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  • the boy here.

  • What do you say?

  • Yeah, man, I just picked up scarf.

  • I thought we played for a while.

  • It's kind of this pretty sweet.

  • Haven't played that game.

  • Yeah, come on in.

  • Let's go.

  • Do you know starving?

  • Do you want to give you some food or something Quick?

  • Yeah, I'm kind of hungry.

  • Where do we put places?

  • Just sit about TV by the X box When we get back.

  • What do you do for you?

  • Hey, what are you doing here?

  • What do you mean, What am I doing here?

  • I'm here to provide the entertainment.

  • Well, it's too late, buddy.

  • On the King Consul around these parts.

  • Yeah, yeah, yeah.

  • Keep running your tray and I'll connect you to the floor.

  • That's it's I can't take it anymore.

  • This'd PlayStation.

  • There's only room for one of us here.

  • We're gonna settle this the old fashioned way.

  • Comparing disks, No rap battle.

  • Let's Joe, I am the X box 360 the greatest council ever.

  • Don't play with me, Slim.

  • You ain't no shady over poster Since suffer stepped on the scene back in 2005 I've changed the face of video gaming worldwide.

  • I'm straight from Microsoft.

  • Green Light from the dash Dream cases on the games That's the covers of cash and one, 23 ods tea and reach Sony just because he never compete with Chief.

  • Yet the best we are even see a d a breeze X boxes the first system to get the d l C.

  • Even Knox loves us.

  • You were getting my crab.

  • Psst!

  • She's trying to figure out how they got back.

  • How very funny.

  • All you worry about his money, that's what Xbox Live is.

  • 50 bucks and P S N is free.

  • Then you bring up Master Chief.

  • Come on, white boy, please.

  • For deep into this kiln own end up bringing to his knees.

  • We wrote with Sony, Homey, we do things right?

  • First, how many models did you have to make you made?

  • One that work?

  • Green lights on the dash, Man use otter Must be cracked.

  • 100 Microsoft and send yourself back.

  • Glad that guy finally shut up.

  • What now?

  • PS three?

  • Because I'm back in action off grated feeling great in my brand new skin New shiny black skin.

  • Are you really trying to flatter me?

  • I'll take the cover off my controller and assault you with some batteries.

  • You copy, cat.

  • I'm not a copycat or copy.

  • May lie down now because there's no need for violence.

  • Let's just ask the audience who they like better.

  • I'm the best counsel.

  • You know why?

  • Two words.

  • Microsoft.

  • It's only one word, you idiot.

  • Whatever.

  • All right, Bill Gates in your face.

  • We all know that Japanese make better games than Americans.

  • Besides, all I care about is money.

  • Hey, guys, what about me?

  • No, you suck, okay?

the boy here.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

XBox vs PS3 - ラップバトル (XBox vs PS3 - The Rap Battle)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日