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giant megalithic stone heads figurines of what appeared to be flying craft and statues that evoke cultures found on the other side of the world.
According to ancient astronaut theorists, it is this information that the Catholic Church sought to suppress when they attempted to destroy all traces of the Maya culture nearly 500 years ago.
Now what's interesting is all these great ancient cultures, including the Mayan, seem to have knowledge of math in science, which we can't explain how they got this information.
When you ask them, they always tell you it came from the gods.
If the proof existed, not only have cross specific migration but also extraterrestrial visitation.
Many ancient astronaut theorists believe it would have posed a serious threat to a Catholic hierarchy steeped in the bigotry and intolerance of the Inquisition.
But if this incredible theory is true, what then happened to the extraterrestrial visitors?
Why did they come here on Lee to leave or go into hiding because of various wars going on cataclysms?
Eventually these civilizations began to collapse at civilizations do, and what happened in the end was with airships.
They stopped coming, and then the extra trestle Demi gods pulled their technology fast, so we don't know what happened there with the extraterrestrials and where they went.
And so you have to wonder if they don't want us to know that they are here.
The extraterrestrials may have just decided.
OK, humans on planet Earth have got the seeds of civilization.
Let's just stand back and see what they do.
In February 2018 through March 2019 archaeologists made a number of incredible discoveries.
Just in the area of Mexico alone, Mayan artifacts were discovered in Teotihuacan, a location previously thought to have been inhabited only by the Aztecs.
200 more artifacts were found in a hidden cave under the mine site of Chichen Itza and beneath dense jungles near Lake.
Wants Poirot, lined are scanning, uncovered an ancient city the size of Manhattan.
In the early 19 nineties, there were these science fiction stories that one day will be able to somehow look underneath the overgrown jungle.
And sure enough, here we are 2025 years later, and that technology now exists.
Satellites are now able to look through the soil into the ground to see if other structures exist.
Is mankind on an incredible threshold of discovery, one that will confirm that extraterrestrial visitation has occurred all over the world and for centuries, perhaps beneath the ruins of a newly discovered site in Mexico, archaeologists will uncover the ultimate evidence, alien contact and proof of humanity's true origins.