that if they express who they truly are, their family will be disappointed in them, or their friends just won't want to talk to them anymore.
They are scared that the world they live in will reject their authentic self, which is a very scary thought for most people.
The problem with this though, is that the longer you walk on those eggshells, the sharper they will become.
And if you can't become comfortable living your authentic self, then you will slowly start to lose your sense of identity.
In fact, that's how most people are.
Their entire identity is just a collection of external influences from things like their parents, or their friends, or social media, or society.
However, there is a very small group of people who do live that authentic life that's not based on fear, and it's these people that are usually liked the most.
The simple trick that will get people to like you is to stop consciously trying to get other people to like you.
The moment when you can go up to that really attractive girl, or that really popular kid, or even that famous person without caring if they like you or not, is the moment when a lot of them will start to like you because you will be one of the very few people on planet earth who is not being fake.
好かれるかどうかを気にせず、あの魅力的な女の子や、人気者の子、そしてあの有名人にでも向かうことができれば、あなたのことを好きになり始めてくれる人が多くなります。地球上でほんの一握りの、偽りのない人の 1 人になれるからです。
Wait, Mitch, what if I meet somebody who is authentically a horrible person, or a crazy person who wants to hurt people?
Are you saying that I will like them because they are being authentic?
No, I'm not saying that.
Obviously, there are some exceptions, and of course, there will always be some people who just won't like you no matter what.
Maybe you have a single character trait that they just really hate for whatever reason.
理由はどうあれ、あなたの特性の 1 つを、ものすごく嫌いなのかもしれません。
Or I don't know, maybe you remind them in some way of their childhood bully.
They might actually be jealous of the fact that you have the power to be authentic, and they don't.
But most of the time, within reason, if you're being real people will like you, or at the very least, they will respect and appreciate the fact that you are being authentic as opposed to being fake like most of the world.
If you want to actually become that authentic person, then you need to learn how to stop caring what other people think of you.
And if you want to learn how to do that, then click the screen now and watch the video that I made on it, and I'll see you there.