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  • My name is Amy Besa, and I help spiritually entrepreneur unleashed its power in their life and business.

  • Before the school, I would wake up every morning and sit at my living room table without knowing what I was supposed to do exactly.

  • I didn't have a clear vision for my business.

  • I didn't have this step by step road map that would change it all.

  • And I really wanted to connect with my audience in a way that felt authentic to me.

  • What I loved about the school is it provided me with this strong foundation on it felt like someone was holding my hand every step of the way and coming from a country, you know, where money is basically a taboo subject.

  • It was very important for me to connect to this a new perspective and new story about money and relate to Marie.

  • You know who does beautiful things and serves entire communities.

  • Give yourself permission to meet your success and allow yourself to fully embrace, you know, being an entrepreneur.

My name is Amy Besa, and I help spiritually entrepreneur unleashed its power in their life and business.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

"2ヶ月以内に50人の新規クライアントを獲得しました!"| カミーユ・ペイサードさんのB-Schoolレビュー (“Within Two Months, I Had 50 New Clients!” | Camille Peyssard’s B-School Review)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日