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  • my mom was a little bill, which I think is perfectly fitting, so it was awesome.

  • That's going This'll is me.

  • On my fourth birthday, I'm blinking Now there's a video of it.

  • This is from a video and in the video, my mom says What year I'm turning.

  • But, um, it's on Halloween.

  • So every year on Halloween, for a long time of my childhood, my mom would throw me big Halloween birthday party.

  • So this is one of them that was a witch, and my grandma was a witch with me, too.

  • We are such a big family, so we would always do these like big Halloween costumes.

  • So this year we were Wizard of Oz, and then, I think, the year before, I think the year before, we were 101 Dalmatians and all the kids, including my dad.

  • We were all Dalmatians, and my mom was for a little bill, which I think is perfectly fitting.

  • So it was awesome.

  • That's probably the most memorable.

  • This waas me on my birthday last year, getting into my sister's law, Ferrari to drive it on a track to race my friends, I was very excited for this moment is the law.

  • Ferraris, arguably one of my favorite cars.

  • So, um, it was really cool.

  • We had the best time.

  • We couldn't listen to music because we had those massive helmets on.

  • And it's so loud on the track, you're going so fast, so we couldn't.

  • But I wish I could.

  • And if I was listening to music, I'd probably be listening to, like, one of my friend Tyler's albums of the Greater I like, um who that boy, Because I like how it starts.

  • And it's really scary and eerie.

  • So I think that would have been like a perfect going fast song.

  • This is me and Carlotta Belt, and this was on set for Fendi.

  • He was shooting it, and we were just chilling talking.

  • And I think my mom was there and she was the one who was, like, turn around and like, we took this picture together, just looking all badass.

  • He was just such a cool guy, and even just seeing him be was so and being able to be in his presence.

  • It was just such an honor and just such a cool thing, because obviously he's He's a legend.

  • Has been around for forever.

  • And I, you know, saw him as I grew up.

  • And I always wanted to able to work with him.

  • So even just honestly, the simplicity of being in his friend in his presence and getting able being able to observe him was I took it in so much, so he was awesome.

  • Beauty the beast.

  • This is the castle they used for inspiration.

  • And it was just really cool to see when we went, it was under a little bit of construction.

  • But it was the most beautiful, the most beautiful places I've ever been.

  • And we got to walk around inside.

  • It was just incredibly cool.

  • And just to see how they did architecture back then and how seriously they took it and probably I think it took them.

  • I remember the exact two years I have to go, but it was a couple of years ago, but it took them so long to build this castle, and it was just really interesting, Really cool.

my mom was a little bill, which I think is perfectly fitting, so it was awesome.


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ケンダル・ジェンナー、実在のディズニー城を探検 (Kendall Jenner Explores a Real-Life Disney Castle)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日