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Hello, my name is Yulia Ziskel. I'm a violinist with the New York Philharmonic
and today I am making my first debut as a chef.
Welcome to my kitchen. I will be
cooking for you today in honor of Mahler's festival,
which New York Philharmonic is hosting online this week.
I will be attempting to go cook wiener schnitzel,
and even though we cook a lot in this kitchen I have never done this
dish before and it is a courtesy of the Cafe at the Neue Galerie,
the famous museum in New York for those of you who are
watching from out of town, which has a
wonderful collection of German and Austrian art
and a fantastic restaurant downstairs.
So this is a wiener schnitzel that is the recipe provided by
the Neue Galerie. They were collaborating on this project with the New York Philharmonic
together and I'm gonna attempt to recreate it.
So we have turned on Mahler's seventh symphony
to keep us company during this cooking time.
Considering the situation I couldn't find the right cut of veal unfortunately
but I got veal chops and they look good so hopefully the recipe will work out.
I have two sous chefs who might run in and out.
Here's one, Ariana D. and Joe D.
I need to introduce the cameraman also.
Please welcome Max D. behind the scenes.
Now I'm gonna have to start with tenderizing this meat.
This is feeling weirdly satisfying.
So I'm going to be doing it for a while.
So now I have to season them with salt and pepper.
I love these little gadgets.
They make this go much faster.
So next we have to mix in heavy cream and my sous-chef is going to do just that.
Hold on, we're adding the heavy cream
and off she goes.
Well now I'm putting some oil into the pan and heating it up
and the process will start shortly.
So now I'm supposed to dip this into an oil. This is parsley.
We're supposed to dip it through the strainer in the strainer into an oil.
As I don't own a strainer this small so I'm gonna improvise.
I have this little spoon with the holes on the bottom
so hopefully that will work.
I'm going to do it this way and see what happens.
If I burn myself you will also see.
Okay, I think I actually managed to succeed with this.
So proud of myself.
And now I am going to do another batch.
And now for the fun part.
We are going to dip the veal first in the flour
then in the egg and cream mixture
and then into the bread crumbs.
And then I'm gonna put it in this oily skillet
and not think about 5,000 calories per bite
and hope nothing splashes me with oil in return.
I have to add butter for it too.
okay so here's the
first piece not ideal unfortunate since I couldn't find the cutlets but the
chaps are supposed to do I took the bones out I'm sure it'll taste great
hopefully and here goes the egg mixture
okay and now
how appropriate for mother sevens and now go the breadcrumbs
I love eating this dish every time under the under the DNI it's always special I
have my special places that I'd like to go to and eat it and I miss Europe
tremendously and I'm very sad that we're not going on tour just less than a week
from today but things have turned to an unfortunate situation and here it is Wow
okay I just turned it over at the first one and I left cook for it another
minute and we will see what happens okay so - ekans - chef Jodi is going to help
me take this drench out and I'm going to reduce the process for the last Copland
the cameraman decided to become a sous chef so he is gonna do the lost cutlet
for us so first in the flour
and then in the egg really really well
and then in the crumbs and now comes the fun very careful with oil please Oh lots
of cleaning to do afterwards good job sous chef MOX excellent ok meanwhile I
also read you this recipe that this should be served with a potato cucumber
candy salad I didn't have the recipe but I found it online and I made it because
Austrians you know to the proper way right so enjoy your food
so this is our finished product it looks amazing we can't wait to try it we hope
you enjoyed our little cooking party we miss everyone we miss our live audience
we hope we can come back to you as soon as possible and perform for you to make
music together I miss my colleagues tremendously
let's get over this and let's get well hopefully it's all upward from this
moment on greetings from the disco Deniz own household and thank you for watching
the Yulia Child show