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a war is going, guys.
So here we have the absolutely gigantic Messinger's, the 1 60 scale Infinity version.
Kids here and it is gigantic is really pushing the limits of my review space here.
It's kind of just barely fitting onto my rotating basis so it will actually willing to give you guys a look around, make it here like this and men.
This was a really fun kid to Bill, but I really do enjoy building a mega size kits.
And once again, although this is not in mega sized kid by name and pretty much every other way, it's a mega sized kid uses the same Polly caps.
The construction is all pretty much the same, although I am happy to report that this does have much fewer seam lines on it than the typical mega sized Gundam.
Kids have the mega size.
Like Gundam, the mega size Aku.
Both have tons of seam lines on them and with him being gigantic pieces, it's kind of a pain in the ass.
But with this get, it doesn't really have that many seamless in it, which is fantastic, and obviously the thing does just due to the Penhall our armor panel design of this with being like such a patchwork of different armored panels they were ableto designed, the parts in a way that fit together that just hide the seam lines on their very well.
So that's good.
And just the kid is just gigantic.
Obviously, that's gonna be the main point of this get.
But aside from its size, it's incredibly nicely detailed as well.
If there's a ton of detail on it everywhere, especially if you look even some of the finer detail, especially around up on the face and the head will see here in a moment.
We have led gimmick in there as well, which I'll try to get going for you guys if I can get it open the hatch on the back to access the led is kind of hard to get open.
So if I can get that open, we'll get that lit up for you guys.
But once again, if you miss the life bill of this, I did build a kid up live here on my channel in that video is stored here on channel.
If you want to check that out, I did test the led during the live stream as well, and it was very cool.
But if you guys are familiar with mega size gets it all.
And you should know.
Aside from the seam line issue that I mentioned, the other issue that most mega sized kids have is that they just don't really have very good articulation.
They're just so big and clunky that they don't really do a whole lot.
They just are look big and cool, and they're really nicely detailed.
Well, you can't really expect them to actually really do a lot.
A lot of people say they're like gigantic versions of H G kits, and that's kind of sort of the case.
But a lot of times HD kits are actually better articulated in the mega sized version.
Mega size kits are very simple, like the big thing of them is that they're very large now.
One thing also, people point out, is that this is a different scale from mega size kids may.
Besides, kids are typically 1 48 scale.
This is 1 60 scale.
While the scale is different, the general size is about the same, so we'll take a look at a couple of size comparisons here on a bit as well compared to the mega size art 70 eights and Unicorn Gundam.
First off, let's just take a closer look and check out the articulation that it does have for a comedian.
Say, before we get into the articulation, I'm going to remove the backpack so you can prove that by just taking off this part here on the front and sort of like a belt that fits around his midsection there and then just take off the backpack here.
And then you have this part here to plug that up from where that pack was removed.
If you don't want to have that installed on there, you can play that up like that.
Now that hatched her move to get to the led is here on the back that you need to remove their but yes, because I can't get it at.
The woman will try to get that here in a bit.
As for the head, the head it can and go up to there and down to there.
So you have a double drink of a joint at the base of the neck and the joint at the base of the head there so that can chicken neck there.
You can get that little bit to the side like that as well.
In turn, of course.
And just the detail around here.
Like I said, on the head looks great.
And inside those clear parts there for the eyes and everything, it looks super cool in there.
And then also, of course, we have this little guy up on its head.
It can remove that the wings fold down on this, and this also is really nice.
It doesn't have unfortunately, like the connector for this to plug into the top of the head of square shaped would've been nice if they would have made that circle shapes.
We could plug this onto an action base, but unfortunately with it just the way that it is to plug it onto an action based or something, you have to just, I guess, drill another hole or something in there.
Just try to make it fit like that.
And also inside that clear part, you have, like some really nice detail there with, like, the pilot seat chairs and stuff.
But I gotta say it definitely does not look.
1 60 scale the scale of the detail inside of there.
Like especially the chair looks more like 11 44 possibly 100 scale.
But it definitely doesn't look 1 60 scale.
And there's the scale of that is a bit off, I think.
But that just holds up and it fits onto the head.
They're here at the shoulder.
We have a little bit of movement forward and back like that.
You can move this shoulder armor by itself, and you can ultimately bring the arm up to only about their Seems like, unfortunately, not even up to 90 degrees there for that.
But the elbow Ben is pretty nice.
So we have this two separate panels here.
When you bend this, there's a band of like, the main elbow here.
And then there's another bent up behind this part, so that part will kind of fold into the elbow joint there.
So you guys can see that.
So it's a pretty nice elbow joint for this and, of course, also has to have a nice elbow joint for the rocket punch and rocket elbow features, which we'll see in a woman.
But so the elbow actually folds up quite nicely And here's one of the few seam lines you have on this case on this silver part There on the upper arm.
As for the wrist is attached via a ball joint at the base, and then you do have a hinge in the wrist there as well, so it's actually quite nice on the hand.
Here is one of the other points where you will have a seam line here on the thumb.
You'll notice the sea mine on the side of the thumb there.
It's really nice detail here on the chest is well, that piece up underneath this clear red piece looks really cool that I look even better once it's actually painted it with some like metallic kind of color or something like that, where you can really see it shining underneath a clear read.
We have some articulation here in the torso where that will bend back like that.
Not really forward, though unfortunately, and then we do have some rotation here at the midsection as well.
You can get that rotated a little bit for these kind of skirt bits.
These little guys at the front will move up and down a little bit, and these ones here on the side will also move a little bit.
But kind of not really much on the side of the hip joint is where you will have another steam line.
Just a little one here down the side of just that part.
There you can bring the legs outs pretty nice and wider there, and then you move that little front skirt bit a little bit.
You can get the leg up to about 90 degrees to the body like that, very cool.
And then for the knee band, it'll just bend like that.
You will have a seam line here on the front of that joint in there.
So, like most of the steam lines on this care, just unlike the joint parts, like here and then here on the upper leg, just like that, basically, and then down here, the ankles.
You have some Ford and back moving just a little bit and a little bit of side to side as well.
But from my experience, the ankles tend to be the weak point of these mega sized kids.
Because there's so much weight on them, the ankles can get kind of weak and they can be kind of.
They tend to fall over kind of easily because the ankle gets kind of weak.
But on this one, the ankle does feel stronger than usual up underneath the feet.
You got some nice detail there.
It looks very cool.
So if we once more just plug on the backpack here for a moment, wings are also articulated in that little fool like that and also rotate down.
You can rotate them down like that once again, from the back side, you can see they'll rotate down, and then you can fold the wing up as well on the other side.
Rotate that down and then fooled that up.
Kinda watch out.
They cross over each other like that.
Therefore, the folded wings at the back.
For some other accessories, we do also have the set of just open sort of karate chop action hands.
These also have a seam line on on this side.
It's not really so bad.
It's kind of through the side of the fingers where it looks sort of natural.
But on this side you have the seam line down through the middle of the thumb there, which you probably want to get rid of that.
But these hands again The detail in them, though, doesn't look very nice.
We also have the iron cutter parts.
These are two for each arm, and these do also each have a little bit of a seam line on them right there and there where the two halves of his main part The blade is one solid piece.
But then this, like this part down here at the kind of base underneath the blade is two piece of that sandwich together.
Over these, you'll need to remove this panel here on the side of the arm.
And it seems like I picked the wrong day to cut my fingernails this morning.
But that will come off of there.
And although the manual doesn't really show this clearly, once you take off this paneling to put it back on, all right onto there.
So basically changing the position of that and then you can plug this onto the side of their there is what that's gonna look like with those installed on their pretty cool accessory for this and then another accessory.
Cute we have is certainly more function over fashion causes.
These pretty ugly looking parts which will basically serve thio.
Plug on to the bottom of the feet to help balance the kid.
If you're having trouble getting the kids to stand, units plug these onto the bottom of the feet here, and that will help him stand.
But honestly, I found that it stands just fine without those Really don't need those things out because they're very ugly from the front.
They're not that noticeable.
But from the back, you just have these, like big bubble things, sticking out the back of his ankles Look just kind of weird on.
And lastly, we just have the parts to make the rocket punch and drill missile attachments here for the arms.
So we'll demonstrate on this arm.
Basically, all he needs to do is just to remove the arm there, which actually is kind of loose That actually comes off a little bit too easy, in my opinion, that arm segment there, the elbow, but for the rocket punch, you'll just attach this part onto there, and so it looks like he's kind of punching, and then this.
You don't really have anything to do with this that once again, there is no stand for this.
No way to plug this into an action stand.
But you just have this and you can have it out as the rocket punch.
But if you want to do the drill missiles to use a little bit different one here basically the same kind of attachment, but also as the peg of the top there for plugging the elbow back onto here like that for the drill Missile parts.
So there you go.
That's all the accessories.
All right, So here is a comparison between the mega size unicorn Gundam.
You make a side are 72 guns and a high grade arc 72 Gundam down there at the bottom so you can get an idea of how big this isn't the gun DMZ there are in the same scale.
They're both won 48 scale and the missing girl here and 1 60 scale is coming in size right about between them.
So it's definitely a very large kit.
And again compared to the high grade, which is like not even coming up to the knee of the messenger or even the Ark 72 Gundam, these kids are absolutely going to give you never built to make a science kit.
I know they're really expensive, and I know people Big advert aversion to buying them.
It's probably just because, like they think I could buy a perfect grade for around the same price and the perfect Great has a lot more complexity to It has a lot more parts everything these obviously larger than perfect grades even.
And I do have a lot of nice service detail.
They just don't really do a whole lot.
But finally asked for the led giving here.
All right, so one other difference from other mega sized kids that other of mega size gets all come with apart separator, which is really quite handy cause on these mega size kids.
The pieces are so huge if you need to take something apart because you have, like, such a large peg fitting together, there's so much more attention there that pieces are harder to get a part when you have really huge pieces like this.
So that's why they come with the part separator.
This one, unfortunately, doesn't come with one, but I found that this wave part separator that I have that comes in handy very often was helpful and finally getting this piece off the back in there.
So when you pull that out, it pulls out the led unit in here, which, as you can see is still on, is just so faint now that it wasn't really lighting up ahead at all.
Just because it's been on since when I built that gives, like, a week ago or something over a week ago.
So I guess that just goes to show you the battery life of these.
Not too bad, but it's not really gonna go.
Should be able to show much.
I'm gonna pop that led unit out of here and change the battery, and then we'll see how it looks.
Here we go.
That's much brighter.
Much better.
Let's get this back in place.
You notice that it's not showing up that brightly.
It's because I got a bunch of bright lights on something.
Kick off this light so you guys can at least see that a little better.
So if your room is well lit, unfortunately, it's still not gonna be all that noticeable.
But if it's in like a dark room with dim rooms like that, then you're gonna able to see that in the detail wants.
The eyes are lit up there and these air lit up a little bit to these bits here on the side.
But again, it's not gonna be that much for the detail in there does look really nice when it is lit up Also out the top of the head.
You've got lights here as well.
When you remove the flyer out, the top of the head actually lights up here also, which is really cool.
You got a bunch of nice detail in there, so that's actually really cool.
How that lights up the top as well.
But the other day, you can make eyes not that bright.
Unfortunately, it was brighter than it would be much better.
It does look great.
I mean what you can see of it.
But that's just about going to do it for the review guys.
Not too much else to talk about with this kid, except that it's gigantic.
It's got a ton of great detail on their pretty middle, minimal on the steam lines.
It's got some all right accessories and weapons, I guess, like a much as you would expect for it So I guess I think it comes with anything you would really want for, I think and, well, it is pretty expensive.
I think it's definitely something that's going to get some attention if you have this upon yourself.
Me and just the wingspan alone is massive, Does that?
You guys know some exact measurements here.
He's coming in about 43 centimeters tall, and my ruler actually is not quite long enough.
But looks like it's about 50 centimetres wide or so with the wings spread out like that.
So I don't know the amount of shelf space that this takes up might actually be a negative for you if you got limited space.
That might be something that made you not want to buy this kid and maybe want to go for the 1 44 scale version as it takes up much less space.
But I got to say, if you got the space and if you're willing to spend a little bit extra money, I think this version of the kid is pretty awesome.
It's so epic having his gigantic kids, I really like them.
They take over so long toe work on because there's just so much sanding and everything.
And then, like the painting process takes forever.
And it's which, especially with this kid's Well, the pen aligning is gonna take forever as well just because this panel lines all over the place on this thing.
So it's gonna take a little while to work on.
But I think if you just go through the effort and, you know, put some love into it, it's gonna look even better.
But even a straight out the box, it looks very good, I think so.
Let me know what you guys think about the kid down below.
I know a lot of you are excited about this kid.
I think just obviously the high price tag is the thing that's gonna be holding a lot of people back on it.
But hopefully you guys will utilize my 10% discount code.
There's Echo release 10 over at U.
S, a Gundam store that can make it just a little bit cheaper there for you guys.
If you want to check out the kid for yourself, I would recommend you check it out there and, as always, guys, if you have any other further questions or comments do feel for you.
Leave those down below.
Thank you all so much for watching.
And I'm gonna get out the sanding pads and get to work on this guy ex.
We're gonna paint him up, so I'll see you all with that soon.
Good bye, guys.