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  • -Michael Shannon, nice -- Nice to see you, bud.

  • -Thanks. Thanks for having me.

  • Good to see you, too. -Oh, man.

  • Hey, could you pan the camera down a little bit?

  • Are you wearing an Alvin and the Chipmunks --

  • Are you wearing our onesie?

  • -Yeah, no, this is my Alvin --

  • This is my Alvin onesie, yes.

  • Is that, like, bamboo behind you,

  • like an indoor bamboo garden?

  • What is that?

  • -It's a --

  • It does look like that. Right? It's a pan flute.

  • -The pan flute?

  • -My wife -- My wife dated Zamfir for a couple years.

  • -Oh, my God.

  • Are you jealous? -The master -- The master --

  • You know, at this point, I got to grow up a little bit,

  • you know, and just kind of figure my own --

  • I -- I lucked out.

  • I'm married to her.

  • We have kids and stuff.

  • So I think I kind of won the Zamfir fight. You know?

  • -Yeah. Yeah.

  • -It's kind of fun, Zooming with you.

  • It's, like, interesting. It's like we're --

  • We're becoming what I predicted, best friends.

  • -I know. Well, we're inching toward my initial gambit, which

  • was that we both put on our Alvin and the Chipmunks onesies

  • and have a sleepover.

  • So we've both gotten the onesies on,

  • and now we're in each other's homes.

  • Now the next step is for us to get in the same home

  • and have a sleepover. -That's the next move.

  • -Yeah. -That's a --

  • That's a prime-time special.

  • Hey, did I tell you I saw "Knives Out"?

  • -Oh, you did?

  • -Yeah. You were great.

  • -Thank you.

  • -You were really, really great.

  • -You could be in the sequel.

  • I think they're going to make a sequel.

  • -I'd love to.

  • I loved Daniel Craig's accent.

  • -Yeah, it was really fun.

  • I think he's the only one

  • that's going to carry over to the next one.

  • I think that's -- I don't think our family carries over.

  • I think they would -- Of course, they're never --

  • I don't know if they're ever going to make movies again,

  • but if they do, it would be him and that accent

  • and a whole new cast of characters.

  • -"You might be over there, though."

  • -There you go! -"But you're gonna be over here,

  • as well."

  • -You could play his father.

  • -Son?

  • -No, with a lot of makeup,

  • with a lot of prosthetics.

  • -A younger version of him,

  • like a child version of him down in the bayou.

  • And you'd be out, like, wrestling gators or something.

  • And you'd say, "Now, son --" You know? Do that accent?

  • -Yeah, it's a who -- It's a whodunit.

  • So what you do -- What you want to do

  • is you want to generate more questions as the movie goes on.

  • Right? -Right.

  • Right. Like, who made this movie?

  • -[ Laughs ]

  • How did they -- -And why?

  • -Why did they cast him? Why did they cast Jimmy Fallon?

  • [ Laughs ] -As the Cajun.

  • What were they thinking?

  • -[ Speaks indistinctly in a Cajun accent ]

  • Hey, I heard there's a -- that you found a drum machine,

  • and I'm really excited to hear it.

  • Do you have it with you or no?

  • -Here's the piece de la resistance,

  • the drum machine. -Whoa!

  • Can you give me a taste?

  • -Yeah, I'm going to give you my favorite.

  • This is my big drum solo

  • I've been working on for the last four weeks.

  • So, you ready?

  • -Oh, yeah.

  • [ Animal roars ]

  • [ Croak ]

  • [ Cow moos ]

  • [ Horse neighs ]

  • [ Screeching ]

  • [ Dog barking ]

  • [ Cat meowing ]

  • [ Frog croaks ]

  • -What do you think?

  • -Oh, my gosh. That is un--

  • That's amazing. I --

  • A bunch of animal sounds?

  • -No, man.

  • -Sounds realistic.

  • -Here, let me give you another one.

  • Yeah, that's -- Let's see. It's a --

  • [ Animal growls ]

  • I don't know what that is.

  • A boar? -Do it again.

  • [ Animal growls ]

  • Yeah, it's, like, an angry --

  • Like, these are -- These are sound effects from the new --

  • -"It might be a gator. It might be a gator."

  • -"Oh, you think a gator going to eat a doughnut hole?"

  • -Yeah.

  • -It's a -- -Then there's a --

  • [ Croak ]

  • That's like a toad or --

  • [ Croak ]

  • -[ Imitates croak ]

  • It's like jungle -- It's like a jungle sound.

  • I like this.

  • -Then this is a frog.

  • [ Frog croaking ]

  • -That's nice.

  • -Yep. [ Cow moos ]

  • That's obviously a cow. -Duck.

  • [ Cow moos ] -Then here's the --

  • -Get out.

  • Get out. Get out.

  • Get out. [ Record scratching ]

  • Yo. Yo. Yo.

  • -You want to --

  • You want to do a rap, and I'll play along with you?

  • You can freestyle, right?

  • -No, but sure.

  • -Maybe like a freestyle Cajun rap?

  • -Yeah, alright. I can do it. -Ready?

  • -Yeah. -Yo. Yo. Yo, yo. Yo.

  • Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo.

  • -[ Southern accent ] ♪ Well, I was there

  • Then I went over here

  • And no one understood I was coming with the beer

  • And I saw Michael Shannon

  • And I didn't know if I was Steve Bannon

  • Who was another superhero, but of course he didn't know

  • Because the case is not closed

  • The case, the case, the case is not closed

  • -Oh, my God. [ Record scratching ]

  • -Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!

  • -Geez, that is fantastic.

  • Hey, I'm happy that your movie "The Quarry" is now --

  • it's coming out.

  • And on demand is hotter than ever right now.

  • This is what everyone is looking to do,

  • 'cause you can't go to a movie theater.

  • And if you enjoy the acting skills of Michael Shannon,

  • you can go see "The Quarry" and download it,

  • rent it this Friday.

  • -Thanks, Jimmy. Yeah. It's a great story

  • about, you know,

  • kind of people taking responsibility for their actions

  • and has a little bit to do with hypocrisy

  • and maybe, you know, pretending to do things

  • that you don't really understand.

  • So, yeah, it's kind of -- it's kind of timely.

  • But it happens in this little town.

  • It's a little border town.

  • And I play the chief police guy in the town.

  • Am I looking at you?

  • I can never figure out if I'm looking at people.

  • Where are you? What's --

  • -I've never seen -- -Game --

  • -I've never even seen you hold a -- any technology. This is --

  • -Yeah, this is not my -- my realm.

  • -I love it.

  • -But -- So, I'm, like, the police chief there.

  • And then this strange fella shows up,

  • and he says he's the new preacher at the church.

  • Yeah.

  • -Yeah. I'm not buying it.

  • -What? You're frozen.

  • -I'm not buying it.

  • Am I frozen? -Damn it.

  • Are you still -- You're not buying what?

  • That I'm looking at you?

  • -No, I don't believe he's the preacher.

  • -Oh, you don't think he's the preacher?

  • -No. -Well, I don't know.

  • I've seen a lot of people claim to be preachers.

  • -No, you haven't.

  • -You'd be surprised what people get away with. Yeah.

  • -Well, I guess -- [ Laughs ]

  • Hey, we're asking everyone who comes on my show,

  • and I thank you so much for coming on, Michael Shannon.

  • -Yeah. -What charity

  • should we highlight or give a spotlight to?

  • And you chose the Earth Day network,

  • -Yes.

  • -I was kind of -- I was kind of bummed out

  • that this Earth Day was kind of not ruined,

  • but it's kind of --

  • There was some -- it was the 50th anniversary, isn't it?

  • -Yeah, it is. It's the 50th anniversary.

  • And, you know, I think --

  • I think all this stuff is interrelated.

  • And I think it's important to remember that --

  • that, you know, in all the issues that we had

  • before the coronavirus,

  • which certainly is one of the largest issues

  • we ever faced in the history of humanity --

  • However, all the other issues that we had previous to that

  • are still there. And we still -- We can't just forget about them.

  • And so I think it's really important,

  • not just because it's the 50th anniversary

  • but because we still have to be conscious of the fact

  • that it's not the Earth that's going to go away,

  • you know. That's the thing we need to really understand,

  • is what we're doing is, we're not damaging the Earth.

  • We're making it incapable for the Earth to take care of us.

  • So we really can't lose sight of that

  • even in the midst of this terrible pandemic.

  • So, that's why I wanted to highlight that.

  • -Well, we love having you on the show.

  • Next -- Next time, I want to --

  • I want to see you in person, hopefully.

  • And I'll bring my Alvin onesie.

  • Right now, it's behind glass in a museum.

  • -Oh, in the museum?

  • -Yeah. -Yeah, yeah, yeah.

  • -You're the best, buddy. And be safe.

  • And best to your family, okay, pal?

  • Bye, dude. -Bye.

-Michael Shannon, nice -- Nice to see you, bud.


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ジミーがマイケル・シャノンのドラム・ソロに合わせてケイジャン・ラップをフリースタイルで披露 (Jimmy Does a Freestyle Cajun Rap to Michael Shannon's Drum Solo)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日