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  • Write as though nobody's watching because nobody's

  • watching.

  • Suspense is all about making promises to your reader.

  • You're telling your reader, I know something you don't know,

  • but I promise I'll tell you if you keep going.

  • Writing a novel is about a process.

  • It is not all about inspiration and craft.

  • This class provides practical tools,

  • a roadmap to turn your idea into a story.

  • Take the pressure off yourself.

  • Every single idea has been done over and over.

  • You don't need a big idea.

  • You need big how's.

  • How do you create tension?

  • How do you build character?

  • What's the moral gray area that we're going to be writing in?

  • There are elements that must be in a good story--

  • the contract, the clock, and the crucible.

  • If you're not sure what to write,

  • write the wrong thing a few times

  • and let that be the process by which you find the right thing.

  • Put a secret in a character's back story.

  • Write your villain first because your villain is the one who's

  • going to define your hero.

  • There were some dark times when I wasn't actually sure

  • I could accomplish this.

  • There will be days you just don't know if you can do it.

  • And on those days, what is going to save you is your process.

  • You do not need to have total mastery of your subject matter

  • to start a novel, only to finish it.

  • Write until you're ready to show the world what you've done.

  • I'm Dan Brown, and this is my MasterClass.

Write as though nobody's watching because nobody's


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

ダン・ブラウンが教えるスリラーの書き方|公式予告編|マスタークラス (Dan Brown Teaches Writing Thrillers | Official Trailer | MasterClass)

  • 5 1
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日