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Come on, Come on.
I could make it.
I can make it.
Here we go.
It's just turning to night time as well.
I think how I knew it gets stuck in these.
Okay is turning tonight Time.
I need to sleep desperately.
Hollows most stressful time in Minecraft I've ever had.
Welcome back to Minecraft.
Hard core survival Where I have just almost died in a woodland mansion.
It wasn't fun.
I hated every second.
And while I was running around, I think I missed a second.
Totem oven dying.
What will Whoa!
Who's this?
Hold on a second.
What do you want?
This is the guy that I was running away from.
Why you hit out?
We can just every time I stop is there gonna be more than one of you guys?
I come in peace.
I'm I I might not come in peace.
You're gonna throw that You're gonna fire that me heart?
You think that's gonna do damage?
That's not gonna do any damage, son.
Why is that?
Just one of them.
So with how did he just how the new star himself?
How did you do that?
Did it backfire?
That's cool.
overcome myself A crossbow.
Let's go.
Load it up.
Oh, Betsy.
Shoe a crossbow.
Ha ha.
I'm gonna win now.
Maybe not.
I actually kind of want to think of an escape plan for Ah, for this.
Look at this guy is alone in the mansion.
He's like, Please, please let me out.
I'm alone in here, so I've got some options here.
One, I try and find a way home because I do have a plan.
I can use the nether, I think, to get home.
I'm gonna use this tiny brain in here to try and figure out some maths.
Because if I go to the nether well, first off, it's a problem, because I need some obsidian.
But if I do succeed in going to the nether every step you take every block, the across is eight blocks in the over world.
So I could build a portal here, then go home and then get my better stuff to be able to come back and take over the mansion because I'm struggling.
I'm struggling with the mansion of here or no crossbows, actually pretty cool.
Who wants a taste of this heart?
I need to get rid of those in Voelker's as soon as possible because they also have totem oven dying.
I think keeping this in my hot bar is gonna be worth it.
I've got real scrap arm around at the moment.
Who wants a taste?
My crossbow.
Why is there a duck in here?
I think I'm going to try and get that back for myself.
Take it home with me, right?
I'm ready to fire this also.
I don't need to kill the in Voelker's with my sword, even though I have sharpness and looting on this sharpness is obviously useful.
But looting doesn't matter because they always drop a totem oven dying.
Oh, man, I thought you Whoa!
What you skipping around, huh?
Yeah, buddy.
How we actually hit me from the side.
That's impressive.
Okay, so I think I'm gonna light up a cz.
Much of this is possible.
I think there is a I think there's an invoke around this corner.
If I'm not mistaken, there's no one in there.
I think there's one in here that's a creeper.
Okay, that's no invoca.
That's goods.
How did he just He just broke another piece.
He broke one piece I didn't add.
She need.
That's good.
I was worried for a second stop right now.
Get out of here.
I don't feel like I should be doing this.
I need to repair my armor and stuff.
You know what?
It's too risky.
I'm gonna see if I can find some obsidian to get out of here.
The only other issue is that I also need to be able to get some flint and steel.
I've got the steel part, but I don't have the flim part about no helmets.
I'm scared.
But I'm also gonna have to go through the nether to get home, which is terrifying, actually.
But let's see if we could do it.
So I'm gonna I'm gonna bust through here.
I think I made a You got a shovel in here?
Let's do it.
Let's go underneath.
Okay, that went well.
I'm gonna do a classic spiral staircase down and see if we can get any kind of progress into a cave because I'm just not ready for this.
I thought I was, but I'm really not.
I should have done a raid.
I will have the choice between doing a raid or go into the woodland mansion.
For some reason, I chose the woodland mansion.
Now, granted, I did get what I went for.
Which is this the totem oven dying?
And if I keep it in my left slot like this, I am able to stay alive when I would normally die.
Unless it's something like a, uh, lava or the void.
When we get to the end, either of those will be dead straight away.
But any other time that we should die, we actually get to re sport, which is gets especially in hard core when you're supposed to lose everything I could hear lover somewhere that's actually perfect.
Where is it, though?
I think it's this way.
There's lava down here is to my right somewhere.
And this is good because I could make a makeshift portal.
I wouldn't actually need to find obsidian.
Oh, no way.
No way.
I just found this.
I just found a mine shaft.
Oh, my goodness.
I've just found a mine shaft.
But this is phenomenal.
The luck is unreal.
I just went for being real unlucky, toe unlucky in the space of like, a few seconds, right?
Let's not forget that We do need to be super careful.
I'm also running out of food as well.
That's a problem.
Oh, another golden apple.
Well, that's are actually amazing.
Let me just clear out everything down here is another chest down there too.
Oh, man, there's gonna be mobs everywhere.
I need to be really careful.
All right, let's grab this golden apple red stone dust.
Let's grab the lap ears and the torches.
Because why not?
There was another chest down here, and I'm gonna try not to run a CZ.
Well, because I need to conserve My energy are Yes.
Let's go.
Let's take this bread because we need it desperately.
Oh, no.
Oh, no.
Oh, no.
I have babies on me.
Babies on the babies will be coming in to your baby's Opie's.
What are you doing down here without your parents are Why are you there?
Uh, no, I thought so.
Its case fighters.
Its case fighters.
I am blocking that right up.
I don't want to have to deal with them today.
No way.
So good news.
There's some water here.
If we just find some lover, we can go back up grab a bucket and then be able to actually make some of city in to get out of here.
And I'm definitely gonna be able to find gravel in here 100%.
You want to match me?
Whoa ways with these skeletons.
What is this guy doing?
What was that?
Oh, no, there's another one.
There's another one.
There's another one.
No, no, no, no.
Why they jump!
Oh, okay.
This is bad.
I need Thio.
Pop this guy square in the face.
Oh, spicy.
He blocked my block.
A cz Well, so get out of here.
I am not taking down any more of those.
Oh, no.
There's another one.
There's another one.
I'm gonna kill it.
I'm glad I've got this.
Ah, Glad I got this bow.
There's another one down here somewhere.
Most block this up.
Let's see where these take us hoagies.
I just need a lava.
That's all I need.
Okay, Okay, Okay.
That's where it is.
Never mind you, cotton.
You will never find me.
Ah, the lover is right.
That, um how are we gonna be able to get that?
There's this.
I found it.
Okay, sweetie.
The problem is, I think that's only one piece of lava.
Which ain't what we need.
We need a whole load of it.
No way.
I just found this.
This is what I've been looking for.
I was looking around the whole woodland map to try and find one, and I actually found one, but I don't have any water on me.
If I have water, I can make all of this into obsidian.
I heard the lava bubbles.
I should be able to get two portals worth out of this as well.
Which is exactly what I need are there's more over there as well.
That's crazy.
You didn't just watch me minor piece of dough with a diamond pick.
Except that wasn't me.
Okay, I'm gonna go get some water.
We gi Oh, come to Papa.
All right.
I need to put this Croft in table down.
I'm really running out of food as well.
Actually, make another buckets left.
Mother one at home.
Grab This Wasn't meant to fool, but that's fine.
Okay, so now we should be able to do this.
That's right, Samuel.
The obsidian that you can give me perfect perfects on the lava doesn't even go down.
I'm going Thio.
Mind all of this, starting with this piece here and now I can try out my little trick.
I don't know if it's gonna work for at least going to try.
This is the last piece of obsidian that we need to make to nether portals.
One on the way.
One on the way back.
Let's go.
Look, I was right on the edge.
Oh, this is so good.
I don't know if this is gonna work, though, because I need to figure out roughly how many blocks I walked.
I'm gonna have to look over my previous footage for that because I have no idea making another portal light the nether portal and then try and find our way back.
Then we'll have a quick ish way to get to and from the Woodland mansion.
We shouldn't need to do this too much because the wooden mansion is the only real place where it takes a long way to get there.
Ocean monuments aren't too bad, but this bad boy, this took me a long way to walk.
Two hours, two hours of walking in Minecraft, anything I've even walked that long in real life, right?
We're back.
So where do I want to make this?
You wanna make this outside?
I think I'm literally gonna put it right here.
I'm not sure why.
I think I just should just do this.
This, this, this.
You know how it is to make another portal.
I do need some.
Flint's still because I haven't actually got what you need for it.
I didn't get enough, did I?
123456789 10.
You need 10.
Be right back.
I think you needed eight.
Why am I the stupidest human being alive?
Harp Scientists will never know.
You kidding me?
There's lava right here.
I can hear it.
You can hear that too, right?
Where is it?
I just found another one.
Let's go.
Right, Rain on this.
Now, I don't have to go his fall.
Wait for that to drain.
And we made it.
Look at that.
Amazing, Brian.
Any formal pieces that I'm ready?
Such an idiot.
There we go.
Right now.
I just need some gravel.
I don't know if there's gonna be any around here, though.
Are you kidding me.
There's some right here.
Oh, this is the best day.
Give me Just give you.
Give me a one piece of flint, please.
Hey, there it is.
I don't need What?
Don't I needs this.
I don't need a total cobblestones.
Gonna come in really handy, though, for the nether, right?
We're gonna risk it all.
Let's do it.
We need to keep.
I'm gonna keep this on me.
I don't know what else I need.
I need my bow.
I don't need to, Boz, I need some food.
Actually, that would be a good shout from coal.
And so a schism Pork chops in there.
Then we're gonna cross often and steel.
So when my flint go but up on but up, Flint and steel Now we can do this.
This is like, this is totally ridiculous.
But it's happening.
Get rid of these extra bits.
Let's light this bad boy.
And now we need to make sure that we go.
Where do we go to come this way?
I think became southeast.
So to go home and you do the opposite, which is north west, I'm pretty sure that is what we need.
First up on its way for this food.
And then actually, let's go through and see if we've, um if we've got a decent nether, here we go.
Let's do it.
Oh, I'm scared.
You know, I hate the nether on the best of days, but now, actually, we need to cross some iron pigs because we're gonna need to dig quite a far way.
This doesn't seem too bad, actually.
Which way is North west?
So West North Weeds go this way.
The plan is to just go this way.
I guess, as far as we can to be able to get back to where we were ideally back home.
Yeah, We're gonna need a lot of pickaxes.
I don't want to use my diamond pick axe for this.
That's gonna be awful.
It's really lagging in here too, as well of the bad noises.
But this isn't bad.
Let's go back, O order.
If this is gonna actually I need to quickly check the coordinates.
So where 98 2001?
Uh, compasses don't work out here, do they?
But we definitely wanna go that way.
Actually, I think we should be able to go directly this way.
So that's 2000 and then it's times eight to be out to get back where you want to be.
A So I need to be Oh, I got to do some math.
This tiny brain isn't gonna be able to figure out.
And even if he does, who knows if it's gonna work?
Let's see.
Did we make it back alive?
I think we've made it back alive.
But that we go, everything's back.
So now we're here.
We're at 16,000 so 2000 times eight is 16,000.
That works.
But that doesn't answer the question of how we get home.
To be honest, does it?
Because I don't know where home is.
I'm guessing it's close to 00 That's just try it.
We need to make ourselves some.
I mean, we can try.
We can kind of do trial and error, right?
So if I do, let's make two of them just to start off forming.
Just got so much stuff to wear these things through this, it's through this.
I'm gonna have to have enough space for nether AC as well.
This is a nightmare, an actual nightmare just to try and fix what I messed up in the first place is geared to this.
This this, this, this this is gonna get real funky.
But at least I'm gonna have the totem oven dying on me, just in case.
Let's go back through.
Let's make a start on this.
I'm guessing is gonna be back that way.
There's no way we can use the maps to help us, had she?
If we go back, do another portal and then we're no in the right place, we check the map.
I think that's the best way to do it.
I'm pretty sure we go offline, and still we got our totem oven dying.
Oh, this is gonna be some big science.
If we get this right, we're just going to go directly this way and see how far we can make it.
Oh, no.
Uh, Okay.
This is bad news.
Really bad news.
I can hear aghast.
A cz.
Well, I kind of wanted this to be a straight runs.
We could just run home, but I think is just about to become a little bit more dangerous.
Oh, no.
There's gas up here.
Missed him.
Come on, I can hit this guy.
Oh, we just dodged it.
Let me just load this crossbow up.
Where do these go?
He just disappeared.
His d spooned.
He 100% just d spawned, like, no joke.
This is the riskiest thing I have ever done.
I need to just go straight.
I don't even know if I'm gonna have enough blocks for it.
I'm just gonna go.
I'm not gonna look up.
I'm just gonna see if it works.
I just want to go straight.
That's all I want to do.
I actually think with free of gas ts and we're almost at the other sides.
And then we've gone 200 blocks because we started 2000.
We could do this if we make it across.
Come on, make it across.
Just don't anger the pig men and make it across slowly.
Does it?
The biggest risk that I've taken so far bigger than the one.
I guess I should have watched out for that.
Imagine if I just walked into the column of lava.
That would be ridiculous.
Okay, You have to do the rest in nether rack.
Here we go.
Well, this is nerve racking, but I think we've made it.
We actually made it.
We made it the longest bridge ever.
The most unsafe bridge ever.
If we come across aghast, running our way back, we're gonna be in big trouble.
But you know what?
It's absolutely fine.
We made it.
We actually made it.
Oh, I'm just gonna keep on going and you guys start in my mind and I'll leave you guys in peace.
See you later, fellas.
I'm out of here.
Oh, this is a problem.
That is a really great e big bridge.
And that is a really, really big gust.
I don't know if I can get him from here.
I don't want to have picked mine by accident.
I didn't even think about that.
That what is going on?
Why did these gusts keep disappearing?
It's a super weird.
You know what?
I think I'm making it.
The roof on this is actually keeping me pretty well protected.
And I've got way more than enough blocks.
The only problem is my pick axe is about to break.
I think I've only managed to go about 500 blocks the times that by a and you almost got yourself a 10,000 block change, which is crazy on a honor.
There's a gas right there.
I need to be so careful.
If he decides to attack me, I'm gonna be in big trouble.
Come on.
Get him!
Get him!
Get him!
Don't do this to me.
Oh, jeez.
No, no, no, no, no, no!
Em ist I definitely missed.
I need to be so careful.
If I hear any gas, I'm in big trouble.
But I'm so close to the end of this bridge.
Come on, You've got this.
I've come so far, and I killed a gas.
I did it.
Yes, yes, I just made it.
So I should be able to break this and carry on my merry way.
Oh, my pick axe is gonna break.
I don't know.
I just broke.
I don't know whether to just carry on using this and then make another diamond pick eggs when I get back.
You know what?
I'm just gonna do it.
Oh, we just found another castle.
Um, yeah.
I don't know what to do here.
This is gonna take so long.
I've got to the end of pretty much what I could do with this pickaxe.
I don't want to lose it.
We managed to go about 800 blocks.
So if I do a quick cow 800 times three.
Yeah, I'm using a calculator for this.
That's 2400 blocks.
Why'd I do times 3 100 times eight equals 6400 blocks.
I feel like I traveled way further than that.
So we've got a long way, but I don't know if that's gonna be enough, because I definitely traveled way further than that.
Look at this bridge.
It's so ridiculous.
If I meet a gas, I'm in big trouble.
This is the most nervous I've been so far, and there's a gas behind me.
I'm pretty sure they're going to keep sporting on this bridge to which are picked, man coming through, seeing if I can go home here.
Guess what, guys.
I forgot to take the pork chops out off the, um, courts.
Take them out the furnace.
So this is going well so far.
Ah, nobody.
This isn't gonna go well for either of us.
Um, can you move?
You know what?
I'll just go around you.
It's fine.
Costs everywhere.
Hole, buddy.
Oh, buddy, No.
Keep going just ignore it.
Just ignore it.
I didn't know.
Enjoy that whatsoever.
I hate that noise were close, though.
We're close to where we came in.
Oh, man.
Should be just here.
There we go.
Just as I planned it, Sweet died.
How many?
I say 800 blocks.
That's not bads.
Let me go and grab some food some or pick axes.
I should just bring my pick axes with me.
There's my food.
Yeah, I should just bring I'm just make a crafting table.
Already got crafting table on me.
Got enough nether ac?
Uh, probably got enough to cook.
This is Well, I didn't have wood on me, though.
That was a problem, right?
Mutton cooked.
Let's go for round two.
I will get home.
This will work.
He goes, I can't hear any gas ts so that is good bye, sir.
Probably check.
I've got no love.
It's in my way.
This is a pretty decent part.
I'm so glad we found another castle, though.
Because that means one we can read it and try and get the weather skull heads.
And two, we don't need to find another one.
We're good, right?
We have met the nether castle.
I've got myself some nether brick.
I think I don't feel that confident without full diamond armor.
I think I could do it, but I don't know if I want to risk it.
Should I just go in?
I've got a golden apple, just in case.
Then that means we got something done in this episode.
Apart from build a giant bridge, we've always got looting three on our swords so we could potentially get the weather.
Skeleton heads or anything I don't want to face is a blaze right now, um, we can get in up there or we just build around it like this weapons.
If we go in it, is it just solid?
It looks like it's solid.
So we can just go up around the edge like this instead.
It risky, I gather.
But hey, let's do something interesting in this absurd.
Apart from building a giant bridge, I can hear blazes already.
This is a bad idea, isn't it?
This is a really bad idea.
Terrible fortress.
I got the achievement.
That means I'm officially in one right now.
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
The blazers air up there.
Um, they scared me.
They've actually scared me.
I'm out.
Actually, I have a decent Bo and 63 arrows.
I could probably take them out, But if I'm on fire, that's where I'm going to run into my issues.
I'm gonna go around this way.
You know what?
Let's do this.
I've got decent ish armor.
I don't My army to break folks, that's all.
My enchantment is gone.
That's my main worry.
I think we made it to the top.
I think we made it to the top.
Let me load an arrow into this, then launch across Bo Attack that They're right there, huh?
That almost got me Pop.
Oh, I just missed.
How could I just miss that?
I got him.
He didn't die, though.
I should know the risk that either.
Get him.
We killed him.
That can go.
That's a blaze road.
But I don't know if I need one right now.
Oh, no.
This is a terrible idea.
Oh, blazes everywhere.
No, No nose, huh?
Almost hit the pig, man.
If I hit the pig man, then I would have been so dead.
Do they react?
No, no, no.
And you got me.
I don't know.
I don't want Mommy to die.
I don't know how much time taking off.
How'd you took it off?
Because I was scared.
We aren't.
You gonna come across any with the skeletons?
Because I think that would be awesome.
If we can at least get some heads.
There's a normal scalable in there.
Well, there's one.
Okay, I think I'm gonna go for it.
I'm gonna go for it and see what happens.
Say body.
Oh, no.
I didn't expect you to be here.
Let's not do this.
I'm gonna take you out first.
That's cause there's a sport.
Her up there isn't there?
As long as I stay far away from it.
I should be okay.
Who got him?
Got him?
I killed him and they didn't get this guy to I know there's a weather skeleton behind me, though.
Yes, I got him.
I got him.
Okay, let's see if we can get that with some torches on it really fast.
When I fell in a felon.
Are we right here?
Um, it's up there, isn't it?
I think I'm just going to try and destroy it for now because this is really risky.
Can I do it?
Yeah, buddy.
Okay, sweet.
Got that done.
There's a few wither skeletons over here.
I'm gonna see if I can.
Ah, if I can grab them real quick.
Here's one.
Hello, sir.
How are you?
Looting three over here, buddy.
Looting three.
Just saying no.
OK, fine.
What about you?
You coming over?
I think he's coming over.
He's coming for it.
He's staying down there, too.
This is perfect.
We're going with a skull hunting boys.
I thought that was it then.
It's just a little bit of coal and then definitely just bones down there.
Ah, could you imagine if we got one like straightaway?
I think this is the place where they spawn the most.
Like this crossroads area.
Looks like we're exploring a another fortress today.
Uh, okay, that wrapped round like this.
Oh, it could've plays right as well.
Yes, I've actually got a brewing stand already.
Well, why use morning?
Why are you supporting?
Is there another one up there?
Is that a different sport?
Er what?
Did I just not do it properly?
Okay, this is bad.
This is bad.
Is that the same supporter?
I knew you were gonna get me, you little punk.
Sickle depends.
Take off the fence.
Take off the past.
Put the pants back on and give me these.
Yeah, that's the same one.
I haven't put enough torches on it.
Okay, I'm out.
I'm out.
I do know one to deal with This.
All I want to deal with are with the skeletons.
That's all I want.
Let's see if we can grab any treasure and stuff while we're here.
We gotta worry about the blazes and with the skeletons, that is.
It looks like this is a dead end.
These to a dead end.
One of these places, It dead ends.
This is the worst.
Another fortress ever.
There's no even going through No ends.
I don't like that noise.
Why do you keep making that noise at me?
That's the second time you've made that noise.
Looks like we're going over here.
This is where I could potentially get lost, Which isn't gonna be fun.
No, wait.
This is where you spawned in.
Okay, this is fine.
Oh, this is better.
Way better.
Okay, this is good.
We've got red mushrooms.
Chester Rooney.
I've got another outfit for buddy.
Let's go.
Just in case his other one gets dirty, we should probably collect some nether wars.
Well, I think I've got the imagery space for it.
Let's grab it.
Here we go.
Perfect, Carlos.
A soul sand.
Because I collected an absolute ton of that when I didn't need thio.
That's a magma Slime, isn't it?
You're gonna meet some cream?
I've got looting.
I didn't give me some cream.
Is that what you get them from a colony of?
Remember, this castle was actually quite impressive.
I don't think I can get through here.
I don't really wanna go this week says aghast.
But I could go that way from Ghost is right there.
Be careful.
Be careful.
Oh, you know, I don't like the nether, and this is why it's treacherous.
Have I got this one yet?
Well, there's a couple chess, more gold on another war perfects.
I think you get diamonds in these as well.
Let's get rid of the bones for the saddle.
If you could ride gassed, so that would be absolutely amazing.
Could you imagine floating around on that thing I think that's a ll this fortress has to offer.
Everywhere else I go, is it dead ends?
I don't know how we get over to that section.
I don't really feel like jumping that.
No, I've been over there because those stairs lead down.
I just need some more wither skeletons.
I need him.
So all of these lead to dead ends.
This this ain't good.
This also ain't good.
Let me stray few two shots and your dead.
I have 30 arrows left, though.
That's a bad sign.
We haven't been down here, have we?
We have been down here not down here, though.
I don't remember this glow stone piece.
Bring us to the other side that we've already Bean too.
Pretty sure you've already done that too.
I think that's us.
I think that's as much as we can do.
That's the spawn er near where we spawned in.
Um, we've been this way.
Pretty sure we have.
Let's go up anyway.
Oh, okay.
Let's do this, shall we?
Let's get crazy.
Oh, no.
Let's no get that crazy.
We don't want you guys to be here.
You go away.
Actually, I'm gonna break that one.
Okay, Maybe not.
I'm gonna break it, though.
Mark my words.
I'll break it.
Yeah, Okay.
We've got one.
The weekend farm that I've kept, but I want these guys.
Come on, fellas.
Come on.
Okay, Just stay out of the way of the zombie pig men, and we'll be good.
Come down.
Yep, yep.
No, Like, you know, like, and that's no fair, but oh, I thought you dropped it.
I was like, three drops.
That has to be it.
Unfortunately, it isn't right then, homies who wants another smack car?
I need to be captured.
The zombie pig.
I don't want to get slashed.
Go, go!
Didn't get it then, either.
Oh, man.
Are they out?
Oh, look.
Let's go.
Let's go.
We're in trouble.
We're in trouble.
We got withered.
We've been with it.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
Let's go underneath.
You just hit me with that, okay?
That wasn't so bad.
I thought that was gonna be worse than what it Waas.
Look at.
This destructions cast is a little punk.
I'll get you, bro.
I'll get you.
I think there's another one.
Actually got him.
Oh, I thought he dropped aghast here.
Then if you'd have dropped the gas tear that have been amazing.
Come on, Give me a give me a skull.
That's not a skull.
Okay, this But we've already been to a CZ.
Well, okay.
We've killed a few.
Didn't get the heads.
That's fine.
I mean, I guess it's fine.
That way's a dead ends.
This is the way we came up with.
Is another magma cube over there?
But a big one this time?
I think that's where you get magma cream.
Let's see.
Well, there's another things born in here.
Come here, dude.
I've been affected by the weather once.
I ain't scared.
Okay, Maybe I'm a little bit scared.
I'm gonna try and get you now.
Why does after, like like this?
Whoa, whoa.
Europe east.
Something hit me from behind.
Oh, no.
The weather isn't too bad.
I thought you were gonna kill me.
That's up.
We didn't get We're going into That's fine.
I'm gonna go in hell.
I'll be back with you in a second, Okay?
Just need thio.
Slice and dice.
You are We got one magma cream.
We got magma creams.
Come on down, baby.
Is Yes.
Come on down.
Do you get?
I think these guys actually hurt.
Still, so we just need to be careful.
I just want to grab that magma cream my full anyway.
Full off.
No, There we go.
I'm not actually sure what that makes.
It makes something, though, right?
I'm out of here.
I think I came in somewhere over here, yet?
So let's go down.
This is my makeshift little thing.
Oh, my goodness.
That is dangerous.
So dangerous.
That is not Dan proof.
Now it is certified damn proof right now.
I've got some decent stuff.
I'm gonna try and continue my bridge.
Uh, let me eat this.
I don't know if there's any.
I'm running out of pork chops as well.
I don't know if there's any gassed around, so let's be a little bit more careful than we've been being already taken on.
Wither skeletons and all that stuff go a little bit distracted.
Spay we find another fortress did our thing.
The only thing we didn't walk away with was aghast here or a with a skull on Dhe.
Those are just super rare.
So not surprised I made it to the other side.
This is good.
We could make some more progress Now we've got a lot of blocks left to go, though.
If it's straight like this, it's easy.
But when you get to the bridge is that's when it gets difficult.
1000 blocks.
We've done a thousands.
We can definitely do another 1000.
And that will send us hopefully 200 arm.
And why did I have to jinx it?
Yeah, that was sent us 200 which hopefully means that we will either one come across our portal that we've already made to the nether or will build another one.
And it would take us back through our one at home.
Hopefully that is what happens.
I'm so close to 1000 blocks minds in one direction and I'm almost there.
6543 two I knew it.
Make it hard for the last bit.
And now we're a zero.
So I need to Croft out, eh?
Oh geez.
No, don't kill me now, please.
Calm down there, Fireable.
I need to clear out a big section so I can actually put another poor to win here without suffocating on the way back out.
So we need to be super careful with this.
So if we pop it in here and do that, that that that that that that and then up here, we need to make sure that there's enough room around it so that we don't die when we come back in, because that could happen.
Minecraft likes to do that.
This is the big Mormon.
I don't actually know if this is gonna work.
Why did that happen?
Because I didn't test it.
I didn't know if we were going in the right direction.
I have no idea.
But in theory they should at least gets us much closer toe where we were before.
So let's see what happens.
I'm going through with your liquor or not.
The moment of truth is about to happen.
Don't freeze.
Don't die.
Don't crash.
Don't die instantly.
If I die instantly, I'll be so upset.
Used another to travel seven kilometers in the over world.
Did I just go too far?
Ah, where am I?
Think that's a pretty rare achievement, guys, I just need to get to the surface and I'll see where I am.
I don't know where I'm gonna be.
My map is my map here.
Yeah, I got my map.
Or can I check it now?
Actually, let's check the map.
I have no torches.
Let's make some torches before we die.
There we go.
I'm no even on the map.
That's bad.
That's actually Ah, that's really bad.
No, I come all that way all that way, and I'm not even on my map.
Maybe I should have tested this first.
I didn't realize I'd be getting a super special.
Achievement is that match even was purple.
So I'm not sure if that's some kind of special one camel miss, their I better not be under the water from under.
The water will be so upset.
Where am I?
Bring me to somewhere fruitful.
Because remember, I still need to go and get my horse.
I left them somewhere, and I have no idea where he is.
Oak Daylight's they like I've been in the nether for so long.
Where, um, I, uh Is there anything here?
Let me go up here and see what happens.
Um, I don't recognize this, That's all.
There's no villages nearby.
Nothing to help me.
Oh, guys, I think I've messed up.
If I go my f 30 it's because I'm 7000 blocks the other way.
I need to head that way.
Well, looks like I'm gonna mind some more.
Yeah, 7000.
So I need to do a little calico.
7000 divided by eight.
Equals means you 875 blocks.
That's not so bad.
That's not 2000 but it's quite a lot.
I actually need to go back through this.
Remind the Obsidian, which I hope I've got enough durability for.
Actually, I didn't think about that.
I need to break this.
Break it break.
It's there.
We go smash that last piece, and then I need two heads.
Negatives said I should have kept an eye on that.
I'm a complete idiot for doing that, but I need to go this way directly. 00