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  • Well hello, it's Marie Forleo and welcome to another episode of MarieTV and The Marie

  • Forleo Podcast.

  • So today we're talking about what it takes to make a big career change, especially if

  • you're in your forties, fifties, sixties and beyond.

  • This question is inspired by Joanne who writes, "Hey Marie, please help.

  • I'm 37 years old and I want to make a career change from teaching to running my own writing

  • business.

  • Honestly, I'm not sure where to even start.

  • I have a blog and writing samples, but no idea what to do next.

  • I'm worried that it's just too late to make a career change this big.

  • Any advice?"

  • Joanne, this is an amazing question and yes, I have lots to share on this, but ultimately

  • you need to know, of course you can make a big career change and I got proof to back

  • it up.

  • But in order for you to do this successfully, there are three keys that I need you to keep

  • in mind.

  • Key number one, you got to drop the, "It's too late" and "I'm too old" BS narrative.

  • First, I got to make one thing crystal clear.

  • Nobody cares how old you are, but you.

  • Yes, I know ageism is a thing, but you got to forget about what's happening on the outside

  • world and you, Joanne, need to get a grip on what's going on in your inside world, woman.

  • Here's the fact, the average working age is actually going up as people retire later in

  • life.

  • Some studies showed that in a few years, 25% of the nation's workforce will be 55 and older.

  • And get this, research by the global entrepreneurship monitor shows that folks over 55 have the

  • highest rate of business startup activity globally over the past decade.

  • Plus, Joanne, I got to be honest, you are not starting from scratch.

  • You have a ton of experience and wisdom and strengths from your previous career that are

  • going to help you thrive in your new writing business.

  • So please do not sell yourself short my love.

  • Bottom line, there are tons of people crushing it in new careers at all ages, so you're not

  • too old and it is never too late.

  • In fact, we actually have an entire episode about so-called late bloomers.

  • If you GoogleMarie Forleo, late bloomers,” you will watch an amazing episode with 10

  • success stories that prove it is never too late to start a new business or a new career.

  • But let's keep on moving to key number two.

  • Key number two is you got to get educated about business.

  • So Joanne, if you want to run a writing business, you can't just focus on being the best writer,

  • right?

  • You also have to know how to market and sell your services so that your business is sustainable,

  • so that it's profitable and you make this career change successfully.

  • Let me tell you about a woman named Katrina who actually did our B-School program.

  • So she was leaving this 25-year career to start her own business as a counselor.

  • Now get this, she actually wanted to make this big career change at a time when she

  • was working 40 hours a week.

  • She had a two hour commute every day.

  • She was the primary caregiver for her sick dad and she was caring for her two daughters

  • and she was in graduate school.

  • Talk about ambitious.

  • Now she took B-School because like you, she didn't know how to get from point A to point

  • B in terms of finding customers and setting up her shop and so on and so forth.

  • So she did B-School, she took massive action and now she's got a successful business.

  • Now obviously Joanne, I am partial to B-School because we run it.

  • It's fricking phenomenal.

  • And you can go check it out at, but no matter what, if you want to make this

  • career change and you want to start your own writing business, you can't just focus on

  • the writing part.

  • You also got to focus on the business part.

  • Cool?

  • Okay, finally key number three.

  • Key number three is develop a bias towards action.

  • Look, starting a whole new career, of course it's going to feel daunting.

  • It's going to feel scary, but only if you sit around and daydream or stress about it

  • in your head.

  • But Joanne, you're not going to do that, my love.

  • You are going to be smarter.

  • Instead, here's what you're going to do.

  • You are going to develop a bias towards action.

  • So what does that mean?

  • You're going to focus on taking small steps every single day towards this new career.

  • Remember, clarity comes from engagement, not thought.

  • I'm telling you, you don't need to know all the steps in advance, just what you need to

  • focus on right here and right now.

  • And any time you find yourself slipping into overwhelm or thinking about how much you still

  • have to do, how far you have to go, how much is ahead of you, I need you to stop.

  • Take a breath and ask yourself this question: What's the next right action step here?

  • One more time.

  • What's the next right action step here?

  • And then I need you to listen for the answer.

  • It may be as simple as, go drink a glass of water, or maybe it's contact five local businesses

  • and offer to write their newsletter in exchange for a testimonial, or maybe it's set up a

  • services page on my website.

  • It doesn't have to be anything major, but there is always a small, tangible action step

  • that you can take to move your new business ahead.

  • Remember, everything is figureoutable, including making this career change.

  • And that was my A to your Q Joanne.

  • I really do hope it helps.

  • Now I want to hear from all of you.

  • Have you ever made a big career change and if so, what was the most important lesson

  • that you learned in the process?

  • I want to crowdsource some wisdom for Joanne and anybody else out there who wants to make

  • a big career change, especially if they have concerns that it's just too late for them.

  • So come chat me up on social media.

  • I'm @MarieForleo on all the platforms, or tell me in the comments at

  • Now once you're over there, be sure to subscribe to our email list and become an MF Insider.

  • You're going to get a burst of love and positivity and action-based learning every single week.

  • Until next time, stay on your game and keep going for your dreams because the world really

  • does need that very special gift that only you have.

  • Thank you so much for tuning into MarieTV and The Marie Forleo Podcast and I'll see

  • you soon.

  • Hey, are you ready to bring your dream business to life?

  • Is it finally time to make the difference you were born to make?

  • Good, because we can help.

  • Get started now at

Well hello, it's Marie Forleo and welcome to another episode of MarieTV and The Marie


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A2 初級

中途半端な転職を成功させるための3つの鍵 (3 Keys to A Successful Midlife Career Change)

  • 22 3
    Summer に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日