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This is CNN 10. Give us 10 minutes, we'll get you up to speed on world events.
CNN 10 の時間です。今日も 10 分間で手短に世界のニュースをお届けします。
I'm Carl Azuz. Happy to see you this Thursday.
New Delhi, the capital of India, is usually near or at the top of the list when it comes to the world's most polluted cities.
But from March 23rd to April 13th of this year, it saw a 60 percent reduction in a certain type of pollution that it saw in the same period last year.
ところが、今年の 3 月 23 日から 4 月 13 日にかけて、去年の同時期と比べて一定の汚染形態が 60% の減少を記録しました。
In the capital of South Korea, there was a 54 percent reduction in the pollutant.
韓国の首都では 、 汚染物質量が 54% 減少しましたし、
Wuhan, China, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Los Angeles, California, all of these cities saw a double-digit improvement in air quality.
中国の武漢やブラジルのサンパウロ、カリフォルニア州ロサンゼルスといった都市は大気汚染率が 2 桁単位で改善されていますが、
And this is all according to one report whose release was timed to coincide with Earth Day yesterday.
奇遇にもこの報告は昨日の Earth Day と重なる形で発表されました。
It looked at air quality information recorded from government monitoring stations in ten cities.
この報告は、10 都市に各政府が設置しているモニター機器の情報を基にしており
The cleaner air was a silver lining to the lockdowns of the coronavirus pandemic.
To date, the disease has been contracted by more than 2.5 million people around the world and researchers say almost seven percent of that number have died from COVID-19.
今日現在の時点で世界中で 250 万人以上が感染しており、そのうちほぼ7%がコロナウイルスの影響で亡くなっているとの調査結果が出ています。
Global efforts to keep people away from each other have forced workers, students, and would be travelers to stay home.
That means there are fewer planes in the air, vehicles on the road, and factories in production.
On the plus side, scientists say social distancing has been effective in slowing down the spread of coronavirus.
On the minus side, millions of people are out of work, and many nation's economies have been badly damaged.
The U.S. government spokeswoman says, "The trends in cleaner air are temporary and that things will go back to the way they were when the coronavirus crisis has passed."
And researchers in the air quality report say keeping factories closed and cars off the road will not be a realistic solution to the world's pollution problems.
But the lockdowns and shutdowns have changed the way cities look and how they pollute.
This is what Chinese cities usually look like this time of year.
Thick smog blanketing the skyline, but this year there's something different in the air: blue skies.
空が厚いスモッグに覆わ れてこのような感じになります。ところが今年は少し様子が違います。
In several Chinese cities, the air pollution has improved, especially Wuhan, the original epicenter of the deadly coronavirus.
中国国内の都市のいくつかは青空 が見られるほど大気汚染が改善され、
The facemasks many Chinese used to wear to filter out polluted air, now worn to protect against the virus.
特にコロナウイルスの発生地となった武漢では、以前は汚染された空気から 守るた めに使わ れていたマスクが、今ではウイルス対策として着用されています。
NASA and the European Space Agency released satellite images from January showing Wuhan's nitrogen dioxide levels.
NASA や欧州宇宙 機構が発表した 1 月の 衛星画像では、武漢における二酸化窒素レベルが 示されていますが、
And the dramatic drop in February after 11 million people there were quarantined.
1100 万人が自宅隔離 に入ったことで 2 月には大幅な減少が見て取れます。
CO2 emissions for the past four weeks are down by at least 25 percent because of the measures to contain the coronavirus.
For the world's biggest polluter, that could mean a drop of 200 million tons of carbon dioxide.
世界最大の汚染源にして考えてみると、 二酸化炭素排出量は2億トンも減少したことになります。
This is more dramatic than anything else that I've seen in terms of the impact on emissions.
But of course, the, the impact on people's lives and, ah, the economy was equally dramatic.
The Center for Research on Energy and Clean Air says coal consumption at fired power stations saw a 36 percent drop compared to last year.
去年と比べて石炭火力による発電量は 36% の減少を見せており
The research also shows carbon emissions from the aviation industry plunging due to falling demand and widespread travel restrictions.
But Greenpeace says improved environmental conditions may be temporary if China ramps up industrial output to boost the economy.
The political attention of the Chinese leaders will be distracted in the short term, ah, you know, to cut down the, uh, the outbreak of the coronavirus.
中国当 局の政 治的な動きは一時的に、その、コロナウイルス感染を鎮静化 させることを優先するため保留されるでしょうし、
And that might distract them from other important social economic issues, including the need to fight climate change.
In neighboring Hong Kong, air quality has also improved as the virus triggered partial shutdown.
There's lots of people who work from home, and that's reduced the traffic volume and reduce the traffic congestion.
There's nothing business as usual about a global epidemic that's claimed thousands of lives.
But in the short term, this public health crisis for humans may actually be helping the environment.
Ivan Watson, CNN.
CNN のイバン・ ワトソンでした。10秒トリビアの時間です。
10 Second Trivia.
10 秒トリビアの時間です。
Which of these island chains is located the farthest north?
Shetland Islands, Orkney Islands, Canary Islands, or Azores.
シェトランド 諸島 、オークニー諸島 、カナリア諸島 、それともアゾレス諸島?
These island chains are listed in order from northern most to southernmost with the Shetlands as the answer.
Since we kicked off our partnership with CNN Travel last month, all of the places we've been too, virtually at least, have one thing in common.
先月より CNN Travel との提携を開始して以来、これまでにご紹介してきた各地には少なくとも 1 つの共通点があります。
They're inhabited.
That's not the case for all of the Shetland Islands though.
There are roughly 100 of them in this cold and windswept part of the Northern United Kingdom, and only about 15 of the islands have full-time residents.
およそ 100 人がこの寒くて風の吹きすさぶ英国領北部地域に住んでいますが、完全居住をしている住人は全体で 15 島に限られています。
A traveler has unintentionally become one because of the coronavirus crisis.
So he's going to tell you what it's like to be alone on Hildasay.
ヒルダ セイ島で独りで暮らす彼の様子を聞いてみましょう。
My name is Christian Lewis.
This is my companion, my friend Jet.
Currently at the moment we are locked down on an island called Hildasay, which is an uninhabited island just off the east coast of Shetland.
現在、 私たちはシェトランド諸島からやや東に離れた ヒルダセイという名前の島でロックダウンにあっています。
Hildasay is less than half a square mile in size, and Chris and Jet got stuck here during the coronavirus lockdown.
ヒルダセイ島は大きさにして 0.5 平方マイルにも満たない島で、クリスさんとジェットは
Lost on a journey to walk around the entire coastline of the UK, including all its islands.
To get back to the mainland, it's only about half an hour by small boat, but that stretch of sea is not the nicest.
小型ボートで 30 分もすれば本島に戻れるんですけど、ここの海域はなかなか荒いんです。
So we really have to pick and choose our days when we get back.
They got help from some locals and were given the keys to the only house on the island.
地元の方たちから助けを 得て、 島で唯一の家のカギを借りることができました。
Yes, the family got wind of the fact that we're staying on the island in a tent and said we'd be more than happy to give you the keys to the house if you want to go in.
I mean, they don't have electric or gas or anything like this. It's just very basic.
A lot of people have been commenting that wish they were on this island.
And it is just secret.
I couldn't be at a better place for a lockdown, let's be honest.
It was not as easy as I really think,
However, that's kind of what I like doing.
Chris gets his water delivered from a local fisherman called Victor, but hunts and forages for food on the island.
I can walk down now in half an hour, and I'll have a whole plate full of mussels if I want.
30 分くらい歩き回れば、皿一杯のムール貝が採れるんですよ、すごいでしょ?
You know, so, I've got no worries there.
Entertainment though is sparse.
You have to find things to do to keep yourself occupied.
You know, I play marbles.
I always carry a tennis ball and just play catch or anything, you know.
But I also do other things.
I break it up.
I do like a Rocky style training regime where I use rocks to throw around and just, you know, just to get other body parts keeping loose.
ロッキーみたいに 岩を持ち上げて投げつけるトレ ーニングをしたりとか、まあその、体全体を動かしておくという感じです。
By the time Chris was locked down on Hildasay, he'd already been walking the UK coastline for over two and a half years.
クリスさんは、ヒルダ セイ島でロックダウンにあう以前の段階で、すでに英国領内の海岸線を 2 年半以上に渡って歩き続けていました。
To be perfectly honest with you, I suffered really badly with anxiety and depression.
I'm ex-forces, and I've had a lot of help from an organization called SSAFA who are a veteran's charity.
私は以前は軍で働いていた人間で、退役軍人のための SSAFA というチャリティ組織からたくさんのサポートをしてもらってきましたから、
So it really was an absolute no brainer to give back some of the stuff and make it its name, we're really well so far, so yeah, this is perfect.
The more I got into the journey, the more people heard about it.
People have been helping me with food.
They've been helping Jet with food.
It's really lovely to see the kindness that, you know, we're receiving.
I never expected any of this when I started.
I thought I was going to be living off bugs for the next two years.
「わずかなお金だけで 2 年間何とか 生きていこう」って思ってたぐらいですから。
I got Jet in a place called Irvin as I was coming through, so she didn't start the journey with me.
ジェットとは途中で立ち寄ったアーバインという場所で出会ったので、 最初からずっと一緒というわけではないんです 。
I started this on my own.
最初は私 1 人で始めたんですけど、ジェットとはかれこれ 2 年近く一緒に居ますね。
She's been with me for nearly two years now, and I don't think there's a better walk dog out there.
ジェットとはかれこれ 2 年近く一緒に居ますね。一緒に歩いてくれる犬でこれ以上の犬なんていないと思います。
Chris plans to continue their journey once the lockdown is lifted.
But for now, he documents daily life on the small island with Jet.
今のところはジェットと一 緒に暮らす小さな島での様子を日々記録に残しています。
There's something very spiritual about it, you know, I've learned a lot myself from camping around the UK.
It's very epic in many proportions.
The lockdown with coronavirus, I also see on social media a real change of people making videos with them doing stuff with their families, being creative.
I'm seeing more musicians out there, and we think we can say that this is coming out as a fact that people coming together.
And that's beautiful isn't it. It's just lush.
[10 out of 10]
[10 out of 10]
Among the many things you don't want to see approaching your house, a 30-foot-tall wall of ice.
自分の家に向かって 30 フィートもの高さの氷の壁が向かってきたら、誰でもびっくりしてしまいますよね。
Of course, it's going to be more likely in places like this lakeside community in Minnesota.
This is an ice shove: it's what happens when ice starts to melt on the lake, and the wind shoves it towards the shoreline where it piles up.
It can damage homes and officials say is all you can do is hope and/or pray that the wind starts blowing in the other direction.
Because while people generally like rock walls, ice sculptures, and water features, it's not going to melt anyone's heart to see Elsa's magic "Frozen" in his backyard.
It may look "cool as ice" but it'd turn up the "heat" on anyone who wants to move to where a lake house doesn't become an "ice house."
見た目は「クール 」かも知れませんけど、静かな湖畔の家に住みたいと思って引っ越してきた人たちにとっては、もう「氷」ゴリだってところでしょうか。
I'm Carl Azuz. Valley High School has been commenting on our official YouTube channel.
カール・アズスでした。バレー高校の皆さんが、オフィシャル Youtube チャンネルにコメントを寄せてくださっています。
So shout out to you viewers in Louisville, Kentucky.
Come on back tomorrow because Fridays are awesome on CNN 10.
明日は待ちに待った金曜日ですから、また CNN 10 でお会いしましょう。