字幕表 動画を再生する
My name is Jackson.
Welcome to the resident Evil three remain.
We played the demo a couple of weeks ago.
It was really, really promising.
And Resident Evil two was one of my favorite games of last year.
It had so much atmosphere it had.
The visuals were amazing.
The sound design was absolutely incredible.
So I'm very, very excited for this one.
Like residue, I have never played resident evil three.
The first raising that I ever started with was the fourth game, and I absolutely love that some of my favorite games of all time.
But I'm very excited to see what this has to offer because people who have played ready to we're really excited for this.
They really wanted a Raise e three remake because off Mr Nemesis here on what I saw in the demo was really, really damn cool.
I don't have a continue, so let's just go to new Game.
It's just standard.
Why not?
I'm a standard kind of guy.
I'm here to have fun.
This pandemic spread faster than any disease in modern history.
Okay, electing to topical.
Dude, this is like full f m v real people.
Jesus the CDC is quarantined The lower Midwestern commitment, honesty, integrity These are the core values that create the foundation from this is awesome.
I wonder where they got the footage from the riot footage.
It's this foundation that will continue to build a brighter future for all.
What is that?
Nemesis Two.
Hell, yeah, Those awesome.
This is real or fake Can fucking tell.
Okay, it's really mixed with CG.
It's so confusing.
Code named nemesis.
Okay, there's a video game.
I know a video game, one with my eyeball.
See it?
That's cool, though.
It's eight o'clock.
Oh, wow, First person, baby.
Imagine if the whole game is in first person and they were lying to all of us this entire time.
Also, the stuff about CDC pandemic locking inside all that's a little too real right now you're letting the heat of you're letting the cold in.
I like that.
It's all kind of black and white war looking, though on Irving combat.
You like some sort of bad asked you some sort of fight man.
Any information we can dream from these?
It's September.
That's good.
We have a lantern.
Do not knock that over.
You burn your whole house down.
Jesus, You have a lot of stuff going on.
That's the Oh, God, What's her name?
I should have Beaufort my brain again on all of this.
I can't even think of the word that I'm trying to use That lady.
Whose husband, William, Whatever.
They created the disease and you had to fight her and knock her over and fight.
Her husband works an umbrella.
You know what I mean?
Shut up.
Whoa, That's cool.
You really know stickers and shit everywhere, don't you, Joe?
How's it going?
This is really weird.
OK, but turn off the water.
Jeez, You're wasting so much of a fucking pistol right there, though.
Shoot the water.
Oh, it's a dream.
Yeah, You Groves.
Don't touch it.
Resident Evil.
It's just all in your head.
Gets worse every night.
Just stop sleep.
It's easy.
Worst month in my life shouldn't be off my life by being too picky.
Oh, cute dog.
Three more days than I can kiss this town by.
Okay, Maybe I should stay inside, though.
You know, self isolation, all that good stuff.
Jill's report, September 36 1998 I was eight years old.
It's only been two months since the mess with Umbrella, thanks to the suspension, and investigations have progressed exactly as I'd hoped.
Perhaps this written record of what I found will prove to be my final Judy.
As the stars officer.
I can only hope that it helps lead to the truth.
The T virus, those infected by the virus, seemed to become literal zombies.
It appears to be communicable via several different avenues outlined below bite from an infected individual, allowing the mixing of bodily fluids kinky contact with crows, which have eaten infected carrion.
Jude's is the strength of the virus.
Airborne infection cannot be discounted.
It should be noted that those who survived the incident have not yet developed symptoms.
It's unclear whether this is because the virus has a long incubation period or because we just happen to be resistant to the infection.
You are to remain vigilant even after this investigation period ends.
This is way too real right now, okay?
Everything that she's saying has a long incubation period.
We don't know if some people are asymptomatic or not, as me, aside from my minor difficulty sleeping I seem to be in fine shape.
Still, I shouldn't get too hopeful after all, this could be an extended incubation.
Damn, I don't fucking care.
Step bitch down.
Florida did this pharmaceuticals company industry leader in America Chair focuses on military weapons development while maintaining cover as a pharmaceutical company.
Also secretly developing bioweapons.
Also secretly making the most dope mixtape in all of history.
T virus outbreak Are Clay Mountains Research facility predicated their mansion incidents.
So the mention incident is ready One conspiring Raccoon city leadership.
Large donations to Mayor Warren's office effectively controls the city.
Okay, that's cool.
Silent Hill.
What else we got in this filthy apartment?
Who might they have?
Night house is covered in garbage is Well, they've got me pinned down at home, guys across the street and watching me from the window.
24 7 are they irons, his men?
I don't know.
And there's no real difference Anyway.
They all look the same.
I know what they're trying to do.
They want to wear me down, torment me into complaints, and it's working.
I'm barely eating, barely sleeping.
I'm going crazy.
I feel like the living dead T virus.
He got it, But I won't let them win.
I have to get out of the city and find a way to make them accountable.
They'll send someone to silence me.
Of course, if you hear that I've been killed or whatever it is they do to people like me, you must pick up the investigation.
Left off.
I've been closed.
My files.
They they'll tell you everything you need to know.
As long as this package isn't intercepted, I'll be moving out at night.
Five days.
Wish me look.
Is the water actually still on?
God clean up after yourself.
Jill isn't even the virus.
That's gonna be a problem.
It's just ants.
This is from a colleague to Jill Valentine.
Hey, hotshot.
How you holding up?
Believe Iran suspended you.
It's such bullshit.
Oh, yeah.
Irons is that I don't know if we can call him a pedophile.
He gave a very strong pedophile VIPs in the last game when he was going after sherry.
Hey, Got a pin a medal on you for making it out of that hellhole back in July.
Of course, you're going to poke around and ask questions about it.
I hope you're not mad at me for keeping my head down.
Everything's been happening so fast.
Stars was the pride of the force.
When the chief disbanded us out of nowhere, I thought for sure I was gonna lose my job.
Word has it you're planning to leave Raccoon City.
I figured you wouldn't take the suspension lying down.
Just promise you to watch your back.
Just promise to watch your back.
All right?
My brother won't sit by while you try to dismantle the business.
Take care, Jill.
I heard a noise.
Brad Vickers read Vickers.
We know Bride Vickers.
P s had to step this message to the pizza guy to avoid detection.
Enjoy the extra large mega meat supreme.
It's on me and the guys That sounds oddly innuendos.
Don't worry, Joel.
Just handle our double meat.
Hello, area.
Oh, that's creepy looking.
Hello, liquid concealer.
You don't need to gel.
Your skin is flawless.
You're a queen.
My zombie killing queen.
Let's do it.
Character models.
Great, though.
Yeah, Third person, baby.
He's tired of being inside my own head.
What else we got here?
Yeah, I guess makeup gets Ah to paste.
Here's your toothbrush, though.
That's important.
You've reached the Jill residence.
Raccoon milk drink.
Raccoon milk.
Have you ever tried Milica Raccoons.
Heard they got tiny little nipples.
I can't hear you, Joe.
Hello, Joe.
Are you okay?
Brad, is that you?
Listen, you got to get out of there.
We're not talking about I don't have time to explain.
You gotta get out of there right now.
All right?
Let me grab my holy Hi.
Oh, my beautiful bones.
Oh, that ain't gonna do shit.
You're wise, Joe.
Holy fuck.
Jesus Christ.
I think this would happen immediately.
Take all the plants that around three herbs.
Excellent dodging, Jill.
Just the best.
He came through the fucking wall, and that's not going to stop him here.
All right.
Luckily, this'd all lined out for me.
What the fuck is happening?
Everyone, What the fuck is up?
Oh, God.
He's terrifying.
You don't touch me.
Your mega meat.
All right, let's get the boot.
Do you want to become a Jill sandwich?
That's a great ass shot, man.
This is awesome.
Go How?
God perfectly sculpted ass.
Okay, Go, Go, go, go, go!
A little faster.
Just a little past Dancy.
God damn it!
Oh, he's so cool.
This is so weird.
No, you're seeing stars.
I like it.
Those in Ted's.
That is so cool.
This engine So pretty.
I love it over here.
You okay?
What came to find now, But right now it's got a hard on for the only two stars left in town.
You and me.
I'm not sticking around.
Just look around.
Ovary way more screwed real.
That lip sinking is awful.
One thing always leads to another level.
The color that's going on.
Commanding Mayor's Carol Isles off duty disaster.
Air Combat 1942 on bad luck game.
I want to see those movies.
Even if the T virus got out like that, how would the place go to shit like this so fast?
This many people being affected, right?
Right now.
Right, Bride.
God, So many night.
Oh, pretty Oh, so nice.
Do you want me liquid concealer?
Let's go back to my apartment to get it, Jack.
It's made.
It's destined to be behind.
You're going to the Winchester for a pint and wait for this to blow over.
No bride got biting.
Don't think about it.
We're gonna make a run for it.
No way.
How the sense.
No, I don't.
Still, Jane, always doing favor.
We'll look up like I go way breads and raise you one, isn't he?
Oh, Bradley, you got bitten.
Don't mind if I Yes.
No, I thought you were gonna be Brad.
I can't.
I can't shoot, Brad, I can't do it.
You know, problems.
Your fight.
Oh, I'm not fighting all of them.
Good job.
That's this is crazy.
Thank you.
No, he's like, Hey, come on.
There's a helicopter waiting to take you to safety.
I'm not going out there.
Parking garage isn't far.
He's gonna get killed by something.
There's gonna be something else in there with him.
Sir, I appreciate you wanting Thio.
Isolate yourself.
What's your name?
I can't just leave you behind.
Yeah, right.
You just want to steal my safe house.
Get your own missy.
Missy, It's What's your name?
Joe Taro Kujoe.
I'm a police officer.
I'm here to help.
You've been doing a bang up job.
You want to help?
Go ahead.
Come for itself to one of those freaks.
Sir, this is your last chance.
No one else is coming for you.
I'm not going anywhere.
I'd rather starve to death in here eaten by one of those undead monsters.
Leave me alone.
There's some sort of poetry in I'd rather starve than be eaten.
Just gonna scoot by doing me dirty mouth.
Stinky vehicle like clearance 842 inches.
I can't make it through to tall.
Any ticket would be to get no keeper.
Take it with you.
Kick him too.
Kicking rain is good.
Who you trying to?
You're trying to mess a Jew.
You're trying to fight right now.
God, this feels like there's most acceleration on hate.
Most acceleration.
Run, Joey, Run!
No, no, no, no.
Think nothing of giving the move.
Nice doing well.
Get your breath there, Jill.
You see a short hair way had grab it.
Hey, can do.
And you will do gonna do I Am I missing anything by not taking stuff?
This just feels right.
You know Jesus Joe could get names and Drake a run for his money.
Oh, fuck.
I'm sorry.
Oh, hell, yeah.
Drive over him, Jill.
Fuck him up.
Let's go.
Fucking mabi!
It's my turn, bitch.
Well, he's not care.
Hey, Ziggy.
I don't want it fucking for Jill.
Holy shit!
Looking rectum.
That's what's so June.
You'll be my valentine.
All Jenny's got back up.
You want You want to do something about that?
He came out of this a lot better than you do.
He's got strong knees.
Healthy ball was he drinks his milk.
Oh, nice.
What a reveal.
Okay, back it on up there.
A little faster.
Holy shit.
You dead easy.
I got you.
Who are you?
What do you do, Carlos?
I'm saying Come on, let's get you someplace safe.
He caught the rocket.
That was so awesome.
What about us?
Maybe nemesis instead?
I think we're clear.
I hope so.
We've been bringing survivors here.
Here where my guys have converted some subway cars in a shelter.
It's safe.
I'm fine, Carlos Dreamboat.
Okay, I get it.
Let's go.
This is where they come on.
The demo kind of wise scold stalker adrift in space.
What else we got?
I want to see these movies.
Time to get started.
Who wants the first ticket to hell can come to help.
That's my animal crossing island.
You got to get a nook miles ticket or a dodo coat.
It's no zombie knows what it wants.
It won't stop till he gets it.
Don't you like that?
A man?
No, thanks.
He's all yours.
Or is the lip sinking Really?
Promise you're in good hands.
I'm with the umbrella.
Biohazard countermeasures.
We're short.
Are you fucking kidding me?
You guys were the ones who caused all of this.
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
What are you talking about?
But we're just here to help you.
What's wrong with a bro?
What's wrong with him?
Your company is responsible for infecting everyone.
Yeah, I don't know anything about all that.
You don't have to trust me, but I'm going to the shelter.
You come in.
You hell Yeah.
I am Carlos.
This way full of your glory has had a hair anywhere.
It was beautiful.
What you got?
Automatic weapon.
That is pretty good at automatic.
What is going to knock down some zombies.
Very well.
Party, Party, party.
Hey, let's play with me.
I'm the one doing Alexa play.
Robots to pass.
Science form Jim's crabs.
Jim's got crabs.
Big e.
I want to go see Biggie and concert, Captain.
Young lady could use our big door.
Carlos, you didn't even think to ask.
Fine young lady.
Your name.
She is an elite operative off our repeat thes special tactics and rescue service.
Her name is something.
It's Jill.
Nice to meet you, Jill.
I am U B C s platoon leader, Mikhail Victor.
My team was sent here to rescue Seville.
Oh, Mikhail, how's that going for you?
This city is completely got off isolated.
Most of the 100,000 civilians we wind up that correction on dead.
My platoon has suffered serious losses.
Just keeping them alive is more than I can manage.
Well, you can thank your corporate overlords for that.
Yes, well, we are doing all weekend.
If we can get the subway train moving, we can evacuate some survivors.
But we need help.
My men cannot do this alone.
She's so cool looking.
All right, I'm in.
But I'm on their side, not yours.
It's cool.
We all want the same thing.
Thank you.
You eyes up here, buddy.
Here you go.
We can use this to stay in contact.
I know what a radio is.
Character models are really down night.
Head up to street level.
You'll find supplies there.
All right, The lip sinking out of the crossings is Gharib.
Anyway, that's not why we're here.
We're here to see Biggie and concert on Astro Crunch for cadets of all ages.
Except if you eat them as an adult, you're a loser.
I'm a crafting guide.
Gunpowder, times twos for hang gliding, gunpowder and high grade gunpowder and high grade twice from mag ammo.
All right.
I don't think I'm gonna get a mag anytime soon.
But that would be ever so tasty.
Music's great, though.
Freak cinema that's right, belong this year's top film.
Sam Hance is the butler of the day.
That's scary stuff trying to scare me.
All right, so this is the demo.
We've done this.
I know what this all is.
The Cannibal murders.
A complete digests in the gray of the morning on September 25th of frantic Kogler telephone the RPG, the real proud dad's force to report an assault.
A man described as disheveled like a vagrant was attacking a passer by north of the Lambs Museum of Art.
The responding officers discovered the mutilated corpse of a woman by some dumpsters.
Nearby, Dozens of bite marks covered her body, and she had been dismembered, suggesting she had been eaten.
The other known incident of this of its kind occurred in Raccoon City this month.
I mean, it could have just been a weird, creepy bastard.
It doesn't have to be anything to do with the virus.
Some people are just weird.
So who done it?
Uh, who's been munching on man steak?
Who's been national subdues?
We hear a news comment have annoying feeling that the so called cannibal disease patients Spencer Memorial has been providing free treatment for since August might not be settling for just a cafeteria food.
Okay, that sentence is all over the place.
Our reporters have infiltrated Spencer Memorial, ask the tough questions and come back with horror stories that will make your stomach royal for the patients keep man, I want to pay for school.
Okay, Music's awesome.
Didn't Joe.
We're working on it.
So what's the plan?
The old bag's gonna be clearing the tracks.
You might get in the subway infrastructure back online.
And how do I do that?
Let's start by restoring power.
I'll navigate you to the substation once you hit the main road.
Copy that.
Let's do this fast.
Why is your voice so familiar?
Who's her voice actress?
A green herb and another green herb.
I'm goingto I'm going to combine these green herbs to make a double herb And in a kind of combined a gunpowder to make a double poder anonymous.
Much about who?
I need something to open this on.
You lock pick that.
You'll get lock picking this like in ready one pain some of ready one.
Everyone got me to play because she really loves it.
The remake of it.
So I played, so I prayed a couple hours of it, but I didn't get very far.
But I know that Jill gets special lock, Pick an extra infantry space.
And he'd suffer this Commemorating the grand opening of the kite rosary.
Like I could get this working in the right.
Whatever it is, the right Whatever it is, Don't worry, Joe.
You We'll get it.
That's the way her name is.
Actually, Prince Costumes has been added.
We have been at it.
Used the option to change character's outfits.
What we get?
Ah, the classic.
Jill, That's cool.
Those Carlos is classic hair.
Ooh, I love this mop top man.
At least now we should be ableto remember how to get stuff for the air.
I got to get the train moving high.
How do you ever drink anything with a mouth like that?
Can you go down and then we use the knife knife, Knife from jail.
Get come off.
Oh, she you have stopped in the back of the head, bitch.
I am very violence today.
You know what nemesis came to my house, didn't even knock Boston through the wall was not not joke I've ever heard.
But then you turned himself into a pickle on It was the funniest shit I've ever seen.
You're not gonna get all the dolls, although the bobblehead things because number one there's a shit ton of them And two I don't care.
I get them if I see them.
Do you know what's going on by chance?
either of you.
I'm just gonna stop you until I get my answers.
Stobbe Stobbe Things is how we do it.
Irish style stuff stuff.
That's good.
I think you learned your lesson.
I'm a kick this gate down knows You know how bad I say?
More like raccoon Shitty right now you feel me, Gamers also these.
I really wish you could shoot them.
But you can I try it in the demo?
You have to get probably a lock pick.
Honestly, for a key or a bold quarters, we go through something like that.
You know, some bolt cutters.
Thank you.
I'll say this for some chocolate.
And I wonder, is this chocolate still gonna be in the same place?
Carlos, I've reached the main avenue.
Which way do I go see a big transmission tower?
That's a substation you have to circle around through analogy, right?
You mean the alley that's on fire?
I'm sure we have cold water like yourself.
Put out the flames.
What movie is it into the tangled or someone like you look like a tall glass of water.
Really funny.
Gotta put this out.
Okay, Pee on it.
Oh, no, It's like with Justin Bieber's in concert on.
The people Want murdered her fucking face during that could see Jesus.
Come on.
A matter.
But I am not about a sweet sweet, but about a Yeah, yeah.
You don't have to burn them in this either, right?
Did you have to burn them in residue?
Because there was a new mechanic.
You went by complaint?
Ready one.
They actually have to set them on fire to make sure they never got back up again.
Hi, Karen.
Can you go down now, Karen?
Thank you, Karen.
Much appreciated.
I'm stuck right in your crotch.
I hope that's okay.
You don't seem to be making a forced over it, at least.
But about suing better.
Better from one of your heads explode.
I could not miss my shots.
All of the above would be great.
I never have to worry about you again.
Oh, God.
You die with your head up his ass.
I don't care what happens in the zombie apocalypse.
That's indecent exposure.
Are you dead?
I'm just making sure what he's already dead was making him double day.
Doug double dated it, um, doing a Triple Dome doughnuts, please.
I would like some doughnuts.
Y'all got any more of those powdered sugar ones that looked like cock?
I mean, what's wrong with me?
Why am I advocating for cocaine?
I need a locker pickle locker.
All right, cool.
Safe room.
Um, a fancy box.
It's going to get a little annoying later on.
Because unless I start getting some upgrades for my inventory space, But let's put the ammo in on the red.
Yeah, let me get fancy.
Bob was his ideas.
I don't fucking examine a box.
Come here.
Little tiny bugs, a red jewel, an imitation.
Looks like it's made to be slotted into something.
Y'all's ass.
Okay, I'ma put the bread jewell in here because I can't really do anything else with that right now.
You know, in there's gonna be a lot of back and forth.
We'll come back at some point.
All right?
Look at those donuts.
There's there's the boys right there.
They're right.
Hello, people.
Watching at home.
Doughnut, please.
Yes, this one I want I know you can't do anything, Karen folks say, Karen, come on.
All right, everybody, Everybody gather up.
Everybody group picture.
Let's do this together.
Night's perfect form lines.
But we're gonna have to try it again because fucking Jeffrey here didn't get in.
He wants an information.
I'm a stockman to dick until he understands eating Jeffrey anything around this way.
I do like that.
I'm saying it before How?
Now you just pick up stuff and then it goes into your inventory if you've made multiple of it.
But it's kind of annoying is that you can't combine stuff on the fly now.
Like if I pick up a raid her.
But I have no space for it.
I can't put it on top of a green herb.
I don't think so.
Also, could I just point out how everything went to shit?
It seems like a lot of stuff went to shit overtime.
Like this Dude's in a stretcher on all of this shit is all crash everything.
How did you not notice any of this until Nemesis showed up?
It was the whole place.
I'm just so nonchalantly taking a bad guys.
Now I'm so awesome.
Dirty, dirty, stinking.
Fuck it.
Anyway, the point of even tapping if I don't get out of it completely.
I was literally trying to get away.
Fuck me.
This is such a waste.
I'm not wasting bullets on you because I want to kill you with the nice, But if this is how you're gonna be, Okay, I got the green.
Karen, you fucking ostrich!
Oh, I knew it.
I knew it.
Dick stayed out.
Just okay.
Back up because these guys like to be Sookie.
All right.
Are you dead now?
He said no need to worry about anymore, lads.
Choose your medicine carefully.
I don't think anyone listen to that.
Oh, let's go.
My days.
Why not?
Let's stack up on droves.
And bleach your any bleach?
Um, your brother corporation is such a good name for a company in something like this.
What was the code?
It's changed.
It was like 918 or something before 937 Left, right, left.
937 I knew Karen for the last time.
You're not lo.
Talk to the fucking manager.
I don't even work here.
Yeah, All right.
Your body's all could open now, and the dolls aren't in the same place.
It was 20 of them in the demo.
It's under $20.1,000,003 7 97.
Left, right, Left.
937 Left, right, Left.
937 Oh, I thought zombie man came out.
Are you dead?
I'm just making sure that steps up.
What I say I ever sent.
Wait, This is where he comes out.
I do.
All right.
Stumble, man.
How you like this?
You can stop.
He's down.
Another one bites the dust.
Says they would say, All right, Subway employees Memo Vita is getting worse and worse these past few days.
Got a shot?
Go and put the chain busted out.
Key for this or lock.
Pick again.
Hand grenade.
Very nice.
Let's combine these.
I'm gonna get a shock going soon.
And was it open?
Jill, this must be the subway company's offices.
Okay, The key thing for that as well.
The event of a power outage.
This didn't make this.
I blew over this immediately in the demos, and you'd never have to do it.
Once power has been restored, please use the control panel to confirm the stations at which the train will stop as well as the track segments which will be used if the root entered isn't safe and error will occur.
It's gonna be pretty straightforward, right?
I got to do something else.
Who rattle, man.
Yeah, whatever.
I have to come back here anyway.
Dog double dip.
Dole, Hunter of the Dimmesdale.
Dima Dole You could do that whole song.
So cool sounding, I everyone call me epic.
Fuck the door, Jill.
It was the same when I played the demo.
This section looks so fucking good.
UK Jill.
You holding up okay?
Yeah, You got a You got a slight case of the always I feel here.
Maybe you should actually use.
I'll use this.
Why not Free up space and then puts and you win for now.
And you know, And actually I can put the hose in because I'm coming back this way.
Efficiency is he.
Speed is also key, but that's so old school.
Now hold on a Jiminy.
I feel like I had the bolt cutters by now already.
Oh, it's up in here.
Up in here.
Up in here.
Y'all gonna make me lose my mind, kicked the door or don't is whatever.
No, Jill Valentine.
Oh, come on, dude, make me waste my boo lanes.
Fucking asshole!
Get I know you're dead, but I'm just making sure this house is clear.
937 Left, right, left.
937 Was it this way?
Nine nine three seven.
Like a book.
Red dot site.
Come buying with God.
Make it you are you are you Are you a date or in the life make You sure?
You're a dead.
You're certifiably dead.
Yeah, Yeah, we read this and I already got to do him a legend.
Why am I having a hard time finding the bold quarters funded immediately?
Wanna play the demo show?
You talk about how I played the demo more Just be all I can say who?
Munch Munch, is it good crunch crunch the bones Launch launch to meet.
Don't forget to stroke the shaft to cradle the balls though, Unless they don't have those kind of do whatever you want.
Free form in Jim's got crabs.
Oh, I don't need the bold corners for the thing This time I would make a lot of sense.
I've been busting my ass.
Look over these bolt cutters.
They don't actually exist here.
Now it was just in the demo that they existed there.
Jim's got crabs.
I have to let everybody know it's a public service.
And us?
Where's the bolt cutters around.
Bought waken progress a little bit.
At least let's put you back in.
I need a fire hose.
I also want to take the grenade.
Maybe throw it in somebody's face.
Forget I've been led to believe one thing, and now you're pulling the wool over my eyes.
Oh, Cam down.
Yeah, I know, dude.
Look it.
That's a high body.
Hates to go.
Well, he's not gonna show up here now, is he?
So Ah, this is all different on another save room.
I couldn't just come here and do whatever.
We're here now.
We're getting it on.
In the name of the law, my name's Jill Valentine.
Should I open this?
This might be bad, actually.
All right.
Um, I stupid.
I could go back, right?
Come on.
Don't look at me like that.
All right?
I'm not integrated.
What the fuck was infected?
He might have been infected.
Stars this soft under So many.
What are you, you BCS killing your own people?
He would have turned Where's your sense of self?
Go back to the subway station.
I don't need a bleeding heart like you do in the woods.
Just wow, this poor man.
He had a family.
Probably on.
It was really good looking.
Maybe I got a lot of blood in this place.
I couldn't really see you.
I knew just going them down like yesterday's meat for shame.
Whoever you are for, James, we better I get that.
Shut up.
Christ, If it's not you're trying to know on my legs.
It's just trained to know in my ear with your voice.
Jim got crabs, But you guys monster Non stop.
God, I really wish it was a red barrel somewhere.
Put down, sir.
Okay, I'm you're wasting all my boats.
You're just the worst.
Just the worst.
Okay, Good.
02 parents, for one.
It's a two on one.
Karen special.
Karen would love that.
A good bargain.
Steel buys Lord Shock.
One shows and a hand grenade.
Maybe you should put some stuff back and I see my shotgun.
We'll be fine.
Don't even worry about it.
Yeah, that a girl.
Jill Fucky Sharpton, please.
And thank you nice.
Hell, yeah.
Oh, you're gonna learn today.
You're gonna learn today.
I'm using sugar.
Uh, all right.
I guess we go back to where it Waas.
I missed you.
You big, sexy Matt.
I missed you.
Yeah, Looker.
That perfectly sculpted ass.
There could be only one.
All right.
Everyone wants to be Jill's Valentine.
It's kind of cute, but also, get your own thing.
You know, let's follow this guy wherever he went and whoever he is, pretty go.
Did you draw this?
He misses his sister that day.
He definitely drew this.
That looks exactly like him.
What do you think?
That was the guy I just talked to?
Who shot his friend?
I don't know if they're friends.
Maybe hated that guy.
It's kind of purge rules.
Are you gonna get up?
I don't think he's gonna get up.
UBC a suicide note.
Oh, I probably should have picked this up first.
Well, actually, that doesn't matter.
You can still turn Middle East.
Eastern Europe, East Africa.
I thought I knew what hell Waas figured I'd never crack no matter what was thrown at me.
But this job is almost supposed to be easy.
a quick wage.
I'd earned it.
This all happened at once.
There were 30 guys in our squad, all armed with state of the art assault rifles, and yet we were wiped out in less than 48 hours.
I've been through enough shit to know it only ever gets worse on if that was just the beginning.
Yes, there were three R's assault rifles, and you are, Why don't you listen?
48 hours?
I've been through enough shit to know it only have ever gets worse.
Thank you, Siri, for repeating everything that I just Maybe I'm a coward.
I don't care.
This is the only way out I have left.
I just hope my body doesn't get back up after I pulled the trigger.
It's OK, but if it does, and make sure you go out with dignity.
Electrician's Notice.
Public use generators provided by Raccoon City Electrician's kids do that young going power outages.
The guild has decided to provisionally place a number of electric generators throughout the city.
Everyone is welcome to use them, but remember these generators are running High voltage currents, if you were, if one were to be struck, are impacted by gunfire ending.
Standing nearby.
We get electrocuted, Nemesis.
Maybe you got that.
If you see a generator spitting sparks, don't go near it.
Don't do anything stupid.
Safety first as the same goes if we make it through this mess out of plenty of boasted generators for sale at bargain prices.
Your neighborhood electrician's Sam.
What a lad.
This is bad so I can shoot these.
Oh, God!
Sure can.
Fuckindog goes.
The dogs are the worst.
There so fast.
Get up.
All up in your shit.
What happens?
Shuttle over this high.
Nice to have you the fence.
No, that would be a negative on that.
How y'all doing?
You're good.
Good to see you.
Good to see you.
Thanks for coming. 00:51:28.150 --> 00:51:2