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  • we have another Kobe come India and there was heart pounding drama as a cove in 19.

  • Patient is rushed to the hospital during a network TV interview with an e R doctor.

  • Have them in a base station to grow.

  • It happened as CBS This Morning's David Begnaud was speaking with the E.

  • R doctor in Chicago's Mount Sinai Hospital.

  • This covert patient who's coming in right now, the suspected cove it he's coming by ambulance, I assume.

  • How critical is he starting?

  • They're they're doing CPR on him.

  • But minutes later, are they still performing CPR?

  • No, they're dead.

  • And look.

  • The doctor and his colleagues built this plastic shield to protect them from Cove it patients weigh.

  • I'm not in front of the patient's mouth.

  • The doctor who exposed shocking conditions inside the emergency room of New York's Elmhurst Hospital just six days ago is now revealing that she has tested positive for Cove in 19.

  • That's rude.

  • Doctor calling Smith is in quarantine.

  • Fortunately, she has only mild symptoms so far.

  • One of the most heartbreaking aspects of Covert 19 is that when patients enter the hospital, they're cut off from their loved ones.

  • And if the patient dies, he or she dies alone.

  • The family of 44 year old Sunday rudder, a mother of six, said their final farewells.

  • Using a walkie talkie supplied by the hospital.

  • Her son, Elijah, tells us what happened.

  • The grab the walkie talkie and what they did was they placed it inside the room.

  • All right, five months, like right, right on the side of my mom, right by her fellow.

  • And we gotta say our final goodbyes to my mom outside of her room, unfortunately, but I told her that I loved her.

  • I told her that everything will be okay and that she shouldn't have to worry about my little brothers and sisters.

  • And how can you find out if someone in your neighborhood is stricken with Cove in 19?

  • Here's Lisa Guerrero in Los Angeles.

  • So here's how I found out how many of my neighbors tested positive for the Corona virus.

  • I have the ring alarm system app on my phone, and it sent me this safety message that says eight cases are in Beverly would eight cases are in palms, which is near where I live and a map.

  • The map is actually a link to the L.

  • A County Department of Health map, which tracks all of the cases in L.

  • A county.

  • What it doesn't give you are specific names or addresses of these folks, just the neighborhoods where they live.

  • CNN's Chris Cuomo broadcast from his basement for the first time since he tested positive and talked about the impact on his family.

  • My concern is what I may have put in my family, just like you would.

  • That is hurting me way more than anything virus can do.

  • His pal Don Lemon wiped away tears.

  • I said I wasn't gonna do this.

  • He's probably sitting at home laughing at me, all right.

we have another Kobe come India and there was heart pounding drama as a cove in 19.


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