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Hello, YouTube.
First things first.
I want to say that this video and this challenge is a part of for the World Cup creative competition that is sponsored by Epic Games or more information guys and go to epicgames.
We have had over 2500 video submissions for the fortnight, Ninja creative World Cup trials and a mackerel.
I've seen melodies, and they're pretty amazing.
But what we're gonna do is we're gonna react to the top 25 the ones that have been hand picked.
And only three of these are gonna make it the World Cup in New York.
I'm excited.
Let's jump right into it.
So it's that Well, Well, how do you guys even come up with this stuff, man?
Oh, all right.
Two down.
Also real quick.
I just want to have a huge shout out to, uh, to the mat creators, uh, k K slider and blue drive for creating this awesome map and allowing these people to come up with these amazing trick shots.
So thank you guys again for building this for me.
I really appreciate it.
All right, Deputy Booby, I This is some style points for sure right here has calmed down.
Dude, that's insane.
Maybe the suit guy did.
I hit it with the start enough hot with the quick scopes.
Oh, my God.
That he hit that.
Yo Mu, I said it's one Thio three starts The trick shot Twitter buffering literally it proper to the same spot.
I'll never understand Sort of video man.
Oh, my God, That's disgusting.
We're not going for the full screen this.
Oh, I always drink that about that.
Oh, league our bonds of Ian's.
This is disgusting.
A lot of people are just people using different parts of the man.
I didn't know that was there.
We want that it I will plague.
Konia will play.
This is fear.
B s F X double objective triple objective.
Throwing out some ice nays any It's the no scope.
Wow, That level of all the random videos that air next.
That's amazing, man.
We got an instagram post from Caleb for 9000 years too.
Oh, my God.
Dude, he did.
He did the rips.
Okay, Caleb, I see you, bro.
This is from Cloud nine Keogh.
33 hours.
It took him this backflip.
Let's go That's insane, man.
Extra style points.
He did a freaky backflip.
I r l man and hit the shot 33 hours.
How many backflips you think that guy just did?
Tal Deck 7 to 3 Twitter clip.
I hate out blurry.
They start out.
But now what you gonna do?
Oh, my God.
He had three targets.
He also does a back flip.
Let's go.
Oh, my God.
You're like five targets.
Is one too three All nice quicks.
Go to the hunting rifle.
Does a backflip.
Hence he's rift again.
Dips out.
It's one of the bosses Lies down yoing yoing, bruv, and it hits another target tool.
Uh, all right.
Tell it like I see you wrote.
Oh, my God, It's on mobile.
I'm literally I'm dumped.
That's I'm dumbfounded.
How did he even just do that?
Look at this.
Equates toe like 20 trick shots.
That same cheese phase.
CASS, If Iet's see what we got it, I'm sit perfectly.
Oh, double snowman.
You grab 100 double snow, man.
I gotta watch this one again.
Oh, my God.
The timing.
He hits that too.
He had set for a shot.
It's that shot 34 grabs the hunting rifle band Eagle Bam Hunting.
All right, I see you.
Guess, gang bro renegade.
There's a plane.
I don't see you insane Shots on Twitter started.
We got a wifey.
Coffee mid run.
You got me?
I know.
I'm saying, bro.
What Kids like Whatever, man.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Thats ones from sobs who becomes a snowman.
Wow, I'm a creative side.
It's definitely down there.
Those shots were clean, man.
This is from Tak Re Logan.
And I saw your turbo idea.
He's using Tim the tat man.
Skin, little tomato head.
Get out!
Oh, my God.
He hit that.
And the Swiss.
Okay, this one's from swabbed E or sweetie.
I told my trick shot.
Oh, my God.
That hit Looks like it hit, but I don't know if I don't have anything blew up, so it was very nice.
Very nice.
Oh, my God.
Did he hit that?
Okay, um, dude, you just broke the map.
Super creative.
Anybody can get under the map right there, man.
Which end?
I think he wrote for your submission.
We got three left.
Taco Brunner and little lambs.
Dude, you gotta try and soccer skinnies in the blue soccer skin too.
L fan.
Oh, here we go.
That is nasty.
Oh, my God.
Just when I thought I had the three down taco, This one is from Brunner Bunny hop prepping the no skins.
He only hit a couple objectives, but do the creative.
It was on another loan.
It watch this.
I could never do this up, man.
He misses that.
He misses that one, too.
Then he hits that one, all right?
I like it.
I like it is a good, good shots.
Last but not least little lambs to let's see what you got, dude.
Oh, my God.
Ditches the quad.
How long did you have to do that?
A hit.
A hit fire shot.
Okay, guys, that was That was all of them.
I am the final judge.
So I am now going to choose the three that I believe I deserve to go to the four night Creative World Cup.
Is my reps All right, guys, it took me a fool day too.
Go over all the final submissions and really look over the trick shots.
You know, 10 20 times each make sure that, you know, I went through and I pick the ones that you know, I just like, OK, these are just gonna be No, that I you know, I had the maybes, and then I just watched all of the maybes, and I came to this conclusion.
Uh, first of all, I don't like this.
I don't want to do something like this again.
I mean, I do, but I don't I don't like that I can't send everyone.
If I would, I could.
Every submission, the final top 25 that I was looking at were incredible.
And you guys are all insanely talented.
But unfortunately, I could only send three of you guys there.
And after a long, long look at all these trick shots, the three people that I'm gonna be sending to the World Cup to represent me in the Ford Incredible Cup in New York are days CASS Taco with the weird tea in Talbak 7 to 3.
Congratulations, You guys, I loved your guys clips.
I felt like they were the most creative.
The just super different and had you know, you guys hit the most bosses.
That's that's pretty much.
That's it, man.
I really felt like there were a lot of people who kind of followed a similar style of creating their trick shots.
And I don't think that they were topping off of any any one another.
But these were the ones that I felt like stood out to me the most they, you know, hit the most the most targets.
And really, really, really just They just caught my eye and called my attention the most.
You guys on again.
I really wish I could send everyone, but please be happy for these three incredible players were now going to be making you know they have a trip to the World Cup.
So congratulations, you guys.
All right, And I will see you guys there.