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We all have encountered a quiet person or may even have quiet people as friends.
Quiet people are often misunderstood, so in this video I will cover ten facts on quiet people and we are starting right now.
物静かな人というのはよく誤解されがちですから、このビデオでは物静かな人について 10 個の事実を挙げて早速見ていきたいと思います。
One: quiet people appear mysterious and often don't speak a lot because they think a lot.
1: 物静かな人というのはミステリアスな感じがしてあまり話をしませんが、それは頭でたくさん考えているからです。
Quiet people almost always think before they speak to reply with something meaningful and avoid saying dumb stuff.
They also would rather have more information to craft a better response to connect with the person they are speaking with better.
Don't be surprised if a quiet person pauses mid conversation.
Two: quiet people are not necessarily shy.
2: 物静かな人というのは必ずしもシャイではない。
There is no direct link.
Being quiet or introverted doesn't mean you are shy.
Someone can be quiet and not shy.
Shyness is a learned behavioral problem that makes it range from a bit hard to nearly impossible to socialize.
Quiet people can socialize just fine, they just prefer to say less and listen more.
According to an interview in Scientific America with Susan Cain, author of the book Quiet: The Power of Introverts: It's also important to understand that introversion is different from shyness.
「Quiet:内向者の持つパワー」という本の著者でもあるスーザン・ケインさんが Scientific America から受けたインタビューの中で、内向的な人とシャイな人とは分けて考える必要があるということが触れられています。
Shyness is the fear of negative judgment, while introversion is simply the preference for less stimulation.
Three: quiet people can be loud and outgoing.
3: 物静かな人でもうるさく騒ぐことはある。
In the right situation, they become a completely different person.
When they are relaxed, happy, and surrounded by those they care about, they can be the life of the party.
If you are talking about something a quiet person is passionate about, you might have a hard time trying to shut them up.
Four: quiet people are actually creative and have interesting hobbies.
4: 物静かな人は実は創造的で面白い趣味を持っている。
Stereotypes would make you believe that they only read books and do other boring things which is not true.
Reading books are not boring by the way.
Quiet people are passionate about creating stuff and they often have a rich inner life which helps fuel their creativity.
Try getting to know a quiet person better and you might find out they have interesting hobbies.
Five, quiet people are great at observing others.
5: 物静かな人というのは観察力に長けている。
While everyone else is talking, the quiet person is listening and observing.
They listen and observe to gather information to craft a good response to connect with the person they will speak to in a deeper way.
Since quiet people are great at observing, they are also able to read the mood well and follow along or strategically change it.
Six, quiet people are often intelligent.
6: 物静かな人というのは聡明な事が多い。
Some of the smartest people are actually quiet.
The most famous example would be Bill Gates, the billionaire founder of Microsoft.
It helps that being quiet is good for your brain health because it gives the brain a chance to wander and reflect.
Seven, quiet people don't like gossip and think it is a waste of time.
7: 物静かな人というのは、うわさ話は時間の無駄と考えるのでしない。
Gossip simply isn't their cup of tea.
They don't like to talk about irrelevant things that don't concern them.
Because of this, quiet people can be trusted with your secrets.
They care about the feelings of others and won't spill your secrets over some gossip.
If you need someone to listen to your ideals, dreams, and passions, find a quiet person.
Eight, quiet people are not anti-social.
8: 物静かな人は反社会的ではない。
They are actually interested in other people and love being around people.
Just because they don't speak first or accept every invite or stay very late doesn't mean they are not interested in being around others.
They prefer small groups or one-on-one conversations to develop a meaningful connection.
どちらかというの少人数の集まりや 1 対 1 の会話を通して、より意義の深いつながりを持つ方が好きなだけです。
Nine, quiet people are naturally curious and natural learners.
9: 物静かな人は興味旺盛で学習能力が高い。
This might be one of the few reasons they like speaking less.
They rather observe and learn to fuel their thirst for knowledge.
They are more interested in learning about the people around them to expand their minds than open their mouths.
Ten, quiet people are not miserable.
10: 物静かな人はみじめではない。
Quiet people enjoy their own company and open up about themselves at their own pace.
物静かな人は 1 人でも楽しめますし、自分のペースで物事を進める方が性に合っています。
Even if they don't want to socialize all the time, they are not miserable.
Don't worry about your quiet friend being lonely, they are probably enjoying their solitude.
Do you have quiet friends?
Leave a comment below and check out these other videos about quiet people.