字幕表 動画を再生する
I'm gonna have this smile on my face for, like, you know, ever, ever No.
Is this on the skin you're gonna wear?
I think I'll probably buy and wear other skins and then use them for content videos.
Like new skins.
The stuff?
Like basically, every every game in between those games will be this guy.
No media.
I mean, why would you wear anything else to you many of the hour?
He's one of those in your green tack right here.
Look, So I was leaning.
Lead 20 white on him.
You hear me?
60 white animal of it.
There's still one person you are trying.
Yeah, that.
You gotta mellow guy.
Yeah, I'm loading into the game.
Voice Cavalry's here.
I don't.
You die.
I want to win a kind of camera equipment jacket, you know?
Look how much better we all are because we're playing with skin that literally enhances our game play skip doses, actually, thanks.
Oh, very claim.
I mean, it'll probably enhance your game.
Um uh, you know what?
Wouldn't one of the bitches crows?
It's yours.
Hi, I'm coming.
What's up?
Are the onion?
Uh, yeah.
I don't hear or see anyone?
Uh, chat.
What am I shooting at?
Oh, my God.
I was shooting Tyler.
I realize it has.
It's not the Montagne apart, but I know, I know.
It's on the Shut up.
Shut up, please.
Right now.
What am I doing it some more here?
No way.
No air job running out of us.
Dude visited Sick Jack.
It's different.
Yeah, bro.
He's a different style.
Do it.
I'll use the I'll use the one that looks just like me with a mascot.
It's actually it's actually my face.
They made it look like me.
I want I want I want the shadowy hood version visiting Justin evolved version of him.
Yep, that's what I'm That's me.
I am using the hood.
I am with you.
I am only what you dumb and one's reactive Once the reaction.
But one reaction at the final I'm upgrading to the New Age.
So then I'm using the normal Tyler with the hood up.
Yes, right.
So I'm hungover.
Why would you just get a wine?
Would you do that knowing what was happening?
Why would you get a bunch of drunk like grown.
It's hot form.
I just chugged water and just got a bunch of sleep last out.
You did?
Guess not that I don't know where from either can see the guy, but I am gonna have a Medicaid Amity Street.
I'm gonna get a proper medical meetings right here.
I'm Mr Big Top of the Hill right there.
Don't go.
Been grounded first, I'm building above you, bro.
Oh, I see him.
They're pushing.
Yeah, right.
I'm popping many beautiful, bro.
Just trying, like, literally foaming at the mouth.
40 Blue on the guy on top, But just maybe simple damage.
Tim, Tim, Tim is a guy still sniping on top.
No one stands still is a guy above us.
What did young kid?
When did I mean literally 18 20 for me?
Can't wait to give this guy all my math and shit because I did it for 30 white.
I want to be in my box.
Thank you.
Fucking idiot.
Kids craft, by the way, just for the rest.
Getting to your instagram.
Give me up you got you got You guys are fighting one another fuckin g in your name and you lose too timid have men that maybe don't drink that so I can have a big Yeah, I have a drink.
I got I got to go.
You're gonna You're gonna take a full pot when both Malik I and I need it more than our fill out here.
I don't know you Well, huh?
Here's your shield.
All right.
Get the mats in a mo.
You get what I'm talking about.
Hey, am I Am I wrong?
Am I wrong?
Am I wrong?
You just got me up and then ran away like bro.
No, there's not.
There's no animal anywhere.
You guys have looted all.
I am not joining this group with this attitude.
Like I just I just Honestly, I'm just I'm sick of it.
I'm sick of being Billy.
Am I wrong?
What just happened?
What did you just witness?
It's what happens whenever I get raised.
Malka gets me up, doesn't drop me.
Anything doesn't drop me.
Didn't drop him.
Drama matched and drumming ammo runs away.
There is little year.
Another isn't.
You have grabbed it all.
I dropped my entire tag.
Finally sees what you guys are for your true colors, bro.
You are are exposed right now Did of the equation there because I killed both of those kids are exposed from expose.
I gave you the loot Exposed, bro.
Exposed about time too, man.
You know what.
And all it took was me prepping everyone, reminding everyone what happens when I revived people.
And when I get revived and look what happened, bro.
Look what I always do.
Things happen every time.
You never give me shit and let it do.
Oh, and there's the only person you can give something.
Is any a lot of tension here today?
Exposed, Exposed.
Ask your Malika on and then you dropped it.
And then I said to you when you went in for anything else, Why do I have to do to pay?
I don't want to have to ask yourself, man.
I want my teammate to know that I need it.
I know you did, but I'm gonna wait until wait until what?
Until someone pushes and I'll have shit like, How do you know that?
I complain.
Complain that I could play.
What if he did?
I could play Devil's Advocate all day with this shit just like you would.
Well, what if they did polish?
Wow, I'm not wrong in this situation.
This is so toxic right now.
I'm not gonna look good.
I'm just sick of being mistreated by my homies.
You're really not right.
You need a ride.
You need a ride.
Me like your home, right?
With a guy.
I am all right.
They're like, but you guys, the psychic ability, difference want ever blow weird right now?
Yeah, like change some great picked out.
Dude, I have a child for E.
I love getting sniped in the ass.
I'm making, like, a big tunnel in row.
Oh, my God.
Good Second, probably a are good.
Yes, it's amazing.
It's what?
I have a trap on the upgrade.
If you wanna play around my trap above you.
How many are any milk?
I talked her up, uh, shot verse.
I'd hide in.
We'll use your Cro bro.
Another one.
Thank you, everyone.
Yeah, so maybe let's be ready for these guys.
Yeah, my card.
My Carl.
Do it, bro.
How you doing?
50 women flopper.
There's coppers everywhere.
Come to be America.
They were actually I bet you a gold.
Yeah, I'm going.
He's got a terrible to even think of the subject.
I think given that the Hankins much stuffing for seven, those might be the worst players I've ever seen in fortnight.
If any of them were talented, we probably have died.
Where's the big plot yet?
I don't chance to layout, artist.
I got the gold A k right now.
Look, I wasn't attacking you, bro.
I'm sorry, everyone.
I feel like everyone does.
Are you my boy?
I love you pulling your chain.
I don't care.
Yeah, connected to me.
You're gonna knock down.
I need to heal job without this thing on.
Guys, hold the high ground.
Oh, I'm a good roll.
Oh, Christ.
Oh, my laser.
Lazar brought that gun.
Sounds so crispy from a distance.
Good reminds.
Haven't h one gun?
Do you have a head shot?
He's in the eyes and the Hey, remember the corn.
Still not building?
I think they're all wet.
I'll get you another.
The code will give you the dance on Lee.
You can still buy the dance and the skin.
You're nasty, bro.
That your nasty bro?
Get me every day, do you?
Because I'm your day one, bro.
Riding die free road Runner.
What you guys with?
They're in the last fight, I think.
Right here.
This last guy Little waiting for you.
Let's get a gold.
Okay, Wait.
And there it is, the G all local long.
My freakin headband is coming from America.
Oh, my God.
I just got a gold a k and your game is over.
Tilted right now.
He killed too, bro.