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  • good afternoon, everyone, and happy New Year Z.

  • But when this is going out, it definitely won't be anywhere.

  • New Year's Eve.

  • I'm not going back to work until the sick this year actually did that last year as well.

  • On Dhe, it was very, very welcomed.

  • Now I am not gonna block in the whole of New Year's Eve because I want everyone to get very drunk and not worry about what they look like on camera.

  • But I am getting ready now.

  • We're getting the house ready because we're hosting again this year.

  • I really think that I'd quite like to do every year because Ali and I enjoy it so much, even if he does stress out about it.

  • We've been doing balloons all morning, but I'll take downstairs.

  • Just show you what we've been getting up to in a bit.

  • I also last minute ordered from netted 42 dresses because I ordered a place suit from Louise Via Roma on dhe it.

  • Oh, now I wondered why there was so much light on my face.

  • It's this bad boy giving me the glue.

  • Yeah, it was waiting.

  • Sure, and I'd probably be really uncomfortable in it because we sit down a lot because we're playing games and stuff like that.

  • So, yeah, I thought I would buy two dresses just in case, so I'm gonna try them on with you as well.

  • I also got Alex, my friend.

  • You used to do my now, but shouldn't my name now because I could never get in with her.

  • She's so busy, Andi Also, she doesn t manicures, but she is coming around to my eyelashes for me.

  • She's spending New Year's with her other friend.

  • This this year shows he doesn't love me, but she's gonna come into my lashes now she's just picking them up.

  • I just paid her, so hopefully she's gonna be here soon.

  • I've got to do my base first.

  • I'm actually not gonna go too heavy with my actual base makeup just because I thought I'd do something that lighter Got good skin at the moment.

  • I just got a bit of Valtteri CC serum on already on dhe.

  • I haven't even gotten to consider under my eyes.

  • So that's probably why the bags there were woken up like early ish for us because we've been enjoying some lay ins over the holidays were working up by my cleaner like 8 a.m. me about like, Oh, that alleys popping out in a minute because he needs to go pick up a few things.

  • He's getting his hair cut.

  • We also I thought it was such a brilliant idea when Victoria had people coming to you like a grazing table and some catering for her events, and we thought we did.

  • This will make it so much easier and not worry about ordering food.

  • We can cover everyone's diet requirements.

  • So we booked on paid for company to come and do catering this evening.

  • So they're arriving about war.

  • A sure thing between 45 Remember, we've got our friends, knew Charlotte and then it'll go Sienna staying with us as well.

  • And then we go.

  • Our friends Emma and Roland's staying with us, and I think, do you staying with us as well?

  • So we've got got full house, basically people staying over.

  • I'd like to go for a roast dinner tomorrow, but basically I'm really looking forward to I can't believe it's the end of the decade on Dhe.

  • It's just mind blowing.

  • I was looking at pictures last night 10 years ago of Allie and 10 years ago of me look so much younger than me.

  • It's disgusting on it was just so lovely.

  • But I thought I'd kind of block all of the New Year's Eve prep and all of this stuff with you and then also afterwards go through what my plans are for the new decade on DDE.

  • How things are hopefully gonna be changing.

  • I've already made some changes which I don't know whether I've actually told you about yet on YouTube.

  • I mean, nothing, major, just small lifestyle changes and just kind of update you on everything.

  • So, other than that, I am going to get myself ready before Alex arrives.

  • She will kill me if I'm not ready.

  • She was gonna rummage in my beauty boxes because she hasn't been around for a while.

  • So my base I'm gonna use the door Massey a tinted moisturizer eye shade tourney on.

  • I've moved my mira, So I'm just gonna get my based on, like, my eyebrows on because she's got to do my lashes on.

  • I'm probably not gonna have time to do anything else I want to do, So I'm just gonna use this order, my face.

  • Like I said, I've already got the Valtteri CC zero office.

  • But like I said, I just wanted, like, a really even natural base because that's kind of like my preferred look, especially when my skin is looking its best.

  • But I can always use My last conceal is to just conceal any like areas.

  • I need extra cool bridge that is the food nation.

  • I'm sorry if you can hear all subtle system playing but we've been getting in the party mood, put some eye drops in to refresh my eyes.

  • Who it was I got fresh air, a fake town that hasn't actually developed yet.

  • So this will match ones the blended all in well stinging eyes do.

  • And then I try not to use toucan Too much concealer, because if you use too much, you might as well just where foundation at that point.

  • So I just did.

  • He's really light duff, just a small amount on a buffet in really well so that we don't get any kind of cakey nous.

  • So consider wise.

  • I've been using Nars Soft Matt complete concealer in custody on my face and then under my eyes.

  • I'm gonna use vanilla, but it feels weird Blogging I haven't blocked for so many days.

  • The it feels weird.

  • I'm like, Oh, weather been.

  • It's very odd, but I'm enjoying it.

  • It was nice having some time off, though.

  • I've got to admit, like usually when I finished Loved mess I'm like, Oh, I wish I could log every single day like I wish I could just do it.

  • I honestly I don't know how people do it.

  • First of all, I'm just not interesting enough.

  • Like I'm just know that's something that I realize I am just know interesting enough to block every day and I don't know how people are I would be exhausted, but I am super happy with how everything went on dhe.

  • Although there were some times when it was, like, quite stressful, we we managed it much better this year.

  • Andi, I fulfilled the amount of videos that I wanted to do without feeling like it was taking you away from my family.

  • Because if you remember, I did one Sunday upload, and I was like, Absolutely no, I remember why I stopped doing these up loads on DDE.

  • No, I can't do this.

  • I was there.

  • I was meeting my new baby niece.

  • And I was like, No, And I know that people always say he wanted to schedule your videos.

  • From my personal experience.

  • I've never Well, I don't schedule videos because I noticed it affecting my views on my videos on dhe.

  • I'm not putting a lot of that effort in for it to be affected in that way, so I don't do it.

  • And if I'm gonna do that, I might as well just not video out, and then it.

  • Then it becomes just annoying, doesn't it?

  • So, yeah, I think that's how I would do blob, miss moving forward.

  • Evil got lives.

  • Most of you.

  • Anyway, on Dhe.

  • I'm sure you on a weekend you're just a bit like I really don't have time to watch a video until Sunday evening.

  • And then I'm sure there'll be a video that you have watched that you can catch up on, so I'm gonna do it that way, Moving forward.

  • That is a much more manageable way to do.

  • This only thinks just getting my eyebrows on.

  • I'm using the eyebrow clean brow pro on dhe.

  • I'm just outlining kind of and then blending in I look very pale in this screen because I've got the light from behind me shining right in my face was making it up a way Trust me, I'm gonna be a bronze goddess by the end of this.

  • Gotta do my contour with the rodeo contouring powder in three.

  • Then I'm going to use my quiet Harry C C powder in sunny flash, which I'm using as a Bruin.

  • And I use this in the Hollows of my cheeks.

  • I always drive it down my neck to blend everything in.

  • Now I want to use my brow fix, but I don't know where my spirit he brushes are my fully brush.

  • Yeah.

  • Oops.

  • That was right.

  • Sorry.

  • Carry messaging.

  • May.

  • You're messaging me.

  • Carrie and I missed any back.

  • I got distracted.

  • Okay, Brows done.

  • Do you need anything else?

  • Um, when?

  • Alex.

  • Maybe some clothes.

  • Should we maybe go with some clothes?

  • We could go for some clothes.

  • Goes close.

  • Actually, I need to try on my dress is I don't know what I'm wearing yet.

  • I don't actually know.

  • I could not be wearing anything if it goes, how it's gone.

  • so far being perfectly honest, I go naked to this New Year's.

  • I mean, you have never know about it, but everyone else would.

  • Okay, Okay.

  • Okay.

  • Okay.

  • Um, do I need to do anything else?

  • Let's get the eyeliner done.

  • Because I bet it makes her life easier.

  • And I can touch you up.

  • Yeah, I reading itself my washing machine.

  • So I'll be right back.

  • Okay, I'm back.

  • I'm just putting an eye shadow primer on the deal.

  • I should know primer that comes in the palate The only panic I bloody use because you know, when it comes to, like, this time of the day and you're like, You know what I really like Thio do some eye shadow on then I don't want it to go wrong, So I just go to the same thing I use because I don't want it to go wrong.

  • If that makes sense.

  • So I know I always use the same thing and pretty much do the same.

  • I look, but I don't want it to go wrong.

  • And I don't trust my skills.

  • It's that moment.

  • This is what we're going with.

  • So I goes festival in with the wrongs highlighter and I don't know that space to go all over the eye.

  • But I do it anyway because this is my tutorial on what I say goes and I'll wake up tomorrow with very puffy eyed IDs.

  • Although saying that a lot has changed in this last month since I had my B 12 shot.

  • And now I don't know whether it's all of the lifestyle changes that I've made or whether it is literally just the fact that I had that shot.

  • But I didn't have pmt this month, which I have the worst time.

  • I know I've spoken about it before, but I had the worst time.

  • When it comes to my period on dhe for me to just know have pmt Wow.

  • Well, I mean, that was said to me I was like, Oh my God, I'm I've come on my period on I'm not having pmt What the hell?

  • But yes, that was really good on dhe.

  • I haven't had X men for a while, which is also really good, So yeah, no sure what is going on, but oh, this is nice.

  • Not like I've seen it before.

  • All of my brushes of course.

  • Oh, Sigma don't use anything else because either full Because, as I was saying, I don't use anything else because they're the best.

  • Pretty much.

  • Now, I might leave my eyes a little bit so that Alex could kind of help me with him because she is a makeup artist and she works for Mac on DDE.

  • She knows better than I do from, you know?

  • So I'll see what she says when she gets ahead on, we'll take it from there, and then I can kind of touch up.

  • Who?

  • Where is my face?

  • Missed?

  • Two.

  • Who always you that dissecting this now?

  • It just looks so beautiful on top of makeup, right?

  • I think I'm gonna leave my hair like death.

  • No, no, no.

  • So I'm gonna leave my face like this.

  • I'm gonna get some client done or leave some underwear on dhe, then hurry.

  • You know, when you try to multi task, you're just not very good at it.

  • Then I'm going tol out of Alexey my face.

  • Basically, she do what she wants with it because Yeah, well, so we've got loads of games that we're gonna play.

  • I am a board game enthusiast.

  • as you?

  • Probably Yes, we love it.

  • I'm worried the boys are gonna turn around and be like carrying Lydia are not to be on the same team because we work everyone when we're on the same team with so good.

  • So I'm worried.

  • I'm just gonna try and keep my like Was it called confidence or cockiness to an absolute minimum beforehand?

  • So they don't screw us over basically by saying that we can't get the same team because that's a secret weapon, right?

  • Lip balm, Diet Coke.

  • And I'll see you when Alex get it.

  • Good.

  • Actually, I saw the way.

  • How funny is that?

  • I thought, Wait.

  • I will open up and show you the teacher I ordered from net support A on dhe kind of.

  • See what?

  • Look, I wanted to go full bliss.

  • I love you.

  • So this is a new brand, but I thought this was so cute.

  • This is hold in the mood for love on that is so span angrily.

  • It's ridiculous.

  • We would try on.

  • We'll see, because I'm not sure if I can sense you're in the way that I wanted to, but we'll have.

  • We'll have to think I'm gonna try these on with you and then also got another one Because one of my favorite dresses off 2019 was my retrofits dress.

  • The white one, I warned.

  • I think that when I saw this one with gorgeous little Rhinestones, velvet as well, which isn't usually something I would go for.

  • But we have both options, which is fab.

  • It's for a little bit lit for this evening.

  • I'm gonna wear twice as well because it's just easier on dhe.

  • I don't worry too much about flashing my knickers when I'm in tight.

  • Yeah, so I'm gonna pack that away.

  • Let's go.

  • My cover legs to Sienna.

  • Who says that?

  • They don't believe you know YouTube.

  • Friends.

  • Well, now, video game ready together for New Year's at my dressing table.

  • Look.

  • Well, let's see what you got there.

  • Tell me what it is.

  • If you read the other end, it will tell you the shade.

  • Hey, Ruby is number 473 Alex in the house is well down there.

  • I'm gonna put my eyelashes on for me because I'm not actually e I can't give you my mirror yet.

  • Wait.

  • Let me do my other eye.

  • liner, and then I'll give you the mayor about you.

  • Continue with your makeup tutorial yet you can do whatever you want.

  • How would you know?

  • People always think that I've worn it out with you, Alex, because I don't get my just what have you worn it out without exceeds your friends and Alex?

  • It's just it's all I want you to treat my cuticle.

  • I know.

  • Well, you didn't have to tell you reasons.

  • I said what did you describe my feet?

  • But you wouldn't do that, right?

  • Look, my my feet get weary and tired.

  • So rotten.

  • Travis, you're still I am still videoing.

  • This is where the gold happens When people sit here and make fun of me often ask for Do I give you Did your mom give you a foot rub?

  • I don't drop those tires.

  • Exactly.

  • Exactly.

  • This?

  • Yes.

  • Okay.

  • I've done the best I can.

  • Alex will make it about us.

  • I can't marry you.

  • Want very sorry.

  • Sorry.

  • Do you want to light as well you need Okay.

  • So you can see what you're doing.

  • I will train you to be a makeup guru.

  • That's better, isn't it?

  • What you do if you make a mistake, I always put my finger that I'm going on edge.

  • See?

  • You was gonna what?

  • Everything is, You know you have it.

  • No, but how do you do that?

  • My Grace is a little bit of information.

  • Okay, I got it.

  • Already.

  • Think I'm around things getting Randy's mom doesn't know who he is.

  • I mean, seriously, have a thing is a trick question, Okay?

  • I don't know.

  • I just have them.

  • Oh, I I couldn't get justice.

  • How do you do it?

  • You know?

  • Tell me.

  • Okay.

  • Feet, Chris.

  • I get it.

  • That just so you know, used the other side.

  • Yeah, Okay.

  • She knows.

  • I just missed.

  • What?

  • No, that watch e I wasn't watching you mess up when your own accord.

  • Okay.

  • You just have this love hate relationship.

  • I cry or retire.

  • I'm such about your biscuits.

  • And you cried.

  • I your biscuits and strew shit.

  • Oh, my God.

  • That was so are awful.

  • But it's so funny.

  • Lovely.

  • Yeah, more into the middle of that, when you put some scar but it cool.

  • Yeah, Yeah, I know you so good at this.

  • I think I watched all of the videos on how to do it on dhe.

  • I watching you watch me being I think you like her.

  • Give a mind like a I was long.

  • So I understand why he would say to me Because I'm boring people.

  • Do you like videos that, like you're supposed to when you achieve?

  • Like Holly?

  • She does, like all of the really slay you made when I watched her eyelashes on and she, like, looks down.

  • Yeah, yeah, yeah, you can.

  • But every, like, they just make it look so easy.

  • I'm one of them.

  • Looks great in one of those.

  • Like pointing at you, Sugar.

  • You can I I e Okay.

  • I'm surprised maybe.

  • Oh, what I said about seeing, you know, Cameron last night Because it makes me I Yeah, yeah.

  • Thank you so much.

  • I got lashes.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • When I get used to, it ends up like this.

  • Right, Miranda?

  • Lovely.

  • Beautiful.

  • Oh, this wizard acts like that.

  • Everyone is beautiful.

  • Thank you.

  • Right.

  • Les Inferno.

  • Have a nice nap.

  • See anyone a little bit darker.

  • I thought That's lovely.

  • Yeah, that's perfect.

  • No, no, no, no, thank you.

  • Thanks.

  • All right.

  • Don't delay me before you before you have to go.

  • Or do you get off that Narnia in there?

  • So my makeup is finished.

  • Alex has done an amazing job of just kind of darkening up my eyes on.

  • I've gone for, like, two sold waves today.

  • The ladies from the boardwalk here setting up downstairs now our friends Neil Charlotte and her daughter Sienna downstairs having some food that, like spread that we've got is just amazing.

  • Like I can't believe it.

  • I bet you didn't accept it, So I just thought you'd like some picking bits, like so we're covering the food for our friends, and then they're starting with the alcohol out.

  • So let's have a look how everything's looking down.

  • I haven't actually shown you downstairs yet, but it looks so good.

  • I haven't chosen my dress here either, which is just irritating.

  • But I will choose a dress.

  • I will.

  • I think Cary's counting on me as well.

  • Im coming down.

  • You don't need my help.

  • These from the boardwalk is setting up.

  • Wow, it smells amazing.

  • Oh, my goodness.

  • It looks amazing.

  • Now what are you talking about?

  • It looks incredible.

  • Oh, Bree, It's like my middle name always looks great.

  • So happy.

  • Everything's looking good in here as well.

  • I've decided to go with the retrofit dress.

  • I've got a clear belt that I bought ages ago from a sauce which works really well to just cinch it in perfume.

  • I'm wearing the Naz the New North.

  • Perfect.

  • I don't know what it's called, but it smells incredible.

  • This is how you launch a fragrance That something as strong as this Ondas Beautiful is this This is amazing.

  • So I can't wait to see what's next from them.

  • But Wow, but this is the outfit.

  • What?

  • Jimmy Choos on?

  • A little bit of sparkle.

  • I didn't know whether the earrings would be too much.

  • So I've just gone for no earrings, but I'm going to start pouring some champagne now on.

  • Get to my guest.

  • So I doubt you're gonna see much from tonight.

  • If I do any stories, I'll put those in so you can see a little more.

  • But I want my guest to just relax, enjoy themselves, get drunk, see in the new decade and not worry about my vlogging cameras.

  • So anything that's okay to post I will do so now.

  • But I'll also put in the shots of me in my other dress because I'm gonna keep both eyes.

  • Both of them are amazing.

  • Way, Theo!

  • Wait, wait, wait.

good afternoon, everyone, and happy New Year Z.


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HOUSE PARTY AT OURS!| リディア・エリス・ミレン (HOUSE PARTY AT OURS! | Lydia Elise Millen)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日