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  • I would like to share with you all this amazing story I came across, which highlights the fact that sometimes less is more and sometimes more is less.

  • On a small tourist island village lived a talented local musician.

  • The musician played at the local bar for minimum wage.

  • A tourist visiting the island complemented the musician on his original songs and ask how many shows he did per week now, many, usually three per week, the musician answered.

  • Why didn't you doom or ask the tourist?

  • Wondering why the musician wasn't cashing in on his talent, The musician explained that the small amount of shows were sufficient to meet his needs and that of his family.

  • But what do you do with the rest of your time?

  • Asked the tourist.

  • We sleep late, work a little, play with our Children and spend time with our partners.

  • During the day we go into the town to see our friends.

  • We spend time in nature, meditate and enjoy life.

  • The tourist interrupted.

  • I have an MBA from Harvard, and I can help you.

  • You should start by doing more shows every week.

  • Then you will make more money with the extra revenue.

  • You can buy better equipment to sell your music online, and after that, as the musician with the extra money the online revenue will bring, you can hire a manager, a promoter and a personal assistant.

  • Instead of playing local shows, you can sell your music to the world and become famous.

  • You can then leave this little island and moved to London, Los Angeles or even New York City.

  • From there, you can have anything you desire.

  • How long would that take?

  • 20 perhaps 25 years, replied the tourist.

  • And after that, as the musician afterwards.

  • Well, my friend, that's when it gets really interesting, Answered the tourist.

  • When you get really big, you can start buying and selling stocks or property and make millions more millions, really, And after that, that's the musician.

  • After that, you'll be able to retire, live in a tiny island village near the coast, sleep late, work a little, play with your Children and spend time with your partner.

  • During the day, you can go into the town to see your friends, spend time in nature and enjoy life, who, with all due respect, sir, that's exactly what we're doing now So what's the point?

  • Wasting 25 years as a musician?

  • The moral of this story is sometimes less is more and sometimes more is less know where you're going in life.

  • You may already be there.

  • No, at the very least, where you want to go.

  • It may not be that far away.

  • Stress less and enjoy more.

  • Think less about the future and spend more time in the Now.

  • There's nothing wrong with striving to be your best self, but don't get attached to things, money or achievements to determine your value in life, happiness, great relationships.

  • Peace and health are better.

  • Measures Original writing by German writer Heinrich Boell, adapted uniquely by fearless soul.

I would like to share with you all this amazing story I came across, which highlights the fact that sometimes less is more and sometimes more is less.


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A2 初級

幸せな音楽家の驚きの物語(LESS is MORE (Amazing Story of The Happy Musician (LESS is MORE))

  • 5 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日