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  • In this video, I'm showing you how to make the perfect milk for a Cappuccino and to train Latte Art at home using only simple tools!

  • What you need: - a device to heat up your milk - a thermometer to measure the milk temperature - a manual Milk Frother

  • Prepare you coffee (Espresso). I'm using my Espresso Machine here, but you can make your coffee with any device you have available at home!

  • While making the coffee, my milk is heating up!

  • Heat up your milk up to 60-65 °C. Never go higher than 70°C as this is the point you'll start burning the milk. It will loose its sweetness and have a burned, unpleasant taste.

  • Fill the manual milk frother halfway with the hot milk

  • Now start pushing up and down. The amount of times you push up and down.

  • Attention: The more often you push up and down, the more foam will develop. You don't want to have too much foam, as this will make pouring Latte Art very difficult!

  • Try it a few times and you will get a feeling for the amount of times you need to push.

  • Now fill the milk into a milk jug. Tip: Neither the shape nore the size of the milk jug matter for pouring Latte Art! Take the one you feel comfortable with and stick to it!

  • Fill up the jug halfway of its volume!

  • Tip: Act really fast now! If you are too slow, the foam and milk will separate in your milk jug, which makes pouring Latte Art very difficult, almost impossible even.

  • If you have a few bubbles left from pouring the milk from the French Press into your jug, knock them away by tapping the jug on the table.

  • With this simple tool you can really create the perfect silky and shiny micro-foam that you want - not only for pouring Latte Art but also for a nice, balanced taste in your cup.

  • Depending on the size of your milk frother, that is, depending on the amount of froth you can create at once, you can pour several Cappuccinos.

  • Note that a Cappuccino needs at least 1cm of foam.

  • Take a spoon to check whether your Cappuccinos all have the right and same amount of foam. Your coffees should all be identical.

  • When you push back your milk foam and yet can't get to the the actual coffee (liquid) underneath because the surface closes right away - that's how a perfect Cappuccino with the right amount of foam should look like.

In this video, I'm showing you how to make the perfect milk for a Cappuccino and to train Latte Art at home using only simple tools!


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B2 中上級

自宅で完璧なカプチーノを作る方法 / Come fare un cappuccino a casa (How to make the perfect Cappuccino at home / Come fare un cappuccino a casa)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日