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Do you want to laugh with some American comedy?
Let's learn English with Lady Gaga on Ellen show.
So, Ellen asked Lady Gaga some pretty funny questions and first we will watch with subtitles
for you to get the context of the scene.
Then, you will learn all the most important vocabulary, native pronunciation and jokes
and then finally you will test everything you learned by watching a final time without subtitles.
And let me ask you a question, is it important for you to understand natives no matter how fast we speak,
well then I highly recommend you press that
red subscribe button down below
and the bell so we can help you every week
to understand natives without getting lost,
without missing the jokes
and without subtitles no matter how fast we speak.
So, now it's time to learn English with Lady Gaga and Ellen.
If you like making learning fun with TV series like
The Ellen Show, Friends, Modern Family, Game of Thrones as well as songs and movies,
then be sure to hit that "like" button below because that will let YouTube know
that you wanna be alerted when we make our newest lessons.
We created a free mini-course to help you understand natives at any speed.
You will get the vocabulary, native pronunciation, cultural context, and more that you need to comprehend.
You can learn more by clicking up here or in the description down below.
If you've enjoyed laughing with this lesson then don't stop.
We have an entire playlist of lessons with The Ellen Show that you should totally check out
when you finish this lesson. You'll find that up here and in the description box down below.
Alright, I hope that you have had a lot of fun today learning English with Ellen and Lady Gaga.
Be sure to subscribe, so you can get new lessons like this one every single week.
Also, be sure to check out that mini course
that I told you about.
So you're gonna have a lot of fun with it.
And check out this lesson we put out with
Lady Gaga's new song "Shallow"
and another lesson that I'll think you'll really enjoy.
Now, it's time to go beyond the classroom
and live you English.
Aww yeah!