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  • It's time to open your presents, because we're about to count down the 10 most popular Christmas films of all time! This isMovie Night”!

    それはあなたのプレゼントを開くための時間です、私たちは、すべての時間の中で最も人気のある10のクリスマス映画をカウントダウンしようとしているからですこれは "映画の夜 "です

  • *theme song plays*


  • Merry Christmas, and welcome toMovie Night,” on its brand-new time-slot of Fridays. I'm your host, Jonathan Paula. Last week, I asked you to vote for your favorite Christmas movies, and over 2,000 of you voted in the poll.

    メリークリスマス ようこそ "映画の夜 "へ 金曜日の新しい時間帯に私はあなたのホスト、ジョナサン・ポーラです。先週、私はあなたの好きなクリスマス映画のために投票するようにお願いしました、そしてあなたの2000以上の投票で投票しました。

  • But it's worth understanding exactly whoyouare. The demographic breakdown forMovie Nightis as follows: 80% of you are male, and over 50% of you are under the age of 25.

    しかし、それは正確に誰が "あなた "であるかを理解する価値があります。映画の夜」の人口統計学的内訳は以下の通りです。80%が男性で、50%以上が25歳以下です。

  • So, with that information in mind, I present to you the top-10 most popular Christmas films of all time, as voted on, and reviewed by, theMovie Nightaudience!

    だから、その情報を念頭に置いて、私はあなたに提示するトップ10の最も人気のあるクリスマス映画すべての時間の、投票されたように、そして、によってレビュー、 "映画の夜 "の視聴者!

  • Starting with number 10, “A Christmas Carol.” Originally written as a novel by Charles Dickens in 1843, this classic tale shares the story of Ebenezer Scrooge, a cynical and embittered old man who is visited by the three ghosts of Christmas...

    "クリスマス・キャロル "から始まります元々は1843年に チャールズ・ディケンズの小説として書かれた この古典的な物語は エベネザ・スクルージの物語を共有しています 皮肉屋で内気な老人が クリスマスの3人の幽霊に襲われ...

  • past, present, and future, to help him examine the errors of his ways. "A Christmas Carol" has been adapted into hundreds of films, plays, and television specials, but perhaps the most popular version is the 1992 adaptation, "The Muppet Christmas Carol."

    A Christmas Carol"は、映画、演劇、テレビスペシャルの数百に適応されていますが、おそらく最も人気のあるバージョンは、1992年の適応、"The Muppet Christmas Carol.&quot.です。

  • Here's jadencampbell3's review: “Surprisingly accurate to the original story, butMuppetcombines the original story with corny musical numbers, jokes that break the fourth wall..."

    ここでは、jadencampbell3'のレビューです。"原作に驚くほど正確ですが、"マペット "は、粗野なミュージカルナンバー、第四の壁を壊すジョークと原作を組み合わせたものです...&quot.

  • "...and Michael Caine in possibly the greatest interpretation of Scrooge ever. This film is greater than the sum of its parts, so bad it’s good, and a Christmas tradition in the hearts and minds of many. 9/10."


  • And now, let's look at #9, "The Polar Express." This motion capture animated film by director Robert Zemeckis was a big hit when it was released during the holiday season in 2004.

    では、#9, "The Polar Express."このロバート・ゼメキス監督によるモーションキャプチャーアニメーション映画は、2004年のホリデーシーズンに公開されたときに大ヒットしました。

  • It’s about a young boy's dream journey to the North Pole on Christmas Eve, on board a magical train conducted by Tom Hanks.


  • bostonsweetie23 writes: "’Polar Expressis a Christmas feast for the eyes and offers a heartwarming story of a young boy who's searching for the true spirit of Christmas."

    bostonsweetie23 wrote: "'Polar Express' is Christmas feast for eyes and offers heartwarming story of young boy who''s searching for the true spirit of Christmas.

  • "While the movie is beautiful to look at, it fails with a slow plot filled with silly obstacles and secondary characters who add nothing to the story. Still a great family movie that will surely get you into the spirit of Christmas."


  • In the #8 spot isThe Santa Clause," starring Tim Allen in the title role. This 1994 live-action comedy not only spawned two sequels, it also effectively launched Tim Allen's film career.


  • In the movie, Allen's character accidentally kills Santa on Christmas night, and suddenly finds himself responsible for resuming his duties. Here's knarfxgamer review: "Probably one of my favorite movies."

    映画では、アレンのキャラクターが誤ってクリスマスの夜にサンタを殺し、突然彼の職務を再開するために自分自身の責任を見つけることができます。ここでは's knarfxgamerのレビュー:"おそらく私のお気に入りのmovie.quotの一つ。

  • Most of Tim Allen's older work was very good, and this movie was definitely that. The sequels didn't really live up to the original, but they weren't that bad. 9/10.”

    "仝それにしても、この映画は、そのようなことはありませんでしたか?笑)" "この映画では、「この映画を見たことがない」と言っていましたが、「この映画を見たことがない」と言っていましたが、「この映画を見たことがない」と言っていましたが、「この映画を見たことがない」と言っていました。9/10.”

  • How The Grinch Stole Christmasis the 7th film on our list, starring Jim Carrey as The Grinch. The 2000 live-action adaptation of the classic Dr. Seuss children's book is about a green goblin who attempts to rob the village of Whoville during Christmas.

    "How The Grinch Stole Christmas "は、グリンチ役のジム・キャリーが主演した7作目の映画です。古典的な博士スースの子供の本の2000年の実写化は、クリスマスの間にWhovilleの村を強奪しようとする緑のゴブリンについてです。

  • InsideUniversal writes: "A fantastic movie that definitely relived the storybook fantasy of Dr. Seuss. There were many chances to shift away from the original book, but Jim Carrey and Ron Howard carried the movie beautifully and with taste."

    InsideUniversalは次のように書いています: "間違いなくセウス博士の絵本のファンタジーを追体験した素晴らしい映画。元の本から離れてシフトするために多くのチャンスがありましたが、ジム-キャリーとロン-ハワードは、美しく、taste.quot.で映画を運んだ。

  • "Grossly underrated by the critics, in my opinion. 8/10.” The sixth-most popular Christmas film is 1983's "A Christmas Story," a holiday classic usually seen during 24-hour marathons on basic cable.

    "Grossly underrated by critics, in my opinion.8/10.”6番目に人気のあるクリスマス映画は1983's "A Christmas Story," a holiday classic usually seen during 24 hours marathons on basic cable.

  • It's a light-hearted and nostalgic look at a 9-year-old's quest to get a toy air-rifle for Christmas. It also coined the iconic phrase, "You'll shoot your eye out!"

    それは、クリスマスのためにおもちゃのエアライフルを取得するために9歳のクエストで軽快で懐かしい外観です。また、象徴的なフレーズ、"You'll shoot your eye out!

  • PossumCuber writes: "A classic movie that relates to almost everyone. Especially growing up as the only child to an overprotective mother, I know how it feels to have something (or, in my case, everything) be too dangerous."

    PossumCuber wrote: "A classic movie that relates to almost everyone.特に過保護な母親への唯一の子として育って、私はそれが何か(または、私の場合は、すべてのもの)があまりにも危険であることを持っている方法を知っています。

  • "I could watch this movie over and over. 10/10." At number five is National Lampoon's “Christmas Vacation,” the third of five "vacation" movies starring the dysfunctional Griswold family.

    仝それにしても、この映画を見ていると、何度も何度も見てしまいますね。10/10."で番号5はナショナルランプーン'の "クリスマスバケーション "であり、5つの"vacation"の3番目の機能不全のグリスウォルド家族を主演した映画。

  • Chevy Chase stars in perhaps his most famous role, as a father whose family Christmas celebration quickly turns into a massive nightmare. Here's TheLargeFry's review: "Without a doubt, one of the best."

    ここでは、TheLargeFry'sのレビュー: "Without of doubt, one of the best.

  • "The movie shows how crazy the holiday can be, and how the holiday can make you crazy, as well. If it weren't for this movie, we would have never known how to break the sound barrier while sledding. 10/10.”

    "The movie shows how crazy the holiday can be, and how the holiday can make you crazy, as well.それがこの映画のためになかったら、私たちはそり滑りしながら音の壁を破る方法を知らなかっただろう。10/10.”

  • Fourth on our list is the curiously Christmas-themed 1988 action classic, “Die Hard.” A yearly tradition in my household, Bruce Willis stars as rogue New York police detective John McClane...

    第4位は 1988年のクリスマスをテーマにした 不思議なアクション映画 「ダイ・ハード」です我が家では毎年恒例となっている、ブルース・ウィリス主演の悪党ニューヨーク警察のジョン・マクレーン刑事...

  • ...who finds himself stuck inside a Los Angeles skyscraper right after German terrorists take it hostage and try to rob it. Perhaps anticipating your concerns that this isn't actually a holiday film...


  • ...lawbn writes: "This has to be the greatest Christmas movie ever. Don't even argue! It takes place on Christmas and has great messages, likelove your familyandbe thankful for what you have.’ The naughty get punished, and the good get rewarded."

    ...lawbnは書き込みます: "これは、これまでで最高のクリスマス映画でなければならない。でも反論しないでください!それはクリスマスに行われ、 "あなたの家族を愛して "と "あなたが持っているものに感謝してください "のような偉大なメッセージを持っています。やんちゃな人は罰せられ、良い人はrewarded.&quotを得る。

  • "Best Christmas movie ever! I'm watchingDie Hards’ 1 and 2 on Christmas. 10/10." In the third spot is the 2003 Will Ferrell comedy, “Elf,” directed by Jon Favreau. Ferrell plays Buddy, a regular boy who is accidentally raised at the North Pole as an elf.

    "Best Christmas movie ever!私はクリスマスに「ダイ・ハード」1と2を見ています。10/10." 3位は2003年のウィル・フェレルのコメディ、ジョン・ファヴロー監督の「エルフ」です。フェレルが演じるのは、偶然にも北極でエルフとして育てられた普通の少年バディ。

  • When he realizes he's not like the other elves around him, Buddy visits New York City to try to find his biological father. Pumpkinwife has this review: "Will Ferrell has made a career of playing an obnoxious brat in a grown man's body..."

    彼は彼が彼の周りの他の妖精のようなものではありません実現したとき、バディは彼の生物学的な父親を見つけようとするためにニューヨーク市を訪問します。 Pumpkinwifeは、このレビューを持っています:"ウィル-フェレルは、大人の男の体で不愉快な子供を再生することのキャリアを作ってきた...&quot.

  • " it is an amazingly delightful surprise to find the child inhabiting this six-foot-tall elf to be a charming, wide-eyed innocent kid who is welcomed back into the family by his dad's wife and son."


  • "But it is the relationship between father and elf that allows us again to see the true spirit of Christmas. 10/10." The runner-up on our list is the John Hughesclassic from 1990, "Home Alone."

    しかし、それは私たちが再びクリスマスの真の精神を見ることができます父と妖精の間の関係です。10/10."私たちのリストの次点は、1990年からジョン-ヒューズの古典であり、"Home Alone.&quot.

  • Not only did this slapstick family comedy single-handedly launch the career of its childhood star Macaulay Culkin, it also holds the distinction of being the highest-grossing Christmas film of all time...


  • ...with over $475 million in box office revenue worldwide. Culkin plays Kevin McCallister, an eight-year-old boy frustrated with his family, who wishes he didn't have one.


  • When he wakes up on Christmas morning the next day, he discovers he's been accidentally left home alone, after his entire family flies to Paris on vacation and forgets about him.


  • Matters are then complicated when two bumbling burglars attempt to rob the large house that Kevin is home alone in. nostalgiatrip1 writes: "One of the best Christmas movies, and one of John Hughesbest movies."


  • The reason is because it's a modernization ofIt's a Wonderful Life,’ but it applies to both the main character and the supporting cast, where both sides wish that the main character never existed."

    理由は、それが 'It's a Wonderful Life'の近代化だからですが、それは両方の側が主人公が存在しなかったことを望む主人公とサポートキャストの両方に適用されます。

  • "But when they are apart, they realize they really do love each other and they want to be together for Christmas. Plus, watching two adult idiots get outsmarted by a kid is always fun."


  • And now, the number-one most popular Christmas film of all time, as voted on by theMovie Nightaudience, "The Nightmare Before Christmas"! This 1993 stop-motion fantasy film by director Tim Burton is about Jack Skellington...

    そして今、"ムービーナイト "の視聴者が投票した、歴代ナンバーワンの人気クリスマス映画、"The Nightmare Before Christmas"が登場しました!ティム・バートン監督によるこの1993年のストップモーションファンタジー映画は、ジャック・スケリントンについて...

  • ...the "Pumpkin King" of the dream world of Halloween Town. But Jack grows tired of scaring humans every October 31st, and, when he discovers a secret portal to "Christmas Town," that's when things start to get interesting.

    ...The "Pumpkin King"ハロウィンタウンの夢の世界の。しかし、ジャックは毎年10月31日に人間を怖がらせるのに疲れて成長し、彼は"クリスマスタウン、"への秘密のポータルを発見したときに、物事が面白くなり始めるとき、それは's。

  • CBK911 writes: "An amazing movie with its creative animation, entertaining songs, and very relatable characters. This movie takes a very different idea towards Christmas, resulting in a very memorable film. 10/10."

    CBK911が書いています: "その創造的なアニメーション、楽しい曲、そして非常に関連性のあるキャラクターと素晴らしい映画。この映画は、クリスマスに向けて非常に異なるアイデアを取り、非常に記憶に残る映画になっています。10/10.

  • mackieflann adds: "An amazing film intertwining the frightful scenes of Halloween with the joyful love of Christmas. You could watch it three times in a row and still be entertained. Perfect for the holidays and for the family. 10/10."

    mackieflann adds: "ハロウィンの恐ろしいシーンとクリスマスの楽しい愛が絡み合った素晴らしい映画です。3回連続で見ても飽きることはありません。休日と家族のための完璧な。10/10.&quot.

  • Well, there you have it, the top-ten most popular Christmas films of all time. Notably absent from this list, I noticed, and just 9 votes shy of the #10 spot, was "It's A Wonderful Life."

    仝それにしても、このようなことになってしまったのですね。このリストから顕著に欠落している, 私は気づいた, と#10スポットのわずか9票恥ずかしがり屋, だった "It's A Wonderful Life.&quot.

  • While the movie was released over 70 years ago, I strongly encourage you to check out this Jimmy Stewart classic. Of course, also check out the other top 10. All are fantastic movies!


  • But that does it for tonight's special Christmas episode of "Movie Night." Now, let's take a look at some of Hollywood's latest releases, with some Tweet Critiques.


  • Remember, if you're going to see a new movie this weekend in theaters, submit your Twitter review using the #JPMN hashtag, to have it featured on an upcoming episode.


  • Next week, we'll be reviewing two new DVD releases, "Easy A," the Emma Stone teen comedy loosely based on "The Scarlet Letter," and "The American", a suspense thriller starring George Clooney as a deadly assassin.

    来週は2つの新しいDVDリリース、"Easy A,"エマ・ストーンのティーン向けコメディで、"The Scarlet Letter,"と"The American"をベースにしたサスペンススリラーで、ジョージ・クルーニー主演の致命的な暗殺者として登場します。

  • If you've have already seen these movies, please let me know what you think about them by voting in the poll below or by leaving a comment review below. I'll be picking my six favorites to feature in next week's episode.


  • Until then, my name is Jonathan Paula. Thank you for watchingMovie Night," and have a very merry Christmas. I hope to see you right back here next Friday!

    それまではジョナサン・ポーラと申します。Movie Night,"を見てくれてありがとう。また来週の金曜日にお会いできることを楽しみにしています。

  • *end credits play*


It's time to open your presents, because we're about to count down the 10 most popular Christmas films of all time! This isMovie Night”!

それはあなたのプレゼントを開くための時間です、私たちは、すべての時間の中で最も人気のある10のクリスマス映画をカウントダウンしようとしているからですこれは "映画の夜 "です

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