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  • He was one of the most influential figures

  • of the 20th century,

  • forever changing the course

  • of one of the world's largest countries.

  • But was he a hero

  • who toppled an oppressive tyranny

  • or a villain who replaced it with another?

  • It's time to put Lenin on the stand

  • in History vs. Lenin.

  • "Order, order, hmm.

  • Now, wasn't it your fault that the band broke up?"

  • "Your honor, this is Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov,

  • AKA Lenin, the rabblerouser

  • who helped overthrow the Russian tsar Nicholas II in 1917

  • and founded the Soviet Union,

  • one of the worst dictatorships of the 20th century."

  • "Ohh."

  • "The tsar was a bloody tyrant

  • under whom the masses toiled in slavery."

  • "This is rubbish.

  • Serfdom had already been abolished in 1861."

  • "And replaced by something worse.

  • The factory bosses treated the people

  • far worse than their former feudal landlords.

  • And unlike the landlords,

  • they were always there.

  • Russian workers toiled for eleven hours a day

  • and were the lowest paid in all of Europe."

  • "But Tsar Nicholas made laws to protect the workers."

  • "He reluctantly did the bare minimum to avert revolution,

  • and even there, he failed.

  • Remember what happened in 1905

  • after his troops fired on peaceful petitioners?"

  • "Yes, and the tsar ended the rebellion

  • by introducing a constitution

  • and an elected parliament, the Duma."

  • "While retaining absolute power and dissolving them

  • whenever he wanted."

  • "Perhaps there would've been more reforms in due time

  • if radicals, like Lenin,

  • weren't always stirring up trouble."

  • "Your Honor, Lenin had seen his older brother Aleksandr

  • executed by the previous tsar for revolutionary activity,

  • and even after the reforms,

  • Nicholas continued the same mass repression and executions,

  • as well as the unpopular involvement

  • in World War I,

  • that cost Russia so many lives and resources."

  • "Hm, this tsar doesn't sound like

  • such a capital fellow."

  • "Your Honor, maybe Nicholas II did doom himself

  • with bad decisions,

  • but Lenin deserves no credit for this.

  • When the February 1917 uprisings

  • finally forced the tsar to abdicate,

  • Lenin was still exiled in Switzerland."

  • "Hm, so who came to power?"

  • "The Duma formed a provisional government,

  • led by Alexander Kerensky,

  • an incompetent bourgeois failure.

  • He even launched another failed offensive in the war,

  • where Russia had already lost so much,

  • instead of ending it like the people wanted."

  • "It was a constitutional social democratic government,

  • the most progressive of its time.

  • And it could have succeeded eventually

  • if Lenin hadn't returned in April,

  • sent by the Germans to undermine the Russian war effort

  • and instigate riots."

  • "Such slander!

  • The July Days were a spontaneous and justified reaction

  • against the government's failures.

  • And Kerensky showed his true colors

  • when he blamed Lenin

  • and arrested and outlawed his Bolshevik party,

  • forcing him to flee into exile again.

  • Some democracy!

  • It's a good thing the government collapsed

  • under their own incompetence and greed

  • when they tried to stage a military coup

  • then had to ask the Bolsheviks for help

  • when it backfired.

  • After that, all Lenin had to do

  • was return in October and take charge.

  • The government was peacefully overthrown overnight."

  • "But what the Bolsheviks did

  • after gaining power

  • wasn't very peaceful.

  • How many people did they execute without trial?

  • And was it really necessary

  • to murder the tsar's entire family, even the children?"

  • "Russia was being attacked by foreign imperialists,

  • trying to restore the tsar.

  • Any royal heir that was rescued

  • would be recognized as ruler by foreign governments.

  • It would've been the end

  • of everything the people had fought so hard to achieve.

  • Besides, Lenin may not have given the order."

  • "But it was not only imperialists

  • that the Bolsheviks killed.

  • What about the purges and executions

  • of other socialist and anarchist parties,

  • their old allies?

  • What about the Tambov Rebellion,

  • where peasants, resisting grain confiscation,

  • were killed with poison gas?

  • Or sending the army

  • to crush the workers in Kronstadt,

  • who were demanding democratic self-management?

  • Was this still fighting for the people?"

  • "Yes! The measures were difficult,

  • but it was a difficult time.

  • The new government needed to secure itself

  • while being attacked from all sides,

  • so that the socialist order could be established."

  • "And what good came of this socialist order?

  • Even after the civil war was won,

  • there were famines, repression

  • and millions executed or sent to die in camps,

  • while Lenin's successor Stalin established

  • a cult of personality and absolute power."

  • "That wasn't the plan.

  • Lenin never cared for personal gains,

  • even his enemies admitted

  • that he fully believed in his cause,

  • living modestly and working tirelessly

  • from his student days until his too early death.

  • He saw how power-hungry Stalin was

  • and tried to warn the party,

  • but it was too late."

  • "And the decades of totalitarianism that followed after?"

  • "You could call it that,

  • but it was Lenin's efforts that changed Russia

  • in a few decades

  • from a backward and undeveloped monarchy

  • full of illiterate peasants

  • to a modern, industrial superpower,

  • with one of the world's best educated populations,

  • unprecedented opportunities for women,

  • and some of the most important scientific advancements

  • of the century.

  • Life may not have been luxurious,

  • but nearly everyone had a roof over their head

  • and food on their plate,

  • which few countries have achieved."

  • "But these advances could still have happened,

  • even without Lenin

  • and the repressive regime he established."

  • "Yes, and I could've been a famous rock and roll singer.

  • But how would I have sounded?"

  • We can never be sure how things could've unfolded

  • if different people were in power

  • or different decisions were made,

  • but to avoid the mistakes of the past,

  • we must always be willing

  • to put historical figures on trial.

He was one of the most influential figures


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TED-ED】歴史対ウラジーミル・レーニン - アレックス・ゲンドラー (【TED-Ed】History vs. Vladimir Lenin - Alex Gendler)

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    阿多賓 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日