字幕表 動画を再生する
Hi. I'm Carl Azuz for CNN 10.
今日は、CNN10 のカール・アズスです。
We are living in historic times.
The events that we see worldwide today are the kind that appear in history books and encyclopedias in the decades to come.
The big picture of how COVID-19 is infecting the world is still blurry.
There's just so much that's still unknown about it.
There's no vaccine or universal treatment for the coronavirus—though, scientists worldwide are racing to find them.
It's not known exactly how it spreads or how long it stays on surfaces if they get contaminated.
Its not known when exactly people are contagious once they've contracted it, and the symptoms range from severe and deadly to practically nothing.
But more details about this disease get filled in every day.
Where it's spreading, how many people are testing positive for it where tests are available, which medications are showing some effectiveness in fighting it and which ones aren't, and how it's affecting industries, businesses, workers, parents and students.
When we put this show together, 92 percent of Americans were under stay at home orders.
この動画を配信している時点で、アメリカ国内の 92% が自宅待機指令下にあります。
There were 11 states that didn't have them in place, but some of the local governments and counties within those states did.
この対象となっていない州は 11 州ありますが、それらの州内の自治体や郡の判断で自宅待機となっているケースも存在します。
Another part of this picture that's getting clearer is the economic impact.
There's a jobs report due out Friday morning from the U.S. Labor Department.
It will be for the month of March.
今回は 3 月分の報告になります。
And yesterday, economists expected it would show the U.S. lost a hundred thousand jobs and that the unemployment rate, the percentage of workers who didn't have a job, would increase to 3.8 percent from its historic low of 3.5 percent.
昨日、経済評論家は国民の多くが職を失った結果、失業率は歴史的低さだった 3.5% から 3.8% にまで上昇するという見方を示しました。
But there's a catch: the information for that survey is only as recent as the middle of March, and that's before records started being broken for initial jobless claims.
しかし、この数字は 3 月中旬の調査結果ですから、コロナウイルスの影響による失職がカウントされ始める前の事である点は要注意です。
This is the number of people who just started asking the government for help because they lost their jobs in layoffs or business cutbacks.
Last Friday, we told you how that number which accounted for the third week of March was a record 3.28 million people.
先週の金曜日には、3 月の第三週時点でその数は記録的な 328 万人に上ったというニュースをお届けしましたが、
Today's figure, which measures the number of initial jobless claims in the fourth week of March, is a new record, 6.6 million people.
3 月 4 週目今日の時点での数字は、新記録の 660 万人に達しています。
Is there a silver lining here?
U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin says when the U.S. defeats the virus, he expects the American economy will recover quickly, with gross domestic product jumping back up and unemployment dropping back down to the way they were before the coronavirus struck.
That literally depends on how the recovery shapes up.
How quickly can the economy recover from coronavirus?
A lot depends on what shape this recession takes.
There's an alphabet soup of possibilities, the V-shaped, the U-shaped or the dreaded L-shaped.
可能性としては V 字回復、U 字回復、そして最悪の L 字回復があります。
A V-shaped is the best-case scenario here.
V 字回復は最高のシナリオです。
It's a sharp drop followed by an equally sharp recovery.
It means the economy would ramp back up just as quickly as it shut down.
But that will largely depend on how quickly the virus is contained and how soon people can go back to work.
That's why a U-shaped recovery may be more likely here.
そのため、U 字回復がより現実的なものとなってくるわけです。
In that case, the economy contracts, then bumps along the bottom for a while before climbing back.
Many economists are betting on that scenario since uncertainty caused by the virus won't just evaporate overnight.
Business owners and CEOs may curtail future investment and consumer spending, the biggest driver of U.S. economic activity, probably won't bounce back immediately either.
ビジネスオーナーや CEO は投資を控えて、アメリカ経済を回している消費者の購入量もすぐには以前のようには戻らないとみられます。
That's partly because of lost income, but also because of the psychological toll the viral outbreak has taken on consumer confidence.
Beyond the V and the U, there's the worst-case scenario, the L-shaped.
V 字回復や U 字回復の他にも、最悪のシナリオとして L 字回復があります。
Picture a hockey stick with a long tail.
That happens if the virus is not contained, social distancing remains into the summer and businesses and consumers take years to recover.
After the Great Recession, economic activity took nearly four years to return to its pre-recession peak, the Great Depression was even more severe, lasting 10 years.
世界的金融不況が発生した際には、経済活動が以前の状況にまで回復するのにほぼ 4 年を要しましたし、世界恐慌はさらに深刻で 10 年かかりました。
Thankfully, most economists are not predicting this outcome.
But all of this is highly uncertain, and it all depends on the biggest unknown—the course of the virus.
Ten-second trivia.
10 秒トリビアの時間です。
The Sahara is the largest non-polar desert on Earth.
What is the second-largest?
2 番目に大きな砂漠はどれでしょう?
Arabian Desert, Gobi Desert, Kalahari Desert, or Great Victoria Desert?
Covering about 900,000 square miles, the Arabian Desert is the world's second-largest.
90 万平方マイルに渡るアラビア砂漠が、世界で 2 番目に大きな砂漠です。
Stretching across Saudi Arabia, reaching Iraq and Jordan in its north and Oman and Yemen in its south, the Arabian Desert dominates the Arabian Peninsula.
Today, we're taking you to a part of this region called the Rub' al-Khali Desert, literally a desert within a desert.
The British explorer Wilfred Thesiger crossed it in the mid-20th century and he said it was named Rub' al-Khali or "Empty Quarter" because it's so enormous and so desolate.
イギリスの探検家ウィルフレッド・セシジャーは 20 世紀に横断しましたが、その際にあまりにも巨大で荒涼としていることから、直訳すると「空虚な4分の1」という意味の「ルブアルハリ」と名付けたわけです。
But a closer look at this desert reveals much more than sand and emptiness.
There's a place of the United Arab Emirates where it's a destination.
This is the Rub' al-Khali Desert known as the "Empty Quarter."
ここは「空虚な 4 分の 1 」という意味を持つルブアルハリ砂漠です。
It's the largest, continuous sand mass in the world.
It stretches across Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen and the United Arab Emirates.
While some view it as a harsh and barren terrain, this man couldn't live without it and calls it home.
If you like to be away from the city and from the noise, you can have a peaceful [sic] over here.
Because when you go out in the desert, you cannot hear anything, no cars, no airplanes, no noise, no nothing.
You just you can hear yourself while you are breathing.
Nestled within the desert is the Qasr Al Sarab Resort, and Amro is the activity manager there.
I love the desert because the people they think it's empty, there is nothing here.
But there is a life, and especially on the night [sic].
It's a challenge to live, that's true.
But for me as a person, I love challenges and I love to be on the desert.
My favorite activity here is to do is dune bashing.
For me as a person, I love... enjoy that picture and I love driving.
Most of the time, when the guests are shouting during the dune bashing that means they're enjoying [it].
If you look at the desert, you actually think it's empty and there is no life here.
But in fact, there's a big [amount of] life. There's a [sic] wildlife even.
You see, this is the baby camel I told you about.
This is actually our own camel farm where we have around 30 camels.
ここは私たちが経営しているラクダ農場で、30 頭ほどのラクダを飼育しています。
They are mixed between male and female.
They called him "Desert Apache" because while he's walking on the sand, he don't [doesn't] get stuck or he don't [doesn't] sink, he's like floating and his hoof is flat.
And the second thing helping him to climb the dunes, the back legs actually, he has a three knees not one, [he] has three.
それにもう一つ砂丘を登るのに便利なのは後ろ足なんですね。このラクダには膝が 1 つではなく 3 つあるんです。3 つもですよ。
If you would like to have the experience of the culture of Abu Dhabi, you need to go to the desert because the desert is also part of almost all of the Arabic countries and it's our culture.
[10 out of 10]
[10 out of 10]
Special delivery earns "10 out of 10."
100 点満点の特別な配達サービスのお話です。
In northern Maine, along the U.S. border with Canada, there's still plenty of snow on the ground and that gives Hannah Lucas and her sled dogs plenty of opportunity to make deliveries.
Lucas moved to northern Maine so she could train her dogs for racing.
Now, with 12 dogs and two human helpers, they take groceries and medical supplies to elderly people in the area, traveling between 50 and 75 miles a day on sled.
現在、犬の数は 12 頭、人間のヘルパーは 2 人という体制で日常品や薬剤を地域のお年寄りの元へ配達しており、1 日 50~75 マイルの距離をソリで移動します。
But for her, the dogs, it's not too "mush" [much] trouble.
For those who receive their help, they're "Iditarodical".
Some when thinking about their generosity might get "Husky" voiced.
But this is when it's a good thing to go to the dogs.
It proves that when you em-"bark" on a new trail, even if the going gets "ruff" [rough], Friday's are "paw-some" [awesome].
Last mention of the week goes to Princeville Junior Senior High School in Princeville, Illinois.
You guys are "paw-some" for subscribing to our YouTube channel. I'm Carl Azuz for CNN [10].
Youtube チャンネルに登録してくださりありがとうございます。CNN 10 のカール・アズスでした。