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  • staggering new numbers tonight on unemployment.

  • We learned today 6.6 million Americans apply for unemployment benefits last week alone, that's nearly 10 million workers now applying for unemployment in just two weeks.

  • Tonight, the workers from Iowa to New York to Florida and here's Rebecca Jarvis.

  • Tonight, the swelling number of people out of work, that parallel catastrophe to the virus itself, the speed of layoffs unprecedented the pain being felt across the country.

  • I know I was not prepared for this.

  • Never been put in this position before.

  • Never thought I would have to be in this position.

  • All told, in just two weeks, nearly 10 million Americans have filed for unemployment insurance.

  • Those numbers don't include the self employed or the many Americans who've been trying to apply but can't like Todd Saillant in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, who lost his job as a server on March 17th.

  • I immediately filed on their website, which took days, honestly, no file.

  • After completing the initial paperwork after five days of trying, Todd was told to check back on March 31st.

  • He did, and everything is now still marked pending.

  • So I knew everybody probably is experiencing the exact same frustrations.

  • David, You can see the urgent need for those government stimulus checks for the vast majority of Americans, they will be directly deposited in about two weeks.

  • But for people who typically get their checks by check from tax refunds, it could take longer.

  • Treasury Secretary Mnuchin says they're setting up a Web portal with more options.

  • David All right, Rebecca and we know you'll stay on it.

  • Thank you.

  • Hi, everyone.

  • George Stephanopoulos here.

  • Thanks for checking out the ABC News YouTube channel.

  • If you'd like to get more video show highlights and watch live event coverage, click on the right over here to subscribe to our channel.

  • And don't forget to download the ABC News after breaking news alerts.

  • Thanks for watching.

staggering new numbers tonight on unemployment.


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2週間で1,000万人近くが失業申請|WNT (Nearly 10 million have filed for unemployment in 2 weeks | WNT)

  • 7 1
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日