字幕表 動画を再生する
Did you set the input?
Yes, I think so.
You sure?
- Are you - - Wow.
- We're already online. - Whoa...
2,500 people already?
Dude, that's already as big as a full concert hall.
3 thousand people.
That's too big. I can't handle it.
All 3 thousand? That's bigger than the, uh...
Dude, I'm sweating.
How many—
What's the audience in the Opera House again? Like...
One, two thousand? 1,800?
Dude, we have two Opera Houses
- listening to us right now. - Wow, hello everyone!
Wow. Whoops, that's reversed.
Oh, no!
Anyway, we're not professional streamers,
but welcome to another episode of TwoSet Violin,
if all goes well.
I know more and more people are coming in.
Can you guys hear us?
This is the result of my evil joke,
- and scheme to get us to 2 mil subs. We were like, - Yeah.
"Oh, Brett will play his Tchaik!"
- I know. I'm actually kind of nervous now. - And now it's happening.
- But thank you all for joining us today! - Is that 20k there...
No way!!
- Dude, that's 21 thousand! - I hope our Internet holds.
- Dude, that's like a stadium. - I'm so nervous about the Internet.
- I'm so nervous about my playing. - Wow. Me too!
Oh, I can't do this!
*muffled yell*
Oh, wow. Hello everyone!
I'm so nervous!
Hi, I want to read the chat,
but it's moving too quickly. How do you s...
Oh, I'm so... Oh, no!!
- Dude, no way! - Whoa, the chat is just like...
Thank you all for joining us, this is the official
2 million subscriber
TwoSet livestream, we're gonna be performing the Tchaik—
Well, Brett's gonna be performing
- the Tchaikovsky violin concerto. - Yeah!
I will be performing the entire orchestra part, which
I had to try and arrange in the last...
- Yeah. - Thanks for the donations!
- Whoa! Wow, thank you everyone. - That's crazy.
And so...
Oh, by the way!
Check out our new limited edition, before we start,
- Tchaikovsky 2 mil merch. - Mmhm.
As you can see, we wanted to
think of a way to make it
symbolic of the occasion.
So this is Tchaikovsky here,
and he's in pop art style.
popular, get it?
(both) Yeah!
But yeah nah, we wanted,
we wanted something to kind of represent
this kinda...
uh, I guess a milestone.
And for those of you that
I guess, know, I'm sure you all know,
this community really makes us believe
in the vision of making
classical music relevant and mainstream to
And this is—
I mean, dude,
- 27 thousand viewers for Tchaikovsky. - That's crazy!
- That is actually just crazy. - I wish I didn't see that.
- I think Tchaikovsky would be... - Oh my...
- Very happy. - Happy, but then...
I wonder if Tchaikovsky would be happy after hearing us play!
Brett: I can't do it, no!!
Oh no, it's gonna be so...!
- Dude, I'm actually nervous now. - I'm actually nervous, don't say that!
- I didn't think about it until now. - Yeah.
- But anyway. ...Yeah. - Okay, we haven't performed in like, a whole year.
And I haven't played Tchaikovsky in like, 8 years.
I'm just kinda like, lowering the bar...
- I just changed my strings, like, one week ago. - Yeah, all the excuses are coming out.
Ah, my hands, I'm sweaty and cold.
Whoa, there's nearly 30 thousand!
- Alright. - Dude, my legs are shaking.
Brett: I need to sit down.
- Wow. - Guys, limited edition merch
to help support Brett 'cause he's nervous.
It's on twosetapparel.com,
forward slash...
- Uh, should we get started? - product, forward slash Tchaikovsky,
dash 2-mil.
I think 30 thousand is a good—
Oh! Dude, 40 thousand! Imagine it's Ling Ling 40 hours.
40 thousand viewers, no way.
Thank you for the donations,
- I totally forgot about this whole donation... - Oh my god.
Is it called super chat?
Dude, I'm so...
I forgot what, like...
I had like, a whole intro planned for this livestream,
but like, it just all went out the window
- the moment I saw "30 thousand." - Yeah, I actually, I forgot my violin guys!
- We're stalling so hard! - Yeah, the violin is gone!
- Ohh, I'm so nervous! - Wow...
Anyway, it's been a crazy journey.
- Thank you s... - Thank you guys so much for the support.
obviously wouldn't be here without you guys.
I don't know what to say.
I really should warm up.
- Do you need to tune? Are you already tuned? - Yeah, let's tune.
Anyway, we'll just see what happens, hey.
Does the A sound different?
Doesn't matter, I'm not gonna be in tune anyway.
The audio is working, right?
You guys can all hear, right?
Yeah, I guess that should work.
Where are you guys from, actually?
- Oh my god, the comments. - I don't think I can read that.
I need like, super...
- There should be an option to slow it down, like... - Dude, you need a sharinga.
Dude, I gotta start. Alright, alright. Okay.
Wait wait wait! I can't do it, wait I need some time.
Let me just, let me just go offscreen and warm up first.
The soloist is warming up backstage.
So many comments!
Brett: Let's do a quick story.
- Quick story, and then we start. - Quick Instagram story!
33 thousand viewers!
I should make it.
Well, the livestream has already started.
There's 33 thousand viewers. Oh my god...!
Alright! I'm gonna start, Brett.
- NOO! - No more procrastinating.
- I'm gonna start! - NOOO!!
- Dude, this orchestra part is so hard. - NO!
Don't start!
I had to like, arrange the piano part into like,
- double stops and chords for violin. - It's 35 thousand!
- Wow... - I should stop looking at it.
- I'm so nervous. - I wish I didn't see the number,
so it's just like, "Nah, it's just a computer screen, just..."
- Alright, I'm gonna start. - I didn't get enough sleep.
And my hands are sweaty.
- I'm actually shaking. - That's actually sh—
You're shaking?
Yeah. Like, a little bit.
Ohh, no!
- Nah nah nah nah, it's fine. - I'm shaking from excitement!
- My heartbeat, my pulse is... - I'm shaking from
we're about to hit the 40 thousand Ling Ling!
This is it.
My pulse is fast.
Dude, I've never played for 40 thousand people at once.
Never in my life.
I've never done this whole thing in my life like this!
Nah nah no, it's fine, it's fine.
Nah, it's...
It's not...
- It's just a computer screen I'm looking at. - Yeah.
- Nah, alright. Alright, let's do it. - Okay okay, okay just start.
I'm so nervous! Okay.
Eddy on the tutti.
Dude, I'm so nervous.
So how are you guys?
That was a bit of a... rough start.
Can you turn the page for me?
- Huh? - Turn the page.
Oh, yeah.
Are you guys enjoying it, by the way?
Wow, thank you!
Just so you know, Eddy's playing multiple parts right now.
Wow, hello.
That was so much pressure.
Oh, my god.
Dude, too many page turns.
That was the first movement, guys.
Bit of a rough... start.
Are we still here? Oh, they're still here!
- Holy... - Wow, 43 thousand!
- Okay! - They're clapping
in between the movements, but it's okay,
- 'cause it's a silent clap on live stream. - Oh yeah, so we don't hear it!
- Ohh, that works so well! - So we appreciate it, thank you, thank you!
Oh my god.
This is the second movement.
Wait. My shoulder rest dropped.
- Relatable. - Yeah!
All good.
Third movement!
I didn't wanna start.
Oh my god.
- Whoo! - Well, that was something new.
- Whoo...! - Okay. Gotta bow.
- Whoo! - You have to bow as well.
- Whoo! - Look at all the hair you've lost!
Whoo, that's the tutti!
We lost a lot of hair.
- Soloist. - Oh, thank you!
- Whoo! - I apologize for the memory slips!
Apologize for...
High pressure!
Wow, 39 thousand people watched the entire concerto!
- I was trying so hard not to think of that. - That's crazy. Yeah?
I was like, "Oh my god."
"This is so epic."
"So cool."
I was trying so hard not to think about
the out of tune note I played before your cadenza.
- Oh, that... Nah... - In the first movement.
- I completely messed that up. - Dude, I messed so many things up.
- But, uh... - Wow, everyone's clapping!
Thank you!
- Wow. There's a lot of claps. - Yay...
Look at those donations, that's...
- Wow... - Oh, they even got emojis!
- Dude, there's like... - Dude, I'm sweating!
- Same, same. - I'm pouring!
Duck emojis.
- Wow, thank you guys! - Dude, that was so fun!
Oh, I guess I should take a bow.
Yeah, together.
(both) Yeah!
Did they just clap?
I think our neighbors just clapped.
That's so funny.
Someone said it's 4 AM.
Wow, thank you for joining us on the ride.
- Wow. - For the ride.
I hope...
we didn't disappoint.
Someone said "encore!"
Nah, no...
Brett: Encore??
(both) Oh no, no...
- Encore, encore! - Oh, no...!
- Oh no, no... - Maybe.
Maybe I'll do an encore.
Actually, I haven't prepared one, but...
- Could cook up something. - Yeah, we didn't...
Well, what could we cook up?
Tchaikovsky again.
LOL, jokes!
But I do think I would play it better the second time.
Oh, really?
- Yeah. - Ooh...
Now I'm kind of more calm, but I'm not doing that again.
- That's a big concerto, it's like 40 minutes. - But it was kind of, that was... scary.
I forgot like, how hard it was just to just,
power through it.
No, you did well.
- I think. - Thank you. I tried.
The first memory slip freaked me out.
- Oh, that was funny. - I thought, I thought...
- You went, you skipped to the second part. - I skipped, and that was...
And it's funny, because I never
have a memory slip in that part.
Oh wait, people are like, "Paganini encore."
- Pag 24! - No, I haven't played it in like, years! In months!
What happens if we hit 40 thousand follows?
I mean, 40 thousand viewers? Nah.
Wow... Encore.
So, guys...
Encore, okay.
I guess the Europeans are sleeping. *inaudible*
Thanks for all the donations!
- Thanks, everyone. - Thank you, for the live concert.
Live 2 mil stream celebration.
That's crazy, I never— I did not expect
40 thousand...
- Streamers, hey? I mean, people watching this. - Audience, yeah. Audience of 40 thousand.
I was thinking, just...
Just a small audience that would show up.
- And just, kind of watch a bit. - I thought like... 2 thousand.
- Yeah. - 'Cause that's like, a...
whole concert hall.
- Yeah. In our mind, it's perspective, yeah... - So if you put that in perspective...
We just did 20 concert halls.
(both) That's crazy.
- Don't forget to check out, limited edition... - Oh yeah, the merch, guys!
This is limited as well.
- Oh, Eddy just said that. - A future where Tchaikovsky could be a pop icon.
- Pop art style. - Yeah.
Thanks to our team, actually,
- for doing this, and working on it together. - Yes.
All the designers,
everyone that worked so hard to make this happen.
- Yep. - And uh, yeah.
Very proud of them. So,
if you're on the team and you're watching...
- Thank you. - Thank you so much.
- Someone's like, "Navarra." - And...
Haven't done that in a while!
Oh yeah, if it's an encore, you should be playing with me.
- Oh, nah... - Oh yeah!
Alright, let's play, um...
The problem is we didn't prac—
prepare anything.
We were like, "Oh, the Tchaikovsky's enough
of a stress."
- I'll have to keep that in mind - That's funny.
for the 3 mil—
Wait, what? What?
- 3 mil... What? - What, what?
- No promises! - Yeah.
- What should we do? - Dude, people are already saying like, 3 mil.
- 3 million subs. - Navarra, Sibelius...
"Do the fastest Bumblebee!"
No thank you!
- Dude, that Tchaikovsky 3rd movement went really fast. - in 30 seconds.
I think I played it too fast.
- Yeah, it was really fast. - I freaked out.
I lost it.
Dude, that tutti was so fast.
See, that was a real good case example, guys,
of someone having performance nerves.
And then obviously playing
way too fast out of their own capabilities.
Is that something we can like...
- This is actually a demonstration of what happens - I don't know.
- the first time when you play. - Yeah.
- Oh man... - Thank you, thank you!
Thanks for the donations.
- Yeah. - I wish I could say all the names,
but it's going so fast.
- Let me try and catch some. - It is.
I just saw the word "intonation,"
- just popped up in front of- - Uggghhhh!!!
- That was- Ugh, my intonation was off! - Bumblebee, Sibelius...
- Oh my god, is that- - Navarra.
Thank you, thank you.
Encore, Canon in D, Saint-Saëns.
Bravo! Oh, I'm trying to-
There's donation people as well.
Oh yeah, thank you.
- Nava- - Thank you everyone that donated.
- Oh my god! That just flipped by. - Wow!
- It's a yellow one. - Montreal...
Oh! By the way, we are gonna be touring soon!
- Oh, we will be. - So...
2020, hopefully we will be going to your city.
We're planning it out now.
As if they'll still come.
If you enjoy...
this performance,
and want to hear more like this.
Look out for the posters.
That's our encore.
Okay, so...
"Thank you, Ling Ling."
"Oh, you're Ling Ling."
Whoa, I can't read them.
Can you imagine that?
A classical concert, a soloist finished his Tchaikovsky,
and the encore he plays Mii?
That would be so funny.
That would be so funny.
That would be the greatest thing.
So... okay, guys!
Head on over. Check out the shirt.
if you wanna follow our Instagram: twosetapparel,
that would be great as well.
Since we're all here.
Should we play something?
- I want to, but I don't want to... - Well... Oh, we haven't-
- like, we haven't really prepared something. - Yeah... we haven't prepared anything, really.
And it's gonna be like...
- I'm sweating like crazy. - Yeah.
- What? - Nah, nah.
I thought of something but I was like nah.
What? Like Bach?
No, like...
- Oh, nah, nah, nah! That's too hard. - Too hard.
- We need to practice a bit more. - Alright.
- Well, that's it, guys! - Cool!
Thank you so much for joining us.
- I don't know what to say. It's just... - That's a-
- Yeah, thank you so much. - It's just crazy.
I think...
when we first started...
I don't think we ever would have thought
that we'll once be playing Tchaikovsky
for 40,000 people,
or have 2 million subs.
Yeah, I thought that day was like...
Or to even know that there's such a
big community out there that...
is willing to like...
that appreciates the spirit of classical music.
Because... you know...
studying music in...
in a small conservatory,
and it was like a small little uni.
We were like segregated from all other uni kids, so...
we thought it was just like us little- like, music kids.
- But now seeing this like... - Yeah...
2 million subscribers all around the world.
And people that don't necessary learn an instrument,
but still...
watch us and listen to classical music
and support what we do
has just been absolutely amazing.
I think...
I... I think today's...
probably, if anything...
tribute to- I don't know. Not a tri-
but like, it's reflective of how amazing you guys are.
- Really. - Yeah.
- I mean... - It's the coolest community.
So- like... Dude, when we started,
we never thought we would actually...
have such a...
or even...
We never thought people would watch us.
- Yeah. - Like we just made a few videos.
had a bit of fun of it.
Yeah, we're just two...
freaking kids that...
- play violin, like... - Yeah, like...
We're not-
...struggled to play in tune.
- Yeah. - What's really amazing is...
you guys, collectively, I think.
And I think that is...
We were- I don't know. It's just so cool.
I don't know what to say.
- I'm really awkward with these things. - I don't know what to say either.
It's like I'm looking at...
There's a lot of people watching now
from all over the world.
on planet earth, streaming.
And here we are.
"Ling Ling 40 Hours!"
Someone's like "Do Ysaÿe as an encore."
Well, I did learn the Ysaÿe's 3rd Sonata,
like, to a really decent standard, I could say.
But it's been a long time since I've played that piece.
It's been a long time since...
we've really churned through.
I think it's good!
I think... it's good practice as well.
And also like...
really just um...
impressed that the...
I mean, I don't really watch that many live streams,
but I was impressed that
39,000 people out of like 40,
stuck through the entire concerto online.
That blew my mind.
I thought everyone was gonna leave!
- Yeah, I thought people would leave after like... - I just thought everyone was gonna leave.
the first movement.
I literally thought everyone was just going to...
leave straight away.
Well, 'cause it's on a computer,
- Yeah. - there's so many distractions.
There's so many other things
that they could be watching.
And yet,
you guys watched us for 40 minutes-
Oh, 50 minutes now.
- I can't believe it. - It's crazy.
I reckon my, like...
The start was so like...
- I was actually quite nervous. - ...nervous.
I was so nervous.
I was so nervous of myself,
and then everything just became like...
I just thought
"Okay, that's it. Everyone's leaving."
- Yeah. - I was like "That's it."
"Everyone's leaving!"
"Hold it together, Brett!"
I was like
- "I hope Hilary Hahn isn't actually tuning into this." - Oh no...
She... oh no...
Someone said "Play Despacito."
"Kachikawawa 40-"
We can't play Despacito...
- Yeah. - 'cause we'll get copystriked.
That's true.
That's so true.
Guys, um...
I don't know what to say.
Obviously, this started as a joke,
became an actual thing.
- It became an ACTUAL thing! That's so fun- - You put it on me!
I was like "Oh, it would be funny if we just like,
'drop' the Tchaikovsky."
No, and everyone is really expecting it, so...
It became- yeah.
- Thank you, guys, for... - Yeah, thank you for making us-
- pushing us to do something like this. - Yeah. Yeah.
We gotta keep doing it.
Keep practicing.
I mean...
There's still...
Why are you guys still here watching us?
- I... I can't- - Yeah.
Anyway, we should probably end the stream.
- Once again- - So they can go practice.
Yeah, so you guys can go practice.
And... I think...
I'm just trying to like...
excuse myself out of it.
But this live stream is a good example
as if you do a performance,
and things go wrong,
it's okay.
It's fine!
- It's fine. - Dude, honestly, I don't even remember it.
- It's just a little bit- - Yeah, I'm like...
It's hard!
- Yeah. - 'Cause you spent your whole life practicing,
and on the stage, you wanna do well.
- Yeah. - But I think...
Obviously, we'll definitely try to improve more.
We're gonna start practicing for 3 mil.
- Yeah. - I mean...
- I mean, 4, 5, I mean, what? - I mean, what, what?
- 4, 5, what, what? I don't know. - Yeah.
Once again,
check out our merch
on twosetapparel.com/products/tchaikovsky-2-mil
You'll see on the website.
this is the shirt.
It's limited.
Thank you to everyone who helped us make this happen.
I really like this shirt.
- Yeah. - And then...
We spent ages on it, too.
So long.
It was so like-
- Trying to pick the colour combination, - Yeah, so intense
- getting all out. Yeah. - and the art style.
It was fun.
It was really fun.
I'm really like, proud of this shirt.
Oh, I think...
We wanted to make a shirt that would capture...
the spirit of...
this landmark, you know. Not just...
I think so.
'Cause 2 mil like, obviously the Tchaikovsky,
but also this idea of...
that together we can make classical music...
relevant to the mainstream.
It's something I think is really exciting.
Yes. And...
How long is this on for? One week?
- The shirt? One week. Limited edition. - Oh yeah, one week.
So it's just here for a week.
It's pre-order, so keep in mind.
It will take a while to get there,
but thank you for the patience.
- Mm, I like this. - We'll post updates on the Instagram account:
And Facebook as well.
So check it out there.
Give us a follow. It means a lot.
I need to go practice... after that.
I can't play any- My hand was so like...
Oh, the hair's are all gone.
- Alright, guys. Thanks- - Thanks everyone!
Thank you so much again!
I don't know what to say.
Ling Ling 40 hours.
- You guys are the best. - Ling Ling! Woo!
Hopefully, we will see you guys next time.
Keep watching the videos.
We'll do our best.
And everyone just...
keep practicing!
How do you end the stream?
I don't know.
I don't wanna say goodbye.
Yeah, I don't wanna leave. This is kinda fun.
- Bye, everyone! - Bye!
Go practice.
Go practice.
I need to practice.
...so you guys won't have memory slips like us.
*Brett cries*